
3:OO pm.

3:OO pm.



The Code is basically Cee God is Death…

4th Street 68…


I would like to make something clear.

I was used as a Messenger Prophet.

But I really came to simply be part of the play of Harmony.

Instead I found myself in an outrageous play of the Dead…

Or the Idea -people both in this physical world and those in the Spirit world who had passed away.

What I call the Ancestors.

This play was not personal but rather people representing different consciousnesses in humanity being educated about the consciousness of E.

Those who were able to understand it graduate.

It was as simple as that.

I was not even meant to be on Facebook linking and demonstrating what I had figured out.

Each person was, is born with the same consciousness if you treasured that consciousness you would have fought to preserve it.

But when I reached the light at age 26, I was asked to come back and help others by sharing how I reached the Light so easily at age 26..


Time 3:11 pm.

I agreed because I felt I would do it my way.

Creatively and by my own terms.

Instead, the impossible happened to me.

I was used as a Prophet and a Messenger…

I already knew what happens to the Prophets and Messengers, and in the 21st centrury..?

With all the lies, deception…cycmism…

*which I did not blame people.

Evolution was about evolving from these ideas and evolving humanity from an Idea sketched in pencil, to a fact.

Which each had to discern from themselves.

I understood how much fear and deception had taken over and had already made a plan to creating film fasiin art literature science Devoted to educating and reminding people of what they already know

All the information was already out there

All people had to do was see how to do it…

How to align it.

Instead the Dead interfered …

Those who died realized that they had made a mistake because when you die.

You remember

When you are born you forget…

Only to experience life to wake up

To remember that you never forgot.

The Ancestor, saw thier mistake and interfered with the living.

Using people especially myself as a channel to.alert thier families and send messages of how to align and pay attention to what I was saying because when you lift the viel of this life..

You can see people clearly and the dead saw me as light…

They knew.

While other Ancestors, the evil dead refused to accept Evolution or let go of thier ideas.

And fought from the shadows.

So you had the Ancestors interfering with the play of the out of fear that they had been forgotten.

They could see the Light moving in this world..

But they could not Cee understand it…?

All they saw was thier need.

The same happened here. .

Just as the Ancestors where moving and influencing people…

The same was happening in this physical world.

The West was meddling with peoples Minds thier sense of Being…

And there was terrible suffering, so unnecessary.

Suddenly, I found myself being used my so many dimensions…

And my very life, body being taken over as in the Old Biblical and other stories…

It was impossible..

I have memory..

So I knew all the illusion do not exist.

Yet a door had been opened where I was made accessible to all dimensions.

And like a radio I was Spirited away to so many realms.

I recognized what was being asked of me…

But the overwhelming demands of other dimension of the Living Dead and the Idea world was so demanding…

So unbelievable…


I was being used I discovered like a NZE Priest of Ancient NRI..

Then an old testament Prophet

Then as Messiah

Then Submission to Allah..

Then the witches…the Earth Cults

The Greek and Roman Gods..

The E T ..

By God as Death

And the Truth.

But what I knew was the original play was simply humanity bring graded to pass through the Fifth Dimension.

To evolve thier way of thinking to linking by one of the E, an example, exemplifying it.

Who let all access me…?

Ah the one who felt It knew better than I.

Today, I had a vision from in which I saw Nnaemeka Jude Charles..

He was peering at me as he was surrounded by mirrors.

I had not slept well…

The horror of my predicament of the last 14 years, 26 yrs..

The things I had endured

But most of all the inconceivable quiet torment that in Existence which I have proven I remembered that such a thing could be done to a Being..

Any being.

Forced to play such a role..

To be used and have none to turn to..

To be so utterly isolated while fighting for the Truth of Existence in human form…

While fighting God.

And the Everything.

Fighting for the Creator to rise..my.power..

But meanwhile….

Then I received a message from Yolande Mahka that she could take my bag but it had to be small and she would like to see it first.

Of course, I knew it was a riddle..

Is she Yo Land E?

I already knew she was not.

I had asked only her because of her name code and meaning (purple the 7th color) if she could hold my bag.

I had told her, I needed to know that day.

She responded the next day.

I said I still had it.

No response

I smiled.

My bag is in Pelham.Park code of Death

Nature..the Nothingness.

I told her I had my computers.

A small case.

I had no desire to put my things with anyone..

Or even why I should be put in this situation of having no choice..

Of being mmanipulated by money, not able to.get my passport, my body, shelter..

14 years living like this in New York with my body jerking figjting this influence

The mind boggling cruelty of it

14 years

36 months on Facebook..

The indignities for sharing something beautiful..

I knew it was a set up..

I asked her where she would like to meet..

As it is with New York state of mind..

It was not about my schedule or my I.D or respect to me based on 36 months of Evidence..

It was about doing me a favor

I knew it was her ancestors moving me to warn her, and the E line allowing it to see her truth.

I had no choice, she said 2. Then changed it to 1:2O pm.

I raced to Balthazar..

Then to Star Bucks since I have no WiFi..

I received a text at 2:O3 p.m

Meanwhile Nnaemeka text and a long discussion on what I had stated a million times already..

This is torture torment…

Take a look in the mirror!

Yolande texts me.. 2:O3 pm

I am at Crosby E Houston

Let’s meet there..

My quiet rage..was not at her but at the play

I rushed over my body suddenly twisting in pain.

Then walked there twice around looking for her..


I walk back knowing that this is not in Harmony

I.receive her text I am at Crosby and Jersey

C.J/J C…

I tell her that this is all a play and it is about a different Dimension consciousness.

Which consciousness do you choose.

We had had this discussion.

I had had to with perhaps over a hundred New Yorkers…

I used to care so deeply to prove to them that they were in a play…

At the same time cursing that which forced me to play such a role…

Like a Victim.

In the end she said she would come here to star bucks..

Ah I said some responsibility…

Then she changed her mind..

I stated Crosby and Houston why should I come there

A Battle of wills…this is ridiculous…

And I wanted to destroy the non stop insult to me.

I had no where to sleep.this night..

Lived like this for 14 everday and here I was still in such plays.

I told her I would have met her anywhere..

But obviously, this is not in Harmony.

I had no antagonism to her, she was a busy New Yorker..

I.am.a messenger of Death as mercy…

At its mercy.

She left.

I came back here to finish with Nnaemeka..

So tired …

Then as I was writing this…

I look up to see Yolande and her friend Dania


She had not come back she firmly stated but Dania had to use the Bathroom.

She was led her anyway.

She did not take the case.

I did not wish her to.

I would rather throw it away then have my sacred work and all I have contributed treated thus way

My bag of belongings where gone…

Such Hate for sharing the Beautiful Truth

At such a cost.

4:25 p.m

A waste of a life ..

Kill the messenger

There is no respect for Truth God Beauty The Creator withoutRagez Wrath or power…

To bring suffering pain and Death.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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