
3:56 pm. – 5-9-2021. – Hello. – I

3:56 pm.



I just responded to a post from Alicia Norris’s page on American Indian Awareness.

It was about HER. and the word HER in Mot-Her Fat Her, B-ROT-HER, SIST-HER.

It’s 3:59 pm.

And so I did not hesitate to send that frequency into nonexistence and to be riped heart mind, body, and soul out of existence.

To define oneself solely on a biological function you did not decide and create.
To define oneself on a body mechanism and function you had no idea how it was designed and for what purpose.
To define your Identity on that which evolved from a function that served to perpetuate a species and then call yourself the representation of Creation and Love because your body provided breast milk, which animals do also, means that you are stuck in a paradigm whose sole function for you is that it gives you a sense of purpose to occupy the Void of your own Person and existence.

I honor women, who give birth and then stay and truly help raise their children by seeing them clearly and providing them all the tools they require to rise.
But Birth takes two- raising a child takes two.
And the child has his own Self and ID too.

I honor Mothers, true mothers who are more than just the biological bond created by nature, and who do not capitalize on that connection created by nature to help perpetuate the species to reach a point where Humanity evolves to their point.

I honor that which moves beyond that biological function of planting semen in a woman, or that which then holds the fertilized egg by the semen which creates the natural process which neither the planter of the Semen or the one who carries the egg had anything to do with.

I honor the Mother who is Universal Mother, in whatever form Father Mother Brother Sister, Friend, Guide, and guardian of the species to refine and move these archaic ideas which served a function in the beginning to perpetuate the species. But there is more to existence and life than perpetuating a species.

In the E Family of TEN which one might call the archetype and blue- print of existence, literally. There is no stagnant idea of Mother and Father.
In fact, they do not exist, except to fulfill a temporary role. They are really representing the Masculine and Feminine principles. And every member of the family of TEN gets to play every role, every person in the family of The Elegant Nomads.

When they have each played each other’s role, from Mother Father Sister Brother, Son Daughter, Grandfather Grandmother.. each experiencing the other’s point of view, by literally being them…

Then the Father-Mother role ceases to exist, for all are now merged into ONE.

For example in the Family of T E N – The Elegant Nomads Father is Class- Room Space he is Light C- Love.

Mother is called Style, Loves Expression, she is a great scholar, and champion.

Spirit E represents Awareness and Expression.
His Twin is Devi Devoted- Devotion Devas, Rainbow Spectrum, rose color Light of Father, and “Red- Read” of Mother.

Clara Star Child is Direction, the Explorer with her two brothers- her clarity is like the finest sword which pierces through the darkness of the furthest reachest of unknown space. She is the true Valykrie- Space which fills fathers Class Room.

Noni Promise is Mother’s protege, she is the Teacher of that which Mother expresses as the Scholar and Scholarship.
She is the weaver, the spider web, and she is the promise of life if you learn your lesson well.

There is Wisdom John, Elegance and Grace personified Mother and Fathers in one expression of Light and Darkness. He is Erek The Red and well Read. The cool dancer- Lucifer the Light bringer- meaning he brings the Light- Father into any new existence.

And then we have Beautiful Pride, the Wish Upon a Star, the center of all existence is Beautiful Pride. She is the dancing blade in her destructive – creative expression.
She is that which is Avante Garde- The Future hence she is very close to her “elder” sister Clara Star Child- Direction.

Then there is Unity Boom, Boom which is the force that glues everything together and the same force with creates the destruction of that which believes it is Unified and solid. He is Laughter and he is called Force- cohesion.

Then there is our little sister Harmony the storyteller- who adores her big brothers, Spirit E-Awareness and Devi Devoted, Harmony is music, the Harmonics, the Song of Transformation- the Humming Bird. The caterpillar becomes the Butterfly.
The Duckling transforms into the Swan.
She is the Process, while unity is the method.

Each has its highest aspect and its most fundamental base – The Basic Individual Being Expression Light Embodiment.

B I B L E…
The “God” Head.

Personality Character – the 5th and 6th principle embodied and all wrapped up as the I.D. Identity.

The Beautifully Present, Here and Now.

That is the Gift to be here and now. In the Present and the present is aligned to C as the speed of Light and to E the Expression in that Frequency.

Which if you are not able to at this point, you do not exist for me or any of the I C.I.

I C E.

And they merge with each other exchanging roles Unity becomes Harmony, Harmony plays Mother, Style
Clara plays Wisdom John aka Iron John.
And so it goes on until all roles are played and enacted out.

For this is the true Enders Game of the E Family, now at I. and so
The 10 moves 9 to 8 then to 5-6, then to 33, to 46, until at last there is only the original two. at 8 and the 10 is no more.
88 is the apex before now they are the original two. and the Two become One. and yet through this process, there are now 10 all now in one as that 88= 8/8= 1.

