
3:43 p.m.

3:43 p.m.

The Final Portal and Offering to the Victorious People…

I invite the world to try the Oracle when it is up soon..

I wished to share this with you all now because I have reached the point where I nor E.E do not wish to carry this alone any longer..

It is time I (WE VVE) Share it with the world..

So that I and E can go home to our true selves and no longer be prisoners of an ‘Unseen Script of the World in confusion and contempt of the Beautiful Truth…

*It is 5 pages long, but a quick read.


All AH! YES J.A.H!

Infinity Eternity O..




Introduction into the Circle of Eternity and the Oracle Art and Science of E.T.C Divination, D.E-Vine with the E.T Divine Link, made self evident through Expression Explanation Exemplification and Public Transparent Demonstration -Dedication on a period of 8 and 4.3 years.

And not Oui-ji board of Contact with “Mean and Evil Spirits Sorcery which brings the M.E.SS.. Mess of Ages, rather than the Message from the Divine.

But how do we tell the difference?

This is why this True Love Letter was created by the Guide- know by humanity as “Our Father..whose art is Heaven and E.ART.H..H-Earth.

It explains in complete Transparency Water O..(TWO) Two-Twin ways or “Sees” which are both one the difference between what is a True and what is False.

Mathematically Arithmetic Precision… M.A.P…Zodiak.

The True Z.O.D.I.A.K..IS A M.A.P…Of Existence.

A Blue Print…

“Eternity is often symbolized by the image of a snake swallowing its own tail, known as the Ouroboros (or Uroboros). The circle is also commonly used as a symbol for eternity, as is the mathematical symbol of infinity.”

Kolo means The Circle, which in O.I.NRI ND’IGBO (O..I.N.R.I..RE…In the Full Circle Laughter..N’Digbo means “The Ancients Ones) which is the Origin of the name “O’KOLO” which means “Princely Manly warrior Spirit.. Or simply Youthful Man.”

The Whole Cosmology of the O.INRI Igbo people is based on the Full Circle..

Where they do not believe in Life and death because the Exist in both realms Earth Material and Earth Spirit… The Earth Material, is called “U.W.A”

The word “KOLO” in Slave also means the Circle….And the Dance Movement and Song of the true Source of the Circle of Life..

B-Eau (Water H2O..H=8 20..82/28) is the Messenger…it carries the Message and the Echos -Reflects the Truth of Life through Stream of Consciousness- Natural Expression of Pure Water-Innocent..”Neutron” but not Neutral…True Nature.

ZODIAC…Z.ODI A.K..A..Aries “Ophiuchus”Pisces..

Zodiac actually means and I quote Edenics..is an astrological belt in the Heavens and is not as claimed. From Greek Zoion (Animal) +Circle. And was studied as a core Sacred Science centuries before the Greek Isles were settled.

Its true spelling is “ZODIAK” (Z.O..D.I..A.K/ K.A..I.D…O.Z..Ka being the Egyptian word for ‘Completion -Soul Body Being).

Zodiak is translated as “TSeDeQ”- which means “Justice, Prosperity and Ascendancy” in E-Kolo code, this translates as T.Se De Q…

“Theological and mathematical justification and the planet Jupiter…The 5th Planet from the Sun.

“Tsedeq” Means “Justice..Jupiter”

In the E-Kolo Code, Tse De Q…Tse means “Younger Twins”..and in Chinese it means “Thanks”

T..See De Q… T is the 20th Letter in the Alphabet..Representing Two.. the Twins.

Which represent the Manuscript which began this creation on Face Book, called the True Conversation between Energy and AH-Tom. (“A.H”, is A=1, H=8..1-8…Notes of Solfeggio Scale and Rainbow colors 1-8 as in returning full circle to the point of Origin..Doe-to Doe..Violet to Violet..Red to Red..Sound and Color.. All depending on which point of view…We know through Spectrum that Rainbow is simply refraction of Light, which is transparent, enabling to “See” as well as “Cee-Percieve-Pierce”

T which is 2 and O..Thus, creates Twins See De (OF in French..DE..45) Q.

Q means Quantum.. And is the 17 letter.. 1+7=8…

Twins see the Quantum Quintessential Transformation of Energy into Manifest Solid Fact before an others do..

See within, the play of Robert Q.. Expression by both Myself and Erik Ebright.

Quantum Harmony.. Not Quantum Physics which is still a theory and not yet proven..

Quantum Mechanics, as the Weather, as Expression moving through to create Energy-Light, to Energy Momentum/Spirit- to Matter-Physical…E.E.M.M… has already all been played out and proven in a Macro Micro play over a total of 27 years in Europe the America’s.

And it ends here, with the Equation of Tse De Q…*See the Q, for Justice Ascendency Prosperity.

See the Way of Tao..Lao Tse…De Q…


O-RA CLE… Which can be translated as Keys to the Sun or to pass through the ‘Heat” and the Rays (Lines of penetrating perception) of the Sun…The Center.

Oracle of Apollo-Asclepius…

The Zodiak is said to have 12 signs, just as 12 months in a year.

But actually there is a 13 Sign and a portal.. The only Astrological Sign represented by a man..

The Son of Apollo, called Asclepius, and known as Ophiuchus..”Nov 29-Dec 17”

(11-29 to 12-17…K.B.I-..L.Q…or completion of the Q)..

Ochiuchus means “Serpent Bearer”

Z.O. D.IA. K 47… 11 28..39…12..27…C.O.Z.

