
4/17/2017 21:30 – Facebook Post

4/17/2017 21:30 – Facebook Post

7:04 p.m.


17-4-2012-17…. Q D.. T L.E.Q Quantum Dimensions Truth Life;s Expression Q ( Omnipotent) is an Equation.

4-17-2017 – 2O 17..19…
D Q T Q.. S…1O.. S.A.O…H
D.Q.T.Q…B.( OE) Q.. W.( 19 19…38..38 38…76… Emeka Kolo Nenad M. Djurdjevic…E.N)…A.V.E…Particle in One…1A)

Yes, the Transformer at Delta Manor… but with a correction..
Q.B.. Not B.Q.. Which sounds like a Barbecue.
*Erik Ebright gave me this code in Miami Florida M.F when I quantum jumped to from The Bean and 268 East 4th street to Erik’s Home following his Elegua Elegba Post..
*Elegba whom Jace K.H..Called me… E LEG BA..
And yes something has been done to my leg.. At the Green House.
I had wandered for the very first time for 61 days in the Vide “New York City” sleeping in an Alley, ‘Gated” after I left Eriks Ebrights Home on Green Street and found 268 East 4th Street in the 61st day…
1.6 1 8 0…Golden Ratio… Then Quatum lept from The Bean while staying a few nights at A Santan’s where he told me that I was about to make a Quantum Leap.
And showed me the Flash Episode “Flash Gordon” F.G.. 67..
/ 76…
The Last person to see me of was Goku…
A Japanese American whose father had been from the line of Samurai of the Dragon.
He lived in the same apartment building across the street and opposite The Bean Cafe…
When I got to Erik Ebrights home- he gave me the codes B.Q…
Time Travel- Wheel Chair -Vetrans, 83 69…
He also spoke of Goku – an anime the very first day…
And had a Samuari Sword in his home.

*All is written down here, as it played out.

I am stating all this and recording most of this for the future.
I had stated that 268 was the End of the Universal Matrix.. U,M..
When I had arrived there in August end 2006..

Only to find myself challenged with out even being informed, but made to wait and wait, and in that wait face the challenges of the Spirit world as a Shaman, without out even being informed.

The Story has always been Albert Santana’s Generation X Gardens.
The Bean has alway been the Truth.. Not a Story..
The Actuality, the Narration and the Telling the True Story of the the Play.. The Universal Play … U.P.. “University Place” Rob Barr
of the Plan .E.T.. Evolution Awakening….Back to the True Present.

7:38 p.m.

It was contested and challenged.
That this world was not a Story…
Thus, my E-spirit took me into the fray of the challenge in the Spirit World… Spiriting me away yet again, and without my permission into what would be the Great war of proving this Truth and at the same being used by the Ancestors to clean up the past and their Belief and Fear of the End of the World was eminent.
I was not.
And yet it was.. I wrote the story as an 8 year old.
But it was the End of the Story and not the Species…
.. But even that was a possibility in the unfolding story of Cause and Effect..
It is written.. but it was written in Hindsight and Foresight of what the Greatest Seers could see… easily what Humanity would play out.

The alignment of the alignment of Erik Ebright to The Bean and not 268 East 4th street proved that not only did I go backwards in Time into the Story on 2006- the Green House..
Which is what the name Orien Laplante means…
‘The Nothing and the East as the Orient.. is the Nursery school..
Lower East Side… L.ES.. Miserables instead L..E.S.P…I R.I.T…
Albert had the word One Spirit Tatooed on his belly and the code 2012.. Mayan Calendar…
I came down to 1st and 3rd ( 1 3) in 2005, and is where I met Axel Love Axel Anderson.. A-A. Resurrection…and he lodged me at the Krsna Center a few blocks down…

What I am saying is that Everything was completed of the Narration of the origin True Recounting and Recollection when the Family of 10 rose in me in 2004 at 33rd Street.
And was written in October 2004… and by 2004-5 Geoff LaCour arrived from the Cielo.. The Sky ‘Gods’ Dieties.. * I met him and Cielo… the Night Club.. Dark Night Sky.. Nut…Pineal Gland..
G.P..God Particle…

Meaning that from 2004-2005, when it should have all been over
12 years ago when I was 38, 37..36..35 now…
I was taken instead into the Past by a message which came through a Restaurant called Luciens.. “Lucifer Messenger of Light.. The Beautiful One” where I met my Uncle in a Different Body and I showed him the Manuscripts and the Family of Ten and the dedications..
I was meant to go home with him to his large Loft but he begged me to go and get Caroline his immediate younger sister but of course as his Name Charles Igwebuike… C.I..
And my Aunts name Caroline Afulenu… C.A…
C.I A… it meant much more… And not the Oinri story as translated by this world…
Not the Africa Story.. A.S.. Albert Santan…
* The first person I met there at the Garden was Isaac..
Isaac Calvin McCullough then it was Raphael then I met Albert with the friend he was working with at the Time called Obinna
which surprised me and immediately mad me aware as to which story I was in… Even though seemingly here in the present.

