
4/1/2019 19:16 – Facebook Post

2:54 p.m.


D A T S.

@ 1241 Face Book Friends

Sacred Portal


Good grief, I am exhausted and tired.
My Spirit is cool, but Lord my physical being is knackered and my emotional state… bored.

Bored at bringing the obvious to your attention, but most of all, there is the battle each day with my Human Self to accept that this is the way the play has manifested, to One Man posting aligning equating this once Unseen Script.

I have kept a public ( interactive ) Journal and Log book, which I have publicly resolved all the riddles of this Script.

There is so much I wished to share, so much more I know, yet solving the riddle was my prerogative so that my body would re-align and I could get my Independence back.

I have focused my attention on solving this and did not have much space for explaining what was happening while Impusled and Stimulates by Everything Everywhere and Every One.

The writing and resolving, enacting linking and seeing the connections, and then reading all this for 18 yrs has taken a toll, a toll in my confidence in that which is behind the enforcement of this Script.

It has been too much.

So much work, effort demands… and yet each day, I observe that my quiet resolution and responses on my page create an Echo Response through People, confirming the past and equations, are correct.
And so it is moving forward.

And once more, I am silenced, made mute, that this role given to me, was pre-determined, and so this was my given Destiny and Fate, Programed into my Body and Being..

How can this be?
How can I still be here, posting logging in this Eternal Truth through Facebook and then diffuse it through the entire world and Ether.

How can such a Destiny and Fate be given to anyone, to be locked in such a role…
As I have mentioned before, it is this truth I have the hardest time swallowing
– for most of you it is the Truth of my Expression which you still doubt, despite the evidence.

Elvis Visi sent me a message on 3-27-2019.
He said he had intense crazy dreams the night before, and that myself and Tree Sage were present.

5 22..
Emeka Victor
Trojan Horse Sacred Portal 86 and 97.
Link John Mack Intel “Decoded” 5:22 p.m

Usually I appear in the key players dreams, with messages and Intel.
Just as McKayla Rays saw me during an Ahuaskah ceremony just as did Esteban Miguel Filgueira.
But people forget, or seem to so easily and ready to forget these experiences or its meaning and relevance.

You may have noticed how this ponderous script which I have been resolving and equating like a Navigation route through a strange dimension- a Flight Plan which as I resolve brings not only light but leads us closer to Home through the Universes echoing back through People Places and Things.
That it keeps equating to John Spencer MacDonald

Which is also John Stephen Mackayla
As if he is the 3 in One, which numerically equates to the number 42
” What is the meaning of Existence?”
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy:

See sacred portal 42.
Room 4B bed 4-018/19.

He was listening to some music yesterday, I asked him who it was. It was a female singer with the initials T.S.
I sighed quietly and then told him, to observe his Harmony that T.S links to 2019, where we are right now.

And it means that he represents the One and only line who are truly present in the here and now.
Which is what I represent.
I do not live in the past or in my head ( despite being forced by this Script to exists 24/7 in both)
I am present right here, right now and have moved the Beautiful Past, like an OX and a Bull pulling a massive wave band of the Truth of Humans as Heroic Amazing graceful and extraordinary beings who actually lived and helped move Humanity to evolve through the seven stages..
They and their truth once forgotten is what Johns Intel told me, have finally moved through lies and twisted truths of the past, and then through the hideous defamation of the past in this present reality of Truth used as the Lie.

Thus we are in the present at last and that portal is E -J.S.M
Links to Thomas Lang Liberty C Liscomb
4- 7-1985.
And John born 2-27.

Add the E E of code E EE confirmed lastly by Stephen Johnson S J
( see Sacred Portal 10 ” The Dream of the One Father. J.S)

E J S M E E..
E G.
Enders Game.

The recovery and alignment of the past
4.5 Billion years ago: Earth
13.8 Billion years ago Galaxy
( Universe Universal Logos- Cosmos
Double U..UU 21 21 42.. 33. 6)

And the space in between 9.3 Billion yrs.

Earth Space Galaxy
Earth Space Heaven.

13.8. Original expression it’s Source 8.13.
M.H H M.
4.5. 5-4…
D E – E D.
93. 39.
I C- C I.

The three aligned into one and the space in between bridged resolved and enacted through Isabelle Ilic and Chukwuemeka aligned to Christopher Filgueira and I. linked to his 4 year old daughter Izzy.

4:19 p.m
4:20 p.m.

