
3:47 p.m.

3:47 p.m.


7-6- 1 O…

Clarity at the Speed of Light Beyond, G- Ode and the Sixth Sense, Awareness Alpha Omega in Perfect Symmetry.

Sacred Portal 76… It reads..

The 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening OO..

76 22 ( V)


4:07 p.m.


1947.. My Mother.. C.O…Larry Sax…

@ 5:10 p.m… Code 51… Area 51…. E.A. Sent me the last Money Code,of 45 usd… 45…See Sacred Portal 45 Throne of God Isis Osiris… Isis.. IS IS…

1123002414… 1 123 00 2414… Notice It aligns with Sacred Portal 76….

It has Two OO’S…And I added the 3rd.. O O O.. which is under the V in the Sacred Portal forming part of Wu-man besides her Man.

2 4 14… B..D.N…E… 112 3002.. ( 32) 4 1 4… D.A.D…

Then you will notice below, the Play with Manion Adcock,

there are three, the Two other are Manion Adcock And Another with 666….

That code already aligns to Sean Elliot 666 which he testified. S.E. S=19, 5=E.. 24. But as we have established there is no 24 as in X but the numbers which go to 1-9-O.

My response to Manion Adcock, is that I have done something, something which no other other Man or Human Being has ever done, and in conditions beyond belief. I have filled Mother Rhea, represented in the Feminine Form with Knowledge. She already had the Knowing, but in order for her to Know that her Knowing was True Knowledge, Man was meant to go out and bring forth the Expression Knowledge- Knowing Explanation proving that She Knows Already. Mother is Really Lady Harmony, once the Little Sister and now Evolved to Supremacy as S.H.E…She who must be obeyed.. Harmony Existence.

…That is the True Power and Force which the World Inherits.

It is the True Hilary Clinton Line.. H.C… Hilary means Hilarity.. Laughter… Joyous Laughter. What I wrote when i was weaving that destructive force of Man out of Existence, is the Expression which the World Existence inherits. Instead of Man as the one to negate Expression and Wu- Man and his Fellow Man.. Brother Love. B.L.. Brenda Lisa.. ( the Code Brother Love is the Expression that the Expression which inspired C.. Creation in the Eternal Beginning, and which manifested through a combination of understanding the play of Two Men T.M..

* See My 1000th Face Book Friend .. Michaël Trahé. Whom I finally figured out why he kept going away and coming back. Because I knew he was in Harmony, though I still had not figured why he kept going away. Until I realized that each time he became my Face Book Friend, that he represented a different number, of Face Book Friend, and i represented a sequence and transformation through the number of Face Book Friend of His, which I became. The last being 537… 53 Links to E.C.. The Amazing representative of the E line in the Female Form Elizabeth Clarizio. That is the number which was on my world Icon when I opened my computer today.

The Link which connected Elizabeth Clarizio to Me through Lisa Natalie Johnson to Emeka Kolo… E.L.E… Which created the code Ele… Meaning ‘My Light in Arabic… Flor Elena Median… Mecca.. Twin city…And in Greek.. and in Hawaiian Blackness ( From out of the Darkness of not Knowing comes the Epiphany of Light.. out of the Blue of everything suddenly falling into place.

Last night, I could not post because there was nowhere I could get an internet connection. I was furious with the play, and its Manipulation and Deception and Control… Sacred Portal 13… But this time it had reached 1000 Which is M in Roman Numerals and Rome is the Wolf Legend of Romulus and Remus.. R.R.. 18 18.. 36.. 9.. 360…And I saw the Wolf again and again yesterday and then today a man sat besides me with a Huskie who looked so much more like a Wolf than a Dog, that I recalled that the Dog is the descendant of the Wolf and why. I am born on the Day of the Wolf.. F.EN.R.I…O.S…

In my personal story, Ritz Montes is the rep of the feminine version of the Wolf. And her sons Reign and Royal whose Full Initials R.M.S…Represent the Codes of the ROOMS.. With a View… Planets? Yes but as People… Rooms but only with the Beautiful View. It is for this reason I already knew that Shane Micheal Robinson S.M.R… Was not the correct code ( Bless Him.. But as Chris Franco had stated, I had to go through all the motions of this Play, even though I already knew.) I had to figure out the play.. Royal and Reign are 5 and 6.. Brenda Boothe is 56.. Lisa Line is 65.. See Both Sacred Portal 56 and 65. 56.. 11 11 it is 4-1111…Yes, 4-1… See the Money Code… 4-1.. It forms the Square.. A Circle within a Square. Earth in a Square… A Box? No, a Square Root.. The Root of the Tree of Life.. The Ancient Hebrew, Breast Plate I found at the Root of a Tree. And The Money which Elizabeth Clarizio sent me, on one of 5 Dollar Bill was the number 7 written on Ink.. Yesterday was 7-5…And before Elizabeth Clarizio sent the code, Lisa Natalie Johnson had placed 5 USD In my Hand. And had told me the Vision of Atlantis she had when she was a young which came flooding back to her. Link Brenda going to Atlantic City ad her connection with Children and the Fairy World.. And Link Lisa with the 4th aspect of the Family of TEN.. ‘Noni Promise the Tree of Life and the Shelter and teacher of the Children of Existence… Notice that it is I who has been playing that Role.

