
3:50 pm. – 3 5O. – 3 56. – C: E F. –

3:50 pm.
3 5O.
3 56.
C: E F.

4-12-20 21.

4 12= 16… 48. total 64.
20 20 = 1. 20- 1 21=3 C

I posted the relevant Facebook Memories today, there were few, for the first time in a while, the sequential order arranged by Facebook’s algorithm was no longer arranged which is sequential, telling the story and the news. Fibonacci Sequence.
Golden Ratio.

There were only three relevant posts.
Noni Promise, The Pendulum.. but the most relevant to where we are was Lord Good Night.

As I posted it, I observed Stephen Johnson’s 56 Code like it.

3:56 pm right now.

I knew intuitively which one he had liked.

Stephen is very humorous, but I am aware of his true Intelligence, and though he is very adaptable to the 3 D reality where he has lived most of his life- it is obvious that there is a secret garden in him, which he revealed in his story and picture of himself with his brother and friend as a child explaining Existence.

I am also aware that despite the facade of Humor, that he truly paid attention and knows what is really going on.
Has understood the Extra-Terrestrial Language as well as the E and the I.
That this is really what it is.
It takes an Open mind, yes, but there is more than simply being open, to new ideas, rather there is a recognition of this being real and something familiar to him and the line he is representing.

I noted how he paid attention, studied the posts, and began to recognize what I was really saying.

That was all that was really required to become self-activated and respectful of that which is truly taking place in the world and aligning it, connecting it to what I have been conveying on my page for 9.4 months now.
And how everything is aligned to the Expression Quantum I have been demonstrating.

But then the Human Representation of The Victorious Crown has always followed me about my entire life.
It was a Stephan who was my roommate in University, A Stephen who was my Flatmate when I was summoned by death, it was a Stephan who brought me to Connecticut, and it is a Stephan who is the End of the story representative.

4:08 pm.

Victorious Crown. V C/ C V.
That is why they are the Crown Victorious because to be cast as that you must be the literal representation of understanding Existence and that is why I was not surprised that he represents the Eternal Family in age code.

Which is why I am aware that he is one of the very few people who recognizes what is the truly miraculous exemplification of expression.

What I have done and demonstrated on Facebook is meant to be impossible in this reality, because it defies all logic and laws of this accepted reality.

It is one thing to be entertained, enthralled, or amazed by the Artistry Science, Knowledge, and Wisdom of what I am representing, but it is quite another to truly understand it, by paying attention to the script and consequently understanding the implications of what you are understanding.

There is no currying for a favor, there is no sense of “Me Too” there are none of those vices I quietly observe and in others responses which at this point I am too tired, to bring to peoples awareness and attention.
The things which I observe by reading people echo response, there is no keeping silent when I point out things which people are doing which I do not call out, because I am too polite and bored to have to speak to grown-ups like children, who act as though the things I am saying do not apply to them- that was not my mission anyway; it was to identify the lines who are aligned and quality for the roles their names and expression align to Eternally while in the Avatar Descendant form.
I have observed his consistency, Attitude, Manners, and behavior- Honesty and transparency- his vulnerability, and even his Hurt all elegantly masked so much like Father Good Night which he liked.

You can read so much by what people like in posts, and what they fearlessly say, and post.
The pages they comment on, and most of all their generosity of Espirit, with the work they have done and the hurts they have been through.

This is not a paean of praise to Stephan Johnson, it simply is an acknowledgment and recognition of why I can acknowledge him as The Crown represented through simply Being Himself, with no desire to impress, to compete, or prove his worth.
It is the representation of a person simply being.
And having Respect for what is before him, and what he has known as since he was a child, and retained it through the hazards of living in this reality and the cost of preserving that integrity which connects links the child in man to the Eternal- the two sides, the Mirror as the entering the world and engaged with it, and the quiet unseen truth of the Eternal.

I gave Tree Sage Kim the crown a bracelet on his 33rd Birthday, just as I had been designated to give gifts to the Gemino line, and recognized who I had to give what.
The Metal Bracelet was a Crown of the wrist- the wrist is akin to The Hand of God being awarded by what one creates with one’s Hands- Crafts.

