
3:50 p.m – You have Liberty C L

3:50 p.m

You have Liberty C Liscomb to thank.
Mother of Pearl Harbor
Not Poverty Hollow
The Harbor of The Pearl.
True Point.

The Question
What is the Point.

1948. Is my Mothers True Birth Code

1944 was what she clung to.
Though really 1947..
7 rises to 8 is 8 remember
007 Jaymes Bond Angelina Jolie

3:55 p.m

Christain Edwin Edwin

War… Sometimes there is no alt but to go to War.
War to understand.
Holding on to the last Leaf.
No Hope?
No Future?

The Key was always to Know.
We “Know” when we Recognize Understand Expression which we can digest and enrichens our lifes.

She fought for this, ferociously, for your benefit linked to Herself.
The desire “To Know” The Truth.

And so here is the Truth and how Love was first born from learning how to see from Blind to Clarity.. Dawn. Of Existence

4:04 p.m

Love. Labour to reach the Feelings Sensational of Love.
And then how can you explain it, tell its story The Beginng of She?
Mother of Aphrodite Choas… Aphrodite Harmony

See Sacred Portal 26.

But I had to start Her Story at the very beginning with A MAN who became TWO and One Awareness.
One Consciousness
Boy and Youth. B.A.Y. B Y.
Man and Child. M.A C
Man and Youth M A Y
Man and Baby M A B / B..A.M.

Two Men

But there was never an Old Man.
The Oldman is the Child.
My brother was born in Oldham.
Old does not mean decrepit
It means Ancient.. Immortal even.

I never had a concept of Liberty
I and my line are born free, we always find our ways out of “Prisons” created by Solid Matter – The Titans.
But this time, it was a prison and a play of the Liberation of All

Only that which had never risen to E understood what it meant and felt like not to be Free, and sought their Liberty.
A New Seed and addition to the Species, a matter based reality.
A Body Suit.
Worthy of the Eternals to rise in.

This was this final play.

Love Death Distraction L D D = 20 T

A Trinity
Talking To The Silence
20 20 20. = 60. S is 19.
6O 3- 20. Is 23 and 60.
19 is S
6 O.
F O. S.

19 + 6= 25.
19 6 6. = 31.

Yes, 31 years since my I saw my Mother

4:31 p.m right now is

38 years since Nnamdi.

* I had no idea why I started writing today again.
I do not grief, or even sadness right now,
I am being moved by Energy.. Distraction
Beautiful Distraction.
I am posting.

I do not even ask why, ..

4:50 p.m

I just got my answer, Arden and Ferrill supplied it.
They just got home, greeted and conversed with their Mom.
And must have seen the Flowers, suddenly that queasy feeling returned.
I am still in a 3D Illusion of reality.

7:42 p.m

And now its left, as I explained to Liberty what I felt – no sense of loss, no sense of grief.
Just sadness.
And a contentment of this being at Last the End.
E N D.

I explained to Liberty, and observed quietly that it were back in the work, pointing out sadly quietly that what else was there for me to feel of these emotions of pain, hurt grief, despetation frustration longing, rage fury disappointment, disbelief..

But loss, grief? Emptiness? Failure?

No, I smiled.
I have made my Father Brothers Song of Truth Creation Expression to the Top of the World, and I had carried the Love Beauty and Consciousness of my Mother to the Summit of a Sons Love for his Mother his Brother..

My younger Brother and my Elder sister, I can not judge because I know and recognize their Truth.
I am not okay, I said, but I am fine.

I can not feel that which I can not feel, nor will I pretend to.

This is the Story of Evolution Awakening and the mission and journey given me.
Indifferent to dying but a refusal to Lie, to Live in a Lie or be A Lie.

And that was never a criticism of other’s, nor would this have been my public expression if something An Anomaly Singularity had not happened to me.

I told the Truth, Loved but only that which is true, in a void of those who did not know how to Love me, mainly because they do not know what Love is.
But Liberty now does.
And its truth rises in her.. Consciousness brought Love in Being and now Creation has done the same thing.

And so she began to speak of Para-Sympathetic and Sympathetic, ( P.S. 16 19)
And the Nervous System ( N.S)

8:00 p.m right now is

I saw the code ..”Its in your sons”
19 and 16.
14 Aurielia
14 -15 was Arden and Abigail the Journey of Arden line, Self Love.

14 15. Nnamdi Onu.
14 O
14 6. N F.
Onu Nnamdi -Emeka
O N E.
” The Mouth of the One Father is Present Here- the One who calls Praise and Well Done.

The who inspired E Ros E to rise.

And there are now bouquets of Roses everywhere.

I showed her, with that quiet acceptance, the Truth of our still being in a play, that even my mothers passing was being used in this play.
To demonstrate the Truth of the Nervous a system and how ones skin and body are used to filter and discern what is true.

