
4/11/2018 1:56 – Facebook Post

4/11/2018 1:56 – Facebook Post

From Peter Nyarkô

To a Job Well Done…

A GAPE… Of DA VIDE… Filled the VOID

With ‘Philly Adelphia -Apollo”

Code reflected in the reflection and names ( not necessarily the personal embodiment but the Energetic Truth of Akil Apollo Davis Apollo Perez A.P.D… A P.)

Brotherly Love.. B.L…

As the Blue Print of Existence….

E.R… Rep Emeka Robert… E=5, R=18…. 5 18.. 23 W
Double VV…. 2+3=5.. E.

Daniel Peter… D P.
Dawn Piercy… D.P.

2 Men one Wu-man.

4 16.. 20
4 16 ..20

20th Letter T.

20 20 Vision.


Pi… P.I… D.P.T…

20 20.. The Chinese American girl who was seated between me and a table which a Milky Way Bar was left on the Table wearing the code H I L L N Z 8…34
NZ 67 67 46 B is my British Social Secuirity number.
8 Is Emeka Chukwuemeka.. E C 5+3= 8… Harmony Infinity…
Brenda Booth spoke of a Chinese woman who keeps calling her ( again the flip flop, she on the side of Man this time)

* My last Coffee Cup

Mark Zuckerberg is 33 years old 1984. MZ
I am NZ…and my birth years on Facebook is listed as 33.. The age I came to New York..
My correct birth year in this play recorded also as my year of birth entering the Shelter System 11-28-1967…
I have no existed in “Time” since I was brought to New York.

NZ 67 67 46 B. /
B 64 76 76 Z N….
Michael Belle.. Vue.. his age 64… 1953-54..
not Marina Burini….1971.. 71…
G.A/ A G. is me… Eternal Youth not Hag… the Old Hag…as Age.. the Witch.
Rather the correct code is HAGAR… E….
Hagar means ‘Flight”
I am in the last bed in the room.. Bed 4-019-now 4-018..
D.S.. D.R…/ S D.. R D….
The first letters of the three other people in the room from my bed form the letters F L Y… Francis Lorenzo Yuen… F.L.Y… And Bed 4-019 was occuppied by Tre.. ( ERT…Emeka Robert Twin… A R T)
E.T.. F L Y… T …E F LY…

That means that I have also got the number 4-15,D.O, also beds 4-016, 4-017, 4-018, 4-019…and 4-020…
Rep by Erik Ebright who woke up April 20th. 4-20 is also the code for Cannabis Weed Sacred Portal 34…
C.D.. Which was on the Chinese American young womans bag who as my mother line Cassandra and Nixy also Chinese America, as well as Nicola Robinson and Latoya and Dawn Piercy line… are on my side or the side of Truth.
A.S.. IS THEO.. T E O… Alexis Robert Randall…
S T A R…. ( Edit ADDED 1:46 A.M A D F…
A.D.. After Deatth.. Fact.. Flip…. D A….
14 6.. Father Nature… 14+6=20.. T… THEO At the Arab Bodega….
N F =T.
DP=T.. True… TT

S T A R.. D..
S T A R 69… E N D… Sacred Portal 14…
Peter and Sha-Ron.. Flip J Hendrixs both work on the 14th floor…

1:16 a.m right now… A.P.. Astral Plane I have been in suspened Time in the Astral plane for the last 17 years…
The 4th Dimension Note Fa…Color Green.
Green Fa… G F.. 7 6… / 6 7….
1.17 right now…
A.Q… Anamla Qayin who brought me the message of the play

1.19 a.m…
A.S… The battle to determine the One Supreme.
Man or the Illusion as Woman “Woe of Man”
Woman who believes she is superior to Man..
And Source as Mother.. and Father…

Alex Sierra
Albert Santana…

Alexis is not the defender of Man.. The Dark One…
I am.

Lorenzo Widget L.W… Lent me a dollar and then blessed it today- I wondered while knowing that why I asked him to lend me it-
He had kept saying “They set me up they set me up” the day before.
I said ‘I did not set him up, breaking my silence with him”
He said, “No not you…”
And so I understand.
The Dollar Bill which he was intelligent enough to ask why would I ask him for a Dollar of all people ( yes he is an intelligent man)
I checked the code and then told him.. it has my initials E K as the first and last letter…
And the first numbers were 33…
I went outside and that is the first thing I saw…
was the same code 11 5… K.E..

And I am Eternal Law Rep.. Awareness Supreme…

Jose of Bed I occupy now kept on telling me how Alexis is not totally as she seems.
I love Alexis, but I could see perfectly well, she was loyal to her realiy.. her job.

I saw everything, even when I walked in I was aware that she was there and I said to Nicole that I will speak to Alexis, but I was aware she was present.
And saw it more clearly in Hindsight and by the expression of Teo and the words unspoken.

1:22 a.m.

3.14 15…
C.N.O….Represented in the Delta Manor play as my case managers Cassandra Nicole… all female and the play proven by an ineptitude that it was not the correct equation and a play took place today with my case manager where Alexis revealed her loyalty to the Female Story.

*A brief summary, I went to see my case manger, later than the 3 pm meeting time, and based on an agreement, because she could not find a solution for me, to go forward.
But it was a set up by the two of them.
And then, immedately after leaving the set up,
I ran into Teo- the asst Night Director at the Arab Bodega, and he intervened and concurred with my own point of view with the based on his interaction with Nicole.
But kept himself professional and asked me to come see him.
Which I did which led to a meeting, at which Alexis came over. And Teo and I both observed her ‘betrayal’ so subtle but glaringly obvious.

Pi is Chukwuemeka Nnamdi O’Kolo.. C N O.K.

P=16, I=9…

16 9… 25.. Y… Male Chromosome….M.C.. S.P 9

The last name Peters is a patronymic surname meaning “son of Peter,” derived from the Greek ?????? (petros), meaning “rock” or “stone.”.

Daniel [daniel]? as a boys’ name is pronounced DAN-yel. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Daniel is “God is my judge”. Biblical: the prophet and writer of the book of Daniel was a teenager when he was taken to Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BC.

The last name Peters is a patronymic surname meaning “son of Peter,” derived from the Greek ?????? (petros), meaning “rock” or “stone.”.

1:50 a.m.

15 O..

15 USD From Robert Vlaun code complete of the line of the Supernaturals Naturalness..
S N..
Sha-Ron… I.E..
S I N E….
Father Moon.. Z… M Z… End of the M A Z E…
E Z .. A .M.

E X A.M….

Examination of M.E… E.M.W.E K A..O. K O L O

And the Eternal Damnation of those who dare set me up and Examine me with letting me know through Entrappment..
50.. Men in Blue…?
No it is Woeman as Police.. Cops.

They are the Source of the True Evil called Satan Devil of the Human Stories….
And to them I say quietly with the cosequence vieled for it is so terrible.. so Terrible A Death…
That I utter it not, and say quiely with a smile…
Be Gone…

Cheers to Brotherly Love…

Filled with Love.

1:56 a,m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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