
3:43 p.m.

3:43 p.m.

C-D.C. Full Circle…. A Question of Power activated.

6-16-1 O….1 8….P. A O..A.H Free People Alpha Omega…

16-6-1 O…1 8 .. P.F. A O….A.H…People Freed Alpha Omega to AH…Awareness Harmony…

989 Face Book Friends.


Shane Michael Robinson Sr. contacted me today at 11:58 a.m.

Responding to my text, and my reading of the last equation which ends this play.

It was strange, I almost wept, when I saw his message, What do you need?

It was not for the obvious reasons that I felt suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, but rather the deeper meaning of what his response and simple question represented.

It was the Frustration of a life time, 48- 50 years of working my way to this very point….

Of fighting to reach this point.

Dealing with an Equation alone, in this reality, which had asked of me the unimaginable, the impossible, which was to evolve Human Consciousness by myself, by simply being my natural self. Expressing in my natural way non stop and… that should have been easy enough, just being oneself…

But we all know that to be one self in this world

and current society is the greatest challenge of Human Existence.

Our society has de-evolved to a point of which Truth and Natural Expression is so rare that those who do so find them selves literally attacked by the living dead Zombies- made worse by the fact that the Zombies are not as the movies, so easy to discern but they are veiled and sleek and very cunning and intelligent, and worse, not even aware that they are Zombies. And even those who are aware of it have given themselves and the world the reason and rational as to why they came into Existence.

That they are the Cause and Effect of a Societies choices…

And thus, their rage and Hurt makes them even more dangerous because they are moved by a wave, a virus of which they feel they inherited by Humanities choices and by the cause and effect of decisions made by the whole… and which they believe that they had no choice…

That Paradise is Lost….

And so they became the Wild Beasts expelled from a Paradise which they can never return to…

And those who remind them of that Paradise, fuel their rage to the point that Brad Pitts Movie Z, is a walk in the park.

4:03 p.m


You see, I understand their point of View…. But I do no accept it

Because, Paradise was never lost, because we each had a choice, because there was another way, to Cee and See and understand reality.

And because all this was Seen’ Prophecy, Oracles….

Because we were each given a choice as to what to focus on, how to read.. I have proven this.

That within each of us, is that knowledge we knew as children, we knew before we entered the world.

People defined Impossible and stood by it as their excuse not to be.

They looked at the overwhelming odds of being who they truly are and walking on that path and chose, they chose to reach for that which gave them status and what they thought was validity in the eyes of Society and their peers….

I have demonstrated this as Scientist and as an artists and most of all as being a Human Being who chose the beautiful truth which we were all born with, that discernment and that sixth sense which moves in us….

And I met so many who remembered and then chose to forget…

We are here in this world now Emeka and this is the way it is, we have to adapt and nothing we can do can change it…

And I disagreed, and by doing that they looked at me sadly and said… The lets see what happens to you…

And many relished my fall, because they had fallen.

You think that you are better than we are..

No, I am not, but I can not be anything other than myself, and in being myself, I have something to do, I have a purpose and that purpose is to refine myself, and by refining myself I will reach the end point of myself… I will reach the one and only purpose I have Identified as the Purpose of Humanity…


And to be is to Do.. and to Do one must stay anchored on the Truth of one Self and the Truth of oneself is as Water…

It Flows Naturally to what comes Naturally…

Once you loose sight of what is comes Naturally and how to act Naturally then you have already begun to go the wrong way.. to move out of Existence.

Be it an Individual or even an entire species…. It does not matter if the whole world is against you (or it seems that way), this is about you…

I am not speaking about a journey of self discovery. I am not speaking about Destiny, I am not speaking about making your life have meaning…None of these expressions ever made senses to me…

All I can ever recall was that I did not come into existence to please any one… I like praise, Love, attention, all the things which make one feel worth and of value…

But the idea that I am dependent or anyones happiness or existence is dependent on others, was ridiculous to me.

Because we are Born alone, and we Existence Alone and we Die Alone.. but we all share that same experience of being Alone and so none of us are alone…

Refinement, that is what I was excited about when I came into existence…

The base in me, in us, is Eternal, that was also self Evident…

There was no Truth I was searching for, there was no Emeka to find, there was no journey to make…

All there was and is… was the exploration of being me, you.. who we are.. and then refinement of that base until we reached…


The Unwrapping of the present.. ourselves…

I welcome the challenge of being in Existence…. But not in an Altered Universe which transformed the Experience of Unwrapping’ the present of myself to reveal the Truth of myself, Ourselves.

To be transformed into a Mummy, entombed and buried.

Who wrote this Script?, I had hollered on center stage on a Play I had written in 1996 in Le Mann France…

My personal outrage at what had done to the script of perfect common sense…

We are here to unwrap the present of ourselves….

