
3:58 p.m.

3:58 p.m.


Notice we have moved from 800 Face Book friends,

where we stayed at for almost a week or so…

And now we are at 798…

Which is Sacred Portal Diamond Hearing

Now observe the code of the Ten Dollar Bill changed to

Q Q G(G.7)

Q G.M. 69 98 8 77 4 U F.R.A.N…(35 Is C.E Paul Bed 3005)

And M.C 69…98 8 773 A.F.U.R.

6:00 p.m.Edit

Please see sacred portal 98… Diamond Hearing… Beautiful Joy on Hearing the Music of 800 Harmonies Double OO.

98.. is the code clearly marked in ink….

We are at 7 98 Face Book Friends… G.7 9=I..Infinity/Individuality..

8 is Harmony… 98…9+8=17..Which is the letter Q.

Then 8… Which we were at 800 F.B.Friends..

Before two people left.. (2 U.S.D) I lost here a few days ago…

and now the 2 USD left in my wallet after buying Coffee and cigarettes.. American Spirits…

Then the numbers inked in as 77 4 and 77 3

77 4 3

Now be aware, that I am solving a riddle presented to me…

Riddle which I have been solving for the last 27 years. and ardently for the last 15.7 years, and finally in front of you all for the last 4.7 years.

The Riddles represent a Maze and a Labyrinth of my Existence and my life…

In which All your lifes were added to the load… The Beautiful Truth of each of you as well as the Lies.

Thus, each person I met, each Face Book friend represents a riddle.

In which a part of you is awake and aware…

and gives me the riddles or links I must solve…

And Yes. Riddles of the Sphinx- and the portal to Star Gate Atlantis.

*The name Atlantis comes from the Greek origin. In Greek the meaning of the name Atlantis is: Island of Atlas. The name of a legendary Island that sank to the bottom of the ocean

*Possibly means not enduring from the Greek negative prefix a (a) combined with t?a? (tlao) to endure. In Greek mythology he was a Titan punished by Zeus by being forced to support the heavens on his shoulders.

Odife Endurance… O.E…

Alot of you, did keep that part of you alive, making it not only easy to recognize who you were undercover, but also to solve the riddle which literally released your Sol.. Soul…to rise and give me the riddle, as demonstrated her on Face Book by Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani, Anamla Qayin Herry S Lang David Brewer, Lord Orien Laplante, and yesterday by Jaime Grace… Austin Osman Spare.. and by Stella Antley..S.A…19..1…1+9=1….

See her name Meaning The Star dwelling amongst the Eagle’s Farmstead- U.S.A.. Symbol the American Eagle.. A.E…1 5…’

Or in other case, the Sol in you, having experienced your Truth, refuses to abide in your body and sets you up, for me to identify and then with evidence before the public riddle that way of Being and Perceiving out of Existence…

and just now Sarah Nkem Blackstock… See her Share


My warnings have fallen mainly on deaf ears… until I have become mainly indifferent especially after the mean and cruel Doctor Patrick Okolo play….

Whom I still have not heard from, despite my last plea to him to keep his word, when he first promised to help, then breaking that promise, he sent a message 5 and some weeks later saying he wished to send monies to me, then taking Dewight Smith name to send it to, I have not heard from again- giving the meaning that he is behaving in Evil and Malicious intent by treating anyone, especially one in my situation and physical condition…(him being a medical doctor Hippocratic Oath..H.O) and the conditions he said he went to find me… And my warning and talking explaining, a torture in itself, about what is really going on and that he is being set up to take a great great fall by a force rising in me, conscious of all the injustice done to me, and whom allowed him access to me, through a portal which Dean Dunkwu and then Bruce Okoye came through…

I left a last message for him.. but I am now indifferent to his fate.

So this is me riddling myself out of a Maze in which like the Titan Atlas, I have been literally carrying the Weight of the World on my shoulders made manifest literally on and in my body…

But which is really Nothing…

But I had to prove it was Nothing by transforming each riddle and encounter its Beautiful Truth..

And its Horrific Distortion back into its Beautiful Truth.

Which would elicit a confirmation and my moving forwards to my Goal Home and its portal Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis which is an Energetic Wave and Frequency which once opened- enters this World transforming Everything back to the Original Frequency Consciousness of the World I call the Origins of Hue-manity and Everything already Evolved and All Possibilities of only Existence as Exquisite Beauty, already manifested in that one Eternal Beginning and Rising….

The Riddle was created by the Universal Mind Being as an illusion of its self as Mind Womb…M.W…Which I have had to riddle and transform by solving each of the Equations and Riddles given to me to solve…

All made tedious and unnecessarily complicated to give you each time, much more than deserved because Dewight Smith who is in this place Delta Manor with me, was able to read and understand the codes and the play in less than 2 weeks.. A month..

Just as Nadee Nakandala had recognized what I was doing with 3 days of becoming my Face Book friend back in 2013…

I made the codes reading very simple, because this is a play for children and thus, used a template of which children in this world at present recognize and have used since forever ever land..

7:06 p.m


And for Adults it is easy to read because it is based on the codes of Music, Impulse Stimuli… Charades the game, and Logos Meaning of Names of Things… Etymology Gammetra E.G…Sound Language Linguistics…

*a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters.

