
4/11/2020 19:51 – Facebook Post

I was not going to code this,
I already saw it but Liberty just sent it to me.

Its 6:57 p.m
6:58 p.m
Yes Enders Game to EH
Leaving with my Brother And All E Family

Here is the code of the Story

Old Testament. O T. 1520. Facebook Friends
35 C.E

New Testament.. Nikolai Tesla 14 20 / 2014
Liberty sent it to me at 6:34 p.m

This is the story of the past still moving through this World : as a Universal Simulation Awareness

O T N T.
O N. TT.

Moses 10 Commandments. Link Eternal Law.
10 Plagues. Consequences for denying Eternal Law.

Commandments. Plagues.
C P.
3 16. 33

7:04 p.m
G 0 D. 7 4. = 11 28. Add 39. C I
12. L. 27.
C.I. E K..

10/10 = 1.A
20 = T.

3 16 .. 33.

7:06 p.m
76 6.

Note that Africa was the Beginning of the Human Story
Of Awareness Recorded
A Story not True Life but a Play created to understand True Life.

To demonstate Harmony H 8.

See my sacred portal 8.

See the 8th Plague

Exodus 7:14 is when it begins
714 G N / N G. 14 7..
41 7. D: A.G.. D: A G-H. E. D: ( Green Faf 4th Dimension.. H E..)

7:11 p.m

Tomorrow is the Pass Over..
P.O. 16. O. 9. 16.9. 9 is 6.. 9+6= 15 Letter O.
16 O.
16 6
Purple Flower
S P 76 is E me in the center and on my left Right the Two sides of me 9 6. 15. AE Now O.N.E.

7:14 p.m

It also has on it the number 22. Circled twice.
Double V V
Valiant Victorious Man
Ferrill moved to 76 5
Horseshoe Hill
Haeckel Haus

7:26 p.m
See Z H

7:27 p.m

See Sacred Portal 8
See sacred Portal

A play took play with Baby ( ha) Jeron and I yesterday while I was reviewing Sacred Portals
I sought to distract Jeron from yelling and of course, I enjoy tremendously how he plays and gives me intel but yesteday I found myself in the lead as if having to demonstrate all his intel via Alien Father Alpha of the Light O Blue Print came from me.

First he insisted on a green glass bead.
Which I gave him on the condition he would not put it in his mouth.
He agreed,
I told him it was a matter of trust. MOT.
And all was fine..
Until after some time of playing, he paused looked me dead in the eye and in front of his mother he popped it in his mouth.

My mouth dropped open.

Give me that I roared trying to stifle back my laughter at the expression on his face.

I was outraged and once I had retrieved it, he and I exchanged roars.

So I found myself giving him a Card to hold.

It has a Code on it..
4×3 8×7= 56 on its green side lining.
And on its other side Purple lining.
8×7 =
4×3= 12.

I stared at it..
Then I found him a green plastic/ Paper plate to hold also green.

Green is the 4th Color Violet is the 7th not Purple as many call it.
Color Green. C G. 3 7
Color Violet. C.V. 3 22
33 7 22. / 22 7 33. Video Game CC (1 6 A F)

Corona Virus


Noah wore Neon Green today

7:51 p.m

4 7. 11 28.

P is Perfection P is 16


Wild Animals

8:16 p.m

Its a code.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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