Laura Walsh, this is what I meant when I wrote I Dance.

This is how we dance, moving in and out of each other, mergng, aligning then coming out emerging.
It is the Cosmic Dance.
The Mosiac of which I posted yesterday. Tree Sage liked.

And they are now all as Snow Flakes, all complete all having experienced the 10 aspects of themselves until they are in one all possible incarnations and combinations of themselves all acted out in a Universal Simulation Awareness Holo-Deck, and when that play of interacting will all possibilities of themselves is done and Harmony the last rises as the rep or Transformation arriving with Father, really The Father and mother, Masculine Femi-Nine in one.
And Mother rises from the core of the idea of matter really cohesion, atom earth The point as really now the Feminine Masculine in one, arriving with Beautiful Pride and Wisdom John, the play transforms to the Unity and Harmony of all the aspects of themselves now millions and now to Billions.2 Billion, 3 Billion as solid and real and complete- the last play is that Harmony of all these beings all from the one who became two then 4 then 5-6.

11 back to one ID Infinity 8 the numbers of the original expression with Mother and Father who are illusions non-existence like black and white, they transform into color, emotions, E.MOT. IONS “Spark”


S P. ARK. Q.

* Do you recall, who was living in the room I am currently staying in?

His… His name, not her name is Q.
Spelt QUE. I met him here twice. Q then E.

Do you understand? It means that the moment I landed here, the play was done.

So why have I been proving E Q. Quantum again and again?
It was proven at 900 South Road, it was proven while I was still at 268. 14, 15 years ago.

Thus one Unity and finally Harmony has been attained, and all those lines in the planet, universe are all moved through the play of the Holo Deck to play this out all Naturally and without memory, then the play shifts from Awareness ( US.A) to the Universal Supremes Awakening.

Arousal Awakening- A- A all via a play of Awakening play without memory but where Natural Expressions of connecting with others whose you naturally feel akin to and thus bond with naturally after refining the interaction through natural Love which then becomes “I C You” – then I recognize you” and then through reason and investigation of the 7 colors of the rainbow…
Age of RED. Read- Orange, Flames, setting sun, feasting, passing through the Heat, the Flame, to yellow as the idea of the sun, to gold, to even the word “yellow distorted to mean chicken- to Yellow brick road, to Green as Grass, the 4th Dimension- spirit seeker, memories, seeking the truth, Plants, to Blue… Blue Skies, Blue seas, being Lights Awareness to its moving to Light-Transparency to deepest Black Knight, Night, to an illusion of itself and to Indigo meeting of the red and the blue. The 1st and the 5th. 1-5 and the dance of the 5th as the 1st = 51 and recognizing itself as the 15. EA/ AE. and thus Sixth Sense, Ultra Violet. Ultra Violence.

Each color representing and Age of Man in creation. The story of colors.

And so that is The Awakening via Awareness- Attention.
Arousal ( Sex Sensual Touch, Tact Refinement) to Awakening which is why Sacred portal 33, is where we are now, It is why Tree Sage is 33.
And why I stopped “Aging” at 25 and 33. And was really 33 when I came here, and wore that Denim Cap 3301 while in Istanbul directing my last production The Stroy of Colors. ( though the abomination holding on to ideas of this reality and its stories and idea of self did enforce the illusions onto me to make me seem to age by binding my body 24.7 to stress, pressure tension by redefining all the original truth of the Infinity standing up to make it, then I seem like a lie.)

But that is sacred portal 33 “Arousal Awakening” and where I have been delayed, stalled by that which refuses to let go of the world and who has brought such agony to the world peoples by this obstinacy because she, it, they have forgotten that they are E.
My rage goes not to them but to the line of Frank who indicated that one who was not there in my path should be freed, its line.
And yet it was never in my path. And so such a battle was fought to align her line, a battle to free that which does not wish to be Free.


My fury with him, that line Nnamdi Frank is that he will be cut off from the family for going beyond his authority to create such suffering for usurping my word, my cee, and my sixth sense path when I am the A N. I landed at 114 Grant Moor.
I moved through and with Keith Grant who was on bed 53 and me 49 who we recognized each other and the set up of us both arriving at the same time in the shelter, sat beside each other…

Richard E Grant.

And after all, I was put through to Free that line, of which I am the original he realized that he was wrong and did not know how to retract his fatal error of arrogance- that he as Nature playing my younger brother Nnamdi could be cut out of existence and out the family.

He had presumed that he was essential, but as you can see I am.

104/ 401.

Which is the play which began in 2013 in Kew Gardens.
The play was meant to have completed in 2004 and then the evolution to Infinity, 8 years later in 2012.

