
4/11/2017 19:48 – Facebook Post

4:22 p.m

4-11…1 O…


D.V.. O.E

D.O.V.E… As in Dove in… And now the Dove of Peace.


Di-Vine KOLO…. ( I Dance Full Circle… “Slav”- Nenad M. Djurdjevic Brother Beloved Line…

Time Date ( This side of the Pond )


B D… Beautiful Devil…Ke…”Created” the Old Word as Well As the New.

It is a play.

Let me give you an example…

Lisa Natalie Johnson will be my witness and eventual mouth piece for this particular play if she desires to express it.

I was not meant to come here today, I was meant to go and pay a Bill and Jacobi Center… 842 Usd for my time when I was placed in a room 4B.. ( 8 42…4B 42.. “Meaning of Existence: M.O.E)
For being placed in a room and situation where one of the 4 people sleeping right besides me had a sleep Apena. )
I collapsed the first night there, but only after witnessing the first time ever not only a physical collapse but also a swirling vortex open up before me.. Only when it happened again where my legs would not support me did I know it was a set up..
53 people commented as I was led posted what happened while being carried away in the ambulance.

53 is Bed Keith Grant… code Papa Mbwede…”To descend Setting Sun Eric Lile Brown ”
Elizabeth Clarizio E.C.. 53
Linked to Kristen Green..
Kerwyn R Vincent room 5C ( My first assigned room ) bed 22.. V..
was the witness to the “Fight Confrontation” with David Dawn the Night before… D.D.. of Bed 5-007… ( 57… Elizabeth Gray..

A Promise and Oath a Vow to Satisfy God that I brought Clarity to the People through the “Grey Matter” of the Brain-Mind ( Which is really reddish pink when active and alive…P INK…
Pi N Kolo..
Nenad M. Djurdjevic Kolo…. Meaning in Slav “Dance Circle Round”
of the People… D.C.R… 3-4 18…David Cecilia Roberto…

Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka Kolo… E.K.
Moon Full Circle our “Egu Onwa” play which he “Reflected” only after I had Drawn a Perfect Circle with a Stick in the outlying “Forest Woods of Pelham Bay Park..

Once that was done, I wanted be “Granted Kolo” April..”OPEN”
– That I am the one who created Perfection and was, am its author and symbol… And would be allowed to escape the Titans Might… T.M.
( There is a Face book Friend Request waiting for me the persons name is T.M
Thao McCrudy… T.M…
The Titans are called T.M… TOM… Twins…I.E.. T.I.M.E…
11 22.. Dates of Birth of David Roman Nicholas ( D.R.N) and Onu Cecilia Umeano “Kolo”
My other name is Robert…

*See Jonn Delguidce -Donna O’ Sullivan play.. Where I left B.R.C.. Green Point Assessment Shelter.. A..S
( after Living with Albert Santana A.S.. 4th Street Generation X Gardens)

4;47 p.m.
( Yes)

Donna O”Sullivan and Keith Grant literally linked by conversing over the phone. He liked her but said that she was awfully meticulous and a anxious…The Link enabled a money code to too take place which to me to 18 Mountain View.. M.V…( V.M..Vince Melton.. Lotter Ticket Winner and friend of A.H! .. TOM… Anastasia Hart)
I spent 9 months there and met the work of Tom Benzian “Truth of the Universe “T.O.T.U” and his companion Amy Harper Willis.. A.H.W…

A Pause..

*Top Definition. T.O.T.U.S. Acronym.. Tweeter Of The United States. Donald Trump is T.O.T.U.S, he will Tweet all pertinent information as it happens and if he …

Totu in Tamil…
VI. v. t. join, link, cer; 2. bind, tie, kattu; 3. make a thing stick, cleave, adhere to, ottu; 4. begin a work or business, set on foot, commence, totangku; 5. put on as shoes; 6. put an arrow on the string; 7. fabricate, form a false story, katai kattu; 8. compose poetry, make verses; 9. frame, form, uruvakku; 1. (in burlesque with vitu) bring together a man and a woman clandestinely, poruttu; 11. bend, valai VI.

