
3:43 PM

3:43 pm.



It’s no coincidence that on New Year’s Eve, that I ( We) have reached 15 33 Facebook friends at last.

33 is of course Sacred Portal 33.

It’s the age code of Tree Sage, Chiefy… Kim.

And it represents 33 Vertebra the Spinal cord of the Body as Infinity standing up.

Many of you may recall the play of 2015 and 2016 at the Assessment Shelter which began with my being assigned bed 49.

* It’s 3:49 pm right now.

And my coming back one full year to the exact day and my consciously choosing to stay one extra day outside, making it One Full-year and a Day, and coming back to the Green Point Assessment shelter and being assigned bed 007.

I had found a miniature replica of the Golden Gun- which if you go back you can see on my Facebook page.

You might recall my meeting Eric Esposito ( E E) on bed 9 and meeting the South American Indian who told me how he found a book which he said he was knew was meant to be for me.

It was called Enders Game E.G.

from the same author of Ready Player One.

*Ender’s Game is a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set at an unspecified date in Earth’s future, the novel presents imperiled humankind after two conflicts with the Formics, an insectoid alien species they dub the buggers. Wikipedia

Originally published: January 15, 1985

Author: Orson Scott Card

Preceded by: Cheater

Followed by: Speaker for the Dead

Page count: 324

Characters: Ender Wiggin, Bean, Peter Wiggin, Mazer Rackham,

Yes, Kim was in the Military, and I the rep of the Army of One.

And have been in the Army of God.

As well as literally walking through its equivalent as here in this reality via Army Veterans, World Wars, Mars 4th planet, the red planet- astral plane, where there was a War going on, in the World Shamans as Witches and Wizards – Ancient and modern- Scientists and Spell makers.

Orson Scott Card. O S C.

Please see Orson Welles. O W.

*George Orson Welles was an American actor, director, writer, and producer who is remembered for his innovative work in radio, theatre, and film. He is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Wikipedia

Born: May 6, 1915, Kenosha, WI

Died: October 10, 1985, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Citizen Kane.

Books War of the Worlds, 1938

A Touch of Evil… 1958 ( A T O E)

*The manager here at South Whitney his name is Scot.

House of Cards Tarot

aligned via my Sacred Portals as well as code C A R D.

Christopher Arden Robert David

C A RD E N Emanual Nnamdi.

Harold was assigned bed 008.

South Road 900/ 009 bed Eric Esposito. who was moved to replace Luke Wilson on bed 004?

( 94 Code I D Identity Defined)

See play of Independence Day, with Esteban M Filgueria and my leaving aligned with a play with Arden and a photo on the fridge when he was 9 years old.

Harold then brought me yet another book called Witches Landing


I stated that only Enders Game was the real play and that the Witches Landing was the diversion a lie.

The correct equation of W L is actually L W…. 12 23= 35 C E..H.

And has been confirmed by Luke Wilson and Laura Walsh.

4:47 pm.

Game of thrones.

Mother of Dragons.


A final play took place here last night.

My Mother rose in me, 4:48 pm.

And I watched them play and yet the final challenge by the Witches and Wizards take place.

I will not go into detail about what took place, here, but again they used a person here.

I already knew the setup, even as went out to buy some foodstuffs.

I saw it all as walked back, with my third eye. I was aware that the play ends at the moving from the 31st as Self Love and the fatal mistake made by the Word and World Witches and Wizards and the Spells they create using Words and Expression veiling true intent, and their distraction they create no stop so that I and you would not be Aware.

Please remember that the End Game has been about the Universal Simulation test of Awareness thus the Witches and Warlocks working from the shadows of the astral plane – really Mind Thought ( MT.. 13 20= 33) Hidden Figures lurking and working from the shadows, were doing everything from to distract me, us from the play which manifests the Evolution Awakening and prevent the Landing of the Dove.

As I walked back, I noted that I had stopped wearing the Army jacket, from Kim and had been wearing a long Deep blue over coat- meaning that my role as being in the army was over.

I had bought things worth 16.58 USD.

I had 23 USD in my wallet, I understood exactly what was happening.

I knew it when for the first time in over 8 months, I picked up something from the streets, which was of the play of Magic.

The last time had been the day Arden Morgan and Jeron play, where I had found on the road the Grapes metal purple plaque linked to Morgan. Yes, the twin Dolls I found one with A Tiger code and the other Grapes Dionysus Midas…Touch.

Grapes of Intoxication with life

And of course, I was aware of the play of Arthur and the knights of the round table. Morgan Freeman and Morgana.

Round Table, at Paris Ritz.

Kim Arthur Hinds.