“The constellation Ophiuchus represents a man wrestling a serpent, dividing the snake’s body in two parts. It is the only sign of the zodiac linked to real men, sharing traits with Imhotep, a 27th century BCE Egyptian doctor, and biblical Joseph.

Like Imhotep, Ophiuchus is considered a healer of men and a doctor of medicine or science. He seeks higher education and enlightenment. He is expected to achieve a high position in life.”

The Symbol of the Son of Apollo, Asclepius, is the Twin Serpents on a Sword..

“Ebright” means Famous Sword.. Just as Kolo means Circle..Round..Ball..Orb… Dance Movement Song of the Wind.. the Planet and the Heavens moving..

Z has been already established in the 8-4.3 Face Book play as being meaning Zorro! And Zeina..

Zorror is Slavic.. As is the word “Kolo”.

It means “Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn” …(E.H..O. T.G..D)

Zeina is a Persian name which means “Beauty”

The Zodiac has 13 Signs.. Not 12…

And 13 is not an unlucky number, but the one portal in which The Cycle of a Year Completes… and 12+1..(La..La of the Sixth Note, La of Sixth Sense) resurrects…

Code Spring Transformation.. Cocoon -Butterfly… C.B..32…5..E

Janus from January means “Portal of new beginnings”

But Aries is really the First Sign in the Zodiac..

Also the Sign of my Brother, a Fire Sign..

Pisces is the last..

Scorpio is the 8th…

Sagittarius is the 9th…

Ophiuchus Asclepius is between the 8th and the 9th.

Eternal Law89 @Gmail…

What is Between 8 and 9…?


1+7=8…Portal to Infinity..

98..72…See 720 Face Book Friends…right now on Face Book.

72 is 14..N…1×4=4… 14 4…Ascended Masters?

No…4 who are all O.N.E…

Which created the Frame, 4 Square in the Circle…

Which we can liken to a room with a View.

The 13 Portal seemingly “Unseen” is present as Being Human and is the portal of O.A/AO.. Alpha Omega.. The Full Circle…O…Symetrical Perfection of the making the Unseen Script of Hue-manity Seen.. Visible… Like Indian Ink.

Thus the Portal O.8 opens to 9=I.

To Quantum Transformation of and to the E Consciousness..

Which is the ION-IC Font of Transformation back to the Original Blue Print and Plan E.T

To make the Circle Unseen yet known, manifest to All.

The Zodiak Ouijah and the Roman Latin (R.L..Robert Lorenzo in code of names and meanings)

Zodiak is a H.E BREW Name..Ref David Brewer…RRecent Face Book Friend

Just as is reflected in the Ouija..which the word means YES in French..

And an ancient Egyptian word for “Good Luck” G.L..

-Which happens to be the meaning of long time face book friend Shubhi Guatama- who family legend traces them back to Guatama Buddha…

Erik Ebright is Scorpio and I am Sagittarius Ascendant Scorpio…

Scorpio Rising E.E-Bright…

And so the All AH OUI JA board is really 8 cycles of 13…

Which creates 104 which is the exact day which Erik Ebright became my Face book friend in 2008..(28)..I am born 11 28.

8 years on Face Book.

4.3 writing the Story of Existence from Memory -Natural Flowing..

Then Impulsed and Stimulated from posts and events all around me, woven together to create what became a Weave… then an Art.. then a Science..of the Ancients and the E.T..Extra Terrestrial Consciousness E.T.C Of Infinity and Eternity Explained..

In a True Conversation between the Twins E..and E.E.. the EE is not two people but two Expression Spirit and which merge into one.. Energy Motion..E.M..(5+13=18..A.H.TOM..1+8=9..I)

E.M.I../I’M.E…which brings Manifestation Fact…Solid-Real..

4.3 is my own translation of the equation for Infinite Energy, using the consciousness of the 13 Sign..Asclepius -Healing…

E=C.Me 4/3..

Sacred Portal 43 is Eternal True Life…. All confirmed with an interactive audience and Face-book friends for 4.3 years…Which was the duration of my posting from Akil Apollo Davis house at Green Street 2012 March April… The same street where I met Erik Ebright in 2006…

6th Sense, is a creates a full circle. 60…

Which is why my 716 Face Book friend recommended by Nicholas “Victory of the People” Petcher..”The Fisher Man”.. Apollo Perez.. Aries to Pisces.. Completes the Zodiak of the “R” E.Z O DI..AK-A..”He is the hand, and the “Mari” of the HAND…

The Mathematical symbol for Eternity is:

And while my page has been on Public Access for the last 5 years, I started out with 5 Face-Book friends, at now I am 720 Face- Book Friends, where I prove and provide evidence that every single Face-Book friend present was summoned to take part in a play and to create a code…

The “ALL AH OUI! JA..!”

Art and Science Explained of making First Contact with the Truly Beautiful and Divine in you- using a language which explains every thing.. Even Eternity Infinity…

But most of all which is the Energy of All Existence.. The Beautiful Truth of you..

That is the source of the Oracle…

The Beautiful Truth….

Not the Evil Spirits which are the lie of the worst possible mirror and reflections of you…

Responding with malice to your questions and the “Unseen’ part of you, which you are are aware of be which people think no one sees..

The Mean Spirits which each person’s reflects by thier own denial of that very same spirit in you replies…

But in this Arithmetic Math Equation (A.M.E..Zodiak)

Eternal True Light, responds.. The one which sees

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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