
4/12/2018 1:58 – Facebook Post

4/12/2018 1:58 – Facebook Post

11:57 p.m.

Until Friday…..

That is all I am willing to extend this posting to…

This is my Fathers Script…
And your Father, at least you who are the Naturals.

Recall what Father means in the Consciousness of the Eternals.
It means Guide Father…. G.F…
Wind Energy Breath… W.E..B.

Nnamdi means “My Father Is… My Father is Present

This is what I have been consecrated to do, to prove that Father as the Guide was always here.

We, the Eternals, and the Naturals represented by some of you in the world who never gave up on your most cherished gift, Naturalness of being True to yourselves, not only Inside but Outside.
I O.
9 O…
See my Sacred Portal 90.. ‘Spirit E” Spirit E is the True Existence Awareness….

This as you know, through my posts, played out in yesterday with Alexis and Theo the Night Director and the assistant night director.
Both of them undercover.
How do I know…?

The portal designated of the past for the players here at Delta Manor is a nondescript Arab Bodega on Beach Avenue.
A.B/B.A… Do you see the code?
As I stated before the Eternals made us of the Humanities translation of the code implanted within them since the begining of the notion called Time.
There is no Time with the Eternals.
Only the moment present called Perfect Timing.

In the “Children play, who we call The Naturals” T.N.
C.N.T… Pi… 3.141592653589 793238462643 3832795028-
84 19-7169399375 105820974944.. 5.

00.19 a.m…
12:19 a.m.

* Notice that I am solving even as I post, linking the Pi sequence in groups of 12.
Linked to Dawn Piercy sending me 12 usd and the code 5-8.
*If you look at the last sequence of numbers of the group of 5, you will see the sequence 10 58.. which is where we were day before the day before yesterday and then it linked to Teo, T= 20 USD from Jace Horsford which I was moved to ask him which he sent with ease, but which the Spirit realm-Mental, made me earn it by bringing this continually errant line back in harmony with too much damn work…
So that means we are now at 97 494 4…5…
Which I just completed last night and this morning… 494 is the Flip.. T.J Bed 4-009 called his bed 9-004.. Then the 4 usd and then it became 5 with Stevan…

Who came down after I met Alexis at the door as I got in ( I believe she was checking to see how pissed I was )
And then Theo who I saw in the court yard.

12:43 a.m.

Stevan the grizzly vet arrived…

But there is one more sequence to play out..
then I had 4 usd…son of a gun!…
the next four numbers complete the equation
9230.. 9 23 O E…
I get it! Smh lmao!… Well not really… incredulos.

I..W.. O.E… Not Woe-Man… I solved that yesterday..
And Kate Renee disappeared… replaced by
Nature Perfect Package which Peter Nyarkô was reading when I arrived: the title of an Essay..
N.P…P…. Which is 46…
*My last Coffee was 640… 6 4O…Fifth Dimension which created quite an emotional response by my spirit…

Thus, this is about the last 4 digits which is I, double VV.. The Two in One Tiger rep Randall Michael and Tony here…

Let me pause for second to check and confirm through my facebook codes…

Hampton Renee Rhonda H R R..
Rene del Valle R D V..

Tony Iro T I
Tony Hakeem T.H.
Anthony Bienke A B Reprsenting my Five Face book Anthonys
making the Total 7…
And since Randall Michael is the rep of all the Tonys as Tony The Tiger.. ( TTT.. 20 20 20.. 60 Sixth Sense linked to Flip J Hendrixs who has perfect 6th sense but not bridged by reason as Randall M)
Randall Michael thus represents 6 the sense Full Circle of the Room with a View called the Milky Way…
And Tiger Woods.. T W..O.E.. T W O…
And the Story of Pi… Charlie Parker….
I did both journeys the one we both did through Naturalness and I who did it through full Awaress.. and through the Awful and Dnagerous Self Awareness which if not very very careful negates Naturlness… and causes one to enter into the I as inconsiderate which Alexis hinted at ( very carefully saying as she did so that she knew I was going to be very angry but that my statements was all I and that I had not considered Nicoles point of view… which an obvious lie, and she knew it but Theo as a witness was the one who had spoken up about it having witnessed it and endured it himself…. It was never about the boys ganging up on the poor “White”girl and the insinaution and that play really really… ah no, you dared…
Even Alexis will have consequence light and personal to me, but still consequence, because I will never trust or see her and her line the same way again and the others behind her, who used them their line to test me… The Hag and the Amazons..?
The worse part of the Abyss now made real..
You dare Examin the one who you intentionally ran down to exhaustion from 1988 to 2018.. and then when believing that I was too tired, weak, shocked, not alert and giving me Insomnia, ravaging my body and my emtire being and mind.. you strike…?
Even Theo was shocked and commented privately and in a very elegant way about it…)

And I, who just a moment finished gobbled up that Milky Way Bar from Starbucks rep of the One Sea and reflecting the Universe – The Celestial Heavens… C H..I.. 3 8..9)
I represent Its Being, embodied in Human form based on my awareness.

