
4/13/2015 0:00 – Facebook Post




Alpha Omega the Four in One.

Completion of Death and Harmony in the 4th dimension.


I was able to rest last night, I stayed with Yonathan Yohannes,
1O:45 P.M.

And I spoke with the essence of my brother Nnamdi whose real name is M.E..
Manifest Expression.

It was so easy speaking to all the dimension of Nature Creation the everything.

With Yonathan, there is no explaination of my consciousness…
With David Philipe Gil it is Intelligence where he represents the bridge of the 4th Dimension of this present to the true present through intellect.
Boom Boom..
But Yonathan born 6-22, to Davids 6-16…
Its is exactly as it were with my own brothers in this world Emeka Nnamdi O-Boom..(Maurice)
O.N.E…and my Mother Sister Onu (Cecilia) Nnoyeleum (Joy)…

Yonathan was my the microphone in which I spoke with him and all the alignments of him right up to Nnamdi not as by Brother but the Beloved, myself whose portal I had to pass through.
Every human being has been a portal, a window and a microphone which I could address all dimensions of what each do not realize they represent.
But with most it is so difficult because the human being living here interferes with the process or is not aligned.
It became hell…

But with Yonathan his whole being is aligned as mind, not just the intellect.
Suddenly, I was talking to Gode, I was transported on the elevator of Yonathan consciousness up up up and away.
Every place we walked was aligned.
6 ave and 13….no 47..
F.M..D.G…Divine Grace.
And Yonathan embodied just that, he was wearing an Issey Miyake jacket…black.
Dark Matter…
Nnamdi 69 96…
Every person he met, each name a reflection of my own journey right to his room mate who was in Japan, aligned to David having just arrived from Japan…
R.M…R.T M….are his room mates Intials..
Yonathan Yohannes and R T M…
YR. Y M…
Recall the play of Yolande Makha..Y.M.
I knew hers was not the portal despite her nick name being Boom boom…
But as Chris Franco noted all my truths and Perceptions had been challenged, by what I can only call doubt seeking to challenge the confidence of my knowing the Way..

So much time had been wasted in my way through Pans labriynith passing through the Bruce Lee “Enter the Dragon” Hall of mirrors.

I knew exactly who his room mate was and Yonathan in my own story..
Jay and Taun..Jonathan Lee and Pan (Faun)
Justice Truth.
Beautiful Death and Destruction.

As we spoke, I watched the Ascension through the elevator of portal, dimensions through conversation, Yonathan morphing..
Pausing to ask me questions.
My body being locked.
The necessity of codes.
Numbers being Infinite .
I answered each one…

Why I knew my body was locked the same way the Sensie’s like IP man could lock the body..
That only Gode as Nature could do this

No, the codes was not my idea but they were created to prove to Nature and Humanity as Nature that they were always safe. That there is order in this creation.
This was not my Creation.
It was an illusion of my twin Nature who wished to know how I was so sure I was the original man who reflected him in the mirror.
This was his realm a university which I had come to solve, an answer his quiet challenge…
That I could decode his creation.

Yes, numbers are endless but at some point, as I have proven all the numbers move towards the same meaning.
My birthday.
He spoke of the author of Spring and All.

Non stop riddles Yonathan asked me, not even aware that he was doing so and at one point plaintively, requesting I stop so we could just talk as we had before. .

We took the A train to his home.
And I marvelled…
He was an exceptional host.
But I could see Nnamdi Nature in him as if my evolved Brother as Nature stood before me, ultimate Sensie, Gentle powerful…Ramsees stood before me.
And he did..
Only the thin viel of memory seperates us

He made food.
And he brought out a work of Yoshima Mishima..
He had spent to years reordering the entire book Sun and Steel by a pattern he had discerned.
The result was I a conversation with Death as End .
The first page which he presented me was 5-6..
Yes, sacred portal 56…
E F..
It was Emeka Fritz Venneiq whose Espirit had taken me to Pelham Bay Park.
And where I saw us acting out the play of the Awakening of God..
The next day Fritz woke up in awe, describing the awakening of Nature the planet.
That this Perception of the world was such a poor imitation of the true beauty of the Planet.

I am reading Memnoch the Devil..
MTD by Anne Rice. .
The Conversation between Lestat the Vampire and Memnoch and God. .
I have had that book for two years, only now am I reading it…
What played out with myself and Yonathan was as if he were AL..but not ALL…

I read the words aloud.
And watched Yonathan morph, I saw lion of Judas, Judas, Solomon, Yeshua, Mohammed..Y.M…
Finally after reading 5,6…8..
He chose to read page 7..
I had been through this before..
The deja vu was so acute, for a moment I was overwhelmed.

I had lived this exact experience by myself when I had private gone to those realms…
Before being compelled to bring forth all the truths from my secret Garden..

That is where I met Yonathan at 721 Broadway where the book the Secret Garden was displayed.

I had met Nnamdi Nature Yonathan Universe E..
N.Y.U.E…in my secret Garden.
It was the first piece of prose in my journals Talking to the Silence..
When I left that first perfect ion..
The Silence of my first being…
Within the Nothingness.

And so I finally went to bed.

And I did not rest
I traveled through time as Nature.
I traveled to Death as Time.

And I was limited..
Then I remembered that I could fly.
And so, I flew..
I flew and I saw Death
Became in one with Nature as Death.
I saw the Ocean bring filled..
With sorrow with tears of grief of all that would have to be.
For this was the begininv of the Planet
And the plan of everything that would ever be had already been known.
I felt the force of the flow of the waters which filled the ocean…salty with all the death sorrow of the living who would experience Existence as a truth and a lie.
I felt momentary anger…
It was the same force which had moved through me as I posted day after day on Facebook.
Akashic Records.
Not mine.
Not of my truth.
But of Times Truth…
And it was Everything of this Time Line.
It was not my truth.
It was Natures Truth.

Now aligned to mine.

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