Not to negate the Presence of Ourselves, to deny that which is our Naturalness.. Our Flow… Our B’eaute…

I knew that to be any other thing than that our natural self which we some call Personality, the 5th Element, that which is Unique to all Living creatures…All creatures.. is to condemn oneself to Non existence, to Self Destruction and Annihilation.

If there was anything to be afraid of it was this…

And I was not afraid of this because there was no way I was going to deny my essence…

I was here to develop it…To enjoy the Unwrapping of the presence in me and watering it and nourishing it, so that I would observe it grow.

…Common Sense.

Nothing could stop me….

But something did delay me, in my dance of Self Improvement of that which was already Perfect…

It was the translation of others, ideas and experiences of being in Existence.

Nearly every one I encountered lied.

They lied to themselves in order to live and exist…

And the few who did not, such as my Mother, and the few examples, I witnessed suffer and suffer as the took in the rage of the Zombies whose Cannibalism was only fueled by the idea that the ones who could still see and were Natural took too seriously the expression of that which was non existent.

They, had perceived that their happiness and existence depended on the respect and approval of those who had literalll solved their Soul to Satan, the Devil, the Great Witches.. the power of Evil….

Non Existence.

They focused their attention on this Great Battle, this Great War of Good and Evil…

What Battle..?

There was none…

The only battle I have been in is the Battle of having been forced to enter into these realities of others, by a force who did that which is the only reason people have seen me calling out to High heavens in outrage shock, disbelief….

That story which began with the idea of saving the World.

Saving People.. Which began with the idea of Selflessness, it began in O.INri with the wrong interpretation of the mission and message of creating a community who were Priests Kings devoted to leading the people who were lost, to bring them back Home to the Light…

It spread to Egypt and the idea of Osiris and Amen Ra helping the Poor and being that beacon of light to the the ones who thought that they were lost..

It spread to the Persia Zarathustra and to the Middle East with the One God of the Aten, Chukwu…growing as the Messiah and God to lead the Lost out of Bondage, it grew as the Evil in me grew… Good grew from Evil, Evil Grew From Good, and the Evil was that opposition to the ridiculous idea of that which was created in perfection needed a God, Need a Saviour.. Needed…


Needed What?

Then the disease grew, the sense of Humanity being defined by the Need human had, it grew through the idea of Charity and the word Help and out of it grew the notions of Superiority, that some are born better than others, because they could help others… Just like the Gods they had created…

It spread to Middle East and to the West… The need to be led to be ruled to be guided…

That you were not enough.. that you were lost..

And it feed that non Existence and Evil grew.. the illusion of Power grew… The power… to give and take away… The Strong versus the Meek…

And the species looked to the Animal World…

And the Animal World was stunned…

Hey we are the Break Down of You… You are us in Sum Total with Discernment… We are not your guides… You are our are guides!

But the People said We are Lost

And the Animals observed the Species and many of them turned on the Humans… Indignant that the Species meant to represent their Sum Total were Lost and were depending now on them..

And they observed the Species who had lost the very essence of being which is Naturalness, and in awe the realized that they no longer knew how to be… !!

They did not know how to be, to See.. that all the qualities which the Animal World and the Break Down Fractual World of Nature had.. all the presents which had already been Unwrapped in the Future Present… Which humanity already had and would discover through the Refinement process.. already there…

They thought was lost…

Despite so many Humans displaying these gifts….

And many of the Animal world said. These are truly mad creatures…Lets us eat them… let us destroy them.. they are a abomination to us… Creatures who do not know how to be…

Creatures who Fear…

And so the Animal World would attack those they had looked at once with Love and Pride… In Rage at the betrayal..

While some of the animals… Mammals recalled their own being in Existence, and though horrified by Humanity ridiculous notion of being lost and afraid of that which they had already mastered…

Afraid of the Dark. afraid of that which they had known that humanity was to supposed to bring order and logos to what they already knew from the moment they came into creation…

Be…. And nature gave began to take over and become aware, feed by Humans giving away their power…

And others in Nature loathed the humanity for their betrayal of their role.. And saw them as naught but food, just as they saw everything else…

They are not special… even though they were meant to be…

And so the Predators stalked Man.. especially the Wolf…

Rita Wolf…

Shane Michael Robinson Sr.

Emeka Kolo


For Fear is what the Species were now exuding, always fear… and the Predators were created to destroy the virus Fear..

That which is of fear.. is Food… It is the poison.. it infects Nature…

Observe the Natural World…

It is those animals who do not show fear which earn Respect in the Animal world…

A Cock, a Deer, turning to face a lioness… this is what commands and respect…

Humanity does not understand the Animal World or the world of Nature…

They project their ideas of themselves onto others, they presume to understand the Animal World…

And the Animals though respecting the True representatives of the Species… feel a contempt for the Whole..