Obinna means ‘Heart of the Father”

8;00 pm

Igwebuike… The King is Strength.. Unity in Strength.. There is Strength in Numbers…

Afulenu means To see Up.. to See the Sky People..to See beyond sight.. To Cee.. My Mothers Name…To Be Conscious..

C.I.C… C.I…Conscious..
See I See…S.I..Sight.

I spent 13 years having to go back to get my Brother Nnamdi who was not Dead, with the excuse that I had been speaking about my brother Nnamdi because I missed him so much and so they sent me back in time.
Nonsense, I made it clear that it was a code name and that Nnamdi was Home and was playing Dead, “Unseen” as all the so called Dead, until the riddle of Death its Enigma- The Veil had been solved..
The Wall….

Nenad M. Djurdjevic and I just completed that proof again and I communicated the equation to him while he acted it out..
Just as in my Stories of Colors shot in Istanbul Turkey…

*See the upheavals going on right now in Turkey… As well as Egypt, Nigeria, Syria-Persia,France, England… All over the World..
Hmm I wonder why…
Fault Lines perhaps of an Equation of Blame resolved…?

I spoke to Nenad through text once more at 3:30 when my phone just shut off as I sat across the Bridge…
It forced me to come back to Delta Manor Shelter….
And there I texted him at 3:30 from within room 5A Bed 5-006, the text I could not send which I had written across the Bridge…

And then at 3:33 p,m I began to explain and translate the play which had just taken place…
And that i the story recounted by Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula about the Edo and Nri High Priest fighting for control over the Orb which was not from this world.
An Orb with so much Power…
/BRO… Brothers.. Fighting over my Brother… 69.. 15..Letter O…
Or the 6.. La.. 6th Note.. The Facts…
8:20 p.m…
That was the temperature it reached here in Easter Sunday, the very years my brother passed…
I am born 28.. Day Year… D.Y…82.. 20.. 28.. 10… 10/10.. 1.. A… 20 2O… T.B.O F… B.F.

See the Money Code.. M.T.C.N… B.F…J.H…H J… Jace K Horsford -Harstford… 10 11…8.. I.C… Galaxy portal…
Nnamdi went back to E… This was the Story the recounting..
13 Years.. Of that which took place already before this Milky Way was even created….

Meddling Humans..
That Edo Story…

Was a Story of Time and Numbers…
Charles Caroline… C.C..
Igwe Buike.. I.B.. Igwe means “King” “Buike” Strength
Caroline means Strong…
Afulenu.. means Seer of the Skies.. I See Beyond Sight..”
Charles means Man… Caroline is the Feminine version of Charles…
Free Man Song of Praise..
CC.. 33… 3…6…9… 6… Add is 6.. F…

I have now a 5 dollar bill after I did not go eat any take out food for the last 4 days and ate the food here by finding ways to come back in time, and it is food which creates Gas…
I did not know why but each day I did not do what I could afford to do at least twice…
But it ended up being to fullfill this stupid money code play as Harmony…

On the 5 Dollar Bill reads the words “Victoria…” In Black Ink…
L 12…..
I.L 85 38 13 16 C…

Victoy Vicky is Edo.. She came here through here friend Miracle Mike Agheimin who is EDO..
He is not here anymore. but she remains…
She is Rose who Nenad M. Djurdjevic spoke to…
He acted out the play just as was in the Story of Colors.. David Greaves… Dressed in Gold and Bronze leather did…
While I narrated, but I also danced with David..
Beginning with a Hug so real to me that he was taken aback..
He was a dreadlocked Principal Dancer at the Royal Ballet…
And together we danced with a Wild Gypsie Girl..
Romania!.. Slav… Flor Medina line…
And then I left them to continue to tend to the Bar and use Spoken Word “Rap” Stream of Consciousness to tell the story…
And David as Nenad M. Djurdjevic played the one to unveil each “Living Tableau” I had created…
The First Girl was Feminine was Ahu Yagtu.. the True..
Ahu and Afu are the same world in OINri Igbo…
It means to See… and it also means “Beautiful”

The last Lady Resurrected was Slav.. Romanainian…

The 33 had nothing to do with that power of the Edo or the War of the past…
That was a Story of proving to to the “Gods: while explaining and literally teaching manually the break down of Existence…

The Universal Mind.. U.M…
And using a person me.. as an example that it can be done and what it is to be Human, even Human is not a small thing… because you can add refine and grow to become…
The Source of Existence Everything even to beyond…

But the challenge was to transform the Universal Mind…
U.M… really “Um.. Universal Matter.. Mother” The Pause,, the Enigma..Question, Equation back to C.I…S.U.M..
MUSIC.. The Sound of Music which Uses 100% of the Brain..
Which is the Being of RAIN… The Water in the Body.. The Aquarius – The Body as the T.V back into The Vision.. Visionary.. Water Bearer.. not the P.C… Or the C.P.. As Cop of the Pock “Marks” ( Scarred) Spock…

Sagittarius Aquarius… S.A..H!

8:56 p.m.

Delta Quantum True I.Q…..Q.B.( O) VV.P… E N. SAO H.
See meaning of the word “Sao” in Portuguese.

This is the Face Book friend who sent me a request….