I was watching TV on Net Flix and everything I watched was a perfect mirror of that which was going on from Spy Game to His Dark Materials and my watching Jet Li’s Kiss of the Dragon.

5:06 pm.


Jet Li… Yes, my Facebook friends Lord Li and Hung Ye.

The use of simple Needles to control the body.

And yesterday, the twisting of my body, to take me off my center again was so intense, I was aware that I was being attacked.

I knew that this was the Witches Warlocks, the world of Shamans’ last effort to confuse and distract me.

And so when I saw something on the road as I made my way back to the apartment and saw something on the road, I sighed wearily but found myself picking it up, I knew it was for me.

Benjamin C Krajewski was the only person who I knew who practiced this Alien Wizardry, indeed I had helped him refine his craft.

By adding pointers.

but I was fully aware of who he was before he took on this Human Form.

I picked up the Card.

It read New Car and was a picture of a Corvette.

* Which I showed Kim, and he confirmed that he had been seeing the same code.

Corvette of course aligned to Prince and another song Kim mentioned, Corvette Corvette damn that dude is aligned, he had no idea that C C 33, that I am now at 15 33 Facebook friends.

A Red Sports Car.

New Car N C… New York Connecticut.

N = 14.. sacred portal 14 evolution of consciousness.

N C / C N is Pi. 3.14…


Arden Age Code.

17 is Q

Anamla Qayin to Quasharia Allah.

5:17 pm right now.

E Q.


It meant a New Body.

My Grandmother Lucy Ojugo L O ( Lucy means Dove) had once offered me her, Red Car ( brand new) when she noted that my mother did not allow me to drive her two cars because deep down she was afraid that I might have a car accident, since this is how Nnamdi had died, and Lord Charles had almost died twice.

M y grandmother was a Tiger as I stated, but a became that force out of love.

She could see, so when Serenity, came at me saying that she was a Tiger, a few days ago, and liberty told that Aurelia had two new Cats, one called Tiger, also her literal code is a tiger… cat.

I knew exactly what was going on.

Do you recall that Esteban Stephan acquired a new car code B A… all black after Azrael became my Facebook friend?

* See Azrael in the series His Dark Materials, he is the father of Lyra aka (Eve) AZ-R A.E L.

Another story… fiction AZA R A E L.. A-Z-A REAL… is the correct code.

To be Real.. is the only way to rise and transform and get out of the Web of the lie of death created by the Great Spinners of lies, and the Web, these great witches in male and female form had created, using the liars to spin a cocoon which becomes their tomb and coffin.

Instead of transformation Crysallis Butterfly…Effect. ( B E 2 5) BF..E Best Friend E.. H E.

Instead of weaving your body to age and then while held in that comma of sleep, they come while you sleep ( yes they call it to sleep paralysis here that dead weight and pressure ) and like Spiders, they suck and drain your essence until you are nothing but a Husk and then dispatched to nonexistence. A Black Hole in which you slowly dissolve from existence. Of course, because you are a character, a program and Fake, not real -Natural.

I wrote all about this in my Creation story written in 2004.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotists.

I wrote that Original Creation Story. O S C… Orson Scott Card

( O S C I E N C E) in Halloween.

The same year we moved to 8 Hampshire bay in Canada when we emigrated from England.

London Winnepeg.

L W.

in 1972 72 G B. 72=9… +x 14 N total 23.

Ham was the black son of Noah who was obviously of the line of Brown – Caucasian seed.

see the play with Benjamin and Noah.

Red Car D is Red Note. the Last Color Last -First full Circle.

Adam and the note of Doe.

A Car is the representation of the Body, a new car, a new body.

Stephen Esteban got a new car and his body had transformed- he lost a lot of weight, looked great but it was not a natural transformation, was it?

But then that was a play and this is not a Play Theater, it is literally real.

The Card depicts an image of a Candle Light Blue lit up with a Golden flame and Hue.

I discovered a Wine Red Candle in the pantry in this house, it was left there.

I asked J S it was not her-his, just to be impeccable and in following this play’s rules, I have been using it in my room, its perfume and clarity. Its sits in front of the Square Waves gift in black and Red which Liberty was moved to present to me.

Light Blue is LB Light bringer and it is the symbol of the Sky, sheltering sky Cielo Geoff Lacour Sarah Lawrence… S L= 31.

The Card is scented.

Black Car – Esteban when he came here, I rode in it first, and then Kim took a brief spin.

Black Dark matter Energy ( I already knew I had rescued Esteban’s true self from the rage of carrying Terrible Death, as well as the wrath of the witches, spell as the Furies. Which is why I cut him out, in perfect harmony.

Red.. the First Last, Last First… L F Leander Ferril… 8-25-2000.

