
4/14/2018 12:06 – Facebook Post

4/14/2018 12:06 – Facebook Post

The Race of the E…

Happy Feet..

Happy Feat…

The Beautful Ones the Naturals constantly evolving constant moving, Constant in thier Naturalness and Consistent in the obeying of the Greatest Commandments of all…
The the True Movement of Exodus Movement of Jah People…
To the point, to the threshold of Event Horizon
Dawn Of A New Era.
Of Eternal Harmony.
D.O. A N.E
the Portal represented in this Script by Dawn Piercy
And the line of the Dawns on my Page.

Dawn Piercy
Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Dawn Jade Smith
Dawn Marie

Tiffany SD…
Manifestation of God.

God of course being the You, the Beautiful Truth of all of you which exist in in as the Eternal Being waiting to Rise in you, and the Child- The Truth of You.
The True you is the T-RUE.. The Truth of the journey you chose to embark on in your Life in which you were all given the free will and choice to choose whatever path way.
While at the same time Guide Father, God Father- as the Wind Breath as well as the Sum Total of the Beautiful Truth of you all, that full Circle moved through out Time, urging guiding, reminding you as any parent would, to use the gifts given to you to make the correct choice.
That little voice in your head, that thing called Conscience, the knowledge of Right and Wrong inbred in Humanity.
That Naturalnes and Awarness which moves Inside of you and Outside of you in the cause and effect of your actions, expresson which you all were given the discernemnt to be able to understand and Cee… See and Percieve.

A part of the reason for this Script- so humbly manifested on this stage called Face Book- ceated in the begining of Time with Mark Zuckenberg M.Z.. A.E.. MA Z E.. Versus M.A.Z.I… who was not chosen to be the one to create this forum, but rather he and his team of Youths who filled the gap, the slot crerated by the Script in the Eternal Begining.

The Play of Evolution Awakening was not meant to be like this, this abomination which it became. It was designed and created as a Festival of Sharing. A play so beautifully designed by my Father Brother/ Mother Sister that 6 years ago when I finally figured out why I was brought to this abomination of a forum of Human Expression of Gossip, Malice, cruelty and Vomit and putrid defacation of the most toxic and damaging expression of Human thought, the True Intention, the true purpose…
– Many of my older face book friends will recall my earlier expresion 5-6 years ago, so full of wonder, awe and the beauty of it… The sheer ingenuinity and brilliance, genius of how it was designed for all humanity to be represented here and togther as they each contibuited their expression, they would discover not only that They are a species are not only so beautiful linked, that thier Individual lifes where similar to 10 main character in a Script which each playing varying versions of these characters, but even more amazing that as each linked and began to see the connection with each other, they would also see the process Live, of a viel of revealations coming together like pieces of a puzzle which lifted the viel of what they thought was thier not knowing, what was going in in thier Lifes, in the human Story and in thier Big picture..
To suddenly see everything clearly, and realize thrhough this intereaction growning in clarity before their eyes as They came together, taking a few minutes each day to log in to see that on this page, that everything happening inn thier lifes, private personal, public was, is all linked.

This was meant to be the beautiful Map, the Gathering of Expression, the cleansing, the Great Pool and the Magic Mirror of the Human Soul exposed and then purified by one by one each catching on and grasping the Big Picture, seeing clearly as the expression of one, two three, for created a ripple Effect to see clearly and this clarify the murky waters of their souls sees to see.. Ah I can see where this is going, where I went of course…”

Yes Peter Nyarkô, that image I tried to share and asked you to share on my page but I could not share it because you did not ensure that I could share it in my page. Because I am tired because all of a sudden this became my sole responsibilty.
All the images, all the words, all the decoing… Everything.

– A beautiful play, and plan was left for me alone to carry.
Instead of the Beautiful Riiple effect from one person First Drop of expression which was meant to create a ripple effect of people each adding their contribution code as onty Dawn Piercy has exemplied…
Add.. Adding to the play…

Not tearing dwon, not sitting back and crictizing, not standing back. not plagiarizing and stealing the expression here and covrertly using them to pitch ideas in your businesses and other ventures to make money.