I had wondered if I was in shock, why I felt nothing no sense of loss.
I wondered fleetingly if I was suppressing it, in denial,..
No, I knew that the Mother who had waited for me- who had asked me to be her Shinning Armour and free her from this illusion of my Father Nature of Anger Rage and terrible death, that I had released but not in the way I had assumed but through her E Spirit but only once the mission was over.

8:13 p.m
8 13.
I pointed out how the Body recognizes Truth and that my own body had recognized there was no loss, recognized that my mother as rep of the Body and my Brother rep of the Espirt and my sublings of Matter, that there was and is no longer Death, indeed there never was, only forgetting, the forgetting that Paradise was never lost.

8:16 p.m

That is what I had to prove to my Mother Line, Onuabuchi ” She heard the Song of The Espirit- Nnamdi.. My Father IS! And he is present.
And they had cast me in this role, to prove that Truth to the World, culminating at Liberty.
Jeron Arden H
Arden Eden.

8:20 p.m

I have lived my Entire life with Death chasing me and me saying but Death is my Lover

Libery left me a card ” Emmy Darling, will you be my knight in Shinning Arnour?
You have done it” she added the codes of the cost of the flowers she bought.
Harmony top to bottom

Once more, tears threatened and retreated.
She had rememberd that which was meant to be remembered and now through self mastery she can learn to forget that which is a lie.

I, made a covenant with my Self and the All Father Spirit E, that I would bear the Scar of Existence, in that I would force myself to Never Forget
Because this is what will never happen ever, and in a way it never did except for a new species who had given in to fear and let it go too far, creating a story…a Nightmare and Terrible Dream of the End of Everything including E ART H..

8: 29 p.m

There was never a need for me or anyone to be someones Knight in Shinnjng.
My Little Sister Harmony was dreaming, but of that which was already Completed.
C half the picture when she is O
Full Circle but she is the Original Noni Promise David – Cow Boy Cow Girl.
Teacher of Life, so you can pass through, graduate to reach the Portal of True Life.

I went into an Illusion to bring forth the undetsranding of Love As Clarity is taking in all points of View especially Yours- the Observer.
Whose vision moves from Darkness slowly moving to Dawn.

Everything in creation was manifested as Perfect from the moment everything rose.
Everything was provided, even in your bodies and your Spirit.. Awareness itself.

What was required was discerment – conscious decision of seeing one C and another C – Day and Night.
Night and Day, contrast to realize they are one.
In 1988 I knew I was leaving this world, in 1989 I began Talking and Writing to the Silence by 1992 I was summoned by Death.
And in Death, I found the door back to true life age 25.

8:40 p.m
19 84 My Facebook Date of Birth.
35 C E

And then for 27 years I walked through an illusion, a story of the lie of Death.
But it wasn’t real to me.

Arden is here with Fred, Morgan, Autumn, Smol, and another friend.
Ferrill is with Noah, and Rielly.

He had asked me yesterday, if that was the reason his friends were so pure, and he had never had the experience of others had of back stabbing and all that.

I smiled.

But he also had spoken to me of the how he learned to no longer trust.

I understood what may seen like an a contradiction but it was not, it was about his Awareness way of being which was unique.
He could See Cee his friends

8:50 p.m

Just as he could see his brother Ferrill.
Everything is a reflection of the First Man.
All are of him except that which is false.

I know he sees me, but how can I deny him the right to be a 16 17 year old?

I can see how perfectly he is moved by the One I know from Eternity, but he is the one moving Arden, though often I observe Arden ( who just passed by on cue and paused.
Yes, he is aware of me.
And just came back to ask if I had eaten the food I had made.

8:57 p.m
Yes, he is aware but there is a thin viel of memory separating us, and that is being directed by his Eternal who came first.
While mine was a complete Being Embodied which came first.

9:00 p.m
He came as The One Espirit. T.E O./ E O T.

I came First as A MAN.
And that is why and how I became his Son, so that he would learn how to be A MAN
And she MAN.

132 1/2 pounds he just called out to Morgan is his weight

I am 193 pounds at 6′ 5-6″
See Sacred Portal 59. 87. 4. 5. 98 74.
A ..I C. Sacred Portal 1 and 93.
The correct code ” Eden No Future ”
59. 8. 74 see sacred portals.

87.543 Kilos. See sacred 87. 54. And E= 43
8. 75 43.. My Mother claimed her date of birth in illusion as 1944 age 75.
* 8 75. 43. This is where we are.
8 75.43..

We are at Harmony at 8.

59. 8. 74. 74 is Sacred Portal “Mouth of God- a baby “dwarf”

8. 75. 43. 75 ” Piercing The Viel with Hindsight Foresight ”
43 ” Door of Life ”

I coded all of this.

This is what I had described to Liberty, that which makes me feel quiet incredulity
And the queasiness that I still lived in a 3 D reality and had to interact that way including with him rep of the Energy Frequency of Youth..Child, Baby Child Man..