Yes, that checks out.
My Face Book Friends who are present represent the true reference point of the Script, those who are lines who are part of the Evolution Equation.
H RR.. Is Rainbow Full Circle… O E
R Links to Robert Vlaun who is 22..Letter V.. Thus Age and Last name link to VV.
And the play of his gift of 15 usd on Friday. 15 is O.Symbol of Perfection.

TI…20 9… Ti 7th Note “Solfeggio
T H..20 8.. Truth is Harmoony, which is what played out with Theo.
He told the truth while Alexis supported the lie, out of seeking to create or encourage Nicole but at the cost of the Truth.
It was of course a much deeper play which was not about either one of them personally but about Sacred Portal 40.. Africa Pangea ( not the current continent of Africa but when the world was one Land Mass.. and Starbucks Siren when it was one Ocean or Sea)..

So the Double VV is represented on the by the other male doll, one with the Tiger and the other with the Double VV on its shoulder and the code AT 0039.. on its back..
*Recall, that is the number of the Coffee Randall bought for me, – His Eternal E-Spirit moving through him acknowledging me as
1;19 a.m as the One Supreme… Awareness.

So, yes, how do I know that Alexis and Theo are aware…?
First I met Alexis at the Arab Bodega some a coulple of months ago…
And yesterday after the play, he was right there at the Arab Bodega as if all set up for me to meet him.
A.B.B.A… Father but also Sacred Portal 147 A B.. Twice…Female and then Masculine… Two Full Circles..
1 2 2 1…6.. Twice… 66… 12…

15 usd.. Letter O. Double O O..
L.O… L O O .. V V E.E
/ E V O L V E…. / Emeka Victorious Love.

And of course, I checked them, from the very begining observed them…
Aexis is the one who invited me to stay in the shelter and was the reason I did…
Theo who addresses me from day one publicly with the Exquisite courtesy of one who suspects my true I.d..

Then the E-Spirit in me made it perfectly obvious and today it roared its approval to Teo.

And today I asked them both first Alexis “You are aware that I live in two realms?”
She nodded and stated that she had arranged for Friday…. yes friday for us to call the British Embassy in London.
After 18 Months in that place.. With me in bed 4-018..
4 18… D.R…MD… MD Nur Hossain MD Muktur Hossen with the latter, being the portal of so many recent facebook friends.

And when I asked Theo discretly when he in perfect Harmony appeared after Alexis but on the court yard,
I spoke with him and thanked him.. and then I asked him and replied with discretion and elegance that yes he was aware and then added that after 18 months, one had no excuse not to see and be fully aware of the person.. You see them and you hear them..
And and the deeper meaning- Fully of what is going in my body and being, which as if on cue Rose up within me…
But freely joously acknowledgement.
He smiled with his eyes.. “Yes I know.. some thing are left unsaid…

My body had risen to Alexis today also but it was in a different expression..
1:47 a.m…
She was concerned with appearances and a little afraid. But I was annoyed with my E-Spirit..

With Teo who, I said to him you recognized the Full Circle of my Truth as a Man who livd here, and what I went through, then the Energy in me and what it is like to life with it, my experience with Nicole… and finally to Alexis and publicly…
Never once embarrassed by the way he calls me Sir, and bows slightly…

And so, when he went into the lower Court Yard, I found my self belting out song version Ben Harper…
And something.. My E-Spirit overcame me and bowed to me and I almost wept…
It knet to me…
And then Theo came out after a while as I was going upstairs, I am not sure if he saw me follow cllosely behind but then he opened the Door and let me pass… Äfter you Sir
“Thank You Teo..

T=20.. 20 20 Vision and 20 20 20.. 6th Sense…
And impecaable Manners on a Tall and beautiful looking man who unlike the other senior staff lived in a shelter and had the experience when he was blameless he simply lost his home to a mortgage scam.

And then Stevan arrived…
Wearing Burgundy laughing and asked for a light


He Pan…
5 7 .. Seas Continents… 12.. Pangea Africa.. P.A

Praise Appreciation Acknowledgment . Exquisite Manners

1:58 P.M,

Father Nature Planets…1-9

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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