
3:55 p.m

3:55 p.m

Abaddon is called the Angel of the Abyss.

A.B. A.DD. O.N. E.

Abba ( Father ) Yoseph is DON. ( 82) E.

Found myself decoding the story of the One True God called the Truth.

( The Visionary whose Word Manifests)

I had just watched the first episode of the Dark Crystal with Liberty and her 5 children.

The Dark Crystal ( is Purple)

Purple Red the Highest Frequency within the illusion.


Purple Red. P.R. Propaganda or Propagation

A P R. I.L.

It spoke about how the Crystal of Truth had been corrupred by lies and beings guarding it, using its energy to enhance their lifes and usurp truth.

4:03 p.m

The corruption of God.. Gods..


The Source of Truth can not be corrupted.

He is one with his Father..

So he is constant infinite and he is that which sustains this reality, as Creation

Truth sustains it.

It can not be destroyed except by the Will of the Truth.

And its a story.

As I found myself solving The Beginning witnessed by Liberty C Liscomb.

I understood my role and cue,

Linked to the Yoruba Ifa, and the Igbo-O.I Nri.

The latter who represent the cleaning of the Abominations from the Earth, and the former who send out the Filth.

In the end of Times, in revealations all evil is allowed to rise and surface, before being forever sent out of Existence, especially the pretenders and liars.

Christ is the Truth and the way out of the Abyss..

That Primodial Soup.


From which all matter, organic arose.

And at the end, all who are of clean pass through T S P.

Truth Sacred Portal

T S. 20 19..

* Did you see Tree Sage he posted in The Script language today after descending for a time in Chaos.

He placed it in my Time Line.


20 12.. 32. 5. E.

The E Line of Energy Eternity all passed through that Narrative by the Source, telling them a Story of their origins and an enactment of how E Rose..

And they pass through again, also via a story, Narrated by your truly.. sigh.

But with a body, and awaken in the 5th Dimension.

Where they actually never left.

While all the fictious characters return from where they rose.

The Darkest Eternal Night..

Abba DDon.

Ibaddon is a place in South West ( S W) Yes South Whitney ) is where my Bio Father went to University before completing his Education in London England.

The Darkest Knight.

That portal is for E True Naturals, the way Home back to Themselves,

While those not real, characters some playing at being Gods, corrupted simply cease to exist and a few who will endure that terrible darkness and true pain and suffering purifed through the true meaning and suffering because that is all they respect and only learn through the power of making them, showing them power which they can not argue with as they have so done with impunity in this play of demonstrating that True Creation is Equality, Beauty Truth Love and Harmony- they will rise but can never link to the E.

4:30 p.m

The reality of this dimension of the Abyss, is demonstrated in the documentary, the 4th Kind.

Nome Alaska.




There are people who will never learn as most of us know.

But some of these will rise through the experincing of True Slavery, Fear Horror and the Nightmare and Hypocrisy they gave others to live..

The innocent, the True and the Pure.

So, I solved the riddle and observed the play which made it now activated by balance of Cause and Effect of Denying and Disrespecting the Truth of the One who sent me to them.

A B .Y. SS. The True S S are the Demons in the Abyss.

Ask Kyle Murphy ( Happy Birthday)

We completed that play.

NOME. Alaska 49th State.

A B A. DD. 44. O.N. E

4:40 p.m

4:41 p.m


The Tricster Crossing Guard


A B Y E S. S. A B B A. B A. D D ON.

4:43 p.m

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