There was no requirement to go to 2013 20 13 = 33 as the Body.
The body is an illusion as is matter.
I rose in 2002, in the blink of an eye.
Instead of being forced to do it his way and at the same time prove his way invalid, and savagely, vicious, cruel ( V C- C V Fahad Hassen) for 19 years, to cut him out of Existence and send he who was once primed to evolve to the E- from Nature line, now defeated by me to make him the 0 Zero portal of non-existence.

I had no intention of posting or writing today, but it was Alicia Norris’s post that I saw, and so I am also aware as to why there were 19 likes on my page.

5:08 pm.


56 8.

I have explained all this- while I was moving through the great Battle with that one impossibility, but obviously, as you can see the designed and led me through a script which he knew you would not pay attention and that I would have to explain, each time a new Facebook friend arrived, over and over again.
It thought to ware me out, it had taken over the Holo Deck, the Simulation controlling everywhere I went, food, money, everything.
It was the challenger who went too far.

5:11 pm.

I am Nnamdi, and I fought through the very limited lines and parameters of his- HER will to still prove it out of existence and being victorious even in its script done Its way, in which it ensured that it would be victorious and, or that I could not do but accept it and forgive it and welcome it back into the fold.

But of course, though contained in this petty punny play and this Human character it confined me to play, it underestimated me.

I said no, I will not forgive, nor did I forget and 14 years ago at 26 8 East 4th street and again on 80 Spring Street, I made a private vow and oath, that I would make even it, believing itself eternal and immortal pay the price by being brought to the lowest expression frequency and there is and be trapped there, alive…

But I do not wish to speak about that.

I have spoken about this and it is not really your concern.

Mothers Day is a Western construct- it is not even universally recognized on this planet.

And a Day?
You have to be reminded to celebrate that which gave birth to you, even if they did the lousiest job, brought forth children who de-evolved to this savage and cruel manner less, disrespectful race.

* Look at the person who lives upstairs above my room and the person who lives below.
Shall I tell you how I went to bed, with the fuckin scrapping and her Dog, or woke up to that pounding on the Drum and base… These are your children – Happy Mothers Day? B-ROT in Hell Beyond Imagination- Feel True Pain- My Curse of Cain is Able to SET.H. E.

H E Respond.

HE R= 18 Robert. 18 AH. 1+8= 9 I.

H E.R?

RE F. Rage.

That is why one understands why it falls on this day.
Sacred Portal 59. 5-9.

5-9, is I E. Infinite Eternal .
Ikemefuna Emeka.

5:22 pm.

In the E Realm of I, all are Best Friends, Lovers, Companion- Equals.

It is obvious that you will never evolve to what is the truth of a Mother or Father, brother sister- that they are our Best Friends, Lovers Companions.

B F L C.E.

Donna, Jae’s “Mother” and Friend is here, she went to the bathroom and came back after reading the codes of Sparkles on the bathroom wall, she turned to me asking me if she still had her Sparkles on her face,
She did.

S P A R K… L E.S.P…


“I am beginning to question your commitment to the Sparkles movement” one of the things written on the bathroom wall.
I understood, Bella is her dog with the black heart Matter- but she is Sparkles.

And I know who that is in the family of Ten.. Noni and Clara Star child.

Kim Tree Sage brought me some chocolate and we roared with laughter when he said Happy Mothers Day… Mischievous Kim… sly to my code name slim.

5:31 pm.

It is just too bad, that I could not have written this post about the I E Family of Best Friends Lover Companions and how we rose, dance, merge, play.

I wrote about us .. I in 2004 and always felt that I would come back to it to expand upon it to bring out its true majesty, I knew this world peoples would love it, it is such an amazing point of view and Beautiful Exquisite Truth and play. You would have grasped it instantly.

Noel Trejo tried to help me publish it through his then-girlfriend, but it was to no avail despite the interest and her efforts. There was always this supernatural interference by Nature. Always moving in my body like a possession not possible to be and only through 115 years of battling it refining to to silence all that Evil Geoff LaCour wrote in a book to tell me in 2004, have I filtered it out to my own voice through such a battle with this idea of an Evil Doppelganger, evil force and side of me.
And as Geoff had written it was not mine, it was yours the world people as Jealousy. J E A Lousy.

It would have filled you with light, you would have delighted in this True Creation Story and instead of my posting for the last 17 years, you would have felt much better, delighted reading the book and watch its movie and all the offshoots which it would have inspired.

I knew what I was prevented to violently and brutally from being allowed to work on it ad publish it- it was because you would have instantly recognized the Beautiful Truth because it is the seed of Eternal Kowing, Eternal Knowledge inside of you.

6:12 pm

Hey Arden.

To you I say, Happy Mothers Day.
I am saying it to M.Y SELF CECILIA and to you.
I ad I.

6:13 pm.

F M.

6 13= 19.
S. A.I.

6:14 pm
F N.

T- 20.

20 years.

6:15 pm.

F O/ O F.

U B.A.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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