
3:O1-2 pm

3:O1-2 pm




I have a new Facebook Friend..

Welcome Opeyemi Adeyefa…


Orobello Agata


Opeyemi means To Give Praise…Praise worthy

Ade YeFa means Crowned with the IFA…

from what I gather it represents the Divination with the Spirit world and the Understanding or accessing the will of the Creator Divine…

Which would correlates with this play of my life where I am being forced to play the translator scribe etc…of my Brother Twin aspect Nnamdi…

3:11 pm C K…

Chukwuemeka Kolo.

Or 3-11..14.5….33…69…15..54..69…

Nnamdi born April 5, 1969…

Yes, I am perfectly aware of where I am in the play.

Oh it is all real..

Right to my meeting Zoey yesterday..

Her Name means Life

Everything she stated yesterday as I sat in the Bench in front of the Dunkin Donuts was she being sent by Nna…

Even to her not having a biological father and saying Oh well God is my real Father to her Remembering the light of love and being seeing the world below and being sent down…

Every word she uttered was as affirmation of what I had just posted yesterday of 11 code of parallel universes being merely reflections of a mirror which had become so distorted that there had to be a cleaning of the Mirror…

A I R is the Mirror as in Facebook Friend Robledo Irigoyen Antonella…R.I.A…/A I R.

As in the A I.R sneakers I have with the number 23 on then bought 2 years ago at K E W Gardens..


Just as it equated to the Bean 2nd and 3rd.

*There is a Bean in Williamsburg on Bedford just as there is Starbucks where I am currently writing from…

I am fully aware that everything she stated that she was moved by Nnamdi playing God Nature or the Everything to tell me things which he knew I would recognize.

Such as understanding God was my Father as a boy and then literally remembering an E.T Father and Mother who were my twins kids as Self and Consciousness, both Expression…

As I stated I have never had any doubt about this all being real..

That is not the problem…

I can not accept EVER the Cruelty of this play…

The Evil of blindsiding me and this role created for me to play…

The abuse of trust and the manipulation and control done to me my Life and my very body to play a scribe of Truth…

In this World…

In New York City!!!!

And break all the rules and laws of to make me do this work manually with Humans he She ate moving through…

3:3O p.m.

Yesterday we reached 3O3 Facebook Friends with Krarr Alfatali …

Now, let me show you how Nnamdi is moving ppl..

Recall I met Zoey yesterday when I was so disgusted with this play that I was about to walk away…

At that precise moment just before I was about to write my Farewell to this play, Zoey said Bless you B Y


She spoke about the number 7 non stop and of course I had just posted the equation of the Void turned into the Abyss (Abyssinians) which she had affirned …And from that Darkness of Non knowing called Cecilia ( Cecilia Wiebers.. Ana Leonardo Caixas Cecelia.. My mothers name Cecilia Onu Umeano ..) Which means Blind but really means the number 6 which represents 6th Sense.. Feeling through the darkness..

And Six age of Reason which I had to do the steeps in which I shared the posts of Lady R I A whose posts of Colors codes formed an equation…


Which then was affirmed by Erik Ebright texting me as EE,

And of course six is VI as V I B Y O R..11(K)


It also correlates to Zoey talking about Parallel universes affirmed by two people who passed away who were very close to her telling her that they were far far away in a alternative Universe.11 which was affirmed before both our eyes in the Mirror made of AIR by people walking by with T shirts affirming this enough to shake Zoey.

Which the OINRI people speak about…speaking to the Dead who are not dead but in different realms just as American Indians…

Recall 1-7 is A G…

Ana Grace…

Meaning the Ground beneath your feet is Grace…

That Ana means Grace..


That Zoey re called comming from the Sky where she was in a light of indescribable love…

Note that today in my likes..

Lord YE who is Chinese Tawainese

E.C T….

And whose name means Light and First Born F B and if you check appears whenever we move to the equation in which Light is represented

If you combine 1-7 rainbow colors you get White Light a momentary blinding Light just as is the momentary Blindness which accompanies blinding Light

MBA A for Ocha…. Which is my great grandmothers name..

