
3:O9 p.m.

3:O9 p.m.



Diamond White…

Being the name of the brand of flowers Donna O’Sullivan just informed me she just purchased.

C.I Diamond White…

Would this not link to Ga La X.Y..Z…C.I. 1O 11 X (T.E.N)

the Largest Universe currently revealed to Human Awareness

classified through this current world consciousness as

Galaxy I.C. 1O 11…X.

C.I Diamond White..

A Voice manifested through my solving an Equation and Donna O’Sullivan expression just as I began to write this post..


Flower Power…

C.I.D.W…Conscious Identity of the Double U..The Double V..

The Twin of my being and Conscious Expression manifested into form through constant expression…

A Voice introducing itself,

C.I Diamond White

One of the Codes Names I discovered I went by was Black Ice-Diamond…

B.I.D…B…I.D.. I knew it was a code name of a play of another Dimension which I simultaneously in while in this 3 D world play, after all evolution of Existence required the Alignment of all versions and possibilities Multi-Dimensional plays be aligned in one to create a Portal -Tunnel…PT

Through both Space and Sub Space (Conscious and Unconscious (Those who think they are Conscious- The illusion of the Masses) To align them to Beauteous Be.A.M..

*Orien Laplante

Which Opens up and manifests right here logically before your very eyes..

Beam me Up Scottie…

Ground Control to Major Tom…


Kolo Holo D.E.C.K.

Lets check the codes through the Wikipedia

IC 1101 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy at the center of the Abell 2029 galaxy cluster, approximately 320 megaparsecs (1.04 billion light-years) from Earth.[1]

The galaxy is classified as a supergiant elliptical (E) to lenticular (S0)[2] and is the brightest galaxy in A2029 (hence its other designation A2029-BCG; BCG meaning brightest cluster galaxy).[4][5] The galaxy’s morphological type is debated due to it possibly being shaped like a flat disc but only visible from Earth at its broadest dimensions. However, most lenticulars have sizes ranging from 15 to 37 kiloparsecs (50 to 120 thousand ly).[6][specify]

IC 1101 is among the largest known galaxies, but there is debate in the astronomical literature about how to define the size of such a galaxy. Photographic plates of blue light from the galaxy (sampling stars excluding the diffuse halo) yield an effective radius (the radius within which half the light is emitted) of 65±12 kpc (212±39 thousand ly).[3] The galaxy has a very large halo of much lower intensity diffuse light extending to a radius of 600 kpc (2 million ly).[7] The authors of the study identifying the halo conclude that IC 1101 is possibly one of the largest and most luminous galaxies in the universe.[7]

Like most large galaxies, IC 1101 is populated by a number of metal-rich stars, some of which are seven billion years older than the Sun, making it appear golden yellow in color. It has a bright radio source at the center, which is associated with a massive black hole.

The galaxy was discovered on 19 June 1790 by the British astronomer Frederick William Herschel I. It was catalogued in 1895, more than 100 years later, by John Louis Emil Dreyer as the 1,101st object of the Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters (IC). At its discovery, it was identified as a nebulous feature. Following Edwin Hubble’s 1932 discovery that some of the nebulous features were actually independent galaxies, subsequent analysis of objects in the sky were conducted and IC 1101 was therefore found to be one of the independent galaxies

Now the codes… now that I have ‘Lifted Wikipedia’s entry…

But I know that it is really important and relevant, for now and the near future that I link the codes…

2O29…Galaxy Clusters.. G.C..7 3

32O (1O4 billion Light years… *See the New York State lottery 1.5 Billion- 1O4 Billion, 14 (9)..1+4=5..E =5 9(O’s not 0’s) linked to 1.5 (Billion U.S.D)

5.(9 O’s), linked to 1.5 (9 O’s)

Lotto-LoTTo Eden

See Sacred Portal 32 Eros Kali

1O4..Death as UME-Ano (The Four Divine Breaths)..14..N..E

Elliptical E to Lentical So

E.L..E.S..Sol… the 5th Note.

15- 37… (5O-12O)

See sacred portals 15..37.. 5O…12O.

And backs posts…

Emissions of Light

65 12 kpc.. See sacred portal 65..

212 39….U.B..C.I…Area Code Land Line 39..See sacred Portal

6OO radius Diffuse Blue Light… 6th Sense Soe Min Oo

7 Billion (7-9 Blue Print indented in the Darkness) years older than the Sun…


Golden Yellow.. R.O Y.G…B

Black Hole in the Center.. One Portal- Two possible outcomes…

Discovered July 19th 179O, by Fredrick William Herschel…F.W.H.