Truth Of The Origins… Of Existence… T.OT.O..O.E..

The Word Toto in Nigerian means..

‘Apr 7, 2014 – In Nigeria, toto means only one thing – the female external genitalia. It is a Pidgin English word. I am Nigerian. … Meaning Of Toto In English.’

See sacred Portal 79… Blue Print of Existence” Two men Entering a Vagina…
This is not the Origins of Man if they are Entering the Vagina..

This is to Highlight the meddling of Nigeria- Igbo Yoruba “Odudu Uwa” Birth place and Cradle of Civilization..

..I continue…

I left 18 Mountain View and exactly 9 months to the day of Arrival…
Oand had been channeling Robert O’Sullivan to Donna and his Will and love as well as messages to his daughter to bring peace to her and to her family who she was estranged from because of many reason including Jonn. As well as being estranged with her Daughter Sophie.
Yes Code Sophia O Laurel..
Rep in this play Sophia Mayer.. S.M.
S.A.M.. Samantha Yurkosky… I met at 97 Green St Green Point Avenue.. 2011- Then who came to see me at Akils place at Green Av Brooklyn.. Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson Tim His girlfriend
Beyind from Singapore both were Thai.. Beyond…
G.R.. E.A.T…
and Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Rachel Young
( RR..1818… 36.. 9… 36O) Savannah Blair..S.B..
Full Circle I.O…S.B..
I met Eric Lile Brown and Will Hunnitpercent Real in Savannah Georgia .. on my way to Forte Lauderdale in 2012 With Ravindra and Billy.. R.B../ B.R…)

S.B../ B.S… Brooke Shields -Sacred Portal 5.

..I left on the Exact date of Robert O’Sullivan.. R.O.S.. R.S..

Ravindra Singh..
Rachel Sessions… at the time…
R.S. R.S.. And the linked by telephone while I was at Apt 511 Forte Lauderdale.

5:18 p.m..
Emeka is Robert.

The date of I left, and the same date as Roberts O Sullivan’s birthday was April 19th.. 4-19… D.S.. / S.D…
Dewight Smith… Whom I met on my return full Circle to the Day… +1 which I intentionally added one day staying on the Street, before once more entering the Intake Center and was given a room with a View with the name ‘Juan”- on the Door before being sent to from Room A where I was with Keith Grant in 2015… to Room B where I was now on Bed 007.. Jaymes Bond but also Jonn Blackwell J.B.
Real name Huan Delguidce.. Juan Haun.. J.H.. 108…
Flower of Life…

But before I went back to the “Intake Center” I.C.. At 30th Street.
I went to Miami Florida, called by Erik Ebright but more the Play..
The Code was an “Elegua” post..
The Yoruba Crossing Guard. But I did not wish to go into the past…
I stayed an evening with A.Santana who gave me the intel of Flash Gordon.. and his going back into the past- all based on an episode he watched which matched my understanding that I was going back into the Past 2006, where I met Erik Ebright just after his Epiphany Revealations.. He had reached Enlightenment but not Awakening because the latter means you remember everything, and the former that you see everything with Clarified Light…
I met and replaced Robert Q… Aka Robert Coffee.. R.Q..R.C.. And was even given his room which I refused…
I did not wish to play the role in “His” story…
I was back in 2006..
His address 26 NE 60th Street…
Erik’s date of Enlightenment was 4-20…
April 20th, One day after April 19th.. R.O.S..
E.E…ROSEE.. Name of Jonn’s Cat who died while I was there at an ancient age… was Rosie… Sensie…
I had the same experience with a cat at Hells Kitchen 2005.
Dina Singh D.S.. 4-19.. April 19th had told me her cat was found and the next day Died paws up… Like a Human.
I called the Cat who I took care of for Marianne friend of Axel Love..
( Axel Anderson… A-A.. Mr Smith ) My bio Fathers Expression..
My Father moved and often acted like a Cat… He was a Vet Surgeon..
The cat died peacefully he had cancer…
And by the time I finished fighting with him ( Tough love because he was shitting on my Installation intentionally… I was not having it)
We fought.. Though I fed him the best of the food I could find, cleaned his dish did everything to give him back his dignity… Cleaned the Entire loft.. Cleaned all the Shit coated items everywhere and in the Rafters…

