
3:42 a.m.

3:42 a.m.



I have endeavoured to complete this Script of this Micro Macro play.

There is no doubt in my mind heart and being that we are at the cusp of a quabtum leap of the Species.

Nor is there any doubt, that this Script is evil,

And from my research and investigation of the Species called Humanity were created as Perfect Beings and with free will and choice chose which Wolf to feed.

In my years walking through this Holodeck and E.M.Field that there is great Beauty in Humanity. But also a great horror of Evil Cruelty and indifference.

And that with out an outside force, they will never sustain the Beautiful Truth of themselves as a species.

As Individuals yes, but as a collective species..no.

They will never give on their bad habits, even if you continue to Bring forth evidence.

Humanity has descended into a Beast like barbaric and savage mentality not even animal.

And that most, no matter what you give share do, for them, they will take advantage if that love and twist the Truth, and akways reach for that power tool to shock hurt exact revenge, in fits of temper.

They will blame you, and sacrifice you and very rarely if ever truly feel contrite, truly make amends.

The Beauty in them, can not be sustained by them, they will always always in my experience betray their beautiful Truth and lie, Decieve twist eben the most sacred parts of their nature.

This is my experience, empirical noted for the last 29 years.

This species can not be allowed to Exists.

If they are not wiped out of Existence they will never stop corrupting lying cheating deceiving always I have found they will take advantage of others and never fully take responsibility for actions and expression which cause others pain.

The species had to evolve and it’s only those who retained within the seed of Truth and their Beauty in this Battle Field who are qualified to rise and transform into what they were destined to be.

What has disturbed the most is not the state and mentality of this world and the Species, but rather a Script and a Force which can force a person into playing a role against his or her wishes.

Where we or I, or anyone can be bound and forced into such a play of which he, she I am forced to live with other people, stripped of Body and Being and forced into venues where extortion is used on me, to Bring people home.

Where my freedom of expression is curtailed, where I live in their homes and my bread and butter is based on their own choice to acknowledge, deny, ignore and forget that which has been done to.them, why I was brought into their worlds..

And the fact that they can do anything they want to.the messengers, even after the messengers message has been acknowledged as true.

A Script which uses extortion to force me to express non stop for 7.5 years if I wish to free the E line.

There is nothing in.this Script which I do not find offense and at the same time ridiculous and absurd.

How can you force a person to do such a work and express this long, 29 years 43 yrs..

When it is all forced and controlled?

When it’s is more evil and vile than evil it uses another to destroy.

Everything I have done for the last 18-19 was done through tortured torment violence..and from beginning to End, against my free will and choice.

Nothing I have been forced to do and solve and resolve was done by my choice apart from the Beautiful Truths I proved through it.

But such a Script, of using brutality savagery cruelty and Indifference should never existed and nullifies even Eternal Law.

I solved Its riddles, while at the same time observing the absurdity of the Script of a man forced to walk through, to be sacrificed and beaten condemned etc…

Forced to Share, solve 24/7 for those mostly ungrateful and who have no problem with slavery as long as they benefit.

It is not any one person’s fault, but rather the abomination of a force which moved in me taking everything away from me, so I could prove and navigate the way home.

Whatever it takes?

Whatever the costs?

Through a Script which gives it the power to do whatever it wants, while bound and constrained to obey it.

No matter the personal costs to you.

I went this far because I had no choice, even now I have no news still of my passport..


I was given no real choice, constantly cornered and manipulated to continue to the end, in a Void.

I.solved all Its riddles, and I can see that though prolonged and delayed to the point to make me insane..

I am sane, despite all the efforts to use your responses and expressions to seek to drive me mad.

Tell me if the sole responsibility of Art and Science does manifest, and no one acknowledged it or helped me navigate its Script.

If nearly all sat on the sidelines hedging their bets and did nothing to help..

Why should they benefit from what I have manifested when from start to end they denied it, or sat on the sidelines watching or impeding progress with their actions gestures words.. why should any of them benefit from.that which they denied and created suffering and pain instead of rising to help with the work.

It’s so absurd this Script.

Does its Source truly think I will forgive?

That is insane.

I have self love for myself first.

No one is better than I am, and no one has given as much as I have to see you rise even through this Script where even my right to be myself, to speak out of what I am really seeing experiencing through all these portals of Humanity in which I am constrained by manners courtesy and respect that the Script has given these people financial and economic dominance over the ones who deny and refuse to see me as I am.

