
4/1/2016 17:29 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell

Brilliant Share..

Here is my Response to the Equation and Riddle from the E.T Moving with Michael, of his Truest Self I call Unity Father O… U.F.O..
“Unified Frequency O”

Perfect Expression of Nothingness and Naturalness..
And from that seat of Non being while Being,
And the Portal to the 5th Dimension opens naturally and gracefully…
Realm of the Eternal Truth..

Hence, by stubborn and relentless conflict with this mission of proving and explaining that which could not be explained..
This state of Nothingness and Naturalness…

Which I had to literally go into non existence to describe that state- by zipping in and out constantly in three planes of Existence Awareness, Being and Consciousness, linking them constantly to Expression; A.B.C..D..F

Even at this moment my expression of explaining, is simply providing evidence, to the Energy- Consciousness and Intelligent, that I am fully aware.

After all this really began as a Play of Awareness for Everything born in Creation… Awareness brings Consciousness…with both residing in Being and which Means that the Solid Form of Being.. The Body, is Aware Conscious Intelligence.. that it is Divine Expression..

Hence the Beautiful piece of Prose by Nikolai Tesla…

The Body as a Living Breathing work of Art…

Nothingness is a State..
I was challenged to prove what existed beyond that state by the Consciousness of the Awareness of the Line of the Ascended Buddhas..
A.BB.A.. Line of Father Energy who most know, I call “Nnamdi”
/I.D..Mann..whom I call Every-Thing, E.T, linked to my youngest brother’s date of birth, 5-20..73… E.T…G.C..God Consciousness is E.T consciousness of Infinity.. God Code, Source Code…
Can describe the state beyond the God Code…
Beyond that which “It is Written”

But to that which is “I is Intended”

Intention being and expression which goes far beyond the Spoken Word.. Of “God.e”..
This is that See beyond Nothingness and Naturalness in which there is not even Awareness.. Being in that state all there is is Being…
And the only way to record ones self in that state is by observing your self in Hindsight..
And how does one do that…?
By observing what you expressed and created while in that state…
Literally called the Eternal Moment or “Tsu” Pause.

And then from what you created, establish the meaning of that which you were conveying. Then moves backwards from what you had manifested in that state, by breaking down all the component pieces, while retaining the first meaning established by reading the “Facts- F..Acts, Fa-C.T.. and it will reveal the Fa the Note of your heart, Consciousness Truth..
Meaning as you move backwards through that moment called Eternity Infinity, it will be as moving backwards through a tunnel..

Of that which was created, then breaking it down, while linking each decomposition of the Story until reaching the Energetic state of how it was made..
Much as children break down things to understand how it is made.. they are moving backwards, breaking down the components..
The fractals of a Universe, until there is nothing left to break down..
Nothing there.. Nothingness.. but the Journey there.. the things you learn also fill the Nothingness with a Potential Somethingness..
Which you realize only after Reaching Nothingness through a Journey of Naturalness, through Naturally breaking things down…

And there in the Nothingness will meet Naturalness but it will not stay in that state for too long.. Except to pause ‘Tsu” in that state of bliss, but you can not stay, because Somethingness, the journey of exploration of that most Natural State, literally merging the beautiful illusion of Two back into One..
has changed you, evolved you, Something now begins to rise.. you can no longer exist in that Nothingness state..
Something has been added and it is the Understand of Everything, even the Nothing at All.. So vast and Limitless is that state..
But you can not longer reside in that Blissful state..
Because within you is a Song and an Experience of Being…
And you body heaves with your being filled with the Water, sweet gurgling, twinkling chiming laughter of Water, rising and a Voice with beautiful Notes.. Dore mi.. fa.. sol.. la ti Do…

And comes from that Nothingness an Expression, such an Exquisite expression..
A Voice and a “Voi” “Way” C.E Consciousness of Everything.. Cee’s Everything including the way Home….

To the Fifth Dimension..
The Eternal State of being you in a Body and a Solid form…
You Exists Every Where…

5:28 p.m


Linked to Nadee Nakandala born 5:28..NN..

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