I was aware of the immense value of each of the seemingly humble gifts and why I myself chose to willingly give these gifts knowing that I had been set up to award each person with these gifts from the Eternal and now Infinite line.

The Crown which Stephen represents is of the full circle, where we are right now.
The crown is yes, Gems Stone, Gold and Silver, velvet and woven from the very fabric of Existence.
See the share of the Invisible Visible Smoke I shared today, that is the thread.
That which seems temporary, the thread, “Fil”- Gueira.
The linking of that which is barely seen, and then from that S.M-O.K.E/ E.K..O M. S * Mike Smith comes from the Lure-Allure of the smokeless fire, comes that which becomes seen as the thread, the Silk Road- Smooth Reasoning- Rattle Snake- Rainbow Spectrum- Rational Science- comes that Supreme Response- linking the physical Ublical Chord to the Unseen connectin to The Source. It goes beyond the Physical- Gold to Silver Thread, to that which is the Energetic, to the Expression E E (55) all of which created the Atomic Nature, the Awareness of Nature being from beyond the Physical End product, but to the back story.
Vines- Nick Levine who brought me here, Lisa Levine whom I sang for the first time the true riddle of existence as I was paused to stay in her Studio with Luke Levine at 97 Maha Rose Green street, Green Point- the Slave – Polish- “Beau Gens” as they were called by the french during the war- I sang for the first time there, The riddle of Existence which Arden confirmed as the same riddle he asked people his friends.

“Can you tell me why You are Beautiful” No one in my entire journey was able to respond to that question correctly?

I sang it there at 97 Green Street.
97 aligns with the Birth code of John Mack.

The answer was very simple- Show Me ( S M- Mike Smith) such as why was the photo of the beautiful night, he posted yesterday which I shared which was he did not forget to post the author of the script “giving natural credit to where credit is due- naturally) MIKE/ EKIM- E.K. IM 9.13 USD was the tease offered to Kim which he was not given, instead it allowed him to leave his page and become my 15 54 FaceBook Friend and I become his 22 Facebook friend.
Why is the name MIKE which is aligned to my youngest brother Obumnemem 88 in numbers?
M I K E 33 +5= 38 C H.. C I.
Why was the name Mike Smith?
What does Smith represent?
Black Smith, Mr. Smith in the Matrix.
Mike Obumneme M O.
Modus Operandi.
But it was also Nathantiels birthday yesterday rep OM. Sacred Portal 42. 24/42.

Did you see the Thread- the Silver like in the photo taken in the Evening, Thunder and Lightening?
“Imagine Dragons” is what Donna. Esteban’ Stephens’s mother was listening to the last time Stephen Esteban told he went to see her and she was listening to.

What does Thunder- Lightning do?
Similar to the Moon. Niel Armstrong.
It lightens up the Dark Knight. D K
4 11.
And suddenly for a moment, we can see.
Who is the Black Smith?
Hephaestus. and his wife Aphrodite.
Black Smith – Awaka.
Jonathan David Fretchetts painting identified by Liberty which now hangs in her home remembering my Great Grandmother who went through the Flames of hell and who resembles my paternal Great Grandmother Mba Afor Ocha- whose name literally means Thunder Lightening.

Mike Smith took that photo,
Stephan Johnson stepped out with a quiet fury- a Beautiful Rage which is veiled to others as his Beautiful Rage because they do not wish to see that which is right before them, so he uses Humour and laughter as the mask – the Jet Black Mask of his true meaning and expression which others have chosen not to see.

And yet he liked the share of Arrival of Lord Good Night. G N/ N G. N G is Sacred Portal 147.= 21. G N- 7 14 … 21 .. 3.

Did anyone hear Stephens’s comments weeks ago?
* It all ends completely at 8.

I had 8 USD in my Wallet yesterday and Kim whose See is S E E and is only now attaining Ph.D. is C E E- recall that is what he documented S E E.
The 55 USD, it was I who had to ask it, find it- not Him. Meaning I am C and he had risen through my posting and my being here, to S.E E.
Stephen was 55 age code and 54 when we became Facebook Friends how he is age code 56.
5:06 pm.

