
3;48 p.m…

3;48 p.m…


C D H… Consciousness =Exploration of the Height and Depth of Being… 10…In Balance as An Elegant Nomad…A E N

E-E- T.R… U E…

Expression Energy … ( Explained) Transparently Radiantly which creates Understanding Experience .. is Expression..

The DAY OF THE DEAD… Awakening…

With the Arrival of Billy Hung B.H… Will I am ..Hung…

We mark the end of the Script.

I have solved my Father Sons ‘ Lines Riddle of the Universal Mind -Manifest Body… U M M B.. Meaning the Super Computer is the Human Body which Ego Self Projects Oge Dawn

Piercing through all the illusion and delusion of Ceeing which creates the Lie and the illusion of the Evil Twin

E.T… For the E.T is really you, on return from all your exploration of Self and the Ways one can be in Existence, until one finds all unsatisfactory except the One the Original Creator of the Blue Print of All Existence manifested as Nature Naturalness, manifested.

Which is Harmony.. Manifest Harmony Above and Below…

Heave Earth-Expression Hearing..H E./ E H… 85 58… 13 13…

26..A-Z… ? No B to F… Alpha Beta Omega..

Alpha Omega beings with Being… You can not be Aware without a Body which is Being… Fact.. That you Exist and are present…

Then you move left and right.. B moves to A.. then A.. Goes Ah.. I Cee.. I conscious which means I See..

I.S… Fact..

Billy comes from the name William…

Hung comes from the name H O N G… ( H.O.. 8 O.. N G.. 14 7..See sacred portal 147.. 147…12… 14 7.. 21… 12/ 21.. 33…

12 21 are Twin.. 11.. Reflection.. 21 12…33… Billy and Cain Eden are both my 1133 Facebook friends..

And Billy lived the story of Cain and Able… just as I lived the Universal Story of that Cain and Able story.. The Marl of the Beast…

Brothers Jealousy…

I did live that, I lead the World infected by Jealousy.. All carrying the mark of the Beast…

B-East.. Who invented the Idea of 0 which does not Exist. And built a Matrix which was based on that idea…

When there was just a Universal Simulation…Awareness for a species to Awaken to their True Potential…

I lived the Curse of Cain..

The narrative of the curse of Cain is found in the text of Genesis 4:11-16. The curse was the result of Cain murdering his brother Abel and lying about the murder to God. When Cain spilled his brother’s blood, the earth became cursed as soon as the blood hit the ground.

4-11 is the code Jace Horsford gave me of his manager who is called Jonathan… Jace was born 11-4…

There is a man wearing a T-Shirt as Jace made a comment about our Solving a Riddle Together, the T-Shirt was the color of Jace”s Computer with the word Ssshhh Ninja’s Everywhere and the image..

I am Jonathan.. I came to new York with Jon Jason Lee…

J J L… 10 10 12… 1 1 12… 32.. C B.. E… 14… Nnamdi… 5… Emeka…

Billy is of that Line… And the script was flipped on us 4-11-16…

D.A A P.. D K P… 4 11 is the Planet Earth as the Story the 4th Dimension.

16 11-4… P… Peter meaning the Rock Stone… Peter betrayed or was used to Betray .. Christ.. Not Judas.. Lion of Juda…I have a Lighter which is of a Lion given to me by Robert Karl Murphy after he identified me as a Lion. Just as Jon Blackwell was moved to give me a Lion of Judas badge…

Karl had seen my reflection with his 3rd eyes

( just as I witnessed the literal embodiment of Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis last night in a play which took place last night of 3 hours of conversation Work- after doing the Work with Billy Hung and before that Jace Horsford.. Which formed the equation of first letters… J B J… A full Circle… Jaymess Bond My Locker.. 00 AT B.R.C. just before I came here to Delta Manor, and Quanma’e Lewis asked me yesterday about Bobby Jones…

Whom I linked to Charles Manson which is me..the original .. C M.. 3 13 My phone number… and which I was falsely accused of because of my completing the equation the Evolution of the Species…

Just as I was falsely accused of killing with my Mind my self as Nnamdi my younger Brother… Jealousy. Despite an Indian Yogi coming to warn me that what could have been my greatest down fall is that I had no understanding of the concept of Jealousy…

– in a way that had to be Nnamdi warning me.. Just as Geoff Lacour warned me years later…

I had no understanding of even what Jealousy was because I knew that all had the same abilities. It took me years to understand that idea.. Jealousy and my not understanding it for such a long time, did cause me pain and suffering for a while because I did not understand many people whom I felt cared and respected me and my work would then go on and do the most viscous and cruel things to undermine destroy and steal my work…

But I know now that anyone who understood jealousy understood this..