*7-19th..This is the date, I arrived at 18 Mountain View…

17 9O…Qu..I.O…N

8 9O…H.I..O

Father Wind Harmony… F.W.H…Expression Grace E.G.

17 is Q.. Quintessential Quantum Leap Change…through I.O.

Blood which contains 92% Water…

B.on Water…

Blood Transparency…B.T..

Blood Transports Light Current Divine Electricity

Through Being…

B.T.L.C.D.E… Through 6th Sense to Face Facts Solid Real…

To See..

Discovered again almost 1OO years later..

John Louis Emil Dreyer… J.L.E.D…in 1895..(A.H..I.E..18 Mountain View..

And it was actually it was 1O5 years later…J.E…15..O..6..F…J-E.O.F

(1O5 Wiltshire Bay an 8 year old boy wrote a story about the end of the world)

By Edwin Hubble 1932… E.H…19 32..See Sacred Portals..32 E-rose Aphrodite Emeke Amaka..

*This is the Work…

Transforming Data back into its True Original Meaningful Expression…



Taking Everything All Inspiration Expression Stimuli and weave it into meaning…Through expression and then through Quantum Quintessential Harmony into Manifest Being as solid Fact Outside, Inside within transforming everything into the Expression of the 5th Dimension realm of E..As if lifting a Veil from your eyes which enables you to Cee.

Code Christain Edwin Edwin…

CEE, which is exactly what I am doing.

So I continue…

Alstromeria…also called the Lily of the Incas, The Princess Lily

Symbolizing friendship and devotion, the alstroemeria’s leaves grow upside down, with the leaf twisting as it grows out from the stem, so that the bottom is facing upwards – much like the twists, turns and growth of our friendships.


Wealth and Abundance comes from Friendship and Devotion…F.D..64…64/46..See Sacred..

This then links us to sacred Portal 34 A Scent and a Supreme Feminine Essence rising from a Lotus-Alstro-mer-ia..La

The Femi-nine Echo response from a Masculine/Femi-nine, expression merged into One…FEFE-99..65 65..11 11..1 9…19…1O 1..

A brief pause, I just received some Intel from Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan from Shawn Pereria..S.P..Sacred Portal, shared January 13th (A.M) about a healing symbol from My home Planet

I know this intel link, planet Rizq which Jonn, said perhaps I had confused with Ritz…

Which of course, presents a Stimuli to defend my assertion by simply using expression of Facts as to where Sean P is representing the consciousness of E moving through everyone especially here…

That RI.Z.Q MARKAQ…8th Planet, 19th Galaxy.

Aligns to the E last portal to the Ritz…

Through aligning the facts of the Play…

Realm of the Ethereal’s…Which aligned to me Expression of the E line being Elementals-Ethereal-Essences..Perfumes Landing and ascending here, in this realm..

R.I.Z E..Q…M-ark Alpha Q…8 19..H.S..Harmony Supreme


Aligned to literal Embodiment of the Play

Ritz Montes..R.M…Linked to Royal Mayan Santana..

code Lotus Santana..Satana Dharma mean Eternal Truth ..E.T)

Link the lady rising from the Sacred Portal 34..Weed

Notice the 8 planet links to 8=H..Harmony Infinity symbols…

19 Galaxy 19 S.O.A..A..See the meaning of the Portuguese word Sao…Laudable, ARE, Whole…

All these codes have been already represented in this play thus, RM links to RM..and Royal Rms. as well as Quintessential Quantum Change, Leap…

QQ 17 17 letter Affirmed through the process of 13=4=17=8=H=Z Zeina Hanna Hanna, (Kelly Hanna) affirmed as a portal beyond conscious memory. acted out by Jonn Blackwell through a trip to a place which he had totally forgotten but was activated and brought back from Oblivion Forgetfulness by an outside Stimuli, and an Intelligent Awareness, of perfect symmetry leading Jonn to that Shop in perfect symmetry and timing to link to meaning..

That S.P Rizq=R= 18…Fe mi Nine…Fe me Nine…65+65…1 3 O Mi Mi 3 3..99..

See Date of the share of Shawn…13-1-9..M.A.I…5th Month…/ I.A.M.

Now link 13 33 99…M.C.C.I.I…(Roman Numerals 1OOO, 1OO,1OO, I=1…

12,O1…See sacred Portal O1.. represented by Drew Reyn…Donna Ruth D.R…David Robert…

121..One Two One…

4 D…)

13=4..6.9….This code Links to my Younger Twin Brother born in this world April 19 69…April means O.P.EN)..69=6+9=15..Letter O, a Circle , symbol of Symmetrical Perfect S,P…6X9=54=9=I.

