
4/16/2018 10:15 – Facebook Post

4/16/2018 10:15 – Facebook Post

David Bowie… D B… 4 B.. Room 4B.. BED 4018…
Goblin King… G.K… 7 11…

I am David Bow I.E… At Delta Manor- Beach and Archer street.. ‘Latoya ‘..
B A…

I am Pan… Only I know the way out of the Maze…
Of the Human Mind…
Trapped Peter Nyarkô No. I was leading the world to what you where chosen by the Cause and Effect of the Mouth- Expression..
Liars… to The Abyss which you were chosen to represent…
Entrance into the Abyss… Face Book was the rep of it..

Starbucks Emeka Randall Michael represents the portal to E Galaxy 1O11..See the play and the post of Blue Hen and Nirvana youths whom Randall replaced when he came and sat to my left.
And the Coffees we had he 1 and me 3… 678.. 606. 605. 696…/
969, 506, 606… 8 76…. 10:10 p.m.

I had to lead the Universe as the Lie into the Eternal Pit created by Human Imagination…
What comes out of your Mouth peoples mouths brings either their ascension of the terrible terrible END.

10:11 A.M.

10:12 a.m.

6.4 Years on Face Book…. You all should have paid attention to the story, the play…
Pans Labyrinth… P.L… A C E… P L A Y… E… The Play belongs to me…
I was just outraged at what was done to it…
And the horror which people will face after Death.. is not created by me or the E but by the sum total of Human expression and belief systems ideas so abominable such as Eternal Damnation.. now made real and fact because you literally merited and earned that cause and effect.

You all did this all b your selfves…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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