Anyway back to Genesis and Nnamdi or the Beautiful Passed being accused of being Jealousy… Cain the Murder…)

Judas was the Lion of Judah twin brother of Jesus.. You can see that role clearly played in Jesus Christ Super Star…which I have explained over and over again was a much more accurate expression of what actually happned.

5:09 p.m.


Yeshua is a character in the Simulation which all the Family 1 2 3 come down to interpret in the Universal Simulation Awareness Script.. Which created to help even the highest beings move through training and examinations… to graduation or Evolve to the last stage of Evolution which was of course to reach the I…

I Creator…

Infinite Consciousness… In fact that is what the conversation I had with Quanma’e Lewis last night after here.

It was a conversation which should have been recorded.

It was about Infinity being defined and then description of the Library and the Mind.

Jacquii Q came out from undercover and Whew… 21 years old… he revealed that his close friend ( Brother ) is a computer savant who reads script programing ect…A Hacker.. line…

Which is what Quanma’e Lewis is Energetically… I observed how his mind works.. How he admired the genuis of Bobby Jones by the sheer brilliance of his strategies, while fully aware and disapproving of the results of which he did to the community.

And when I offered my point of view of the truth behind his actions… I felt as though I had passed his test.

In deed, I was pretty incredulous at not only his mind, but that this whelp had the balls and brilliance to challenge and test my intelligence… I watched him check my mind to see how it works…

I laughed and enjoyed it.

But the converstaion was so powerful that it brought Karl in perfect harmony once I got to the part of that which is behind the portal and how his mother K M K… ( 11 13 11… 35.. C E…

Cain Eden C E… Chukwuemeka and then the Twin confirmation represented by Billy Hung Billy Fred… B B H.F/ BB F H.. 2 2 8 6… 2 2.. is 4.. Delta.. add my bed 4-018… 18+4=22… V.

V. 86… See sacred portal 86… Light Of Existence… L O E…

Add 55 EE… VV…

E V O L V E… E… L O V E… V E… E… L OVE Victor Emeka E..

Jace gave me 2 then 4 5 usd bills… 5555… E E E E….Today is 55… EE… That is 6 E’s… And Emeka… Fifth Dimension Expression adds 3 more…

5;25 p.m.

that is 9.. E’s.. 9 is 4 5… ( 5555.. 20.. T… E C T… I.. Infinity )

That is what I found myself being forced to explain to Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis last night after all that work here…

I said Whoa… and then the only person who knows that portal 1011 C.I is the portal represented in this U S A…Manifest Expression U S A M ..E… M U S I C.. Play arrives and sits through the whole thing, as well as Yuin Chen, at first who arrived, the Micheal Belle then another with the logo of China facingf us..

Then my body moving and I moving the ‘Chi’ in my body.. thinking about the martial arts… the ability to lock a person body such as mine by blocking the Chakra flows…

Then cat observing my actions and being startled but not enough to run away but simply take a distance and observe from a far….

Which at that precise moment the Young Black Panther Jacqui arrived and asked …Why did the cat respond to me like that..

I said It saw something

And he said, He saw something which made him afraid…

Iimmediately began to align him out of the dimension of the last fear and doubt he had of me without him being aware…

When at last I came out from undercover and revealed how I knew that he still had a bit of doubt and fear of me ( Just Like Nnamdi in the Eternal Beginning play thought this is a much much darker version)…

He denied that he had any fear of me.. u

He spoke about loving cats and how cool they are…

Until I proved to him that he saw paid attention more to the cats response to me, that what I was doing.

And that he trusted the Cats See , and trusted it to see though me that which he might warn him just in case…

I pointed out that the fence was really a mirror showing another version of him where he was the Cat…

That is when he burst out in delighted laughter…

5:39 p.m.