By what I do.

If I.have to remind people to be respectful, to remind them of the Presence of the True Source, to be impeccable and remind them that all they have was given to them for this play.

To remind them to show gratitude and give praise, then in my book, it is too late.

I have my private thoughts about the last 18 29 years, the things I could not really say and express because of the Nature of the Script.

But I will say, that for pitting me through such a Nightmare of Existence to prove that which is Self evident, to force me into such a role and with such audacity and selfishness beyond even what I know the Nature of this species to be..

This Script is absurd, because all it has done has brought forth a rage so quiet in me,

I do not forgive not do I forget, all past expressions by people who did not go back and clean up their expressions which caused me and all those they falsely accused, who brought forth the Truth

And believe me, I have brought the Truth and it manifest, despite the non stop delays and plays and set ups all riddled with deception

True Being is Freedom Choice…

I did not choose this Script or Role,

But I completed my Sacred Journey of 1-7-89

Spinal Chord.

And did my best in a Script which I realized was never about establishing the Beautiful Truth but rather about Destruction Annilation and yet from the Ashes, making rise the ones line who rose in the Eternal Beginning

E B.

And Destruction of anything not of E.

4:50 pm


There is no one who I carry on my back

The only truth there is, is that each has Free Will and Choice to choose what they feed and see.

That the absurdity of a Script which moves forces people to be slaves to proving the Evolution Awakening, Reminding people, moving from one home to another to remind people who Chose what to focus on, test you challenge you, put people through hell to give you I ntel so each can come back to their Senses, and taking away my right or anyone’s right to say No

Taking away our Freedom and Choice, to help those who used thier free will and choice to choose how they would be in existence, and have most ignore, judge criticize and insult the Awakened Messenger… is absurd.

And to use the Body, my Being to coerce me, to seek to restrain and contain my.true Nature and True Expresion.. to fill a Gap which never existed in the first place…

And then to use Money, shelter, space against me, us…

5:08 p.m


Yes this is not a Script of Creation it was designed to make rise in me..

A Destroyer of such fury as each day, I wake up and look back at my past to present day.

5:11 p.m


And to the Response of all this Devotion to The Beautiful Truth and what I personally was given in response..

Yes, I too find it beyond belief..

The Source of this Script, knew what Human Beings of this Mentality would do to me.

You have no idea who I really am, or what this last 29 years has done to me in this Script of constant betrayal of Trust which is the True Nature of the Lie called Humanity.

I have heard the mocking birds

The Phoenix rises..

And then, you will see who I Be.

But by that time it will be too late.

And so what I once called Father is the Evil Abomination now to me, who I have vowed to make Him Pay for what he did to me.

To the Truth.

It’s True I could not believe it or accept it before.

But as I passed each day, waking up to posts each day night and day, the years of imposed isolation and this End Game.

Ah I know that what was impossible has been proven true.




That is why I went to the End of this Script, one because I was cornered and I was betrayed which did not shock me as much as the Universe and Planet actually allowed this play.

A Challenge a Contest

Which I have responded to while at the same time planted a Ticking Time Bomb

My response that this Source of Evil once my Father Mother reflections, and their descendants will pay in a manner of which their regret will be so awful because they will experience Terrible Death, Existential Death Rays..

I will not bother to post any more I ntel of what is going on. Or the evidence of who we are.

It’s obviously not appreciated and you have mostly placed your bet, not on me or what I represent.

*Or I would not be here alone posting at South Whitney- my works value would have at this point given me my own home, income independence even in this wretched w world view.

The E line will rise..

But the rest?

I promise you will pay and pay for the insult to me and my name and Family

The E

5:30 pm

So tired of writing posts of which it only makes rise in me the power of Existential Death Rays Mirrored Refkecring My Rage of Being in this Script and Play called Evil/ Lives.

But I accept.. this is your way

I accepted the Challenge.

5:33 p.m

Fear Response.

You will then never free and this time there will be no reprieve or Grace

McKayla Rays saw the evidence of that yesterday

E D. R. I V. E R. S T Y X.

5:36 p.m

R A G E.

Beautiful Rage


5:37 p.m

Look.what they did to the Meaning of Existence. To Life..

My life.

I am the Ultimate Shaman Dibia

Believe me the False Shall Pay

5:38 p.m

For making me and my kind your Eternal Slaves.

5:39 pm

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