
4/17/2019 18:44 – Facebook Post

5:39 p.m

4-17- 2019


Expression Created Infinity
( Sacred Portal 123)

D Q. T S. Delta Quantum True Script

1251Facebook Friend
Michael Trahe

1250 Facebook Friend
Jason Izen.

M T. 13 20.. 2013. 33. 6

J I. 10 9… 19. S.. 10 J. 1 O A O. 1 6 A F.
J.I S J A F…
J.. I S. JA Father ..Alien Father The Black Hole


Merge Converse Converge, Emerges .

Mary Jane
McKayla Rays John Mack. M.J…R M

TI is T=20… I = 9

A-Z to C. 26 +3…
B F C …B.I

Before First Contact
There was I the Being of Infinity.

MR J M..

And before that there was Gay-Marie Brad-Shaw who arrived with M.T .
M T ..

G M. Gay Marie B.T arrives with the Beautiful Truth.

Which is
B T I.

G =7 Mikky & John
Beautiful Truth Individual.

J.M G..
I T. B.

J I. M.T G.B… Green Blue not Great Britan

72 as in Sacred Portal 72 7 2 ..
2 72 John Dare of birth
= 9.
S.P 9

11-6 Mackaya
I V. Tree and Nathniel link
V.I. 6th ..Mikki
6 4..
Now link 11 6 to Tree Sage 11 4
11 11 4 6/ 6 4..

Edit 9:42 p.m

J.S M Confirmed and E

April Gay Shaw is the name of Tom Truman, John Luke Bridie’s Mother.
She and and Tom went to the famous cave recently discovered in France of which a Cave Man over 6ft tall, with a crooked thumb, painted beautiful paintings to rival the painters of this age.
With horses and particularly one with a woman depicted as a Bull Woman.

Yes the Minotar myth
Daedalus Icarus…his son D.I
Aria-Dne and Thesus A.T
And the Silk Thread. S T.
Common Thread . C T.

“Fil” in French
Gueria, – the Battle to keep the Thread Memory of the Conversation Truth Eternal alive
” The True Conversation between Energy E and AH Tom”

Keeping it alive through the ages of Time under cover in the Humans.

Yes that Tall Man was not a Cave Man as perceive as Neanderthals .
He was an E.T.
Sent alone to make First Contact and through expression he used Arts he planted a seed of inspiration activation

Sacred Portal 123.

Jesus resurrected from. A cave.
Jesus is an E T.
As was Osiris ERI and John/ Jane.
J O Y. E.

See my Facebook Memory yesterday of a man bound like an Egyptian Mummy escapes from a Cave

See the myth of Plato and the Cave.

See the Minotaur at the bottom of the Pit..
Black Hole
See Eyo Masquerades

See Nome Alaska the 4th Kind.

Apis Bill Poseidon and the Queen who was seduced by the Bull God
Neptune Poseidon 8 planet.

See Goddess Bliss… Sacred Portal 44
Today Wave
And 46 “First Drop”

April means Open” O PEN IS
Gay.. Gaily..

The quote “Father of Infinity” they told me hangs in their Home in Ash Town, Map street in

Sacred Portal 147 A B
“Emmy, Father Of Infinity ”

Foi means “Liver” in French
The Liver cleanses the Body of Toxins

Clean your Thoughts and Expression
Self Mastery is in the Pause

And in the Pause is the portal to Eternity

6:39 p.m.

Mackayla “Mikki” just testified that after that play of 4-11 And she paused using self mastery not to rise roaring in defiance which I knew her nature as mine, does.
She said she processed it and when she went outside, the entire day aligned to everything O post would manifest.
She said she is now reading my posts each day.
H. G.P.S …
True News of the World

Read my page and then see it manifested on the Streets around you.

That is the meaning of Truth

6:43 p.m

True Love

Witnessed by M.R B and J.M

6:44 p.m

6th Sense rises now as Bliss Aphrodite x2 in One.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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