
4/12/2019 5:00 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

I am 1246 Facebook Friends
Sacred Portal 46 is H-GOD on Cloud 9.

7 O 4. ( 76 4)

74. 11 28 39 C.I.

846 ..
It has finally settled back on myself – Past
Nnamdi God.
14 7
After the final play of John Mack and McKayla Rays.

Olive Oil

I wish to clarify what this means, it means the last obstacle to declaring both the Room as the Universe and the Earth align to me.
Means the Room in Being as Reflection and Mirror.
As well as the Original Jump Man

The 47 u sd left in my wallet aligned the Sacred Portal 47 to me
It is the Entrance into the portal of He’ll Fire the Furnace by which the illusions of Being go out if Existence mirroring humanity using such techniques of Mass Genocide, from the Africans, the Jews, the American Indians..

* Completed watching Senses8
And now watching The Promise.
Yes again it al8gns to me, since I lived in Itanbul and passes through the Areminian Portal called The World Cafe in Paris
Serge who played World Music.
I passed through that portal with Ekayani- Erica.

4:04 p.m

See the Black Hoke.. oh Ogonna Omocrafts
See sacred portal 66
See the Laundry Reciept code
66 1 85. A H.E..
That is the Universes confirmation that it is indeed me depicted in that image.

You can now link West End which was on my Altar not West on.

Time now 4:07 p.m

So let me make clear what this 18 yrs battle in New York means…
18 is 99. I I
Isabelle Ilic in.the West as Europe
Ikenna Ihenacho in the Africa Pangea story

His name means “.They require a show of Terrible Power that is the only way most in this World Room Wil show respect.
I agreed with this 5 6 yrs ago when Ikenna became my Facebook friend.

4:11 p.m

And yes, there is a reason I am noting the time..
I had to earn everything I created as Existence Creation back through hundreds of people portal, each time correcting aligning and forced in insulting, absurd and hideous one-sided set ups that In am the Original of Each person’s reflecting me in the White Side of it all
James means Usurpers ..tje White Side of the Family consciousness of people who prefer the idea of being white is better than being “black”

John’s phone is Black
Mikki’s phone is white
This is not personal to Nicki but In have reciebed the most insidious kind if racism from Puerto Ricans.. and many of those Island people
It’s is a matter of public record.

So many people lie about ethnicity and tolerance.

I.have been shown more Grace from the Caucasian world despite the Hatred that most of the world have for them, which most ppl hide.
The Canadian race has done terrible things but others races have done even more terrible things sucking up to the “White Conqueror ”
Yet I have experienced their doors opening up to me more than all the other races combined.

The Evil White Man and Woman exists ..Ignorance is one thing but Evil is not having the excuse of Ignorance and intentionally taking for granted the True because of their circumstances.

There is Beauty everywhere but looking at my records of 29 yrs..
I was mostly housed and honored ( even if it may not have lasted) by Caucasian who respected at least my integrity and sought some means more than any other group to give rather than the others who take take take .

All do the same but my evidence of my journey does not link the White race as the True Sources of Evil at least not in this age.
The Good of True in them exists
As well as the reason that their notion of Supremacy now ends.

Now let me tell you what the last play means..
It means that the Room belongs to me
This world universe hologram I have now taken control
Yes 2001 my arrival 3-20-2001..
Janet Jackson and her album blasting “Control”

It means I.who was locked unable to live until I solved the Riddles which led me out of the maze labyrinth
That Hell I endure.

Axel remembers me and Hells Kitchen
The Hell I endured.. of Spirit Enitions..
The constant Impulse Stimuli of Awareness
That was the test John failed today
66 1 85 ..
20 u sd
9 p.m

He should have easily read the code, remembering that he was is in a Script.
Mackayla swayed him and what was order in the morning with the two of us resulted in a play of a Mess
Mess of Ages

Familiarity I said to Mackayla should bring Comfort, not Contempt.
Especially if you are room mates with a man much older, who proving before your eyes and the world’s eyes that he is the Source.

Rays represented Mind..Brilliant Genus but Heart no, it had been transformed from Self Love.. to something not of love.. which sees and respects all.

Love knows how to speak
Is Refined Respectful has Manners is gracious..
That is not something one finds in especially American youth
But John and Stephen came the closet to the Actual True way Gentle Men behave.
And Lady bless you Mckayla but that is not what you are ..
Evolution Gentry to Gentle women warriors just as the male.

You can not deceive the Source or God.

Which is what now the tables are turned and the roles are switched
None can escape..

There is no where to hide, every where you look you will see me leading the deniars to sacred portal 91
Yes 1991… F S
Madame Hell Fire ”

John is both Heart and Mind and came closets in truly living naturally the codes.

I never asked for anyone’s Respect.
That comes naturally.
But once I see no respect for what I have achieved .

I.simpy decided to encode in this Dying Matrix that all those who denied used gained from this my experience and did not balance out the gift of Balance..
How much do you think sitting down with me, conversing with me. Being in my presence gaining first hand knowledge of Eternity and the support and hard work 25l4/7
All Ways accessible

How much is it worth.
And should I not be paid by all these people who are being given this knowledge the codes riddles solved.

Ah but you see, that is my little surprise, which for the moment I know most.do not.take seriously but you will.
You will pay everything you owe and took for granted lied and then used and claimed as your own

And since no one can pay the True value and price..
You will never rise to be the E.

This is The Promise I make this day..
Last of Judgement Day.

M.R B. Ian Gentry

Sex in The City

S I T. C

Rings of Sa-Turn

Destruction Rage
D R. Represents

Selfishness and Greed hidden that was the first seed of Evil created by the illusion called Humanity.no.longer seated in their Hearts and Art
Yes Compassion.was almost totally deaf in.the world and in my.journey.syrangely.compassion.csme mostly from.men

4:55 p.m

4:56 am.

Hell.is doing what you forced me to do to prove to you who I be instead of respecting what I.do

And that is why there will be no.mercy in this or Ressurection rebirth for those who took.for granted that I came here to serve Her or you.. to be your Slave

No it was Judgement Day.
12 years a Slave
From 268.East 4th St Little Africa
Lower East Side

LES Miserable

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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