It was meant to be a ripple effect which created a SINE wave of expression each adding, not tearing down.Not each coming with their own Distorted Ego idea of themselves and Existence Reality which had nothing to do with reality, not tethered in Truth facts.. The very age of reason which was meant to be the baisis of the Script. Humanity having grown up through Sound and Sight… Do Re Mi Fa Sol La… R O Y-G, B I…and together move through the sum of Sight.. Ripple Effect to see and percieve in Hindsight the Ehco… response of what they See they put out respond… Moving ‘La of Sixth Sense LA Dawn Piercy..:) that is what your moving to LA signifies… La to Ti.. ( Truth… sixth sense to Fact.. F.. Then to “TI Te” to in sound which Echoses Hear… Ah!… Then “Indigo.. Indigo Childre.. I C..!’ to V…
Violet… Victory…
This was never about Purple Reign.. P.R .. of Royals.. Blood Line… B.L..
Peter Nyarkô Robert Vlaun… but and the AGE…They represent… 22 22… V.V… Victorious Expression…
E… Evolution through Sol Blue…
Expression which comes from out of the Blue…
“How amazing my expression! How did I know that… wow I did you hear the beautiful expression..sound that came out of my mouth…?”
“Yes.. Wow!!!”
See something, Say Something and then listen to the Echo Response of which you and witnesses all hear and say wowl!!’

I saw myself exemplify that, expression which made me blink and even people going wow…but they would not join in, and add thiers, afraid of not being seen as able to be as as good.
Instead feeling inadequate, or competitive Jealous…and then the desire to tear down…

Expression E Is that amazing.. that is what Air Water Energy is made of.. A.W.E… That was the True Wonder of Woman.. her ability to speak in ways which the Dudes would sit down and with our eyes sparking listening hands resting on out chins and elbows akimbow.. mouth opened, ears tingling.. Desire risiing .Wow… !
She was, orginally called Wo Man.. because of that power of Expression, not the “power’ to give birth.
That was her emulating her wow of man, who would created fantastical worlds ideas from his Mind.. pulled seemibly out of Nowhere…and she honored that by replicating that copying it, by breating doing what he did with her body… It was his Idea Birth…
It was her Idea… Expression with moves like water… and links.. connects to form a pool.. a mirror.. which reflects the whole…
Snow Flakes; unique individual, beautful perfect… and yet together they form that awe insipiring oneness of Snow…
Mother is Snow Flake Supreme.

What is this nonsense of Blood line?
Blood .. is any of my bio family here with me, any of the loyal to me…
What is this idea of Black People.. The people who opened their doors to me, invited me into thier homes ( whatever the reason) were mainly Caucasian – White or from other cultures… but hardly ever black…

I cut out my ‘Blood family- without batting an eye lid-look at what they did not me, my family of blood, look at what they as they ancestors of my blood line did not me, to you… meddling sacrifing me, you to a point of such insanity such cruelty so that they could rise, but by piggy back rising on my back, on your backs… Using you from the parallel universe, for thier own agenda, pretending Love, calling you family but only because of hidden agenda..
Movinhg you from Death in your life.. using your fond memories of them to sacrifice you to the living death, to lead you to the depths of hell…
Look at Alexis the Night Director who left me here for 18 months because I was benefficial to Delta Manor and the callous way she did not even give a damn or apologize or feel remorse…
18 19 Months.. and she actually really likes me but her use and need was greater.. and she is just an example, that is why the telephone call led to my Mothers Sistser.. not the E line..

The E line… 24 25 years ago the E.T asked me which of my families would I chose, They or the one Biological… I did not hesistate, in a heart beat I said Them.
I may have been the first Hie Man and the first of my species, but my first family are the ETERNAL Ones… the Ethereal Elementals.. and despite by Unseen, unable to touch them for 50 years of my life here I chose and choose them any day to my biological Family…
Any day.

And in my biological family, there are my Natural Family who are the are perfectly aligned to my E.T family..That is the perfect combination, the merging of the two…

Randall Michael Wiltz is the 5th of 6 chidren… 56…
I was in bed 5-006… 56…
He was in Bed 5-010… 51…Area 51,,
I know his energy through blood line, Natural line.. E.T Line…
Just as Dawn Piercy..