E .C I…

Damn Right! he giggled with total delight at being found out, ‘I trust the cats response to you, more than I trust you..

Yeah you are the Cat fascinated by my mind but often startled scared where I dare to go, but you come along because you understand the rooms I dare to go and you realize that you too, get it…

That you have your understanding of the ;Deepest and Heights ( D.H..4 8) within you…

He realized that he is fearless of mind…

I spoke with some of the guys here, and they told me that they backed off from going too deep into the codes because they felt as though it was an abyss where they fall in an loose their minds.

Their Holds on reality.

And yes I had heard and read of all the great minds who went insane, even being warned gracefuly by my mother when I asked he about why people were sacred to ask the meaning of existence and origins of God.. etc…

But I never had such fears, and as I observed Jacquii last night how he followed me mind and had already been to places which forced me to pause and stare at him and then sit down to focus on the highest conversation of the night and indeed of my life in earth, with this 21 year old.

I felt a very strange and very powerful deja Vu of the Eternal Begining with Nnamdi my past as the Sum Total of the Full Circle Embodied in a person who rose from the Blackness which was really the Royal Blue, Deep Space 9…

This had happened before… I was born in the Evening at 8 p,m…

It rose in Harmony but there was no time… there was light and there was the Blue.. and there was darkness and then there was the Hues… And then Color… I rose Everywhere atthe same time…

Nnamdi rose after the completing of my own Emeka Rising in Every Where… He rose after All the Emeka Aspects of my selves were complete… And then HE ROSE…

As the Nothingness .. the Nature… Naturalness…It was amazing…

I can not write about this anymore, because I am too exhausted but there was no jealousy…

Not then not now… It was two minds playing … and Nnamdi just as Quanma’e Lewis just wished to make sure that I could see him in his own right…

5:55 p.m.

Which I undertsood and once that was done, we sat down an discussed the problem while of course he made his stance…

What was his stance… Drama… and Beauty…

I represented Simplicity… The Universe is Beautiful… It can be summed up in one Word…

Which from a point of view of sheer pig headedness he challenged that that it required more descriptions more words to fully describe it…



But of course that was because he just had to go somewhere which he felt that I had not gone… yet…?

But then of course.. he saw, I had.. and that is what made him feel safe… i checked… before … It is all safe… I checked everywhere…

Before I summoned you to Rise…

6:00 p.m.

The mark of Cain… Johns means the Grace of the Creator…

The Gift of the Creator… ‘

Which means this was all about ungrateful for the Gift of Creation…..

I spoke to Quanma’e Lewis and I realize now that that was the replay of how he had risen from the Royal Blue R B..

O.. The Full Circle Represented by Billy Hung who Nnamdi had moved through to Check that what he already knew in the enactment of exactly what I had done to him…

And that my conversation with him was about how I was sure that behind that royal BLUE of Dark Energy- The Mystery.. the Riddle of the Sphinx.. that he knew… already but he had never really been there…

But he knew now as Robert Bobby Karl Murphy arrived in perfect harmony whose mother Kelly Michelle Kimberly had confirmed that there was another realm behind.

But Robert ‘Bobby’Jones.. ( Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones Kelly Jones, Sonya Jones… Kelly Moores. Kelly Hanna, Kelly Fragale Ryan Kelly)…already knew..

His Big Brother Told him… But Billy ( William) and Nnamdi ( Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo) checked.

6:19 P.M…


Feeling Sensationals…6+19=25.. Y.. B E…

Even going further and found that even there.. I had been already…

Y…B E…


Signed by E.K… E I.K… 5 11.. 16.. 7… 5 9..11…

That I had already been there… Even the End of Everything.. Every Where.. Every One… And I was, had been there..

Signing my name… with my John Thomas… Signature.. Initials.. Name…

I am here.. I am there .. I am everywhere…So Beware…

6:24 p.m.

E BY E K. C K E D K.. B K.. BY E…

A K Eternity…


I K…

I created everything….

6;26 p.m…

My second coffee is also 26… 26 26… Z Z… 26 8.. 26… 8..

88… 16… Planet.. 7..G..Grace.. 1-7… Colors..

