
4/16/2015 18:01 – Facebook Post

4:31 P.M.



What is Love?

Intelligent Consciousness.


Alright, this is cruel and an insane play…

My question is why am I fighting so hard for a truth which benefits all…

I know I am manually fighting the Systems of the world..including Numbers Time…
NT..Nikolai Tessla and reverting it to True Nature TN…
Is Being in Harmony with Grace..
Which is of course, Consciousness.

I.am.aware that most wonder where do I get off making such claims of dismantling the Systems of the world
And converting them to Truth.

Because that is what I see that I am doing.
I am watching my Best Friend Harmony..

You saw the proof of my B.F H..(268) yesterday with the Villian who set me up for an great fall…
Considering all I have done and been doing filor the Evolution of the species…
Moved by Devine Grace…
Despite the rage of most of the world for my Self assuredness.
But the Truth is, I am not boasting…
I am telling the Truth of what I am doing.
And am aware that obstacles were placed in front of me, just so it would seem difficult to make humans feel better.

But if you are living in the correct consciousness what seems impossible in one Consciousness or perspective is easier in another…

And to affirm that we have moved beyond 268 with the play of Abdel-qadeer Coubadja who appeared under the number 268 223

I just met with David Philipe Gil, he further have me 1OO USD.
I know he has debts…
He has given 19O,USD in the last three weeks..
19 is A.I.
Alpha Intelligence… 1+9=1O…
Alpha O

We had discussed shelter, I am tired and he came up with some ideas -a Dharma retreat.
I am willing, but I still know the portal is my being espirited away through the Ritz hotel..
But this play, the magnitude of the load given to me to bear…

Its is not that I can not bear it..
But more like, “Why should I?”
And for who?

268 code is complete and I know that it is not about going to a Shelter, because I entered the System through that portal and I have defeated the systems.

Nazmur Rashid Noor sent me a text.
His page was the masked figure in remember remember the 5th of November (5-11..E.K…Emeka Kolo)
V for Vendetta.

“What is your purpose in life?”

I responded that my purpose was the way one designated to me. Which was to reveal the Beautiful Truth to the world and probe that the world was designed as a safe place.
That “Matrix” can be read.
And was created for the education and evolution of the human species.
That I had completed my purpose but my real purpose of being born was to celebrate Existence.

“How did you know this was your purpose?

Because this is what my life revealed to me.

” Good”

David sent Kourtney of the Sanctuary T…(Truth) Coubadjas full name…to send to the police.

I felt relief then I received a Facebook Friend request 269…

Fahim Hasnain Fahad…


Meaning of Fahad, Understandong Knowledge the Scholar-
Hasnain comes from the mixture of Hassan and
Hussien…Both meaning “Beautiful Handsome” and the former, the Grandson of the Prophet Mohammed… P.M.

Fahad means hold on…it means Panther…
And Cheetah Trainer..
I am the Black Panther if you recall, the Beautiful Devil (Death the Killer) who transformed from the Beautiful Youth when he discovered that someone had twisted his creation.
The Cheetah I always associated with my younger brother Nnamdi because of its Speed 69-7O miles per hour.
Meaning I was his trainer just as I my own trainer.

Thus, The Understanding Knowledge (Scholarship) Is Beautiful, Beautiful (HH in one H.. To names merged to create one).
The Deadly Panther, the Lynx (Link), the trainer of the Cheetah..
6:O9 pm.

Code FA Him-HI-M…
Has NA IN…Nain means “Dwarf”- children.
Fa Had..

Fa Hi-Manifest has the children and the Neel Akash In (has the sacred Akashic records in him) Fa Ha D…
Fa is the fourth musical note, the fourth dimension as Green wave length..symbolic of life and Being as well as Mind.
Fa Him Beautiful Beautiful Fa had..
The Fa of the past acknowledging the Fa of Him as Beautiful Beautiful x2 as merged into One.

269 as I stated is the building directly opposite the building of my former host at 268,
Its is George H Shelter..
G.H.. 78…the past.
Just as David Phillip Gil as 78 represents the Past being beautifully present.

Meaning the full circle of my entering the ” System” to leaving it…
22 66 98- 22 66 89…
Is complete see Play of 89-98..
66 *See sacred portal
22 see Yonathan Yohannes..22 yrs old
Then V…Violet
HI 5.
Emeka Kolo.

Which means:

69..+x15- (O)6…54…9..2O .92O


68..+x 14..5…48…12.. 32…(44) 5,6..11 3O

N= E…K.C. A.A.M..O.
Nature is E as Kolo Chukwuemeka Alpha A.M O.

O FIT (I.B.O…I am fit to be the O..Source)
Emeka Kolo Chukwu A.M the O..
Amp in OINRI Igbo means the Penis
The Black Cock.
LE Gallo..

Oh I see, it was about whether if I was fit to be who I am…
The Source and Author of my own Creation.
E Harmony…
The Galls and the Balls.

Let me give you my response.
What makes you worthy to be called Humans, must less Hue Manity..?

Thus the full Circle of Beautiful 69 Nnamdi/Nonyelum

(April 5- July 28..4-7…5:28…DG E B.H -The Planet)
and the Beautiful David/Onu C
1122…A ABB Awareness Being
…K.V…Kolo Victor
Merge with Chukwu..
Consciousness Harmony I. E.

A.B.C…in the 4 Dimensions Full Circle DD 44.8.
Of the 5th Dimension…
On the RD…where in Harmony he is 58..Spirited away in the correct way…
As Yonathan as Creation was discovered on a 5 dollar Bill..
Just as David gave Emeka his leave to leave the 4th Dimension to return to his home the one only true dimension of Existence..
The realm of E.

On The Road
Universal Existence
Jack Kerouac..

On the Street of N.Y.C…E

6:54 pm

Sixth sense and know him
And to know him is to C him and to see him.is to Love Him.

6:55 PM..

OK the last part was something else taking over
6:56 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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