
4/13/2018 21:47 – Facebook Post

I am the one being Examined Tested Checked…Investigated. Explored…


Etcetera Infinity Harmony… Dawn.

David Dawn.
Dawn Piercy
Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Dawn Jade Smith
Dawn Marie

I had a meeting today with Alexis, Theo and Nicola…
A T…M E N….

ATM is the code outside the Arab Bodega were I am owing 8:50 USD.
8.5O.. H; EO.

Where I met Alexis one day and then the other day, Theo,

Just before the meeting, in which Alexis had decided to call the British Embassy in London. It had been arranged last night but I knew it was a play because it was set up for 3pm which would make it 8 pm there and they Embassy would be closed.
I also mentioned that I was aware that I had been aware that Alexis had been present, that it was all a set up.
I left a note last night for Alexis and Theo, telling them that I was undercover in this play, and that yes, we all had to play our parts in this Script. And that I was obliged to respect the roles each was compelled to play but I wished them to know that I was aware.
And that I knew that Alexis had lied.
Meaning that the Female Line as Woman had lied.

Which was obvious by this script being so prolonged.

I had a Lucid Dream-Vision actually an astral projection…
I was transported to this place, of extraordinary wealth, where these extremely youth full beautiful Caucasian women were all gathered.
I knew them and it was a like a quiet reunion.
I knew then as the White Witches… or Elemental Goddess, E.G.
Sacred portal 9..
Ladies of the Dawn.
We entered the Elevator together, they crowded around me.
I became extremely aroused.
But I existed with only one of them, and we walked through a landscape of mud swamp like a Delta..
And I supported here each time one of her feet sank into the mud, I held her and pulled her foot out.
A seemingly great feat because she remarked the other being one she called Frank, could not do that…
We just conversed and then I remembered the meeting and I forced myself back here..
It was 3:04 pm..
3.14 When I got ready…
C O D… E… C D.. S P 34…

9:09 p.m.

1 14 was on my Face Book Page…

A N..

Linked to Alexis and Nicole; The Night Director of the Delta Manor Shelter and my Case Manager….
My Former Case Manager was Cassandra…
A..C N… 1; 3.14….add 15 from Robert Vlaun and it makes 15…
1 3; 14 15.. Pi..
A C ; N O…
/ON C.A…ON C A.M..E.

I am at 1114 Facebook Friends….

Robert Vlaun just arrived a moment ago and gave me TEN USD and rushed off, stating that he left the 5 one usd bills left in his car.

Peter Nyarkô gave me the 12 usd from Dawn Piercy
Thus, I have 12 L + 10= 22.. Letter V.

Last recording with Peter was 05:22:55 min.

E V….55.. The 5 One USD Bills are Left.

55 is sacred portal the Beautiful Beings- Family of the Past undercover through out Time rising on the back Spinal Chord of the Universal Sensie.

See sacred portal 114.

Alexis Nicole… A N… 1 14…

Nicole stated that she had found a number in the in the USA Consulate directory which an international number, the 5th but which was only accessible after hours we discovered when she tried to call again.
So instead of going to meet Robert Vlaun, I was given a choice to either wait until 5:30 p.m or come back after Ten…
I decided to wait, I had not heard confirmation from Robert for our meeting, and figured that Peter would let me know.

*There is a Mitsibushi car on fire right across the street from me at Carters…
I link Linda Carter… L.C.. Wonder Woman… W W
Daniel Carter D C
I believe it is my rage… Mitibushi..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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