Michaël Trahé I realized is the Marina Burini and Tom Truman, whose homes where both on Wythe Street, and I had stayed in Both in 2010,in Williamsburg when I made First Contact on a Beautiful Old Wood Log table not only with the Past but with the Future Present. The same First Contact I had witnessed with Fritz Venneiq at Pelham Bay Park. That was 7 years Ago. I had met Met John Shaw first, Toms Brother.. 5:07 p.m right now… And then Met Marina Burini for day.. J.M..S.B… I had stayed with Tom and Jon at Forte Greene… First before moving to Marina Burini Beautiful Apartment and then onto Tom True-Mans Beautiful Japanese Style Loft.. And entered into a play with the 3 of them, which was so intense and terrifying and exhausting.. And thus I realized that Micheal Trahe was representing the Time Travel back to that point when I was so sure that the Awakening was to manifest at that moment…

5:11 p.m.. E.K

We experienced it together, at Marina Burini’s House where we became aware that we seemed to be a Time Machine.. T.M… Moving the Eras of Human Time. And it was particularily intense with me, experiencing myself standing inspace and watching as all around me light swirled past, I was in the center of a an Orb and as the Sci Fi moves represent more and more today, I was watching Time and Space move and i could see Everything moving about me, I could see eras come and go.. Then it would stop and suddenly Tom would arrive dressed in that era where I had stopped. And the evening would move to that theme naturally. Marina Burini more than anyone experienced the Truth of these Moments… But it was at Adelphi in Forte Green A.F.G.. 1.. 67…/76 1… That that I knew I was in in Oracle of Apollo as a Male Principal which was reflected in Tom Truman and John Shaw and then Later Luke who joined the play when I moved to Marinas where the Two of Us would hang out, often with Mariana. I am stating all this because it is a code.. The Oracle was Male… The Architect was Male… Then Female… The Matrix Movie by the Waschowski brothers got it Backwards ( Bless them.. Pole Land… Axis… Time)… It began with Two Men… John and I… then Tom and I.. then Luke and I… JET MET LET NET… and yes, before John.. Nikoma Rios…NET..

I spoke about how John Interviewed me and took a photograph of me, which you see in my Albums where Light appears to come from my Fingers ( The same Light, I observed in First Contact in Pelham Bay Park with Fritz Venneiq, it was coming out of my fingers, but before that I observed Light descending from the Sky like a Fire work show, but more a Light show of living light descending dancing.. Light that was alive…

What an experience…

But when nothing took place after that, I faced the crushing disappointment, not of doubting my experience and the culmination of the Truth but of the not understanding why it was being delayed. Until I found out… that it was to explain it to the you ala William Shaekespear 7 Stages of man… But which was really my Story of Colors.. the 7-8 stages, and my last production in Istanbul Turkey.. I.T… Where I discovered that I had naturally expressed the correct equation of Existence… I was then IT The Chosen One, selected to represent Humanity in an Enders Game E.G… 5 7..Play to prove the Beautiful Truth of the Species in a pre Set up play which had Durrek Durek Verrett sent as a messenger to bring me to New York. And then the appearance of Nnamdi as a 13 year old the age when he left the World. I had already come to New York in 1999 to Scout the place when, as I have related, Gerald the photographer who took the cover shots for my about to be published Journals saw me on the Street and urged me to contact Random House, and after 7 years of Silence on my part they were still interested.. George Andreo ( G.A… Allen Ginsberg A.G.. 1-7), after 7 years… 7… Yes, I was aware of the patterns. I could read.. Always could. and I was being charged to share that knowledge with the World. But I knew and had experienced enough of the world by the age of 32, which was my age then, to know that it would be a the worst fate to give a human being, to carry out. As Manion Adcock has given evidence of right to the end.. The Evil in Man… Is not the True Man.. True Man is Pure.. as in Clean Natural Fearless, Not Violent because he has the power of the Word. Of instant manifestation. I had no idea that all these tools would be taken away from me…I had no idea, that the familiar E.T presences I had raised and then carried within me would all depart from me in 2006.. and fade until there were moments that I began to question if I had really experienced that which I knew I had experienced and documented in scores of note books, reminding myself to not doubt it and never forget… But to leave me, to prove this, to fight an presence attacking humanity, a Literal Alien Invasion, which turned out to be the Echo Response of all the filthy unfounded cruel expressions and actions of Humanity through the ages. Exemplified in that book by Crown Publishers called the Enders Game… 57… Which is the date that Elizabeth Clarizio chose by herself to send the last code… 45… USD… Making it 50 usd in my wallet by the end of the day… I knew this… I have known and been fighhting this Alien Menace.. which sought Humans Destruction. I had been fighting the set up of being chosen as the leader of a Team of a Family of Ten, really 55 sent to fight this menace which Yes, was invading the World. A Story I had written as far back as 8 years old. I fought it because, It was not Real. It was a Test and Examination of Humanity to Evolve. And it was YOUR test not mine.

