
3:49 a.m. – Hello, – I have a ne

3:49 a.m.


I have a new Facebook Friend.

H? Thu L? Thu. (H.T.L.T). H.T.

“Thrust the Sword in the Center of its Heart, to the HILT. H.L.I.T ( H.T)”

I was meditating on an even more forbidden script.

Witches Landing.

Many of you will recollect that play when I returned to The Assessment shelter after 18 Mountain View, Donna and Jon & Donna, and my 2 months at Erik Ebright home in Miami Florida: The Kolo, Izzy, Voodoo, and possessed dog play.
I arrived with a miniature silver Golden Gun- G.G.Sacred Portal 77.
My Script Version of The :Gods Gift”

You may recall how I met Eric Esposito (E.E) and the G America India-n on Bed 008.
I was on 007.

4:00 p.m.

Sacre Portal 4.00 and104 & 19- aka Terrible Death and the Sway of the Play with the Cosmic Egg.

Yes, it is the same person as the one 19 Supreme.

4:03 a.m.

It was Harold of bed 00.8 who provided the intel- Books Ender Game Ernest Cline and added the Wiches Landing.

It would appear that they allowed that script into the play, and made a story of Fiction an almost, impossible Fact because the Witches were Scientists- Sorcerers Wizards, -really those who rose from what you call the Primordial Soup- really the Liquid Black Energy Potential and the lie of it as it true version was moving through the wave and see of evolution became the evil which never had a right to exist, became a dominant force in keeping sleeping, napping human children, still half in their animal imaginative, energetic state.

4:09 a.m.


I have had enough of this…

H? Thu L? Thu

Ho. *:(Sino-Vietnamese) Depending on the transliteration, this may refer to either H? (Chinese Hu ?, literally meaning ‘dewlap, wattle’, but with the secondary meaning of ‘long-lasting’) or Hà (Chinese He ?, literally meaning ‘why’ or ‘where’, but with the secondary Vietnamese meaning of ‘to exhale’).

To Exhale.

I’ve been coding that “Waiting to Exhale” for years on my page.

*”From Sino-Vietnamese ? (chí) meaning “will, spirit”. This was a name adopted by the Vietnamese revolutionary H? Chí Minh (1890-1969) in the 1940s. Công m …”

Will, Spirit. W.S.

*”too. Origin: Vietnamese. Popularity:14832. Meaning: Autumn, poem.

Autumn, Poem, A.P. No need to explain that.

*From Sino-Vietnamese ? (l?c) meaning “force, power, strength”. Lê f Vietnamese Means “black” in Vietnamese. L? …’

Force, Strength, Power, Black.

Which other place in this script do you think that the most evil intentions and the blackest hearts in this world and in the spirit realm, moving Humanity in the deepest darkest shadows and to the pit of true Evil Intent and Hatred would I be accessing now all around me in this script?

Why… must the obvious alwys have to be explained even at this point when I have completed and ended all lecturing, teaching and guiding of the way of the E permeates everything even non existence.

This was meant to be a cue for me to recount another Truth and the beginning of the story of Time.
I think I will pass, told this one already through the last 10 years.

I am back at 34 41 Facebook friends.
It is easy to see what is being to this turntable L.P while converting it to C.D Compact Disc..?

4:21 pm.
See? it’s possing as Dive Universe.

Th Code is Delta at Beautiful Assassins.

Just another excuse and con.

4:23 pm.

Autumn Leafs. Autumn Leaves.

It’s just a word.


Falling Leaves. F.L.

4:24 a.m.

Delta X.
D-B.D. Doing and Being Full Circle

4:25 p.m.


Read the work and biography of Gene Genet and you will understand human nature as G.G.

4:26 am.

D.B.F. H. I

4:27 am.

That code aligned to Stephen Johnson line of Man, yet again.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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