
4/1/2017 20:57 – Facebook Post

From Silvia Pretty.. S.P… Sacred Portal…

‘Soldier”.. is written as the Caption..

Great.. Simple…

I would like to draw your attention to the date on this post and the time of the last post I just completed on Marc Anthony Baggio’s page..

The Time is 8:48 pm on this post…
Which links with perfect precision and alignment and timing to my post of M.A.B…

P.S. B A.M.

8:53 p.m

Elizabeth Clarizio..
Emeka Chukwu…
Emeka The Creator…

So how about some respect…?
Or cease to Exist…

Yes…:) I am very serious.

Oh the date is 26…Of this post..

And I am Silvia Pretty’s 27th Face Book friend..
1989.. The length of time I have been expression on the Captain Log.. my journals… 1968… 98.. 86… 4.. All in one.. 66.. 2 in 1..12 3…L.C…Light Consciousness… 6/6… 1… And in 1 Awareness…

8:57 P.M.


8:58 p.m
Full Circle…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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