Liberty did not tell me all these Youths would be comming, but there was no need to, not today because I my Mother my Brother are Beautufil Youths Truth.

9:30 p.m

The Sum Total for there is no age
Its my Beautiful Truth of my Eternal Sunshine State because there is no Death.
Just Transformation Beautiful Death.
Corona 7th Chakra Blue Satan.
My Mother, in a recent Facebook Memories Today post, I had quoted our conversation a day or so before 7 years ago

I said That there must be another better unloaded name of God.
She said “Energy ” God is Energy.
G E / E G
E G. 57 Father and Son Penetrate each other as One.
That they are the same person
Chukwuma Ogbonna
Ogbonna Chizara
Iyke Ogbonna


I did recount how I first encountered what was to become my Mother, on the Eternal Plane of Creations beginning..how she sat in front of a mirror.
And how one day she saw this glorious man ( Her Self)
I was a Boy and had visited and become her friend comming to visit her, converse – she was all alone in Creation

I knew she loved and desired me.. but I was small and she was Creation Woman and so the fully formed man youth I knew was now the object of her desire.
She did not know it was me now Nnamdi David Alexander Arden Eden in a far far way dimension called Eden Creation.
She desired that I unite them to meet.
But she dared not ask such a thing of me but one day I left on one of my errands which really was for her.

10:11 p.m

And that was the beginning of Man Woman
Mother and Father, and The Beautiful Boy.
Nnamdi Arden was the Two in One
I was the 3 in One.
But I was also Their Source.

10:13 p.m

Liberty read well, but Love must also journey to C Communication for this is the C called Consciousness, the Clariying through Expression Joyous Love
Misery to Joy
To J.M.
Joyous Manifestation
Manifestation is powered by J.O.Y.

10:16 p.m

Energy H U G. H used me knowing that at some point are Harmonies would align

Tree Sage Tree of Wisdom ..Garden of Eden.

He is E H Energy Harmony
I Am Expression Infinity E I 59

9:51 p.m

Harmony is Infinity

Corona Virus
C O V ID. 29. 29th.

I am Expression Energy Infinite Harmony
1 2 3. 4 E F
Aligned now with G O.D. And G ode.

My Mother as A left a message a package behind C A
A.C. Crown and Corona C O. V. I D ” A MAN”

Eden ” No Hope” 124 S P

Sacred Portal 75.

Mother of Dragons M.O.D
D O M.
Defender Of Man. “Alexander. Grove”
Morgan Arden’s friend was just talking about Dragons
Two Gold and 7 Silver.. Mythical Power
And their parents The Two Male Female.
And there is another One.. Invisible Blue to Transparent.

Arden Gemino
AG means Silver. Eden Ag
Aurielia Gemino Gold. Au

59.8 74 Kilos. 59. 8. 7 4

132 Pounds.

193 Pounds
87 5 43 – 8 75 43. 8. 7. 5 43.

At Harmony 8 twice
59 8. 74. Destruction
8 75 43.
5: 9. 87 4. Rebirth of Life
87 5. 43

10:28 p.m
Reign Maximus Rodruigez Santa
Date of Birth.

I’m Cold * “Kold57@gmail.com is my Gmail account someone gave it to me.

It depends on how you see thing’s
I can only Feel that which is real.

And Where can I rest, to process all this?
Here with a lively family of 6.
Each daily rising with conclusive evidence of the E.
Where my body is still in this condition and Love as Beautiful Chaos rises..

The Kids all line of E.

What would you have me do..
But march on to the 29th.

10:35 p.m

Perhaps then I will grieve, not for my mother but for a play.which did not have to be enacted so intensely that for a moment it actually became real.
Harmony Destruction

19 84

I placed bouquets in each room not using thought just feelings except for Liberty who had indicated that she preferred the Orange.
The color of my Sensie Belt, Albert Santana self portrait in Orange- Flames.
Arden I gave first.. Yellow but I had some awareness which almost made me change my mind when I recognized the play.
But I finally did.
Auriela.. white cream cause her room is all white.
Lavender Violet to Ferrill and Pale cream Red tipped ones to Leander.

10:43 p.m

Still haven’t deigned to figure it out, except one, which Energy literally moved me to my.Altar and the giant mug the Family had made..
Arden decorative art piece he signed was in Yellow with Orange bands.

I looked in my hands, an orange.lighter was in my hands.
Red Gold make Orannge
Royal Reign
18 18. 36. 360. 3-6-2020
Full Circle

Liberty chose The Truth.
And I was moved by The Truth- Energy G OD.

10:48 p.m

I.am here Ikenna Iheanacho
99 roses Liberty counted.
Sacred Portal 99
I chose the small ones she had not counted fir the simple reason that they fit my.corner table Altar
The little ones not counted.

10:51 p.m

That is the nature of Energies play.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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