Truly Hells Kitchen…
Michael Frazer was the Witness and took photos and presented me with the E.T Druid Dagger as Lord of the Magicians
“Ole Mec…

The Cat stopped shitting on my stuff and respect was generated even affection.. on his part…
( I wasn’t having any of it”

Ravindras Beloved Cat is called Tiger… He takes him every where but did not take him to Forte Lauderdale…

I arrived at Green Point and met Eric Eposito bed 009..
And then Micheal Prunty… M.P.. / P,M..Papa Mbwede in Pale Skin..
I loved him as a Beloved… He I know loved me but did not full know why..
Eric Eposito loved me “He called me Energy”
But he had held on to a Nature which brought destruction..
See the meaning of his name.. EE “Wrong person in the Wrong Bed” He eventually was moved to Bed 4… Which was occupied by Luke Wilson Luke Addison ( Son of Adam) Wilson.. L.A.W..
Luke got a home of his own.
Eric was transferred
Micheal Prunty who did the play with me at Grant Street moved to a an Apartment which was vacant a rich friends of his brother who had just received a 500.000 USD bonus and decided that he who was estranged with his brother but began to connect after I and Michael began to do the Work…
A Two Bedroom apartment which he could live rent free for until April… That was was in September..
I would not let go of the plays rules and he who promised that no matter what that I would come with him was pissed when I claimed that the Energy of E had been the reason why the apartment had opened up…
Not me, but the E Consciousness…

I was left and eventually sent here..

But not before Harold of bed 008 besides me was was move to give me two books…
Enders Game and another later about Witches.. See Sacred Portal 66…

5:53 p.m..

So, I was brought to this place, deceived with “relief” of when Patrick Okolo a class mate I had not seen in 28 Years found me, and I discovered he lived in Long Island ( Where Dilone.. the Model with the Beautiful Behind, on the Wall of my locker behind the Conductor…Is from Long Island.. Dominican Republic…
Erek Eclass Mateo is origins Dominican…
As is David Phillip Gil…
She has my mothers face Oval.. as well as looks like my younger brother Boom boom in face in his early 20’s I saw from photos as well as Lisa Natalie Johnson head and face…

He is a Professor and Doctor at John Hopkins..
This was followed by the arrival of Dean Dunkwu.. whom I had not seen or spoken to in 34 years…1982 since Boarding School..
I had known both of them since 1978 When I came back from Canada and began attending that school 7-8 months later in January..
But I also suspected it was a set up… It was.
I went to the same boarding school and University as Patrick Ikem Okolo…I graduated in 1988.. A 5 Year Program…And was in the pioneer class of that New Department.
I wrote my Thesis on OINri and the Full Circle..
I graduated with Honors..
Recall the 17-18 Year old Henri.. I call the Persian Boy here, telling me that he is plaining to study Urban Planning .. U.P..
And recall Erik Ebrights Father also present studied Urban Planning at M.I.T
Recall I graduated 1988 Instead of 86.. Because I was forced to repeat my G.C.E’s at Opi Secondary school literally a Jungle School..
Papa Jungle…Rep…
And had entered a 4 year program which became 5 and was even moving to 6 as Architecture was…
1988-2016… 28 Years B.H A-Z +2.. A.B
1982 – 2016… 34 years C.D…A-Z + 9… A-I…
.. 2016.. and they find me…C’mon…

And each abandon me so easily after sending me 510 USD Dollars
and 800 usd in installments all reported here publicly..
And the One I see Twice.. A B.. does not even examine the friend “Who influenced him and his world view which he stated, as a boy by my speaking about Beauty and E.S.P…
And Dean who I was so close to but who did not remember much about me except that I was Aje Butter because I came from Canada…

Long Winded… Having to explain all this AGAIN…

Just to reach the the meaning of what took place with Robert here at the cafe today…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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