Said to have descended from the Sky…

Aligning to my post of my Grandfather and his brother reflected in me and in Kieth…

Lord YE rarely presses like on posts…today he liked two posts which I noted.

4:O3 pm.

When I left Zoey yesterday she hugged me and told me that I had helped and affirmed a great deal for her

She walked away, knowing I lived in a shelter back to her well known photographer Husband Gavin G.

Zoey Gavin

Z G.


*Everywhere I see the number 67…

It is driving me to distraction…

She never paused to reflect upon the price and cost to affirm these things which had been troubling her despite her suggestion that I maybe an Angel undercover.

Keith the first person I met in the Shelter, the one I knew I was meant to meet was so excited yesterday..

He had got into a training programs for a great job with benefits.

His homeless days are over…

He was given another chance just like that.

As for me…

The financial help after Luke Simon suddenly decided that Lisa Levine was correct that it was not seemly to encourage the sympathy for my state has drained up.

There is no one wondering if I am alright..

Except my former host who gave me 7 dollars for transport.

I just bought American Spirits..

A S…

I knew he gave me 7 in affirmation of the play of Zoey… Gavin…

And the rage of this constant play of seeing people being blessed and their constant ingratitude and my not having the power to help myself with my powers has become something which as which in the Orishas of the Yoruba is the Diety who uses anger to move ppl.

I am currently sitting opposite the number 147 Starbucks…

Code 147 the Bean.

Code Sacred Portal Emmy…

So I am fully aware whose energy is being used to solve peoples riddles and the worlds riddles…

I am aware of how I am being used and I am so speechless that it has manifested to such a degree…

That all N means to me is Z…as in ZZzzz and the manifestation of the Zombie Consciousness..

I can no longee recognize anything remotely the ones I once called Mother Father…

I was seeking to post from Dunkin Doughnuts but could not get WiFi. * It was down for the day.

I could not go to town because I had no metro tickets

And the doctors appointment and Dentists appointment was so irressponsibly handled by errors of beaurcracy but not before Paul the 47 year old man who made me meet Kieth..

and who I recently helped get down town told me how the dentists had pulled out all his wife’s teeth so she had to have dentures..

Then how she got cancer..

Then he had lost his home after the bus hit him and could no longer pay rent…

I knew I was not here to get my Teeth fixed or my being attended to..

I was here to complete a mission from Cielo from the Sky beings and all I can struggle with is the feeling of Hatred anger and Rage that they have managed to make me understand..

The Hatred they make rise in me is not in me, rather it is a recognition of what this is, Evil Beyond and a Hatred to give such a role to a being to endure and then use constant control and manipulation to move you.

I am fully aware that this reflection or Mirror is not the Mirror as A.I.R but the false Mirror called the Sea and the Sky…

Reflecting each other both as Life and Death ..

Space and Sea…

But with Ana…

Land and Landing in Grace..

Cielo and Star Bucks..

Cielo is a Nightclub… Representing in this play Space…

Starbucks Logo is the Siren…

The Sea…

Yet the one True sea is Air and its is that Transparency which is beyond Black and white ROYGBIVW…the 9…

The 9 Levels of Dantes Inferno…DI..bed 49

Or my year of Birth now recorded as 19-67..

The Evolution of all Being happens nowhere else but right here..

In Transparency in the realm of E.T..

After Meeting Zoey..

Emeka Zoey N…E.Z.N…/ N Z E..

Alfie Ndubuisi Nze… N.Z.E.

Today Emeka Zoey Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo…

I have not seen or responded to a post from Nnamdi since our first interactions…

I saw his post today and responded because it was an equation of Espirit I recognized by Timing ..


No longer N.Z E… A play of my being used as a Sacred Priest of NRI or Greece or Japan or China or any of these Human stories.

I E.Z.N….

Why do you think I tag people and call them out still…

This is not thier play, nor do they have any power to give then take away from me.