(how am I doing that, writing a post and then pausing, and there the time is aligned to what I had just posted, said written… can you explain it? Is that not meant to be impossible?
Unless you are at the C Speed of Light”

Lightening up- Odin Thor, Amadioha- YTT711, why is it that Stephen saw it?
Is that not the code for OINri and my thesis of the Ful Circle Round.
Why was it only he who saw it?
Why is the notion of a person from Africa, the Original story based on one’s complexion?
The OINri story is not about menalin, the Sun, and the Black Hole.
It is Myth and Legen is about the Full Moon- that the Beautiful ones from the realm Unseen by still blind humanity came down through the Moon which is Pale and luminous so if Eri Father line head of the Family of T E N…

5:11 pm right now.
E K. Emeka Kolo. Eternal Knowing.
E A-A.

What complexion would the original peoples who came into this world story, what would their complexion actually be?
And what would be his Mate and other self if He, They came down through the Ether- The Darkness- the black night, which is lightened up through Lightening – True Clarity to reveal that the Blackest Night lightens up through a dance of that Father Line moving through his Self and Selves Family to become the Dark Side of the Moon.
Brother becomes Sister.
Father becomes Mother.
BS Black Smith Being Supreme. 2 19 South Whitney.

Mother Father. M F.

Sharia Perry S P was moved to provide the last evidence of the Money play still going on when she gave me 10 USD with the code MF 8 92 88 007 A.
Mother Father Masculine Feminine M F= 6 13= 19 Letter S.

8 92 was the day, I made a choice to stay in this play rather than leave because at the very last moment Liberty C Liscomb called me and it was she, who was ignorant of the play, remarked out of the blue at the completion of our conversation 56:56 min was the duration of the conversation.
56 56= 1.
And why is it that Stephon Johnson’s age was recently revealed as 56 on his birthday?

What is the connection to the End of the story, to that image taken by Mike Smith? M S/ S M- I T.H= 9 20-8.

Why did the code A S K form through names Arnibas Stephen Kelvin in the post where the script demanded I ask you a question and yet no one had the basic respect to respond, or even respect the fact The Source had asked you a question through me after having answered all question, solved all your riddles and given you the meaning of existence explained and illustrated in you own language and See.

Why did Stephen and his higher Self respond to the post of Lord Good Night?
P J’s
Time foe bed children.
Time to say Good Night.
Will you wake up ever or is this your entrance into Eternal Night created by the Eternal Knights Beloved brother and younger self.
The Sun King is also the black hole.
Existential Death. Daniel Radcliff.
Death Ray.

Whoever said that the First Earth people were Black Brown- the color of the Earth when they were and are Extra Terrestrials 5-20- 19 73 who entered a C G.I.

*”Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, simulators, computer animation, and VFX in films, television programs, shorts, commercials, and videos.”

And how is it that first Laura Walsh sends me the evidence that it is now accepted in this reality Conscious- Awareness ( even if you do not agree) that this reality has been confirmed as a Simulation?
A Simulation of what? And serving what purpose.

Then Stephen then confirms this through Microsoft, while I am watching a Netflix series called “The Ireggulars ” Ti with a person playing Mircosoft Holmes. M H.
MH is the age of the Universe.

Meaning that the Beautiful Ones came down via the Moon as the Full Circle, similar to a Head which wears a Crown which acknowledged the Sovereignty of that person’s Being and Person- Personality.

And why is the crown worn on the head?
And what else can one be crowned as if this play is all about the Flowers?
The Flower of Life.
Flower – Flora The cat who confirmed Arden’s expression to me “Ass Hole: by breaking a vase which manifested three flowers and a Green Leaf
Lord Li. Ye.
when there were three males friends of Arden present and then a day or two later Alexa Vertefuille came over with Esteban to move me out of 900 South Road where I was no longer welcomed by Liberty because I refused to acknowledge her authority and dominance.
Aru in OINri Igbo means “The Body” 33 but is it really The Body when the body is the end product of Expression Energy E-Motions all unseen except by those who see beyond sight.
I went backward from A Mouth to An Anus for the rectum entrance to the Prostrate Gland seat of Pleasure, is shaped like a Flower.
Hawaii, see Laura Walsh’s post of The Hawaiian island right to its base underwater- is the rep of the Anus which manifested Molten Lava, M L= 25.Y “Arkansas”
And it manifested what became known here in this age as the Hawaiian Island the 50th State, where I met Estaben M Fil-Gueria on Facebook while he was there doing Sound Healing. S H.
“Guerrier” means “To Heal in French Spanish and “warrior”

So I went backward from the way I had come- starting at the 61st portal 1 and two moves back as a Knight in a Chess Board.
And I am here at the 62nd which is 3 +1 moves to make it 66th.