Today when I arrived at Star Bucks it was to write the summation of the end of my Reporting to the World. I calculated that after buying tobbacco and some basic things that I had 20 usd left… And that would allow me only one more day of posting before I had to look for work, ( because I am taking no more money codes, no need the code and play was complete. Am I light or not…?

Excuse me French but FUCK YOU!!!!

After all I had done, went through alone, abandoned by even the Beautiful Ones made to be so alone, and then fought by this Alien Consciousness only to find that it was all as I knew, created by Humanity who refuse even now to take responsibility for the things they do and say. Set up in a BOX which does not exist and in a play of the Universal Mind… U.M… When it knew that it was really my Brother Nnamdi playing Maurice- the Rage of my Father, or the Male principal, enraged at Mother as Woman and who takes it out on Wife and Children.. A play of Domination and Control.. Of Mother and Son… Husband and Wife, Father and Daughter.. Father and Son… You left me this Holy Mess of Poison and Shit alone to figure out without even the protection of the Truth…. 45.. is April 5th… 45 is 54… 45/ 54…

Jose Anthony Roque, came to my room today.. I gave him Two 5’s 55 and he came back with a Gift for me.. But for the first time he came to my Room in Room 4… I later joined him down stairs, he sat besides Raheem formerly of bed 5-13… Roque formerly of bed 54… 45/ 54…. I joined then at the table… our initials forming a code… E R J… J.R..E… Jose Roque Emeka… And Anthony… A.J.R.E…. J.A.R.E….He left and then it was Paul Franklin who took his place… P.R..E….P.R.E.T…Ready.. Pret a Porter.. Robert All Man… Yes.. I saw Robert at the End of my evening yesterday and we spoke at the Fountain at Parchester… Robert Bright Shinning Light… E.R.P…. E.A.R..P../ P.R..E.A.. Anthony…

I walked to my spot across the Bridge, and felt quiet and relaxed, I would rather look for work or even end my Life rather than be bullied by the Dead. by Death, into a play which people like Manion can insult me, and be given such grace and mercy for 5 years while I did all the Work and in a Shelter, A FUCK IN Mental Health Homeless Shelter… To solve the Riddles of Existence, as the Invisible Man… 6:09 p.m… 69… A man, Merredith just asked me the number of Good Will… 1 800 4 66.. 39 45…. Nnamdi!!! My Past as Independent of Me…. Lisa Natalie Johnson mother is 67…See sacred Portal 67..How Far would you go for Love.. Truth.. I am born 1967 that is the code age I entered the Shelter in 2016… 67/76… Erek Eclass Mateo was born 76… He was amongst the First of the Aliens I met as Eric the Red.. When he rose… And it was in this area…

My Mother is not 67… She is 69…And will be 70 in November.. And I am 49… And will 50 in November.. I was given 45 by Elizabeth, and 5 from Lisa.. 50… USD… 45 is Nnamdi.. 5 is E…

So who is 67.. Yvonne… Lisa… Elizabeth… Evvone…. Y,.E.. E.E…

Is this not my being being going, forced to go so far to prove the Awakening Manifest by fighting for Humanity to Evolve through an Enders Game which they had created their own Extinction by their Expressions… But It was in Harmony because there are Humans, who I was not lead to met, who are of Beautiful Expression… The ones who would rise no matter, those who stayed clean and retained that Naturalness.