Leala Lauren Peole… L.L.P… 12 12 16… 24 X.. TEN… 6..16…F.P..
Free People… 22 V…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic was with John and Rose… J.R…
Jose Roque…
The Bean 2nd and 3rd.. that is where it moved to…
See sacred portal 2-3 ( 3) …”Solid Rock.. Party…’
This is what the Story was about not being waylaid by the Children to answer their own home work..
“What is the meaning of Existence?
The Prove it against impossible odds.. Lies Hatred Indfference answering all the Why’s of Children..
Do you know how even parents here are driven to distraction even to violence by their children”s questions and questioning of their Authority…?

So imagine mine without being able to instill the correct protocol which even parents do here..
Which not having to answer all your children’s question 24-7 and being on call for them..
Instead you send then to School..
I had the Idea First and the first I sent was my Younger Self who rose to become the Principal Dean…Head…

The Riddle of Existence was not for me to solve.. it was yours..
Which is why, just as Parents (P.A..R..E..N.T..S.AOH) Continue to do with their kids… They give them Parables Riddles and Stories…

It Freed their Sight.. C..Consciousness… and their Sight.

33 Was from Nnamdi.. class room of 82… 330 USD…
Just before the end of 2016…
I was made to solve the riddle in your stead.

Leela is a Sanskrit name for girls meaning Divine Play, Amusement.

The name Lila is a simplified spelling of Leila, a name of Arabic origin meaning “night.” As a result, the usage of the name has come to mean “dark beauty” or “one who was born at night.” Lila is also another form of the Indian name Leela which in Sanskrit means ‘play, amorous sport’
a Hindu philosophy recognizing the universe as a playground of the gods.
Leela means: Divine Drama; Play; Amusement; Night; Goddess of Wealth.

French Meaning: The name Leala is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Leala is: Loyal. Loyalty. Faithful

On another note, Lila is sometimes considered a pet form of the Hebrew name Delilah (Samson’s mistress in the Bible) which means ‘one who weakened or impoverished another.’ In the story of Samson and Delilah, Delilah, one of the Bible’s few temptresses, betrays Samson by cutting off his hair while he is asleep. Since Samson’s hair was the source of his strength and power, Delilah is guilty of ‘weakening’ him hence her name.

*Note: The Second version is called a “Story”

Lauren is of Latin and French origin meaning ‘Man from Laurentum’. This is a strange meaning for a woman’s name. — sarahlauren 9/21/2007. In Greek and Roman times the laurel (which is what Lauren means) indicated “honor” or “victory”

Lauren may be a given name or surname. The name’s meaning may be “laurel tree,” “sweet of honor,” or “losing against wisdom.”
The name Lauren is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Lauren is: Of Laurentum. From the place of the laurel leaves. Can also be interpreted as the English version of the Irish name Lorcan: Fierce.
Place of Bay Leaves…


“From Old English pol meaning “pool”. It referred to a person who lived by a small body of water.”
Behind The Name… ( B.T.N)

Pool,Poole, Pole, Pol..
“A Person who dwelt by a small Lake or a Tidal Stream”
Surname Data Base.

L.L.P… 24 16… 4O…D.O… F..P…F.G…6 7/76…
Noni Promise 4th Aspect.. Teacher of Life in the Story…
Fatima.. Math…Teacher…
Rose P.HD in Math…
I rose with a PHD in Arithemetic and Math….
D.O.F.F…Your Caps

I was served Whipped Cream instead of Half and Half by the new server here at Star Bucks called Luis,…

“Luis (and its variant forms) is the Spanish, Portuguese (Luís), Galician, Aragonese form of the Germanic given name Hludowig and Chlodovech (modern German Ludwig). The Germanic name is composed of the words for “fame” (hl?d) and “warrior” (w?g) which may be translated to famous warrior or “famous in battle”.[1]”

9:17 p.m…
Lord Orien Laplante’s Birthday… Grandfather and son names begin with E..
He grew up in Pelham Park… where I lived in the forest…
Enacting the Narration of the Actually events as to how the first child arose as a man.. Jah Fire…

Whipped Cream… W.C…Water Closet…?
You must be joking… though I was made to clean up the toilets the sewage system.. American Rag..America Rage of E…

No it is VV C… Double V Cee!

9:30 p.m..

“The Divine Play ( D.P)..
The Amusement… Amuse Meant… A.M
Dark Beauty.. D.P.
Amorous Sport.. A.S..

Loyal Faithful… L.F… To I.E…L.I.F,E..’S… Play…

Crowned with Laurels of Honor and Victory.. H.V… 8 22
Sweet Bay Leaves… S.B. L.
Irena Lorenc.. I.L.. 5 usd “Victoria.. Victor Victoria.. VV..

From the Pool…
Pool of the Sources Reflection
A Tidal Stream.. a La-ke…
Rose The Beautiful Ones..
Brooke Shields… Sacred Portal 5…

Tidal Stream.. of Expression from Delta Manor
The Source of the River…The Mansion at the Source of the River Flow…

Came once more the famed Warrior with his Family..
Men of E…

Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn..
Ahu Mazda…

9:31 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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