
4/13/2019 17:38 – Facebook Post

3:54 p.m

C: D.E
C O. D E.. I

The Code is I.


D M T. S .

Destiny Manifested. The Script.
Tree Sage
Tree of Wisdom
Tree of Life
The Promise
Noni Promise Life


As most are aware, God is moving within me.
I am not God, that is a Human idea
But G O D. 7 O 4.. 11 28. 39 C.I
7 64…
I am Harmonious Expression.
But was forced to play the True meaning of God which is my Family the 1 11.
God really is Truths Sum Total
S T S ..

And it’s Truth is Expression
And proven as Truth which manifests.

And for Truth to Manifest in Solid Form or Fact it can no longer be denied because now it is seen by all as a Eternal Universal fact.

At 7:51 a.m Isabelle Ilic sent me something she found..
There is a Name she called it in French but it had an image of a Map of Hawaii.
50th State.
Where I connected with Esteban
I.had 71 likes yesterday.
After the completion of the John Mack and McKayla Rays.

And today 5 likes and 2 messages
5 2
Two of the messages no longer the Mess of Ages and now determined through that play who and what was its cause.

4:13 p.m
Dark Matter

One message, and the first one I read was from Kasien Thompson sent at 7:48 a.m called Jamaica Warrior Woman which was a Map of Jamaica and connecting the Jamaicans to their origins Caneroons and Nigeria where they had been captured and sold as Slaves.

The other sent by Isabelle Illic at 7:51 p.m.

Was a map of Hawaii the 50th State which I reminded her was only after the last play of Judgement Day was acted out only then when the play of 5 as Connecticut 5th State was completed full Circle with Esteban Miguel Filgueira Stephen Sarah Kaizer NathanielThomas Bywater -linked to Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines) was completed.
5 O full Circle linked to Hawaii Paradise where I first connected with Stephen Filgueria when invited me to come to this realm to rest.

5 😯
8 5O

7 48. K.T. 29-11-63. Ophiuchus Aclespius O.A.. 13th Astrological Sign ..A Man Healer .
Excellent Healer E H
Chi Excellent. C.E.

Jamaica Montego Bay.
Fritz Venneiq and I 2010.

I am the One 7…8 ..9. O…Fact.

Hawaii link to S F ..To Connecticut and back to Hawaii.
Hawa Ali.

I came from Delta Manor through Isabelle and then linked from her and the OHM play to Stephen Filgueira S.F
And my last Facebook friend is Finbi Senyawa.
S.F..Full Circle on the E.M.F..
E M Field.
F S is my 1246 Facebook Friend.

But that portal of return to Hawaii Paradise
H.P. 8 16. Stephen Filgueria birthday.
And H.P Computer aligned perfectly along with C represented by beloved Christopher Filgueira.

4:31 p.m

4:36 -7 right now .

Tree Sage ( Kim) made a comment when he came up with Serinity his 3 year old daughter yesterday, he said that he always had this intrinsic feeling that he could have total trust in me, which he said was confirmed my sharing Intel which aligned with his own personal experiences in Body Mind Soul and Heart …

And then he said, he had checked my codes page and after a few weeks found himself no longer needing to question my expressions or truth because he realized they always checked out and manifested as True.

He had said this a couple of times before, but yesterday when he said it, I finally let it sink in.
I never really listen or take too seriously what people say until I observe watch and see how they response to my Intel and most importantly I check The Script and Codes followed by their Echo Response.

I knew that that was what is logical,
If someone brings evidence no matter how extraordinary it is, if it aligns to your own Individual Experience Truth and Eternal Memory..
If it makes sense and Evidence and Facts constantly confirm in my presence and not in my presence, it is logical and common sense to trust this Awakened Messenger.

4:48 p.m

And no longer question what he says which is a great blessing because we are all tired of the Mind Games of Decievers Hypocrires Pretenders Liars, the Disease of Impurity Disease which have affected the Entire Human race.

We have to check ..

But when do we stop questioning?

Kim’s expression was in.perfection he began trusting me the moment we met, and spoke of his splitting up with his ex Arica and how it was much lighter because of me, my sharing.

He spoke of how he is home alone now, and how he thinks about me, that he is mirroring my own isolation and solitude as I live here, and hastened to add that his recognition of the scale of mine being so vast and expanded compared to his.

To which I responded that like an Architects Drawings of Perspectives micro to macro, in is in a way the same thing.It gives you the Understanding of that point. And view.

What Chiefy (Kim) expressed was something I too had known, trust that which proves consistently true.
It does not have to become a solid fact once you already recognize its True and Truth is speaking.
Truth which calls to you recollections no one else has been able to reflect that most secret sacred inner truth which you do not say aloud because you had not found a Mirror Reflection spoken aloud, who breaks The Silence
T.S Expressing that Truth with Language.

Esteban had expressed almost the Exact same thing to me..
His battle was he sought to understand the literal actual play- and had expressed astonishment that after 18 yrs of expressing 29 in total since he represents the last 29 years that a Gentleman of my distinguished nature had not only been left by the public I had been feeding and making rise their awareness -memory could leave me to Rot in a shelter for 29.months.

5:11 p.m


I think that is why he tested me for the first few months, because for the World people to treat me as if they thought I was their Slave, just working for their Evolution Awakening there must be something wrong or dubious behind my elegant facade .

Billy Hung had the same question.

I did too..

Why have I been forced to solve your riddles and take such hatred and blame ..
Tested and Checked, used and so abused.

When I did not deceive anyone or lie.
But came with Truth Love Charm Beautiful Expression.
To brighten up people’s Lifes with Inspiration
Ah Be… Breathe Fresh Air.
Truth does not can not lie.

Esteban Sarah Patricia..
Emeka Stephen Patrick

Until I realized God aka Truth Harmony Father had used me to Manifest Jugdment Day.
Placing me in the hot seat of letting you all judge and test me…
By those Human who enslave even themselves as the True and even their highest nature as God.
Enslavers Enslaved all Denying Gods Truth so they themselves can usurp the One God.

Truth which appears in the Horizon, seen so clearly about to Manifest
Into Solid Fact.
S F/ F S.
19 6-6 19.

96% Dark Matter moves everything in the Universe so Scientist proclaim
Rep Ian Stewart
Born 1996
Is E
96 +4 = 100%
69 + 31= 100%

John friend of Ian was born 1997

Please see Sacred Portal 98. 97. 96.
And 69 79 89.

The Truth was always here,
This was actually Humanities Judgment Day.


Jonn Black-well Delguidce and Donna O’Sullivan

James Bond
Judgement Day.
Dharma Santana- Eternal Eternal Law

5:38 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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