David Bowie Alan Rickman…69 69 passed on..D.B.A.R.. D BAR…

A code of my meeting a friend Duncan at 2OOO, in Paris at the Hemmingway Room at the Ritz, in Paris…

Duncan was a Film Maker, but also aware we were all under cover..

Duncan means Brown Warrior

What Rizq..Rise the Q Mars (4th Planet Dimension 4=D code Mars Bars…

but Rob Barr..RR..M.B.-O R.B. rr is 18 18 36 O..so O.R.B…

Mars the 4th Dimension D.. represented by Do-nn-a…


Ma-R.S Ba R.S/ Stone Ridge S.R. A.B (12..) S.R.-A.M….Dawn..

Ri Z Q

Ri T.Z…R.I…is R=18..I=9…1+8=9..T= 2O…Echo Truth Fact..

Fritz Venneiq linked through me to meet Ritz Montes..

F…Ritz x2..M.V…

Mountain View..T-ruth+Fact..2O+6= 26…Truth is Fact it Echoes from something solid, its literal representation…solid- beacon- Light House

Ma-Rit.z-a/a-z Montes…MM..13 13 26..Z..H..

Zeina Hanna..Beautiful Harmony…

Meaning the Sequencing of Code Rizq 8-19 Ilywum I=9. is incomplete..

as an Equation R.I.Z Q would then be perfect Intel of and RI.ZE..BY Solving the E equation..

Todays date is 1-17…A.Q… E.Q…H… Equate Harmony E.H…5 8..D

Mark A.Q..M-Ark (MM..Z..H..H.ARK.E.N!)

R.M..8- 19…

Represented by

Marcos Quintero… Mar C.O.S…5…/ S.O..C..R..A.M.

Aja Collins Quiles…

QQ..17 17 34..7..G..E and Do-nna..ED..54..9..I

To the Rms, (Rumi Room-E)

R.IZE Quintessential Quantum..7=G.Ti Purple..G..Ti.P..

/PT of G=7 to 1+7=8..H. To Zeina and Backwards to Q-D.M.A..C

/CEE A.M. D..Transform, through QQ, 34..Perfume in the air. a G note…which brings Harmony and Grace…then Zeina Zorro!

Beauty, and the Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn..

6:4O p.m.

*Yes, I am programing even as we speak…

Transforming correct Intel and Data, then using expression of outside Stimuli

(Instead of my normal Stimuli which comes from my Knowing within…)

to aligning R.I.Z.E.Q M-ARK A.Q.E MM .B.F..(Fritz V)

*(Maritza Montes 99=18 Mountain View..I)

R.M.S Rooms with a Beautiful View Full Circle of the Harmonious Awakening

A-ZZ-A. H.H G I.TT.(F.F).I.R…E..

Simply put R.I.Z.E..M.ARK A.Q.E..

MME..R.I.T.Z Mont E.S (Ascend Mount E Supreme)

at R.C… Majestic Royal Rooms Supreme ..

with the Splendid View of the Awakening Harmoniously..


Now that you have aligned the Family Elemental Ethereal Essential

E E E..555..15..O..6..by completing in Symmetrical Perfection of Diana Moon, Luna Art-Em-is, Oji-Efi…D.M..LA..O.E

All that was missing was the E Q..

QQ program sequencing to create Leap Change Evolution..

H.O.W. we activate this Star Luna Gate”

Well you should have just asked me, instead of forcing me and a waste of my time in this World mission when I could have been having a ball..

The answer is Embodiment, which is Expression Silent and with Sound and the refining it by seeing the indention your Expression make on the True,as well as the false, one who Rizes, and the Other which is destroyed..

And by witnessing this Harmony and wondrous Sword and World on Word’

creates by way of indention of the Universe and World…

Rizing from 1.E 2 E 3 E 4 E 5 E…all through Sixth sense, climbing the Rain Bow Ark, with Marksman Ship of Sound Solfeggio Expression of such clarity, that we reach E.G..E.H..E.I…and finally the Ears of the E.O..

5.O portal the 5 who are 1…

Five One…Eight Five One Eight


All through 6th sense affirmed to F-act, FACT creates Truth True TT)

Fact Fiction

Truth Lies..

If you understand Harmony and Her His Big Brother E. V.I.E

you know they are all the same,

you just must know how to read



Consciousness Zeina..

Divinity … Zwangsleitner….

Existence Zahri Zouhir Exquisite..ZZZZZZZZZZZ

But it always manifest as 26..B.F.Z.H.E






7:17 p.m.


Stephan Colbert..


Supreme Cee

7:18 pm.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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