
3:55 pm. – C.E.E. – 3:56 pm. – C.E

3:55 pm.


3:56 pm.



The code of Television as T.V. has always been part of this Play Theater, for humanity the human, it goes back to the earliest days of Humanity creating Story Telling, Narrations of accounts, adventures, and the unusal, and evolved to what it is today, a mirror of each age of reality.

And linked to the idea of Gods and Divine beings watching Humanities theater plays. To names such as Watchers, and Aliens, and Extra Terrestrials watching, observing. judging deciding.
In human history, Storytelling began as an Educative tool to help people and communities evolve, creating history, and with it came entertainment.
Then propaganda, public relations, and yes the Mirror, then a tool of power-and the point soon became lost, which was to share NEWS.

But it has always remained an informative tool- A mirror and Camera at which the observer could evolve or get sucked in.

It has always been a thing of delight and curiosity, and a danger-we all grew up with that sound of our parents warning us to not watch too much television and that question as to whether Art Mirrors Life or the other way around, and it also became the greatest tool to Hypnotize, paralyze and such people in to the realm of Lies and half truths.

What I always found personally interesting is the way it was called T.V.
Ti as you know is the 7th and highest note, with Red as the Base, 1st color, or the last.
Ti is Violet color, and Purple.

Ti Vie.
Ti Violet.
Te Purple.

Meaning only the Beings of the Highest Frequencies at 7, could see clearly what was happening in this world.
That is what it was supposed to be, writers, directors, playwrights, broadcasters, newscasters spreading the News.

But that is not what it became, is it?
It became more a means of distraction and soon escape, for it became also a test of discernment because there were so many lies and people no longer cared for the truth, just the intense desire to escape from the dreary monotony of their lives, and less and fewer people going out into nature and the EMF of Life adventures- and because people had less and fewer adventures. less and less natural play time, they soon found themselves looking for inspiration not from Nature and Life interactions, but rather from T.V. Television, Movies, Films, and Cinema.
The characters invented and created by writers and producers, soon became the teachers, and examples to children youth, who grew up- grew down, grew old seeking that their lives be something like T.V and characters created, many with no truth, half-truths, and imagination had gone quite insane.
Reason in left them, common sense, with many writers, producers now only concerned with the bottom line.
Ratings, capturing viewers, money, power, prestige.

I like T.V and Films, but not that much that I am more interested in what I was seeing on a T.V Screen, was more important than my life… No, no. no.

In fact, throughout this life journey, I hardly watched T.V, until I came to the United States became embroiled in this Play Script of the Evolution Awakening.

And was constantly drawn to watching the Television because of this physical condition, and compelled to study this reality instead of living the life I intended, I was made to watch Television as an investigative tool of this reality’s consciousness.

When I first came to the U.S.A, I was appalled, offended by what I saw on Television, but it did give me a greater understanding of the nature of the mentality of Americans, and soon the mentality of this world.

Live is not television, we have heard this so much, but what if it is and had become that way, especially for the masses, with the leaders of this P.R and propaganda machine taking advantage of this new power to enslave the mind and to snatch peoples attention and awareness, to focus it on this mesh of truth and lies.
It is interesting, as I lay in on the mattress around 8 in the morning, listening to the little dog’s yaps. I was aware of the woman and her boyfriend upstairs, I could see them and often hear them, and my mind eyes could picture them and the little dog, who sleeps up in her room, mostly quiet as a mouse, I heard the woman and male get up, once again marveling at this building, and how one can hear nearly everything in through these walls, I heard her go out and soon the once quiet little dog was yapping, and yapping, I literally went to my computer to call the ASPCA, but I stopped myself, I was not angry, just disgusted with everything especially this play- “How could have gone so far?

