
3:56 p.m

3:56 p.m

What was interesting is that not one person exceopt Eztabon Miguel Filgueira spoke up for me.

I suppose it was a fitting end as I listened to the verbal abuse.

I was nothing but a homeless man who had taken advantage, was doing spells which made there child, perfectly lucuid, rational but full of yoo much passion and drama ..and hurt at not being seen.

But loved as people say and call love here.

I was calm, because it all made sense.

Thus was the exact same play with Erik Ebright in Miami Voodoo use me and he got better then kick me out.

But if you go back to 2016 Donna Sullivan abd Jon Delguidce Bkackwell 9 Months

Then Two months..Two

* Its 3 monthhs and 2 days this time as Emeka Esteban EE.

2 and recall is was about jealousy as old age and youth.

But in the Evolution Awakening Script which I have been manifesting by recording and linking that which happens with you by being Natural and not Natural – proving the Script and the Blue Print is in everyone.

And just as the was Show him..me the Door..

Sale Negre.

Voodoo Man..

Fear and Domination

Desire for her man.. Lord of the Rings.

She see the Truth but for the … sometimes love can turn into possession an addiction even a competition.. having lost sight of the goal.

Sol Rosario as the Sun Rose. May have bbern heart broken that the Sol as the Sun, and not Solfeggio sound from the voice of a man did not bring the Awakening.. hurt disappointment leading her to say, there is no awakening to.me nor harshly just impatiently.

If this is, as I have been demonstrating abd coding into Existence and a Srory of Woman as Womb Space..

Would this not be a perfect ending to prove why at last through Logic and Reason that to The Watchers and the Ones who sent me…pushed me so far, as to why this World Simulation Plantets Universe and its people still programed..

To even go that far to get what she thinks she deserves

Or disappointment which Trans formed a Sun to a Black Hole..

When in fact its the Male Lucifer Light Bringer Male form

Sum of the Morning and Evening Star.

What if this was the play which convinced the Unseen to grant the authority after winning the Enders Game to End the Human Species…

Sacred Portal 99

Sacred Portal 66… played by me today.


I am the rep Death as the end and Death as Beautiful Transformation and when I left 29 Lincoln today, it was the end of a Nightmare a Teriible Dream a play 8-29-2018- 8-29-2020-29-2020..

And left in Perfect Harmony 10-23-2020

10 is also 8

10 8 is the Sacred Geometry closing of tge flower of life .

Do you know who spoke up for me, as I observed rag of the 80 yr close to Athena roar in such a state that they thought she might have a heart attack shooimg me..

..I had lived there for almost 3 months with no problem or complaint.

The last thing Cecilia said to me the last time we spoke was I love you

So what happened.. sigh.. of course I know…


And rge… do you know the difference between Witch craft Wizardry Sorcery … versus Magic Tarot 8 Infinity sign sacred portal 147 and 121..?

Witchcraft are spells.. webs to set people up.. gt rid of them using Dark Spells preying on people’s fears, their prejudices.

Recall the last communication with my buo sister was that I had called her a Witch.

My Art Magic is pure and it is Transparent..

Evolutionary Art Science which I have been explaining openly and teaching all here on my page how it works.

The Science of Animation focus concentration appreciation on an object..sets it vibrating

Voodun is the first religion in the World.. its not a region really but a science.

Mine is not of that realm or the filthy Santeria use of the Dead..the Ancestors instead of Energy Nothingness Light.

Sarah… Kaizer left.. but Sol is still here…

Of course I was aware what would happen when I tagged them both. The one with fear would run . Not realizing she was merely ab Actor in a End Game.

Con firmed by the liscence plate I saw when I went out earlier..

A white car which my body moved to see right beside me White Car. V I C T O R H

Yes I was back at 14 86 Facebook Friends

Then back to 14 87

With the arrival of Ebere Anyiam

E A.

5 1. Sacred Portal Sex God of Creation

Emeka Arden

Emeka Alexander…

Evolution Awakening

Area 51.

Its means two things..

Lord what my eyes have seen witnessed

Obviously the shame of what the World Spirit of Human race who all started as Black Peiple.. Africa Adam.. watching me being shamed after all they made me do..?



08:43 Hundred Hours right now

This is not the Forest People story no matter how hard they keep trying to usurp the credit to its Author confirmed by both Arden and Esteban


E A..

I came in the story ti rescue two lines

See sacred portsl 87.

Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines is born 1987.

Did you see the Biden code…I posted

5 365. A year.

1979.. Jesse Macias Orejuela was there..

Jaguar.. Nana

I was wearing the T shirt he gave 5-27-2019

Code 86 on it.

Chris Filgueira 12-14-1987

He lived on the 3rd floor here with.me room he painted Yellow..Gold..

R O Y.

3rd Dimension

Kim Arthur Hines lives on the 2nd floor and is still here, but no one is here but him, and his daughter he and Kamora bought a new bed his bed tag is Heavenly Bodies.

And so he has an extra bed which was they said, obviously for me.

2nd floor is a Story


Athena Sarahs Car AZ.

Sacred Portal 59 Olusanye play

Matrix is AGE

Nature Y.E A R

Nature- Naruralness North End.

The three Police men stood up for me, we spoke briefly twice.. They said I did not have ti leave.. Esteban said Dont leave.

Athena Get your things and leave..

Then I told them no…

And they spoke again 2 blacks one white..

They made it clear what they thought and what they saw was happening..

But they could aee, I was glad.

I wasn’t a homeless man or a bum.

Or a peeson taking advantage of Estebabn or his nanny blamed if he did something and made to bear the consequence.

I was brought back here because I had completed the full Circle

8-29-2018 -10(8)- 23.2020. W Double U (42 Story A-Z..

Double V V

Two lines and V

A E Victor

A E Victor

Emeka Esteban E E 5/5= 1 A.

Esteban Kamora Herrington

Emeka Kamora

Emeka Kim .


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