
3:42 pm. – C-ARDEN. – C Meaning of

3:42 pm.
C Meaning of Existence.
C-Douglass Adams.

E D E N- MAN= 28 28 =1- 56…=1= 57 A=E F…

B E A U T Y= 74. 11 28- 39 C.I.

B E A U T I F U L= 97. 16. P.

74+97= 171.
A G A.
A I B.
S B. Supreme Being.
2 19 South Witney.
21.U…3 C.

/ P.. Perfection I Consciousness.

4:02 pm.


AR D E N is E D E N M A N.
Awakening Eternal Family.

B E A U T Y.
B E A U T I F U L.

C: I P. MAN.

4:03 pm.

3-8-20 21 (21)=3.C
C H. T .C… E.

C I T- C … E.

Consciousness Harmony Ti-C…E
Consciousness Infinite Trust-Consciousness Existence.
E H+ J D.
A I I.

Ria Ria/
I.H A I R.
I Harmony AIR.

Breathe. “Sacred Portal 69.
Of Infinite Harmony.

4:12 pm.
Delois Larkin.
Donald Liscomb.

I would like to say that I can breathe Fresh Air ( F A) a Rarified Perfume Air. ( R P A./ A P R)
But for the last 3 days and nights the physical discomfort of the Internal transformation of my body via Muscle Memory- Muscles and Body Awakening- has been the stuff of Nightmare and Legend.

It was not meant to happen like this.
It’s unconscionable, and questionable, and refutes the entire process and proof that Energy Expression Eternal.
Immortal as E A S E.- L F- C F.
EASE I is a Lie.

I have Mastered myself, and the extraordinary frustration that I am enduring as well as the physical exhaustion.
17 years later, and it is still this Nightmare- This Terrible Dream as stated in Sacred Portal 33.

4:20 pm.

And I am still proving Emeka Arden and now Arden Emeka.
35 42.
7/7= 1.



*80= 😯 Infinity O. ( 86)
* 76= 13 M…D Manifest Destation. MD= 13 4= 17. years old.
* 72. = 9. I. 360 +360. O O. I O O.

Edit 9:19 pm.

They all apply but in this case, aligned to the Script.
Aurelia-Ferrell would be the most accurate.

Kim- 33.

33 is 1. 6. A.F.
Ferrill Aurelia.
=7= G. Gamma- Ti!

4:42 pm.

*”The scientific community began connecting the dots between the type of music played and the variety of physical effects on the human body. In 1988, biochemist Dr. Glen Rein made a discovery that confirmed what the ancient spiritual traditions understood when he tested the impact of different music on human DNA.”

This I have already proven and documented even writing 5-6 Research Papers on it with the intention f publishing them.

It aligns with Sacred Portal 75.
“Piering the Viel of Sound and Language.
“S L… Self Love.

5:11 pm right now Edit.
Numerical Code 75.
57 and when squared
3×5= 35. C E.
7 x5= 35.
35 35= 1. 70.
17O. Quaker Oates. Quantum O.
A G A.

E C V I.K= 50 E O.
A.F K G= 25. B E… Y.


K A H =20.

Sacred Portal 20.
Liberty Sacred Portal 20 on her phone.
Sacred Portal 20 True Clarity. ECHO.
20 is T.
9-19= 20.
ED E N = 9 19-20.
“Writing on The Wall here”
M AN.”

TRUE = 64.
= 152.
O.B – A-E.B.

T R E E = 38
S A G E.= 23. W. 6-12 -2003

C H- Harwington Connecticut.
64th Portal move.
Consciousness Infinity.
C I.. E -A- Emeka Arden

This move here was my 62nd peaking at 64th.
is also the 66th.
2-4-2. 62nd. 64th and back two to 61st move 29 Lincoln Street.
to 62nd again.
4 months +

B D B. O…B Full Circle merging the Origins- Original with the Echo “True Clarity” T C ( 20 3= 2003 and- S E.L F 6 12- 2003… TO.O.C… W Sacred Portal 23. 23 is W – William. B P. Double VV.
Two Victories.
Original and Carbon Copy merged into One.
Diamond Clarity.
Original 1.
Origins A.
The Originals Ones.

6:40 pm.
16 P.

=61. F A.
Ferrell Aurelia.

