
4/10/2016 21:08 – Facebook Post

5:17 p.m.


This Post is an Equation Quintessential…
A Proofs…
Be prepared…

Code linked to Ebony Queen…


58..Linked to Donna O’Sullivan…

E.Harmony Fact…Linked to myself, Emeka Kolo…
13 M..Manu…
4.. David Powers, David Arro Racz..Pierre David…

Jonathan David Frechette… “The God, The Lord Creator, is Gracious, Beloved who lives near the A.S.H Tree…
Code Anthony Spencer Harmony..A.T..Alpha Theta.. 1-8.

Not Abraham Sarah Hagar…

But rather in the meaning of their names…

“Father of the multitude, the Princess and her Flight…”
Transcendental Mediation.. T.M/ M.T…
Father O and Harmony Infinities which go on forever..
Harmony Infinity is the flight of Sound and Sight as it travels from its Source the O..
Open April…

This Omega Alpha…O 1, Travels through a Tunnel, a portal shaped as an O.. Perfect Symmetry.. Symbol of Eternity.. O.E..
And from that place beyond.. Its Source The 5th Dimension, The Realm of Eternal Truth to link with the C, Cee of the Third Note..
Mi! Mi Mi..3 6 9..
To merge the two realms back into One through Energetic Transformation, Expression Quantum “Quintessential” Leap
(Leap Year, Leap day Feb 29)

5:39 p.m..
Code Itel; E..C.I
Ga La! X.Y..Z..C.I. 1O11..

Which takes place in the Tunnel- the Serpent Body, the Great Encircling River, much as physically represented by the Rings of Saturn, the 6th Planet from the Sun, linked to Saturn the God of Agricultures Son, Jupiter…

The transformation of Energy from Ethereal nature, to Elemental nature and finally unseen..

Is there really a literal tunnel.. Yes and no..
A tunnel is really symbolic of the process, just as the O-Opening is symbolic of the Full Circle.. They are simply the physical reps, of an Energetic Expression…
The Line and the Full Circle..

E Put In Time..
The Tunnel Line.. T.L..2012…
4 years..4th Dimension Space-Time O.Natures Expression..

Sound and Light are both represented by the Letter C..
Two Cees.. Sound and Light..C.C..O..8..

Wave lengths Symbol is the 11 Letter in the Greek Alpha Bet..
Universe is 13, 21 Billion years old.. 13 21.. M.U..S..I.C
Mu is the 12 Letter in the Greek Alpha Bet.. J.B..102..12..L
“Lucifer Son of the Evening and Morning Star..Moon Sun..
(Stephan Manu…See Vilaystarloveceleste Sunmoonfree)
Sigma..Is the 18th.. 18 Mountain View..

Zeta is the 6th… Link the name Catherine Zeta Jones…Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones and Zeina Hanna…

Omega is the 24th.. Linked to Donna O’Sullivan 24..X and 10-
J..Jonn Blackwell…6..Zeta..X 8 Theta…
Zeta Omega…Z.O.. Alpha Zeta (Z-E.T..A..Awareness)..
A-X..1-24…2 Letters are missing to complete Roman Alphabet..
Greek Alpha Bet 1-24/42…G.A..L.A..(Lamb-Ada, Alpha 11-1) X. Omega Zeta..Theta…Y..There is no 25th Letter in the Greek Alphabet..
The nearest representation is the small Y as Gamma.. the 3rd Letter…3=C..Gamma C..G.C..73

There is no W nor is there a Y..
23rd letter resembles Neptune Poseidon Staff..
H=8..H is Theta..Symbol a Perfect Circle with an I inside of it..
Within the Circle of Perfect is the I of Harmony..
Omicron…Is the 15 letter aligned perfectly to the Letter O…
The 15th Letter in the Roman Alphabet…1+5.. Alpha Epsilon..Zeta..6
Zeina Hanna…x Delta-4, Is Omega
Ohm is the Symbol of 24…And of Electrical Resistance..

*”Resistance is an electrical quantity that measures how the device or material reduces the electric current flow through it.”

W is the Symbol of Power..
H is Theta…1-8..A-H..
Y is 25..B.E..Betta Epsilon..2+5=7..G..Gamma..as well as the 7th Greek Letter H.n..8th Is O with an I in it Horizontal, and 0 “Oval” and a line in it…
7th 8th letter is H.O…7 is Harmony and 8 is the Full Circle…

Amp (A.M..P=16) Symbol of A..Electric Current (I)… E.C.I
Voltage is V.E “Electro Magnetic Force..
Joule J…”Energy E”
A.m.Pere-Hour.. Symbol Ah.. Electric Current Q…:)… E.Q.
Electric Volt.. E.V… Energy E…
Tesla.. T.. Magnetic Field M.F..

Ohm -Omega The Greek Alphabets ends is used as a symbol to measure resistance when its represents in Hindu Philosophy the Power of the Universe…
Y..Yellow Gold.. Y.G..”Yeshua God Christ” is not represented except by Gamma in small form.. Yellow and Gamma (G-.A.M/M.A..Donna)
is not even represented except in the Roman Alphabet..
Yellow is the rep of the Sound Mi! Of the 3rd Dimension..

Why did the Romans really add two more letters..
25, 26…2 2 5 6.. 22 56.. V…11 1.. V..K. (5 11.. E.K..Pamela Stefaniotis post)..V.A../A.V..
221/122..The Hershey Kiss code sitting on my “Altar Console”
26=2+6=8.. Link Zeina Hanna..2 68.. where she first became my Face Book Friend…

MW87..78 15 O.. O-mi-c.r-on.. 6..Zeta…Delta Quadrant… Square..Cube Root..6 x 4..24.. Not complete.6- 8…

Correct Equation..;
Zeta Epsilon Z.E…65.. 11 3O…
E.Z.. 56..(8..Harmony 7th Note). 11 1..3O… K.C.O..Alpha-
41.. D.A… E
Da Enlightens..