Cause and Effect, Logos and Stream of Consciousness and Flow of Being linked by Awareness….

There is no real Milky Way…M.W is simply 69…

And 69 is 15…Letter O.. 6…F.. Sixth Letter Fa… Sixth Note

La!, Sixth Color Indigo or Orange…

69 is 15..9… O.I…

But really it is simply 6…F.

Feelings… (Sixth Sense E-S-Pirit-Z to Fact.. What you sense will eventually manifest.. be it danger or the Awakeing)

And added to my load was the playing Noni Promise Twin of Devi representing the 4th Aspect or Principle in my Original Creation Story who is the Teacher and Principle of the Universal Simulation who have compelled me to satisfy Their Criteria of the Human Children understanding…

Which I have rebelled against by proving that it is a Choice.. a Freedom of Choice as to what each chooses to Pay Attention to in the Class Room…

And that this play was not the best way to reach this Materialistic World but whom I knew the best way to reach them was and is through Inspiring Beautiful Stories…

Not this 4.7/8 year Face Book play in which I have transformed into a most beautiful story- from a Format which is not designed for such an important play..

The codes are very simple…

And I have explained it over and over again through each post..

Yet people do not wish to go back and read- their overblown sense of self importance and self entitlement exemplified in comments made by people.. Apollo Perez for example..

And their own personal agendas making this a nightmare not even Dean Dunkwu went back to piece the pieces together of a BOOK which links day after day… Like a film…

Each deciding that nothing is worth that trouble…

Not even someone giving evidence of the end of the World…

Each is a judge and jury and first to exercise their Divine right to say No… Without even investigating….

Without even understanding the process or what I am doing..

Being forced to Defend what They, of the family of Ten made into me being a Doctor and Professor defending my Thesis of the Meaning of Existence…

Such a hideous deception to the Eternal Truth…

Which is why I have had to prove the Family of 10 out Existence and prove them as the Family of 1…I…

1O…meaning A.O…I.O…And I and O…The True Four who are Eight Six… All E..E.O…E.I…

But after 4 years, there is no excuse for anyone not to get it by now…

So back to the riddle…

G-7, M.G… 69 77 8 43 … Which is easy to read… 43 is Sacred Portal True Life…Ana Leonardo Caixas play.. Portuguese she is…S,A.O…

6:43 p.m.

6:00 pm.

*Yes I took a break and a pause, to pause with Automatic Being and Ceeing D.E..Divine Expressions- summons to fill the gap by responding to the Equation with Apollo Perez comment manifested.

6:04 p.m…


This is my sisters former birth code..64.. Which is obviously mine, since this is literally the codes I have gone so far to reach Sixth Sense at Delta- Delta Manor confirmed as Fact through Dewight Smith to Kerywn Rawle Vincent…

Aligned to facebook friend Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo

Vincent means To Conquer

To conquer Death…

Then I went to Eat at the Shelter….

I asked a young woman if she would watch my stuff, only to have her look up. my startled by the fact that I was staring into the depths of a girl who looked even more like my sister than Courtney….

Kerywn as you know means Little Black One

My sister is Black in complexion but that black brown which glistens like Ebony…

Rawle means Wolf or Wolf Counsellor.. Raul..Raoul…

I am born the Day of the Wolf…

Code of the Ten Dollar Bill is Thus. The Elegant Nomad… T.D.B…

M.G… 13 7… Manifest G…at 4 Delta G…007

M.W 69…77… 98 portal is in 8 Harmony at 8…8 4.. 8 3… 8 43

Sacred Portal Eternity True Life…E.T.L.. 5- 2012…32…5..Letter E.

U.F.R.A.N…Already decoded to Paul bed 35..C.E…To Gerald…’Ruler of the Spear.. Famous Spear… Spear of Destiny.. S.O.D…Not D.O.S an :Operating System…Machina Dios….

But an E manual or Emmanuel… Prove that God is With you…

A-G.O.D…In Naturalness..

Which is Automatic Being- Being Natural.. From the moment Air Breath is breathed into you…

As recounted by Kerywn Rawles Vincent who was born Dead….And his Mother blew Air which became breath..

*See sacred portal 69….

In him 1 2 3 times…

Room 3.A.

U.F…Ran… Yes Universal Fact… I ran….across the Story called the Milky Way..

7:43 p.m.

Home….E GA LA XY C.I. (Yes.Hues Ah Christ) IO II…1O 11…Z…A-A..A…

Universe FRAN.CE… City of Lights..

Flor Elena Medina….

An U.F.U.R….Universal Fact Universe Robert..’4:19…Famous Bright Shinning Light…D.S… Dharma Santana…Eternal Law…


*From a Semitic word meaning god, perhaps originally derived from a root meaning power. This was the name of the chief Semitic god, the father of the gods and mankind.

U France really means U.. Universal Freedom….Universe Free Man…

Se movie D.UNE…

Universe is made of only Famous Bright Shinning Light…

No Darkness as perceived as through M.W 69…78/87…


/ RU.E O.F..U..E…GA LA XY (C.I/I.C) IO II…Z…

( Universal Fact.. U.R… You Are..)

8:09 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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