Liberty= 86. Kim 33= 119
( A S : Art Science- Arden age 9 photo on the F.R.I D-G E.
G E= 7 5)

Liberty Tree. 86 +38= 124.
L D. Donald Liscomb- Delois Larkin.
A B D. * Me as Arden Room 4 B Bed 4-019/4-018 stamped with the letter Y.

Sacred Portal 20 represents the Echo Response to True Clarity.
64th Move. 88 Emeka Kolo.

I was born at 8 p.m.
E C V…Curriculum Vitae.
( Emeka= Via Liberty – Fahad Hassen 3-22- E Manual first uploaded.
Completed today- 3-8-20-21
E C V. I K… 9 11=20 T.
25+25+25= 75.
Original and Echo
Echo Awareness 100% 100 by CC Carbon Copy. C C= 33 =1 A.
75 +100.
A G E.
17 5 17 years old Arden =E.
1-S P 75.
Sacred Portal 57. 1.
William Brad Pitt- A.Arden.

And of course, what sound has done to me personally and my body, by my being made extremely sensitive due to the isolation imposed on me, and my life to focus my attention on what turned out to be this transcript.
Where being in this body once such pleasure has become a living hell- Limited.
A Coffin.
A Space Suit-Ship- Craft.

There are scientists all over the world working on projects, ideas, thesis in the laboratories of this world.
With funding, and security.
In Ivory Towers.
Acknowledged and funded because of an Idea not proven, many of which will never be proven.
But acknowledge only because they passed through the prescribed and Curriculum Vitae and Syllabus of this reality which not only does not make sense, views and conducts experiments backward from the point of the “Big Bang”
* Big Orgasm- Oh! Ecstasy Bliss
B O. OE.B.
/ B.EO O B…
Being the Expression Full Circle of Being aligned to expression full = the Body.
Being to Body.
via ‘EOE’- Expression- Full Circle in Perfection creates Energy which creates the body.
B O.O.E B.
B F F E B.
/ B E F F B.
B E A -B.
/ B A E B.
By simply Being Aware of one Expression- Body.

I knew all this, I just did not have the language to convey it to you at age 17 or 22.
I used my own Language and experienced my Truth at Age 25 when I was summoned to the Light Fantastic.
And again 12 years later in 2004.
Tuning Fork 240 from Liberty.

24/42. ARDEN. Meaning of Existence.
24 is Electro Magnetic Filed. E M F= 24.

5:17. So E M F / A F K G.
24 25= 49.
and 49 moved turned to 94.
D.I/ I.D.

At first, I thought that I was being punished for not using the language of this reality which was absurd- since Einstein and a host of other Artist and Scientists had to invent a new language to convey, to others that had never been put into words before.
This is the nature of evolution.
A Way to communicate and convey that which has been only recently discovered, that which has never been articulated in this realm of “Awareness”
Nor did I set out to make my findings known.
I just knew.
Eternal Knowing and I assumed ( Correctly) as a boy and then youth that everyone knew this.

My Laboratory was at first my private work and it was based on my Youth age 17-22 years age code. based on Looking back via my Journals and Reflections documented in my journals “Talking To The Silence” and seeking the cure from this “Nothing wrong” with my body but something obviously not Normal- a Giant Elephant in the room.
And then was made public for 9 years so that people could choose to follow my work, which I completed in 2005 with the same results which led the Eternal Family to literally rise in me as Consciousness of existence the T E N 10 who are actually 2 8 who came from the two 5’s.

The true Conversation with SELF.
With Energy E – ( E E- 55… =5/5=1= A= A-TOM.
A Twin.
A Gemino who is a Gemini.
Gemini means Twin.
to AH! Tom.
The AH/ HA is TOM/ MOT.
E A.
P E A…K…E- A.
P E-A.K A…E.

* It took me a further 27 28 years from 1992.
and 16-17 years since 2004 when I chose to use common sense and tell a story, write the Creation Story of the family of TEN- with their Consciousness and energetic expressions being empirically
I have walked through the E M Field of my Thesis which to you at first was Theory but to me, was always a Fact-Real.
And that I was compelled to publicly Present to you, in a language which you could understand, and even enact and pass through a pre-set “Drama” play of “The Most Terrible Dream”- A Nightmare of Being in Existence…
Which I have had to prove- through your way, was not True Existence.
T E.
But of Non-Existence.

N O N E – X I S T E N C E.
No Natural Existence.
No Natural Expression of the X “24 EMF” of the T E N. C E.