In Hawaii which is the Vision – Memory I have had since 1992 and then 1994 which plagued me and followed me, of my rising from a black pit, and one hand trying to pull me down, I manage to escape and as I walk home through what was a once familiar tail home, I am astonished by how it had been transformed from it original beautiful vista to one of Death and Devastation- Barren. I walk and walk, transforming it as I move until I reach a Vast ocean and I board a pirate ship which takes me, I am made the cabin boy and violated until I fight and eventually rise to Captain but a storm comes and the ship is lost, and I swim, and as I swim I see people similar the scene in the movie “The Titantic” movie, they are huddled and cannot see me, hear me- I am tired and begin to sink, deeper and deeper, and the blackness of the deep almost overwhelms me, but then a beautiful fury rises in me, a desire and I fight furiously and break the surface and I swim, and with my last strength I reach the Shore, and just before collapsing, I see these people standing on the Hill Tops with Lei’s used in Hawaii to welcome people.
The people were gorgeous, and they were singing, the wind carrying their song to me, “Bien Venue, Bien Venue” holding out these Lei’s forming what appeared as they circling the entire Island peaks, they sang with voices as soothing as the Ocean Breeze itself.
It was their voices which I heard as I swam, not sure if it was my imagination, my delirium until I saw them and that is how I made to shore and saw this pale raven headed glorious man youth on the shore as I collapsed.

6:02 pm.

When I came to, I was alone in a beautiful room- I looked and there was a great round mirror – screen and as I looked at it, I saw three beings of majesty appear in it.
I was startled because in the middle was a man so ferocious and of such beauty staring ferociously and with such Beautiful Pride back at me, it took me a moment to recognize that it was me.

6:04 pm.

I held two others fiercely and protectively in my arms, a male, looked down at coyly as he ran his hands intimately through the Hair of the other me, and recognized him as the manly youth who was at the beach I had landed on.
The other was one I knew but I had yet to meet, she stood on the other side, her belly was pregnant and I knew I was staring at the embodiment of Beautiful Pride as what is called here, the Sacred Feminine my hand was on he womb and all three stated down at me.

I stared, in my bedraggled form up at them as they looked at me.
And I felt quiet awe.

A Moment later, the many youths came in and began to prepare me, her worse beautiful transparent garments which enhanced his naked body, it Perfection of Beauty.
And he dressed me, and tgen led me to through a corridor filling with the most extraordinary beings until we reached the great hall teaming with people and they parted, and there was a seat, and the manly youth who resembles Arden when he showed me his True Face “Wow” in the Kitchen at South Road, and Jay, motioned me to move forward with him….

*6: 12 pm. Hey, Arden.

I had walked up with him in my transparent robes, but in one version, I refused the seat.
And instead, find myself spirited to what I can identify as a Park – Pelham Bay Park.

But there was an original version of my taking that seat, and the Exquitey Beautiful man- my Comforter and Protector taking his place right behind that Seat- Throne… and there was a Lady Wu-man whose presence was there, who was not there but who was, and that is where I and I retired to later- a Chamber- A Bed, and she came.

How extraordinary that this truth vision story has been activated today, to recount.
I drew the images in Paris in 1994 when Erika Chamberlain suggested I draw them because the imagery kept invading my sleep state until I drew them, there were 7 images…

The Crown I drew of My self of my most intimate and personal self portrait which I had used in Hell’s kitchen and then left at 33 Street on its top floor where Micheal Frazier ( M F) lived was crowned with Flowers, a Garland of flowers.