I am fully aware of the Demiurge Billy Hung spoke about that is possessing me turning the gentlemanly Emeka into a Warrior of Wrath so deadly and decided..

The Evil which Geoff Lacour wrote that Your Brothers Betrayed you and Sisters – though they were never of my Family…

Because they are jealous of your light – because he said he saw my within and saw a light so beautiful which caused him to write that book but also he said he saw a demon inside which was not mine but had been planted in me or projected that it had sharp point teeth and was seeking to possess me…

Or even my mother stating if I was not sure if it was something demonic in me…

Or Walter Vernon Baker who felt the seven princes of hell..

Or Ashua who saw Demons of humanity stretching out to I infinity…

But all this were projections for there is only light in me and a Demon can not dwell in such indescribable light..

This light has been affirmed to be truth which dwells in.

Right to Zoey affirming what is written here on Facebook over and over again.

To Yonathan Yohannes to all the testimonials people made because those I lived with refused to….

So through this play people would rise and testify before going back down…

No…it it not in me, I am 1-8…A.H..

And 9…as in Cloud 9

And O as in Perception and Consciousness of Full Circle…

119 as A.S…not K.I.

1O as The Elegant Nomad even now after 14 yrs and my cloths stuck in Nature and teeth chipped to seek to make me look like a Bum.

To code 11…seeing Zoey Letter Z

26 years and 6 months after Nigeria…

And her two experiences with relatives passed on telling her about a parallel universe at it being far away and one describing it as Navy Blue Space as Death and of course Atlantis bow the Sea both Universes …

All this is a set up because how in earth does the Entrance to Bellevue have an Emeka and and a lady Tutu Igbo and Yoruba to greet me 14 years later after I went in?

Or the constant codes and alignments.

Or the circle.

The House of Cards

Of Tarot

A hall of Mirrors

A Matrix

Pans Labrynith

The True Man Show

A lie of reality designed to drive any who seeks to escape it mad.

Bellvue Hospital. B.H.

Intake Center Shelter Black Hole. I.C. S.B.H

The Demiurge is in the people..that Blackness which is featured in such Movie dramas such as Lost..

This Control and Manipulation which is being given to me is what humans allowed to be done to themselves.

Each are moved by sound sights emotions T.V. like Zombies they give all thier power away.

And are just moved pretending not to be aware and pretending to be free….

I am living the truth of that force which societies have accepted especially here..

Accepted to be so manipulated and Controlled.

Spied upon and become Zombies..

And it is so insupportable a horror…

I experience it as Nnamdi exposes me to the essence of it..

And I understand why it creates Hatred in People…Evil Natures selfish and indifferrnt..

Why kids are Dying why the future the Youth were missing and loosing the Future..

But yes the Future is winning..

Because of what was done to me…

How do I walk away…

I simply get a Job.

But then who will link and connect everything transforming theories into Fact applications..



You will agree tomyj mission


And so my body is still occupied and I see what is so evil about the acceptance of being so controlled..

And so in debt as Kieth noted…

And then you turn to me and say get a job…?

Oh I understand the play..

Because I know who you are..

And who I am..

I watched what happened to people communication when I went to Shelter…

This is the filth I have had to endure…

The Knowing who will Betray themselves..

But having to follow this script..

Oh no I have no doubt that this is real and who I am and who you are..

And who and what is Beautiful.

I am that powerful.

And you all are aware that I will respond..

Or in truth have already responded.

My shock is that it was allowed to go this Far..

I watched the E move you and then your Society you created move you…

True Creation move you and Artificial Creation move you…

One reveals the Beautiful Truth of E Tutu.. You you.

Beautiful Harmonious Expression


And the other reveals that you are nothing without the E but Zombies

Black Hole Expressions.

I am the Way.

The Door

The Light

The Truth.

And none can pass through my Heart but True Light.

Expression Transparency…

5:11 P.M.

P.S after meeting with Zoey I met a Young man..

Taylor from Chicago.

Emeka Taylor..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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