Non Existence.

See Sacred Portal 147. Father of Infinity.
A D G… A = 4 7= 11 28= C.I.
A is C.I.
Arden represented what you saw as a story- Fairy Tale.
The Garden of Eden Paradise

6:49 pm.
Sacred Portal 49.

But it has now been proven not a story of Fiction, Fantasy, Fable… A Fairy Tale.

But Fact.
by an act of O A C T. I O N. of 6th sense transformed into F A .C T./ T C True Clarity.
A F.- Arden Fairy. A Fairfield, A.F A I R.Y.
Facts Solid. F S= 25.
Feelings Sensational. F S 25.
25 25 1 50.
150. O O.
51. EA.
51-15 O.
E A O O. E A C.-H. E A C I.
511 5O
E K E O.
E K -E.F… Eternal Family.
E A-A.F.

With no funding, with no acknowledgment, and in the most unimaginable conditions and with the most unimaginable handicap.
I have been Ignored by the Curriculum Vitae of this realities syllabus and by the World Public as If I do not Exist.
Non Existence was my past- it does not exist anymore except in me- for I am not in my past 147.N Gemino.
A D Gemino.
1 4 7
5 7.
E G.
E G C.
E 7 3. PARADISE 73 through Being at 7 Ti! Purple- Violet.

7:05 pm.
76 5.
*Ferril’s Current Address. 765 Horseshoe Hill.

7:06 pm.
76 6.

Sacred Portal 76 by E. E-ROS.E.

Non Existence can only be defined by M.E..me.
By My Past and by the Embodiment of MY Beautiful Youth.
M B Y. A F K G. 25. Y.
and My Self.
I Present 5 50 5O.

7:09 pm.
BluePrint of Existence.
Talking To The Silence -79.
Begun in 1989.

50 …25 25… 51… 50.
25 25 25 25…+ 25 25 25 25.
8 25.

7:11 pm.

8-25-2000 Ferrill Gemino’s Birthday. H Y – H B E -T.A.
/ BI.. AT E… 100.
* I had completed the production The Story of Colors. T S . O C.
T S.F.C.

I woke up today and awakened Fury in me was quiet but deeper, so much deeper than before.

Why am I still here, in this apartment?
Why am I still here posting at even this point?
A Pauper
An Invalid.
Why does this reality and existence ignore mem my presence, the truths proven and equated?

I took a glimpse into the abyss of meaning and implication of all this.
The Evil it represents is not quantifiable.
It can not exits such an expression of evil and Cruelty- this I am already aware of.

Non Existence.
Is defined by me and nothing or no one else.
14 7… = 21? 20 21.
That was attained already as True Clarity as well as Consciousness 17.5 when Arden turned 17 and I was present.

7:22 pm.

7-21-7-22 when I left 900 South Road back to the 61st move- 3 steps backwards when Perfection Completion and the full circle had already been attained at 15 20 Facebook Friends.
And now at 15 53.
added 33.
K IM. 33 Age code 33.


All this is about cutting that which never was and can never be out of existence by using the idea of The Most Terrible Dream as an excuse to go too Far… To get what you wanted no matter the cost.

– But Please, a Terrible Dream which negates that which is True Clarity which echos and responds as Solid Fact- but still not motion or recognition.
I am still here with a Non-Existence expression embodied by a woman age code 45?

Please… even Nightmares and Terrible Dreams have meanings when decoded.

7:29 pm.
7:30 pm.

73 O.

Paradise = 73.

in Perfect Symmetry.

7 Dimensiona Drug Mari Juana.
3 3rd Planet from the Sun/

That is your Paradise Being?

7 360.

13 M.. AN?

M- A N I F E S T S. = 100.
EVE R Y-T HI N.G.= 133.

W C.. V.V C.
101 +100+133.

333 C C C- A LL Y-ONE Be.

333= 1.

1 9. A.I

Sacred Portal 91.

Arriving far too late.
And this is a lie as a female form. Setting Sun.
Sharia Perry sent me some intel today and I responded.
I know that she will understand.

Is really Stephan” Crowned” H E.

13 is the past.

Manifest 100%.

You already have a body and nature creations is already present here for the last 4.5 Billion years.

7:39 pm.

7:41 pm right now…

As usual, a sickening diseased lie of a play.

7:42 pm.
Geminio; Arden

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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