
3:58 PM

3:58 pm


H.E… Consciousness…


I was drawn to Visit my former Host at 268…

Knowing fully after my 312 Facebook Friend April Marie Malone, that it was a play between the Expression of the Word which moved my former host and my own Expression…

-Meaning whose story was the one Original story moving everything as Universe Nature Manifesting Harmony and which was the Illusion…

Not necessary a Lie, but the counter weave of Nature.

The N to my E..

*See the Last post of 312.

Of course the response is ready in Aprils name..

Her Name is the same name as Tom Truman’s Mother April Gay.. A-G. 1-7..

Whom I met and already knew.

Marie equates to Dawn Marie my Grandmother Ojugo Dove…

Malone aligns to Kurt Maloney who was my Manager the after a few months in New York whose mother worked for Chase Bank then opened a restaurant called Daphne’s on 14th.

A Jamaican Restaurant where Kurt a former Columbia man who become very successful in the financial world, who chucked it all in after having decided to pursue his dream of becoming a Director.

It was from Columbia where I spent a day in the home of the person a friend called Nicky has arranged. Which moved me to Todd’s in Queens after meeting Eric and Todd, and offered a place to stay by both.

And it was from Queens that I moved to Donald’s in Staten Island after nothing was moving forward with my manager and I had no place to stay.

It was here I met a man who had had Total Amensia Twice!! And where I was when 9-11 Happened

Can anyone remember the conversation in the world before 9-11…

The Black Out happened a little while later

It was while working part time as Delivery Boy and Dish washer ( a cruel twist of Fate which was offered me by the a member of the family when my Manager and all my wealthy contacts fell through…

Kurt saw what was being done to me, and did not approve. But I had to earn some money to run around.

It was also where my passport and Luggage were stolen in thier Basement surrounded by MAC cosmetics..

And where I was still working when I went I into the Shelter at Atlantic Bedford..

I had been disgusted at how other black people and Jamaicans treated other blacks.

Especially one such as I was dressed.

And remained dressed elegantly even as they made me wash dishes.

I watched them wander how far they could would push me.

When I came back from Donalds I saw why they laughed on suggesting his place and Kurts protest.

As if they were seeking to drag me down for being a British born cosmopolitan Nigerian..

And for Kurt leaving wealth and position to make films and thus, become no longer rich

That was the portal I went Down..

14 St Dauphnes

Not all the people were Wicked and Cruel

Malicious. ..

Ofttimes even the most malicious of them would feel guilty and call out that I should not take my circumstances to heart

Of course not, it was Heartless.

They were projecting onto me.

Black inferiority Superiority to me.

Just as the Whites act it out at Green Point and Bedford….

I knew even then that I was in an Altered Reality.

The Mother of Kurt reminded me of my Grandmother And Mother Lucy Cecilia..


C.L..312 Facebook Friends…

Lu C Y Cecilia Meaning 6. Sixth Sense..

Not Blindness.

The people could see my worth in that restaurant but enjoyed the pleasure of believing that they could reduce my obvious Gleam of Success, the Bright Shinny Robert Meaning..

Tornado Gift of Gode into a Nothing.

It was from that Central Point I wrote The Elegant Nomad..

T.E N.

The Truth..

From.14th Street



A D..

Alberto David…

N Nnamdi..

D A N..I E.L.

God is my Judge?

God is Harmony.

9 years ago at the End of August

I found this garden then my host after 61 Days walking the streets to reach the Vibration of Death through Hurt Despair Pain etc.

And I had been I invited in, knowing that this was the place where another force was counter weaving..

Telling a story his version of a story which missed out the Cause and Effect of his own actions in the equation outcome.

I told Isaac Calvin McCullough this..

I met Him Albert Sage.

Isaac first then A. Then S.

A is also Edwin


As I met up today with him, he spoke of meeting someone I Intials A.I. Who was a Documentarists who had been successful and an Activist..


The meeting caused memory to rise in him because of the Recent Death, then Illness then another Illness of this A I who had been struck down with M S..

Of course, it is my Story that was perverted that I was walking on..

David Ana


Not Daniel..



Nnamdi is me..

So D.A..

Is David playing Nature..

The D=4.


The Illusion who challenged being to transform Expression Colors and Transparency..

E.C.T…to E.T.C.

Infinity to Eternity..

Extra Terrestrial Consciousness

Beyond the Invisible Point

Beyond the Imaginary point.

Beyond E.S.P..

To the place where B.E

Beautiful.Expression is Real.

And link the E to the H..

By the I.V..VI sixth sense proven in the illusion created by Nature D.A.. Devils Advocate..

Nature Playing The Devil called God

April Means Open..

For almost 9 years this portal has been open.

Gaye..he spoke about the Law on Gay marriage…

Marie he spoke of his See with A.I.

And it is here Micheal and Fritz Venneiq

M.F…. V… I Meet..two Jamaica

But met Geoff line of me, twin of Fritz in Hells Kitchen and he is from.St Barth’s..

The Island more our home rep.

Yes, it is not the Shadows Story but the projection of N.G as God..David Alberto as the Projection called Ego which is a babies which exxagerates its own self importance in order to affirm that it Exists that it quite forgets its Manners, and that it is not the Author of the Story…

I met Isaac First…

He who laughs.

Then I met Alberto at Staten Island. S I

The Noble Bright Shinning Fame..Light.

Then I met Sage…

Wisdom Jonn…J O.. NN.

1OO Balance of Nature Pan..sacred portal 1OO…

And the Beautiful Ones ..

14+14=28= 1.O..

The 1OO are the Everything in Nature which matters..

They are called Harmony…they are the Expressions of 1st Element…

The E Line

The 1EEEE..

The Beautiful 1O..

8 is the Manifest Expression of the E..

The I.O Created the Story of the Famiky of 1O.

But only I.O.B H…is real.


Harmony Woods.

Harnesses Magic.


Express Harmony


5+8= 13…

13 M.






Full Circle a Dimension.

I have a New Facebook Friend..

Hello Marcel Heald…

My 313 Facebook Friend

Marcel means From Mars God of War..

What is the War…?

To Move Intelligence Alpha I.A

Wisdom. W

W thus, moves 18O


to M….

Marcel also Means Hammer..

Thor’s Hammer

Boom E rang!

Healy means Marcel


Ingenious Hammer..


I Harmony

OD in

Thunder And Lightening

C.Of Love

From with the Being Manifested

5:28 pm



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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