
3:54 pm. – C-54, – C.E.D. – Is tha

3:54 pm.


Is that extraordinary, the perfect timing, I do not really pay attention to such a thing at the moment, only in Hindsight.
But I have begun to observe how it works, the actions, the things I do, even sipping my coffee, and then the timing always lands exactly on the message and intel via the number, and always spot on, perfect timing.



I must say it feels even more surreal than ever, after posting the intel code of your energetic, “psychic- Psyche” (Yes the Sacred Portal 22, the True E Naricisus and Aphrodite, with Echo- Pysche made a fact)
-Energetic and 6th Sense Expression, which was flowing through you as a frequency, mostly unaware and now, more aware, registered at 3511 Facebook friends yesterday- my Initials C.E.K.and C.E.A-A.
That is after being on Facebook for 10.11 years… Talking To The Silence, and soon with your more awakened Echo Response.
You know I started at about 50 Facebook friends when I began recognizing the patterns and form of the play, and why “Nnamdi: ( Father Lord. F.L.- 6-12, Ephesians 6_12= 18) dragged me into his playscript… I believe Erik Ebright and Erik Eclass Mateo were amongst the initial 50, and after introducing you one by one, or in groups of 9, still one by one, 10 years later +. here we are.

After all the chaos, confusion of clarifying this script, bringing Order Logos, Clarity to it, and then echoing that clarity via expression-words, I spoke to the Silence ( some called The Void. T.V 20 22, but it was not because it spoke to me, and I answered back),
– but with the awareness of the Energetic version of yourselves, gradually awakening to the play script, some adding while the ones negating gradually faded from directly meddling with the script with their misunderstanding, ego or simply the frequency of Chaos and negation, false ego’s- At one point I was simply a sword and will, clarity, fierce…
But added was my own clarity and perplexity -Growing Understanding as I navigated through a script, more like a question & Answer, all directed at myself than recognition, and understanding, and a towering rage at the realization, while at the same time stuck with you not understanding, but with the right tome, manner, and attitude, you began to understand my fury, and how much I have had to contain myself.

I so wanted to walk last night, to be able to move, take it all in, but I recognized the truth, that I was still here, my body was still bound, I was still sleeping in the Heart of Darkness and that I am about to call the police, and to get my phone re-activated was an added part of the script, that reaching clearly my name spelled out as an echo by you, with me, used… so used… and power so abused, that I am still made to fill out the Gaps with Expression Words, Rocket Fuel, play the interpreter of transmission echoed back through you.

Did it ever occur to you that I might have better things to do, than day in day out being “crippled, enduring cosmic abuse, and living in such an existence life, while my observing all that was forced out of me, and given me such an existence and response after 29 years-30 since First Light. F.L. 6-12… 18. A-18 microwave yesterday. A-18.

Do you know how personally gratified I felt when Stephen Johnson new Facebook friend Nadja Hope, arrived, “Beginning & End ( B.E. B.A.N.D- E) 1:55 155.

4:30 pm.

What more could there be to say, I wondered as I lay in that Guest Room grappling with the muscles on my back…

Estelle Estelle.
Star Star.

Is that not enough?

Enough to warrant the explosion of Universal Epiphanies exploding as Thunderbolts through you Core to the brain of true realization of this Is?

Instead, I wake up, and I am here, and still- Stillness no motion, not even Emotions, I am still in a movie still, a frame caught and made stagnant, constant as the North Star, while made to live and still exist in the collective story of your lives cause and effects, which boiled down from 7.9 billion people, 33 years of walking, through 7 Countries, Trekking through space of My Mind connected to my Heart- Feeling, Emotion- E-Motion…

Reading, that which was placed in my hand to do, reading it, living it, such a response to an offering forced on me to give, and I did give it unstintingly, with open heart, while my heart bleeds red drops which I concealed with my beautiful pride and the beautiful furious rage of the Black Panther, not allowed to explode in rage, because of what was done to the Orginal Script even to this end and conclusion.

I do not wish or desire to share my feelings, or what it feels like to be me, or what it feels like to be used and abused so viciously and be victorious, and acknowledged only by the silence and the yapping of a little dog and plotters.

4:44 pm.

Yes, Stephen Johnson 444 is C.M.e 4/3
My Equation for Infinite Energy resource C the Square the 4 Corners of 3 dimension and planes of Existence. A.B.C.

It is written here on the walls, where I used to sit near the Kitchen Sink, near the Pink Birds Flying and the word Human? and Bella 9-19-20.

Under the 444 are the words ‘Learn To Love Your Self”

I am now at 3518 Facebook Friends.
And Yes, Arden I is 18 years old.
I will code them now since the script has made sure that there is nothing else I am allowed to do…but Fight- When to be honest, I do not know what I am even fighting for.

The End?
The Completion?
Activation Manifest of Sacred Portal 49. 59?


Harmony IS Automatic. H.I.A

This part is no longer manual.
Manual Labour.

And my Entire Life Story is not regulated to establishing order, or how much I buy at the only place I am allowed to go A grocery store, a bodega, a fuel station, and C-Town Supermarket.

4:55 pm.

There you go, programmed in perfect timing to Estelle Estelle.

4:56 pm.

Delta Energy Family


So tired of lies and illusions.

5:57 pm

I of all people know what a family is.

4:58 pm.

E Harmony.

4:59 pm

No need to explain.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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