
4/17/2018 12:37 – Facebook Post

4/17/2018 12:37 – Facebook Post

1,120 Face Book Friends…

11:25 p.m.

4-17-18.. 20 18…

K Y… A A B E…

D Q-R.. D Q T R…U E…

Kay Kolo… Y Male Chromsome.. Round Circle Manly Warrior MW Beauty Existence…

Divine Quantum Robert Radiance…

Delta Quadrant True Reflection Universal Expression…

That my phone alerts me at 5:00 am to solve the riddle of the “Evil Attached to me witnessed by so many including Peter Nyarkô” …
I will spare you my smh at this Script of my being forced to play the Invisible Holy Espirit and Gandalph like character and OINri Priest in the 21st Century.. and the sheer absurdity of being forced to play such a role…
Yeshua Mohammed Boudhha-Eri as a pauper… in New York…
in the this time line…

A Character.. characters in a Human Story of imagination not even grounded on facts… based on Gossip because none of you were present then.

We are here and now in the present…
And the Story.. still a Story which has captured this age is the Matrix…
And Star Trek.. and Dune…Sword of Truth…X Men/ Mutants…these being the most accurate stories of the Worlds imagination which I had to transform to Fact…
And of yes…Belief, Religions Organizations Systems..
( B R O S..

When The Creator.. is what IS the most common sense, logical reasonable Universally Discernible… A Designer Artist Scientist Builder… A Mann.
A true Social Scientist and Humanitarian working for the betterment of the Species which in this case is the Evolution of the species.. Restoring the Original Identity of the Species,
The Work of the Origins of Man.. Humanity that is he nature of what my work has been about and should have been seen as.

That I am physically Evolving should have been the very point of everyones focus and attention.
To determine if it is True..
To Investigate it, especially after presenting so much exhaustive data to prove that claim as true.

Curiosity, Investigation to determine the Truth, because it affects ALL the Species, because if it begins with one, others are sure to follow.
I should not be in a shelter, not left to move through 55 homes and wave lengths and Dimensions of human thought cleaning up their mess, so that you could See me Clearly, Hear Me…
Know that that I am telling the Truth…

That is Crazy…
Imagine that you discover that it is True… all this nonsense about God, and seeking to define me expression and my meaning when I have been so clear…in my Being Doing and Expression…

I AM EVOLVING… See it in my Consciousness and how I see

I am aware that it is Humanity who created these Roles and when I came into this World, this is what the Wave of Human Expression forced me to play…

i knew last night, observing the logic of this Script I have been in that since 22 Year old Robert Vlaun was used as the last Avatar and Natural Angelic Messenger Expression ( N A M E) at which this equation and test-trial establishes that I am Truth.. and not the lie…I realized that the Facebook count had to reach
1120…20.. Letter T…

I tried to go to town today, but the impulsing in my body was so intense that there was no way I could sit in the subway.. and apart from the Intense discomfort, it would have attracted too much attention…
And so I came here instead, to Starbucks..

What could I do…

This Script.. this Q and A asked all the wrong questions.
All idea stories books, fantasies, fiction created from the ideas of the passed, of the yearnings desires, the wishes…
What about being here now… ?
Being Present.. It is so far more interesting believe me, that living in your Minds… No what am I saying?
I am Maniesh Shardama… I am the one who has conquered mind which my Science has confirmed as to How the Universe Truly responds…
To Truth embodied reverberating…
Yes I am from another dimension.. yes I am E.T.. The real thing but I am Natural Hue-Man…
And that is what all of you are and are all destined to be…
You are not originally from here…


You are out of your Minds…Not present…

Your Governments and Secret Societies are more present than you are..

These is a Ghanaian man her called Kwame he is in bed 3-17.. C.Q.. C as in 123.. 3rd planet from the sun is Quantum…
The quantum equation of transformation does not take place at 666 as 3… but at 4-17… the 4th Dimension as Space and Perfect Timing because the process is invisible to the naked Eyes…
It takes place in what people here call the Spirit Plane, The Astral plane… But really the most accurate expression would be Expression Moving Energy Kinetic Action Awareness… Harmony Infinity through the Individual…
E M E K A…A.H…I T ..T I O N S…

4 as the Square Root.. is Being… ROOM 4B…
Bed 18.. R as Reflections.. Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind..
Which sees clearly… Thinks Reflects because his her mind is unclouded untainted by bigotry, prejudice, ideas which makes no sense…
Is not transparent…

All these stories, all this time wasted in aligning your fictions falasies…
Evil is Selfishness… it is an equation it can be broken down…
Dirt Filth.. not cleaning your Mind Being creating distorting the clarity with all your reflections..It will distort the View…
Cognitive Distortion…

Look. this is crazy…
It is enough…

I should have been sponsored, honored, my work investigated as Billy Hung once did. he was a pure materialist, he had not belief in anything except the here and now money.. perhaps that is why he could see the value of my work..
Why he announced on Face Book that he believes that I am could be the first Human being who is going through Evolution…
He sponsored the work, saw that what I was representing was an Infinite Energy Source.. and then he began to get infected with that Human Consciousness Perception mentality which I was then forced to go into cleaning working on…
That lack of self confidence, sense of Self… Need and incompleteness which creates all these Religions, Ideologies, inadequacies, Need, Jealousy, Sickness.. violence… Disease…
And Death… Devastation…

Is there magic.. yes.. but it is the Magic which makes sense…
Self Discovery.. Individual and Collective.. as a Species…

Why must I have to go through so much to state the obvious…

I am A Creator… and yes I happen to be The Creator… The First who Rose but that is just a title because of what I created…
What chose to create and Focus my attention on, and that converged together to bring Existence Life….. Symmetry Perfection.. all these were the KEYS…

Humanity grow up…


After all this, and I can not feed myself, after all my contributions to Humanity, my body convulsing because of meddling by the Unseen and the Seen who wish me to prove that I am The Creator instead of focusing on what I am creating…
What an evolved Hue Man can create…

Man… you want a God, an idea of perfection which if it came you would not recognize…
You would condemn torture experiment..

Yes the Eternals are my Creation…Genetic Engineering?
No, or in a way but the most Natural Elegant kind the one which manifested life and Creation..

12;33 P.M.

Look, I can be speaking about Truth and common sense to you anymore or proving truth in a script of children and liars…

Jace Horsford your the last of this script to decide if this is real or not..
This stupid human script… which is now part of my equation that if you deny it, your EMF ACTIVATION Sequence wavers and is not supported by the Creator Inventor…
And you go out of EXISTENCE… The way I programmed based on the Justice and Eternal LAW 89.. which brought you into Existence as well as I…
But I am beyond you, because that which brought me into Existence.. is was ME being Me….


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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