Flowers of Life.
Rose- Tulips, Lilies, Chrysanthemums…

Arden and Jeron were both photographed with Flowers.
Yellow and white flowers.

Arden was 9 and Jeron was 2.

9 2.

AD “Astra” N.OK…

I am the Beautiful Devil, people forget that, meaning after being transparent and obvious, Crystal Clear, and observe peoples responses, and that they are lying, even if the lie is to impress me, to prove to me their worth, merit it and earn it in the way they interpret their way, which is all designed to please me, or call attention to themselves, I will often use mischief and riddles to help them see, and for them to cee that they are not really getting it.
one may SEE but not CEE and there is a big, big difference between the two.

Tree Sage friends came over A G and C P.
C P A G ..E.
E-A G C P.

I normally never give the answers to people after I have instructed them 7 times, by the 8th time, I become the Beautiful Devil.
The code is very simple to understand as to what their arrival means.
I clarified it for Kim, but I did not go into detail.
Why should I?

It is done.
The lessons of my giving all the answers 24/7 and living here for now 5 + months.

I am aware of how I see how Kim as the All and as the persons see-s.
Each person can translate that which has been made clear to the point of absurd, as they wish to see.
I have explained to the point where I have become the Rage of the Blackest Knight.
Who brings the Blackest Night.

The advantage which though not Kims Fault is that I was brought here… Why?

Why am I not at Stephans Portal who grasps this without any instruction from me, why is he made to be so far away in this script created by the so-called Black People?
Black is an illusion, Brown is an illusion because E ART H P EO PL E are not Black or Brown or white.
There is only the Blue Night Sky and the Light Blue and its Luminosity which enlightens and lightens clarifies.

Who are the Hidden Figures the Black Race as Outer Space or the ones Unseen Invisible because they are transparent and others Hidden.

7:11 pm.

Y TT711. Stephan in ARK AN S A-W.

Did something Hidden take over the Earth Matrix to insist that its source is Brown skinned as the earth and his brother self is also brown and there fore out of vindictiveness, malice a grude, a sense of superiority or simply belief, loyal to its beliefs impose upon me that I it did not end in Arden but here with Tree Sage Kim? MI K but required the E from me to qualify as MIKE ET.
And yet Kim, Tree Sage qualifies and qualified to E by his own merit and only after the Awakening which he evolves to and transforms to.

I recognize my self in Arden and Stephan Johnson and the play of the Beautful Devils.
A play of Santana Dharma and the Blue Santan
Blue Flame, where it is truly impossible to understand what we are thinging if you can not Cee or See that which is right here and right there before your eyes.

7:17 p.
Kim not Tree Sage evolves to G Q
Gentleman but there were Gentlemen of the Quantum who existed before him and the line he now has been qualified to graduate to.
His birth code is 11-04- 19 87.
There is a person rep 11-03 and another already at 11-05 and another at 11-6 K F. A F K G.

So in a sense he would represent the last to enter that sequence and would have not made it if the Forest People had not cheated and used me, broke the Eternal Law, which they really had no reason to do so, because I alreay saw Kim, and formed my private and then public opinion of him when I lived here.
And he came with Benjamin C Krajweski to 900 South Road the 64th Portal.

Nothing has changed in my original conclusion right to my note to him about the one problem I had noted was Money.
Everything else, he was already aligned perfectly as the runner up line with Benjamin.
I was made to align him to Aurelia and Jeron by being brought back here.
That was cheating and the reason why Kim get to profit from that cheating and lie is but he did not do it, or seek intentionally to profit from it.
His Love is Genuine and sincere as well as his intelligence- he has earned this but it was all at my expense.

So what then did he do at my expense?
He can not be Judged for that which he did not create and do, o did without the awareness of it.
So he can only be judged by his own Actions, made responsible no longer for All, but for his own individual and personal actions and expressions during my 5+ months stay here which gave him an advantage over everyone else.

Which story is he in, when I met him and which story as he cast in.
That it Egyptian.
11-04 is 11 4.
but 11 O4 where the Zero is transformed from 0 as the Black Hole to O as the Full Circle.
11 04 becomes 11 O 4 and then 11 64.
I am not at my 64th move here am I?
My age code has been confirmed over and over again as 1967 and not 19 66 his room code.
19 64 +20 yearsage differnce is 19 84.
19 67 = 19 87.
1984 is the age code on my Facebook Page
19 67 my British Social Securitu and 19 65 as the lie of 19 56.