*The narrative of the curse of Cain is found in the text of Genesis 4:11-16. The curse was the result of Cain murdering his brother Abel and lying about the murder to God. When Cain spilled his brother’s blood, the earth became cursed as soon as the blood hit the ground.

Answer: After Cain killed his brother Abel, God declared to Cain, Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth (Genesis 4:11-12).

The curse of Cain resulted in Cain being cut off from the presence of the Lord. The Genesis and Moses accounts both attest to this. The Book of Mormon teaches this principle in general when it speaks about those who keep the commandments will prosper in the land, while those who don’t will be cut off from the presence off the Lord. This type of curse was applied to the Lamanites when they rejected the teachings of the prophets.

The exact nature of the mark of Cain, on the other hand, is unknown. The scriptures don’t say specifically what it was, except that it was for Cain’s protection, so that those finding him wouldn’t slay him. Many people, both in an out of the Church, have assumed that the mark and the curse are the same thing.’

Ham was Cain… Able was white and Ham was black? And God favored the White Able…?

Non sense…Able was Farmer and Cain was the Hunter.. Shepherd and Spear…. and Seth was the Bean.. Seth McBean

.Seed planted … Bean shaped Mitochodria planted in the Cell.. The C… Speed of Light…

Cain Able… C A… 3 1… Seth.. SET.. H.

E.C… E A… E S… E Delta. E.B…

6:43 p.m.

By the Spear into the Able… The Seed of Light, planted in the Darkness…

Body and Being… One was anchored rep the body as Death and to bring back the understanding of the Mystery of Life.. He had to Wander.. Not all those who wander are Lost

Emeka Nnamdi Play… Obumneme … I have already solved this code…Nnamdi passed at age 13, in order for me to bring the Body Death back to Life…

The Mystery was obviously solved because Seth was meanwhile having children… And the Brothers obviously knew the way… So this was about bring foth the C.. Cee for all to See Consiousness as they see saw… the Belle-Vue…

And the C .. C.E..C.I… L….I.A.H. 6th Sense through an ACT…A PLAY..To Activate the I O NS..

The Mark..?

To Live forever…

John was beloved of Jesus… and Judas… And Judas was the Conscious of Jesus reminding h that the play was not about perfection but how perfection could be understood in a realm of Imperfection. Which is why the perfect play of Jesus created such a mess.. It was wrongly translated.. because it was perfect and Jesus did not take in the point of view of the Imperfect.. the incomplete who had yet to see the full picture…

So one had to walk eternally holding onto the point of Cain the spear of destiny which is Eternal Life is planted in both the Being and the Body..

6;52 p.m.


Fact Eternal Beginning…

I was given by Jace Horsford a packet of Malboro… a moment earlier I did was given a packet of Malboro from Robert Karl…

7:17 p.m.


I watched then today as the packet of American Spirits was Torquiose….

That was the Color Karl was wearing.. The One Who Knows that Galaxy 1O11 C I reps the way Home..

Not the one who carries the Mark of the B-east… The code J K H…But has not the meaning or the embodiment of it…

What this means is that the codes of Terrible Death.. S.P 104 are the deption.. The Beautiful Deception because it points

to you as Special Designated for something great.. But The Devils trick as Nnamdi Sensei, is are you Worthy… did you earn it… Will you claim that which you did not earn.. take credit for that which you have not embodied…

Surprising how many did.. nearly all the ‘Chosen Ones

It is crazy the stupidity of that.. and such a supreme, and yet simple test of Egoist…

I never give advice.. and I will not start now, but I will offer my point of view that if your are being given a Mark and Tag check to see if it fits.. and before you sign the contract read it… And check who is giving you the contract…

And ask of course.. Chosen One..?

Chosen for what role…?

Iam just sayin… but hey, it too late in the game for all that now anyway…

Each to their own… The Portal to the Eternal Realm is reflected in R K.M..R M… Randall Michael Robert Murphy.. One to Existential Death and the other to E Galaxy 1011 C I… Room with a View..

R M.. E… 18 13… 31.. 5… 36 o… That is the number on my Locker… I am the portal.. Embodied.. not a code a person is carrying… they are just signs pointing the way…

7:48 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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