All Transformation comes from the 5th Dimension..

A.m.P.. A… Linked to TED and the “Boogie Amplified” E.C…H.I..
Ohm… is O.I.. Theta Harmony E..The Beginning.. I was born 8pm
Watt is W…. Electric Power.. E.P
Tesla T (Truth) E.MF…
Joule J… Energy E..
Newtons Coulomnb..NC… Electric Field E..
Hz.. Frequency..F..
H is Eta in Greek Alpha Bet.. “At Last my Love has come along..”
Z is Zeina Hanna 6th Sense Beauty Grace Favor…

HZ..8 26… 88.. 16..7…x 64..1O…7-1=8…Eta Harmony Theta…Iota
(I.O..T.A. Theta Alpa..8-1..1-6…. 86.. E)
86.. and 88..Are the same Thing…
6 is 8 and 8 is 6..
This is the true Alpha Omega…

*”The Solar System is located within the disk, about 27,000 light-years from the Galactic Center, on the inner edge of one of the spiral-shaped concentrations of gas and dust called the Orion Arm. The stars in the inner ?10,000 light-years form a bulge and one or more bars that radiate from the bulge. The very center is marked by an intense radio source, named Sagittarius A*, which is likely to be a supermassive black hole.”

Notice the code 27..3 0’s.. Easter
Orions Arm-Orions Belt.. O.A..O.B.. OO B.A.. OO 21 – U
/Noir O.. Black Source..B.S.
I am Sagittarius…
I had to pass through a Black Hole to get to 18 Mountain View…
– War Conflict, Sleeping in the Forests of Pelham Park..the Streets of New York, sleeping on a Train, “Lack-Need” Shelter.. The One to A-Void.. Intake Center- I.C..A Shelter…
Black Hole B.H..28…

“Estimates of the mass of the Milky Way vary, depending upon the method and data used. At the low end of the estimate range, the mass of the Milky Way is 5.8×1011 solar masses (M?), somewhat less than that of the Andromeda Galaxy.[45][46][47]
According to a study published in 2014, the mass of the entire Milky Way is estimated to be 8.5×1011 M?,[51] which is about half the mass of the Andromeda Galaxy.[51]
The total mass of all the stars in the Milky Way is estimated to be between 4.6×1010 M?[54] and 6.43×1010 M?.[10]”

See the Codes Numbers..

“As for c, that is the speed of light in vacuum, and if you ask why c, the answer is that it is the initial letter of celeritas, the Latin word meaning speed.”
Isaac Asimov in “C for Celeritas (1959)”
Although c is now the universal symbol for the speed of light, the most common symbol in the nineteenth century was an upper-case V which Maxwell had started using in 1865″

The proposed speed of sound c = 343 m/s or 1125.33 ft/s can be changed here.
The 1986 established value is c = 331.3 m/s at a temperature of ? = 0° Celsius.”…

Speed of Sound..
“1,126 ft/s
The speed of sound is the distance traveled per unit time by a sound wave propagating through an elastic medium. In dry air at 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound is 343.2 metres per second (1,126 ft/s; 1,236 km/h; 768 mph; 667 kn), or a kilometre in 2.914 s or a mile in 4.689 s”

See all the codes.. 11 26…20 C (68)
29 14..46 89.. See sacred portal 46..89..H.I


Vaïhéré Cardonnet
Vicki Cashmore

8:43 p.m.

Jonn Blackwell alerted me to Maurice Ravel playing on the radio..
Please recall my share of my New Face Book friends post B.T Joshua… and his revelations of a Prophecy alerting people to be On Line..
Well I connected with Jonn Blackwell before even meeting him based on a post of his of Ravel…
I instantly knew.. Ravel Unravel… Reveal Unveil…

Ravel was playing on the Radio…
Full Circle he commented..
Then there was a break and Donna O’Sullivan informed me that the commentator had spoken about Silence turning into Sound…
8:48 pm..

Maurice is my bio Fathers Name.. “Meaning Dark-Black..Well”
Suddenly, I began to get goose pimples, shivering within as the full import of todays play.. being the 10th.. J…B.. hit me…
Especially the true importance of Ady Stoian post of E Father “Nnamdi”.. A.S code Anthony Spencer Anthony Pitts.. A.A. S.P.. 1 1 Sacred Portal Awareness Alpha- the riddle Michael O’Donnell post to which Jonn had commented – being of course, a Riddle of Maurice O.Nnamdi.. who lives in the Eternal Realm…

Maurice Robert Lorenzo.. the name of our three Bio Fathers…
From the Black Well, a Bight Famous Light emerges- crowned with Victory from the Laurel Tree (A.S.H).. A.S..Harmony…

12 18 13…= 43..
And Sacred Portal.. E True Life..
Which Jonn represents as Face Book friend 5 43 .. E 43…
And Donna, who came left at 566.. and came back as 5-68..
E.F.H… is her Black Mercedes Benz, License plate 1O 79.. 89..
Jonns.. G.T.J..13 46…59..

Midnight Blue (Honda Accord).. M.B.. Black (Mercedes Benz)
And Harmony White Light Clarity…

58..99.. E.H..H.E…I I…I
M.R.. Maurice Ravel…
49…Existential Death D.I… NN A.M..D.I..

I have two new Face Book Friend..


Equation Ege…Mehmet Mutaf and Clio Fotiyadis son..
Whom I knew and was a friend when he was 9 years old..

9:O4 p.m

9 0’s

Billionaire;s Boys Club..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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