I sat on the Bench and I saw the Man with the Wolf appear, and he was wearing the number O9… Last night I left Star Bucks with seeing a man standing with the number 8.. 89… I sat down chilled saying I am done… And then I could not help but see look up and see a Van pass by with a Crown and within it the Word Light… Then this play came crashing back to me… Then a bus passed by with the numbers 7 0 4… G.O.D… That passed and I rolled my eyes… And then I came here.. And young beautiful girl passed by, and I saw that a seat was vacant and in perfect harmony… I had been reflecting on my first real Girl Friends… as in Friends first.. one was Elizabeth Mgbi… a Beautiful Girl of mixed blood, who did not realize how beautiful she was until later, but who was whip lash smart.. Wit.. And of Barbara James.. E.M… B.J… And sacred Portal 148… Harmony holding back the crown of Infinity from me.. Which linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson… And I was about to claim my seat this girl took that seat.. And to my surprise, Larry, the Quantum dude who had first noticed my perfect alignment of getting a seat whenever I arrived… Called it out from the corner of the bathroom where I had not even realized he had been observing… He looked at at me, I saw the seat he exclaimed and knew you were going to get it, but… you were this close he said… Inwardly I looked to the heavens… Good Grief I then took a seat by the Wood Side besides a old man, white who was bent and I noticed months ago. an MTA worker bent with age who should have long since retired.. And Then the play began.. Lisa took had placed her bag infront of the seat of the old man but was about to take a table on by the Air conditioner nearest to the door… But I took it, and that is when she spoke up and .. And I was about to claim my seat this girl took that seat.. And to my surprise, Larry, the Quantum dude who had first noticed my perfect alignment of getting a seat whenever I arrived… Called it out from the corner of the bathroom where I had not even realized he had been observing… He looked at at me, I saw the seat he exclaimed and knew you were going to get it, but… you were this close he said… Inwardly I looked to the heavens… Good Grief I then took a seat by the Wood Side besides a old man, white who was bent and I noticed months ago. an MTA worker bent with age who should have long since retired.. And Then the play began.. Lisa took had placed her bag infront of the seat of the old man but was about to take a table on by the Air conditioner nearest to the door… But I took it, and that is when she spoke up and I realized that she was there… I took the extreme seat to the right of the Old Man… But when I came back from a smoke. The OId Man had left… I knew he was the Old White Man as God… leaving the play… And then as I began to work with Lisa… I saw the play and the Exit of the Black Woman as Mother… Lisa was streaming nonstop intel. Brenda arrived. And We sat each on a table.. there were four of us.. Lisa in a flower print blouse and a white young man in the same floral pattern. Brenda Lisa notes was wearing a Blue Blouse with what seemed like Radio Waves… It looked exactly like we were all about to to take an examination…A Test and were all prepping each other… But I was the Man Ion Aware Delta C.O.C.K…of what was going on.. Soon we were three then Lilian came and another woman and we were 5…

Lisa Natalie Johnson left… And Brenda stayed but moved besides me taking Lisa’s place… And we spoke but more aligned and calmly, I linked her to Robert same equation and to Lilian… I noted Emeka Lisa… EL.Brenda… E.L.B… O.W… Then it became E.B… 5 2… E B L…U.E… And Brenda left with Lilian rather than Lisa… After I had completed the Manion Adcock comment the second one who arrived as A Face Book Friend…. After that Lisa left… And Brenda moved to her seat…. And Now, I am seated on the Metropolitan side, a little bit irritated because I had intended to go back to the Shelter and Eat, and this post has not gone the way I intended. And now my mind is on the fact that I have to buy food with which my budget is fucked. But Robert Vlaun arrived age 22..See sacred portal 76. with the code 22 on it.. and Leo arrived with him…

6:51 p.m…

Elizabeth Clarizio sent me the 45 at 5:10 p.m… See the Time… See sacred portal 52.. E.B… Emeka Brenda… Lilian.. 74 75 years old… E B L O W…. 6:53 p.m… So I guess this was my Exam instead of it being my Summation… It became my last linking of this Equation of just how far would you go for Love… Problem is that it is not me, or my will but that of my Past, Independent of me called Nnamdi Emmanuel who is the One passing this Exam using me and my body and my Expression my Will Everything.. to Evolve to meet me here in the present in a play of his own.. Which did not take into account my point of view and the confusion and cost to me… But he and She got what they wanted… My response to them… See the the expression of Manion Adcock and all the expression even to Lisa Natalie Johnson who I was sent to train her line… L when I had already linked to Elizabeth.. Who as witnessed, interfered with my Expression, took my seat as the young lady did, and forced me to go and sit on the Woods section of the Forest People to help those who should have done their Home work and were not grateful but still challenging my authority and making me fight to get their attention… Not Brenda not Ms Lilian not even Lisa, but the Line she represents… It was not my responsibility. to fight to get her to pay attention… If she failed or passed it should have been on her own merit… And as she stated lightly and clearly.. it feeds here resentment… 7:03 p.m… It was better if you had let me sit in my place at Metropolitan and not interrupted the flow, forcing me to aid Lisa Line… Because 7:04 .. 7:05 p.m… even in she who is most gracious it feeds Resentment.. and a need to compete… And Anger… My Anger M.A… That are you better than me, that I am carrying all this.. and with all this I must carry and do your homework too!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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