And thus the War of Animal and Man…

Animal are hardly every cruel to Humanity when they went to war..

They simply saw Humanity as Food… Worthless in the betrayal of their Truth…

Man on the other hand used his and her fear to do things…

of such cruelty… such cruelty… I went into that world…

2006 to 2017… And the most extraordinary thing is that the Animal World are the building blocks spiritually of the Human Species.. Human Spirit…

The Human Spirit which never really was, because Humanity were and are Energies… 5th Element..

The Animal World and the World of Nature was simply a Story of illustrated and broken down into this very colorful form of How Human Spirit and then Personality was formed..

A Fictional Story which tells a Truth… Like a Metaphor…

Shane Michael Robinson Sr. contacted me at 11:58 a,m.


Kolo Emeka Harmony….

I returned last night to the Mental Health Shelter…

To find only three or four people in the T.V room…

Igbo Anthony had put Sky Fall on…

James Bond.. J.B…Daniel Craig….D.C… 4 3..

Javier Bardem… J.B….Raoul Silva….S.R…

S.M.R.S/ S.R.M.S…..

Recall Brenda and her box MRS Fields… M.F…

S.M.R.S… Shane Michael Robinson Sr…..

Emeka Kolo Bed 007…Room A.. 2015…

Judges Bench… J.B… Judges Chambers..

*I passed through the portal of 18 M.V….John Delguidce…

and Donna O’Sullivan… J.D… D.O.S… D.S…

J.D.D.S…. 18 M.V…

See the Code of King Tut… Died At Age 18 in 1322… 18 M.V…

Shane Michael Robinson Sr. became my face book friend through his Brother- Son… whose name he come with mean the water of Eden….

I just completed the play with Caesar Rivera….

King of Rivers….which flow to Eden…Paradise never Lost…

Please see the of Fiction to Fact….

With Rahul De Silva which began with the Sky Fall Play..

The Story of Two Man…. Sacred Portal 155…

The Last Sacred Portal and the last portal of the Fractaling As Emeka Eze.. Fractals of our moving backwards-Forwards to the point of Origin…

Which in this play, was transformed into the Story of Two Women through Brenda and Lisa Natalie Johnson… Repeating that same story in the Female Form…

When it began as Elizabeth Clarizio Eternal E-Spirit has already confirmed began with the Y chromosome.. when she sent 25 usd..then 15.. the Full Circle…then 20.. usd… Y.O.T…

T O Y/ Y O T…A.H… See the meaning of Toyota…The Japanese Car ( Body) was always Male.. not Female… the Female Form transformed from Male…

And now that the completion of Lady.. The New and Original Wu-Man play is complete…

We move back to the Truth…

25 15 20.. Is 60.. USD… Sixth Sense is a Masculine Principle… MRS FIELDS … M.F.. Masculine – Feminine..FEMI-NINE…

( Femi Ransome Kuti.. Fela Ransome Kuti… ‘I hold Death in my Pouch see the sacred portal 112B… People compared my transformed physical appeareance to Fela, to the Idris Elba..I.E…( See David Oyelowo….and Morgan Free Man…

Lisa Natalie Johnson gave me a gift of 20 usd….

60 USD From Elizabeth Clarizio… 20 Lisa…

E.L… 60 20…. 62…See the Site of King Tuts Grave… K.V 62…

11 22..62…. My Mother and Davids Birthday… Cecilia David… C.D… I am D.C… 4 3…Da Vid.e-Caecilia… Beloved 6…6th Sense…

Caesar R is bed 5012.. E.L.. Elizabeth Lisa… E.L… 5 12… 17.. 60… 77… See sacred Portal 77 Animal Cruelty..

Code Star Bucks bathroom.. 77 45 0…

Time right now.. 6:02 p.m… 62….

I am fully aware what and who Shane Michael Robinson Sr. represents the Line of in this ‘Video Matrix… Game…

And I wanted to weep when he contacted me at 11:58 p.m.

K.E…H… Kolo Emeka Harmony….

6;04 p.m.


Nonyelum Lisa….

Nnamdi Lorenzo… ( Lorenzo is the name Of Jonn Blackwell Delguidce’s) Father….He was from Venezuela…

Robert was the name of Donna O Sullivans Father….

L.R…12 18… 30.. C.O… E… 3 O 5…3 6 5… One Year…

And One Day….

One Day has Come…

I am perfectly Aware…

I am Conscious…

C.O.E… C.O.M.E….

That I have Evolved Consciousness through the full circle of Expression manifest.. C.O.M.E…

Full Aware O to A To A.H…..

6:09 P.M.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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