
4/1/2016 14:42 – Facebook Post

And this was 1 Year ago today…

obviously my posts from the last three years are aligned.
I have been proving, expressing the same things over and over again..
Such as a circle which generates an infinite number of circles..

Perhaps a Trillion..

Yet all are aligned linked..

Which would mean saying the same thing over and over again, but in different ways, creates Dimension, each an offshoot, of the original truth of the first and only Eternal Truth, 12 O’s until reaching infinity, at at reaching Infinity, one finds that you have full Circle returned to the Original foundation of the First Full Circle..

Meaning the very first full Circle is the meaning of Infinity Eternity..Immortality… And all those planes and dimension and universes are but the journey of understanding through experiencing, the full meaning of the Foundation of Existence…

And return to the Base.. the one full Circle
Called the Original..

2:42 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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