Dawn Randall Emeka Chukwu Emeka..
D R E…

11;56.. PM..

See Sacred Portal 56… the play Ends there…

11 28 39… 12 27…3 9… C.I….
27 9.. 2 7=14…N… 5… E… 19.. S…Stevan… TEN… A O.. Alpha Omega…

I chose in 1994… in Paris…
The Human Race is not my family.. I depise them… And I send then blood line or not to the darkest pit for the the justice and consequence …for their betrayal… of the most Beautiful Script ..

In Defense of My Father.. He saw You as potential Beautiful…
But I saw your Truth, that yes there is Beauty in you,, that is because that is the Me in you..Hue Man…

But you are not constant, consisteent, you do not fight to retain and sistain that which is the most beautiful about you, you destroy it seel it short in a blink of an eyes…

No, I saw My Father, the Beauty he could not see in himself and it is from Him and Only him that All and the Everything would rise from…
Only from Him… and even My Lady She would rise form Him because he is that perfection constant consistent which he he saw in you.. when in truth all he was looking at was the reflection of himself… Of Me… and Now She.

Merited Earned… M.E.. That is the way of E…

There is no other way…
certainly not because of a Blood Line.

Jennifer Gaither
Chinanuekperem Nlemchukwu
Yi Myeong-gi
Privatni Profil

There are my last 4 new face book Friends…
I am about to decode the message contained in thier names before I complete the post of yesterday which ended with the Blood Lines – and idea of Family in this reality or time Line interfering with the Play of the Eternals Ones, who are the Original Family, not he biological or the ones of Gene lines.

But before I go on, I wish to point out to such creatures such as Alex Reyenga and Josip.. The latter who has at least left this play.
It is very simple.
Each one of you has the free will to leave, but you were brought here by a force much stronger than you, by your highest self, to this court and script which is not mine- but my Guide Father and Mother who have watched you and your line though out time.
And the choices you have made.
You were brought here by a wave length as a final chance, to shift the expression which has you and your lines scheduled for extinction.

Facebook was created by the Family of the E-The Originals in the Eternal Beinging- it was designated as the Forum where Father decided that the last play of human existence would take place.
That which would earn them Thier Evolution by having each Facebook friend representing a line of Humanity in which they all were and are invited to bear witness, transparently to a Fair Play of my being forced to decode His . Her script, through what now has become 6.4 years of expression, in which I have been forced to explain and prove His presence.
Emanuel Nnamdi O.E.

This Grace given to the species, was to alert them and give them a chance to shift and experience a different point of view.

I was and have been ferociously against this “Chance and Play” of the Eternal Ones versus the Ancestral Line of Humanity through time because, I had stated that the Human point of View at this point is invalid and unnecessary, because those who will rise are the same ones who rose in the Eternal Begining.
This Script was created to show the Fairness of Script and show why Humanity has to evolve and the reason why they were scehduled for Extinction.
It is Natural Law.
Any one looking and the Human time line of this planet can see why the species can not continue to exist.
The Cruelty and Devastation, the absoulte and absurd mentality as exemplified here on this page for Future Generations to witness, simply is to highlight, document and keep a record of the mentality which has brought such suffering to the Naturals.

The refusal to listen, to read, the “Cognitive Distortion” of the facts. The conciet which I had had to endure, for 6.4 years as I moved through this abyss of Humanity which created a reality over and over again of such absolute selfishness and horror for those who sought to Naturally move and evolve.

The White Race are at present the Conquerors who have brough the disease of cruelty beyond belief, to the world. Just as the Black race did in the begining of time, and the Asain, the Chinese, the American Indians- Moors, The Europeans…
There is no Race of Humanity who got it right, there is no age of Humanity where They got it right.

Only Individuals and Communities of Naturals have fought to evolve and bring change.
They have existed in every race, these beautiful Individuals who are not limited by Race, Skin Color, Culutre..

These are the family of I..E.

No one Else…

I am E.T… N.E.S..A O…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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