
3:42 pm. – 9-23-5. – I-W.E. – I-V

3:42 pm.




Hello, So today I enter my 11th month here at this portal which mirrors the approx 11 months I was at 900 South Road.

And to mark that moment, last night I watched The Black List “Purcell Newton” and about a man driven crazy by sound, moving through the E.M.Field of his area, who kills the people for polluting the environment and which subtly kills others. The Codes of the person in the Mirror as T.V, 226, 1967. and 487364 92 aligned to me and this manuscript.

One of the most relevant facts of this play I found myself brought to New York to decipher and decode, was to prove that humans are in a Matrix, a Matrix of numbers, and by making my work transparent, that you the public, could understand and read for your selves and draw your own conclusions.

Its 9.9 Months of explaining, and I truly, can not and will not do so anymore.
Nor can I warn and alert you, why you must pay attention, it has to be your choice, but what these codes are revealing is a conspiracy, which many of you had suspected, but lacked facts, evidence, and proof.
I have also witnessed the laziness and indifference, of not really caring, that you had been given a say in your own evolution and have been made aware, by this force of existence, I have called Father God, ( F.G. 67) created that plan for you brought into my awareness in 2013.
That I must make transparent to you, so at least you have the chance to know that this is real.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr shared a post recently, “This is not Real”-
I have known this “forever” and as Liberty recently shared intel, that Humanity is not from here.
All are from the 5th Dimension or the realm I call the E.
All manifested from Expression to Energy manifest, on an E.M.Field of the Full Circle and asked to move through it lifetime after lifetime until the point of each being here is resolved, which can only be accomplished by Being, then with Awareness, you could Cee, or become Conscious.
You are not really here, or from here, which I found myself, being compelled to prove.

I am aware of humanities bad habits, especially on the reliance of others to solve your problems, the idea of being like babies, children who though educated will never truly grow up to take responsibility for their Collective and Individual experience in this simulation of numbers, linked to words and meaning.

Exemplification and Embodiment is the completion of your being brought into existence here as children of expression.

Most of you are aware through your experience of being human, ( but not Natural) that this script and play of my posting was a very bad idea, because Humanity as we all know and have experienced, especially in this state, will never take heed, until its too late.
Nor will they, ( You) take time to read the evidence and facts, laid before you, or obey the Eternal Laws which will enable you to awaken and go home.
You have too long grown used others doing the work for you, and even demanding it and usually with no appreciation and gratitude, which is why less and less of the truly gifted and awakening people here, remain silent, because the one thing you will ensure, is their suffering for caring or trying.

This is the way of this world, and people’s mentality. I knew it when I was forced here, I knew it as I walked through the script, and I knew it, as so many know and recognized could see, that this world and reality most of you along with your ancestors created would end.
Especially as we moved into the 20th and 21st centuries.

4:20 pm.

The human species, though spoilt rotten, have evolved enough through the ages, to take responsibility for this moment, to be aware enough and intelligent enough to seek to understand Consciousness, to seek to solve its riddle, but so many have failed, turning to the incorrect pathway, using Artificial Intelligence and look at everything backward, the same way people still see the Universe through Hindsight, backward, and through the physical rather than that which manifested the physical.

As many know, loathe the role, I have been given to play, the Wise Man, the voice of reason, like a voice crying out in the wilderness- and this play…
Why would anyone listen to me here, in this reality, when what is respected is Power, Strength not the Truth?
I asked this question most of my life. And even when I understood the answer and what was demanded of me, to use pure reason, debate, expression, and exemplification, and prove A source is a man, and that potential to be as the source was in all of you.

So, saying, I have no requirement to explain, none of you are as you really are, for you are not from here, and coming into this realm creates a distortion of your true self, so far I have found only one whose distortion was very little, enough for me to see that he was basically the same person in this world as he is in the eternal realm, yes Arden Gemino line.
It’s the same with passing through a prism, as light- “Light Beings” you are refracted into 7 visible wavelengths and then you pass through Life’s Colors and you have to retain your original frequency and put all the pieces of the original you back together before you can awaken home, back to your original self, with something added.
That is why my task was to recognize each an every one of you I was made to meet and encounter in the 7 countries of which I was led, before being directed to facebook and do the same thing for 9.9 years.
Proving Logos and Harmony even in the chaoas, of a manuscript which had been flippped- switched by a distorted world view, and a mentality of limitations of what is possible and what is not possible.

I am aware, that all of you can read, I am aware of how most of you change the meaning there in front of you, to create an outcome more to your liking, or to enhance the deficiency of your own sense of insecurity, of that inherited notion of not being safe. That fear of the Unexpected made you as a species, evolve to control freaks.

But you are not little children anymore, not the Human Species, and you have all the tools, made available to you of reason and common sense.
You can read, clearly, and so to distort that which is clearly stated, such as the writing on the wall, that which Arts and Science, have taught you, how to link, weave, come to conclusion, make summaries and book reports- no one has to explain things to you any more.
And I am so relieved, so monumentally relieved, I have started to have vision and day dreams of being free, what it was like to be free before this burden and weight was given to me.

4:50 pm.
45 USD in my wallet.
The planet is age 4.5 Billion.
Liberty is 45.

Nnamdi was born on April 5th.
Terrible Death came to me via sound and the next day I watch almost the exact same thing on a T.V Series, called Black List which almost replicated my experience but with the natural distortions, but it numeric code aligned to my Birth codes, my social security card, the code 104 Terrible Death, 104873-64.

What does it mean?
Liberty sends me intel that she is seeing the code 58 which is not only E.H. but the portal I have been fighting to align to where I I am picked up by my Alien Father, line of A.G, and spirited away from this E.M.
Today Jae Brough the Source Electricity bill which has been consistent with the numeric sequence of this play, last one 64.14, today it is 58.29 USD.

What does it mean.

4:58 pm.

What does that mean? That I paused to look at the time and it is the same number 58, and now it is 4:59 pm.

This is the evolution of consciousness, you get t correct, you move forward in the game, to freedom Liberty, and yes that eternal dream proven a fact of the Eternal Sunshine state, where Happiness, Bliss, Extase is real constant as Eternal Harmony.
Get it incorrect, and you will not wake up.

You have to draw your own conclusions from the data and intelligence I provided for 9.9 years and go off on your own and draw your own conclusions and face the consequence, of the decision you made, the same way you do in your lives here every day.

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