19 85. 19 76.

And so 19 66 becomes 86 attained already in 1986 when I turned public opinion from a Scandal to the Victory at Presidential Hotel and my T V appreances.

The inconsistencies and hints of the flaws in this script, I have been correcting as so blazingly clear that anyone acting as though they can not see it, is a liar, it was just convenient to believe what they chose to believe which placed them in the Shinning Light.

I have never seen that in Stephan and Arden with his Big Ego had placed himself unjustly in the same bracket as his mother by stating that she has a Big Ego.
The idea of herself but his was stable and aligned to me and to Beautiful Pride.
He had no desire to impress me, which he has made so clear and because of the abuse of our privacy from this script which unfairly demanded that everything we said was made public, what he was put through at the age 16 to 17.

7:43 pm.

I will never forgive what they did to him us and the truth enacted out perfectly by him by those who thought that he did not qualify in their eyes because they had their hidden Race Agenda.

I know that Stephan Johnson and Arden and Aurelia, Jeron Ferrell line are seeing exactly what I have been seeing saying beginning to end and in space in between I – I and I I I. merged to I.

Its a language of the Beautiful Devils as well any person with basic eyes to see and who uses common sense.

Thus the 42 Judges Anubus Maat
are the ones who Judged and Judge him, not I.
I just put in a good word and my recommendation.

7:49 pm.

Which I can see they heard and checked tested and yes, he has called me Cosmic Anger- but not intentionally which is what I had to pass through as a sort of guarantor for him which enables him to still make the Jump Man to may page 15 54 Facebook Friend.

7:51 pm.

I had no desire to explain that which I and I see or that it is Eternal Arden who is the true owner of this Script or that Arden is the Evolution of Nnmamdi my brother, and that Arden is Emeka Kolo- Adam Kolo.
and evolved to I.

Tell me, why was it that I called him last on 8-6-20 20 and not only did he pick up while being the presence of others, but was able to convey everything through that phone call that I never called him again.
86 as well as the 86 code Heater-that was while I was at 29 Lincoln Street where I had met Jeron as a 5-month-old in his mother’s? Womb. Unseen but obviously present.

And then I met him Physically present here on the third floor while Kim lived downstairs on the 2nd Floor. A Story.
while 3rd Floor is C. Real.
And Kim would come up to work for Esteban in Chris’s room which Chris chose to paint Golden- the same way Kim Tree Sage chose to paint his room family with Black people.

Chris’s room had no people painted on it, and Kim had access to that room only by and through the grace of Esteban- Stephan and Chris.

8:01 pm.

These are the obvious gaps and spaces I purposefully let open for people to read and see for themselves.
Read between the lines.

Breath as in the pores in the Skin- largest cell. Nostrils- Lungs- when Ria Ria did not contact me until today, AIR AIR as R R I already understood what her natural harmony was stating.
I understood why I knew I had to ask Liberty and I knew the amount- I was just furious with the play of having to ask designated people no matter how I felt about it personally, or what had transpired before.

8:07 pm.
8:08 p.m.


There has been no consideration of my point of view or right to say yes or no.

It was ignored and the designated people in the end were innocent of manipulating The Script in their Favor, and so I fought for them because it was only Fair but I knew that the abomination knew this and had set it up this way, knowing how I would respond.

And I was aware.

8:11 pm.

That I was still in Hells Kitchen.

2005. T O E
205 T E
25 Y.
25th State. Arkansa.
Y A F K G.
B E E.

8:13 pm
H M.

I had no intention of posting today, again, and nothing to say but obviously, something is in me and it had something to say.
That part of me, which would keep this to myself, knowing that there are some things which you do not have to explain to anyone.
Because it is common sense.

And that there is a limit to how much one must explain themselves.
Even here.

8:16 pm.

H P/ P H.

Even if it is about the End of this Existence.

8:17 pm.
H Q.
Head Quarters.
Infinity Quantum.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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