11-8-2008 ( the latter date was when my Grandmother crossed over, she came to me via at Lower Eastside, aka Alpha Bet City but few know that it is was also called Little Africa. L A.

Yes, that power was in New York way before New Orleans, way before South Carolina, it was the first settlement in the united states of Africans. 1604.

Greenwich… Green is the 4th Color and the 4th Note in Solfeggio F A…

New York became the 11th State.

6:19 pm

F S.

The 4th Dimension is the Astral Plane as Time-Space: T S.Continuum

Mind Thought actually

Not Green Witches.

*In folklore, the witching hour or devil’s hour is a time of night associated with supernatural events. Witches, demons, and ghosts are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. Black magic is thought to be most effective at this time due to the veil between worlds being thinner.

Greenwich Mean Time

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, reckoned from midnight. … English speakers often use GMT as a synonym for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Halloween is also the date that Orson Welles and his troupe read and enacted in the Radio F M bad the HG Wells War of the worlds.

Halloween 2019 was Arden and I left alone in the house ( with his friends) and the Blackout…

Green connects to Blue as the simple explanation of Grass Green life rises from undercover, ( Osiris Isis the Green God with his Phallus cut off by Seth… smh… sigh and how these plants seeds planted rise to the top breaking the surface to reach the Air space of the Blue and light skies and the Sun.

Yes, the Candle with the label a red corvette …

Thus you can understand how this portal as Witches of Shamans etc… used these places as portals for which they could pass through Africa-America. A-A.

6:30 pm.

6 USD change last night from 23 Usd. and 1 and 2 USD in rewards from C V S yesterday.


Full Circle First Contact

6:31 pm

link Emeka – Patrick I Okolo play 2016 Delta Manor.

And my Grandmother as Ceres and my mother as Aphrodite Persephone

Her memory of Eden.

I used to go to the farm with her. And she also owned and managed my Grandfather’s large Hotel.

Michael Frazer just sent me a message, at 6:33 pm.

So yes, I came back and J S had placed some soup she offered in a plastic case with the words Moms’ on its a code we used to call my mother… Moms or Mum-Ci Mummy when we were young… Yes, mummify…

And of course, just before i had told JS that I would be making dinner so I did not require the offer but I was willing to taste it.

I was fully aware and of the fact that he fact that of a job offer on the 31st, and was fully aware why etc…. But Lord knows, i am tired of this play, the play of the depth of cruelty which woman can go to provoke, nauseate the very truth of what a human being is, a man or woman. These unnatural creatures contested the Natural Creations U C versus N C.

please see my sacred portal entitle U C it is Sacred Portal 107 the Ten at 7 the color Violet purple Crown Chakra 2020 Vision, Kim had given it to me in perfect harmony yesterday.

It was already a done deal, so when I began to Hum and J S came out and barked the very moment my Mothers Frequency and rose, to announce that at 5 am she was going to work… I turned away.

I had seen and understood enough.

I did what I had to do, took of the Baphomet ring JS had presented to me, because the play was over… There is no such thing as Baphomet, the horned one, but to defeat that play the Ten tenants of Baphomet which I witnessed broken again and again even in a Story, I understood I had to play that role to the very end.

Ten Ants….

Sigh… Ender Game.

The Alien Insect Queen.


Irritants who constantly bug you, but in perfect timing to create the greatest harm like a mosquito or Flies flying up the moment you are about to assassinate …

Buggers…. Petrified Snot… But I represent the Supreme Knot and Naught.

And have been irritated beyond belief by this continual indulgence of these Bug – Spies in the wall, in people who are programed sent to get under your skin when of course the Bugs are literally undertheir skin, in the lining Phatom Thread yes like micro chips in under your skin and in everything from cell phones to the drugs, and chemicals in your food.

Everythng vibrates and gives off a symbol and if you are an unnatural creature, you can be used. But the naturals you can not use or plant Bugs even buggers… bungling fools, and use them as tools to that which is natural and who see your true intent as clear as day, and their own stupidity in thinking that they are superior which blacks them from the obvious, that they are seen, were seen even before they arrived on the scene.

Insect Queens? I Q.

the Swarm which can destroy the world. Soldier Ants…?

Black Ants… Pls… see the play at the restaurant near the Bean Cafe called Ants… Black Ants…. let me show you what Red Ants can do made of e-spirit.

Everything in creation Vibrates… True death brings stillness, everything which was animated drops dead, the power goes out Black out… B O.

That is Power.

Drop Dead.

D D David Dawn

Dean Dunkwu. D D.

44 8 16 24… 16 20…28 32 5. 33 = 1… 6 1… A F F A.

Jan is also a code for Jan-uary.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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