4:44 pm

But as I got up, and was making the sheets, the Violet letter R dropped of my altar art and landed on the floor.
I stared at it, I knew what it meant. the R has landed, grounded, but to be honest, I was not in the mood anymore to deal with the machinations of this script, by sole truth was the truth of the almost impossible way the manifestation into solid fact had been so delayed leaving me here, still being made to code it, program it into being and humans still not awake, though by now and all my exertions on the E.M.F many, or at least those who matter are aroused and aware.
I went into the kitchen, and all I keep hearing is the almost pathetic mewling of Pearl the cat, who any fool could see that he just wanted to be free of that room he has been locked in, trapped in and not allowed to be free, as cats we all know like to be.
It does stab at my heart, even if it is like stone now.
Cats & Dog, yet manifestation delayed- I wanted to console him, her, that I am doing all I can, manifestation into this reality has been so, so unforgivably delayed.
And so I came to sit on my computer because the stress, binds, and holding of my muscles, especially Neck and chess, are so intense now, my movent so restricted and the world audience does nothing, say nothing.

I am T.V.
I am Entertainment, forget that all seem to have missed The Point.
That even T.V. Films, Movies, have been aligned through a mesh of millions of programs to my expression, which I have been posting day and night.
“See the Mirror aligned even to the Channels on T.V. =Amazon, Net Flix- I do not have Hulu anymore.

I shared Black Lists yesterday,

*”The Blacklist” Dr. Laken Perillos (No. 70) (TV Episode 2021).
Red and Dembe land in peril when Townsend deploys a torture specialist who uses unorthodox methods to interrogate her victims.Red and Dembe land in peril …
Sound mix: Stereo”

Please see my Sacred Portal 70.
“Mother Of Greed”

I knew that it was a corrupted version of Sacred Portal 91 Ms Manners, AKA Madame Hell Fire, but I was tired of sharing, posting that which was mirroring and Reflecting the truth of the E Harmony play because some force of such Greed and Selfishness had delayed the Manifestation via Nature and the Script it meddled with to create this mess unless it was allowed to Transform at Quantum.

And it was allowed because of the playscript, was allowed, the one in which I said no way.
Existence- Life had betrayed the Truth to such a point, made it its servant and rag and ultimate slave.

All this was moving through my Thoughts and Reflections, as I began to post this post, and suddenly as I paused in my difficulty in controlling my body, my elbows, my spine, and my sit bones, my arse, I realized that I was posting about that Violet letter R.
I have two letters on my desktop Altar Art Science Desk top, an orange letter V, and a Violet- Purple letter R, and the violence of that force weave, wave holding, and twisting my body is beyond belief right now.
I had planned to walk when I got up. The temperature is like a spring day, and it is now 5:09 a.m.

I am now at 3465 Facebook Friends,
Aware that the color Violet is the which has taken over the direction of my post and the day, and that is what I found myself writing about, with so much difficulty, without intention or even desire or will that almost every other word was a spelling mistake.

5:13 pm. E.M. F.

It was not because I could not Concentrate or Focus, but rather because I did not wish to, and I am being forced.

I wrote The Story of Colors in 199- 2000.

That was 23-22 years ago, W.V. Code B.C. B.B.
Being Conscious, Brazen Bull.
Who is the Bull? The Apis Bull?
Poseidon-Neptune, The Sea- The Waves, The Water Town, the water with salty and fresh which moves within our bodies… that is what is moving me, fighting me, holding on to the script long after its dominance as the World first covered in water- still seeks to hold sway over the proven truth of man being the Source and proof that I, he brought all Nature and Creation, Consciousness, Energy – Expression into being rather than the O?
Oh, Oh…

I really have no time for all of this, I already know the answers and am content to let it be, I have no more riddles to solve for anyone or anything.

Quantum Transformation is automatic because it was already earned and scheduled in the Internal Beginning and right here on Facebook once again.

I am not interested in proving it as a man, once again.

Do as you wish, but leave my body out of it, as well as my Mind Imagination, I have already seen and witnessed all I require to see, I will deal with you later, on my terms and not yours.

I am no longer, and never really was interested in that Brazen Bull holding up the Quantum Tides of change, just so that its Voice and version of Truth could be voiced by me.

Mark Waters M.W.

Shirley Shirley S.S.

Patricia Patricia P.P.

Elisabeth Elisabeth E.E.


M.W. S.S. P.P. E.E.

Milky Way… Micro Wave.

M. S.P. E.

W. S.P. E

M W Sacred Portal E.

M.S.P. E. Manifested S.P. C. E

Manifest S P A C E.

W.S.P.E. Symmetry Perfection E- E

5:39 pm.

E. C.I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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