
3:45 pm. – C-D.E. – C 3rd Planet f

3:45 pm.
C 3rd Planet from the Sun. 45 Billion years old.
Compact Disc. E.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 45 Mutual Facebook Friends.
John Mack 48 Mutual Facebook Friends.

K.B.E. Sacred Portal 112 A B.

3:48 pm.


This Humanities Evolution Script is, was our own responsibility.
“Man” was meant to do it ourselves.

As you know, it was meant to be done by us all together as a Team, but it was through a play of Liberty, Leander, and Arden’s most of all whose Natural and Eternal Self, made me aware that I was meant to do it alone, that the script had shifted because no one else was doing the work aligned to the Script designated.

Which his expression Ass Hole to me, and his tone which had something in his voice which caused me to pause and investigate the sacred portal Arse Hole which turned out to be sacred portal 22 which states that I do this alone.
A Man.

H-B.I “A MAN”= 29, is 2019 T.S.
The Source.

Of course, though I had suspected that, I felt I was to lead and direct a team of the E Family, not literally do it alone.
If I had known, I would have refused, and it is obvious that Cecilia Onuabuchi and Nnamdi-Nonyem as well as the E Family knew this, which is why I did not get the confirmation until reaching 900 South Road.

I had done it alone before, when all rose, now in this form and in this Universal Simulation called Time, I was being asked to do it again? To prove that I did it in the Beginning and now, I had to do it again as A Man, here?
But I was no longer just One.
Now my aware as Spirit Expression Awareness was now present and embodied as a Beautiful Youth, My Beautiful past who rose with me, in that Eternal beginning as the One and then Two witnesses A.C.to that deed which no one else yet existed, but these One Two did.

The idea was to prove the Eternal Truth, via Eternal Truth that not only was The Source A Man but that it was I representing “Man”
But I refuse to acknowledge that Humanity Present was of me, for that was a lie.
But the E Seed planted in all was yes, of I.

4:03 pm.

Today, I received a message from Liberty C

Arden, Leander, Liberty= A.L.L.
And that completion of that A.L.L. E. Y. Reflected incompletion via the sacred feminine was completed on Alicia Norris birthday, with Laura Walsh.
A.L. L. E.Harmony Frequency.

Aurelia Gemino was representing the sacred feminine and Arden as my Iand I.
Aurelia = 67.
I am code 67.

4:09 pm.

I noted the time Liberty sent me her message, it was 11:22 pm,
Cecilia- David. C.D,
11-22-19 47 47/74.
11-22-19 68. 68/86.

Laura’s messaged me at 5:11 pm Yesterday. E.K.
Monk – Halloween.

I have lived for the last 21 years, totally against my will, as a Monk-Priest.
I am playboy.
and Sex. Sacred Portal 51.

4:14 pm.


One of the conditions given to me by the E.T, Extra-Terrestrials to manifest the Evolution Awakening, because of the evil done here to SEX, Intercourse, Creation.

The message from Liberty C was that everywhere she looked, people are posting “Remember, Remember, the 5th of November.
V. Vendetta, Vengence.
That is Cecilia Onu- Nnamdi John, Nonyem-Joy.

Aurelia Gemino was born on the 5th of November, 2005.
2005. T.O.E./ E.O.T. One Two.
25. Y. B.E.

I have been coding that date as Far back as Albert ( Edwin) Santana’s portal which I first entered and found after spending 61 days living in an ALLEY before I was “Led” to his address and was taken over by something that had never happened to me before-The Fury of a Gorilla Frequency, King Kong, and later a few days later, A King Cobra.

That is where I began coding “Remember, Remember the 5thof November” from sheer quiet anger and rage at what I had lived through and witnessed as the only reply for this world and the play script.
Consequence. That must have been around 2007-2008.

When I responded to Liberty today, it was 3:39 pm.
A moment later, I saw I had a new Facebook Friend request.
So I am now at 2039 Facebook Friends.
I was expecting it.

Maike Steinitz M.S.
/E.K. I.A.M. Z.T. IN. E. T.S.
The Source.
T.S- 39. C.I.

H/I “A Man” 29 Being I, T.S. The Source
I.K.-C. I.
8 is H but also Infinity

I-A A- C.I.
H-A.A- C.I.

4:42 pm

Maike *”Maike means “beloved” (from Egyptian “mry”), but as well “sea of bitterness” or “drop of the sea” (from Hebrew “mar/???” = drop or “mará/?????” = bitterness + “yam/???” = sea) and “star of the sea” (from Hebrew “????/maor” = star/light).

Sea of Bitterness from which I rose. The Dead Sea.
First Drop in the sea. See- C.LA.K.E. Sacred Portal 46
First Drop. 46/64 move.
Yam is called “Ji” by the Igbo.
Legend of the First Man. May 5th Month.
And NAME in the west.
Star of The Sea. S.O. T.S
Star Light. / Lincoln Street. S.L= 31.
October 31st.

*”Origin and Meaning. 1) Low German and Frisian pet form of Old High German names beginning with Mein-; the name element meaning ‘might, strength’.

Might, Strength. M.S.= 32… 5.

*”What nationality is the name Maike?
German: from a pet form of May.”

*”Meike means “sea of bitterness”, “drop of the sea”, “star of the sea”, “beloved”, “rebelliousness”, “exalted one” or “wished for child (from Maria) and “strength” or “power” (from Old High German “magan/megin”)”

I am not bitter I am Angry, Enraged, I rose from this world as the Sa of Bitterness. Proved the True Sweetness.
Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound.

That all was in Perfect Harmony, right up to Poverty Hollow.

4:58 pm.

And now, Vengeance, Vendetta is mine.

4:59 pm

Maike Steinitz M.S.= 32.
3-20-2001 arrival in the U.S.A

S.T. E.I NIT. Z.

*”STEINITZ (G) From Steinitz, a town in Moravia. STELLMACHER (O) “Cartwright,” in German, or a carriage maker or one who sold them. STENDAL (G) From Stendal, .

Cartwright, C. C.W.
Carriage Maker. C.M.
The Body.

5:06 pm.


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