The Particle Wave and the Space In Between which I also call “And-Dna” ( Dne-End)
Breath Air or simply Be, (Being ..
Being is Doing..B D 2 4)
All linked by 2+4= 6
Six Sense.

Thus H.M. 8 13
E D. 54
C.I. 39

Harmony Infinity Manifests
Eternity at Delta
E-Spirit Deva Da-Vide DI.Anna (H-Anna-H)
C.I. Consciousness Infinity

M.H through H.M.

4:30 pm
E=C M E 4/3
Eternal Expression Energy equates to Consciousness of Creation is in the Masses M
(Sum Total of Human Expression ) from expression generated through the Mitochondrial Bean shaped cell which produces Energy through Food and Breath

Hydrogen merges with Oxygen at a 45 Degree Angle.
4.5/ 5.4

Water to flush and clean the system…

Food Breath Water Shelter and Yoga.

The 5 Pillars of the Foundation of Estebans work.
And I will add the Sixth Mary Jane- Medicine.

5:11 p.m.

And 4 is D ..rep Noni Promise Life and Nnamdi Devi..
The Square
3 is C Clarity and her Twin -Christ compassion Thomas.

What was their point?
The Point of its Apex
Pyramid Obelesik

To attain The Meaning and Point of Existence through constantly refining and adding to your point of view, until you ascend to the highest point of human existence, human potential made full kinetic and operational, which allows one see the full and True view.

5:20 p.m.


I have solved the greatest riddles and answered all questions which have beset and tormented human existence, and done so publicly, eliciting a response by the Unseen in the 4th Dimension and the Seen, (you as both Invisible and Visible..I.V One which is Five and 5 in 1 called 6th Sense)

There is no other Human Being who has ever existed in this world who has exemplified reaching the apex of Human potential and possibility made through Expression Energy – Kinetic
( E.K)
And proven Manifest Fact.

I face this fact every day, and it’s only a torment because I am forced to face this every day I open facebook, every interaction with another person, every time I open the Television,
every day I remember why I the Social Play Boy adventurer explorer, is still living in Isolation and solitude..
Every time I am forced to accept others money to eat and live.
And every time I look to the past- where is my.family, my friends .. what happened to my life?

But I look at what I have achieved,
The confirmations which I, who have been forced to pay attention to, confirm every step of the way, but then creates uncertainty and Doubt by the delays and additional plays.
Meant to send me crashing down into the abyss of insanity by a force which has no order and even as a proven lie, can change the rules and do anything it likes.

It can not cause me uncertainty or doubt- The Truth is already known to Me, beyond diamond rock solid.

But it creates that In all of you, not standing rock solid on your Truth.

And so my uncertainty and Doubt comes not from the Beautiful Truth, but rather what is the True Purpose and intention of such an inconsiderate script?

It is not my Best Friend Harmony.

What kind of Hatred could manifest. Create and force a person to act and play the starting and star role in such a Script as this?

This is my quiet torment, which if I had my freedom and was at Liberty to be,
Even just comfortable in my own body, after 17 yrs of discomfort and a self willed astonishing threshold

I just spoke with Mackayla- she asked me if I had passed through the portal Wood.

I spoke of my last portal at 1385 Metropolitan Woods avenue Starbucks the Bronx
Wood Avenue The Park Stephen and I would meet at.

Will Woods. was bed 3-007. WW 46
Steve Woods S W. South Whitney
Anita Woods A.W AW.E
Rebecca Harper Wood R.H.W.

And then she said that links to Holly MacDonald Johns sister.
Holly Wood.
Silver Screen
Code Ag

I stared at her in admiration

Harmony 23 W Double U, and Double V.V
42 44
Then John Mack (J.M= 23 W)
He had just finished his Motorcycle exam which linked him to Epic Young
The Epic Venison given to me by John on Altart
And to Epics Motorcycle post I shared on a stage with a red curtain
E 40 40 – 08

In Mackayla’s Red Room where he stays and his vision of the walls like viels curtains and Mackayla seeing the ceiling opening up like a giant screen at what she described, I recognized as the Birth of the Universe

7:04 p.m

G O D.

And then he spoke of the numbers he saw when he went to the Motorcycle place two days ago 5 11. 44. M.F.S- (Mother Father Supreme 38)
E X C.
There was more… a bit too much for me, to take in this Script is too real.

7:09 -10 pm
7 1O.

Add E. E S ..P
Emeka/Esteban Stephen Patrick

E J E M S.P .

Earth is a Jem Gem Stone
E John E M
Scared Portal
T .O.N E.

7:15-16 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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