
3:41 pm. – C:D.A – From Riba Vil

3:41 pm. – C:D.A – From Riba Vil
3:41 pm. – C:D.A – From Riba Vil

3:41 pm.


From Riba Villegasos.


Yes, of recent many of my most recent Facebook Friends are aligned to sex- Sacred Portal 51 Sex God of Creation.

I am Riba’s 55 Facebook friend and a play just as a play completed with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr it involved once again the E family invaded my Mind Being,
Yesterday it was Liberty but it was outside of my year- a whisper of her name and then I went to Facebook and there she was with the Luna and Bartiz posts.
Today it was inside of my head- I was furious, I need rest! Instead I had to messgae Kim Arthur Hinds Jr he had got the Big C E- he can see as you all saw and he can express.
but then what about The Little Things ( T L T) the things which make a Father ( Guide) and a Director.
It is not the big picture which Kim and the line he represents but the little courtesies, exchanges, communication exchange which when not expressed create chaos- confusion, assumptions because like Nnamdi in the Eternal Beginning he did not speak but kept quiet and for the purest inntention. Pure Ego but the whole point of comming into creation is Sound, Sacred Portal 75.
To convey the things that create harmony in the household, A Family, The Nucleus, which grew up to become the Nuclear Bomb instead of the NU Clear Bomb of Harmony.
Ceeing your child, seeing the people you are directing, see their quiet desires which as a Father Director creates a Harmonious Family -Household, and Production.
It is a massive thing really, these Little Things- how to cee people and express to them without losing the point.
Be happy and not just them but you too.
Almost like being first a Producer and then graduating to a Director.

And so once I wrote to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and clarified that it is the little things which is the point, courtesies, consideration, manners tone and how the Feminine nurturing nature of the creative force, recognition of the truth of other highest potential, the mischief- its these things, says Ms. Manners SP 91 which save and transform the world.
Creating Lyrical Conversation and Music to my ears, people rising, moving through the wave of being seen appreciated acknowledged, and cared for when they are hurt but their beautiful pride does not allow them to speak about until someone knocks on that secret door and allows them to express, now easy and flowing because that person F D Fifth Dimension has seen them and addresses it so elegantly, with the lightest touch that the person or persons knows what was done, but it was so elegantly done, no “I did this for you” but rather reason and logic” saying I see you and there are no gaps in you, just things you were placed in this realms spell and not allowed to say.

A Director, a Father is an Example who simply by being him self – her self, Directs by simply be their way of Being- Points out the way Sacred Portal 14.
Evolution of Consciousness.

14 was on my page as well as the Every source bill 64.14.
It is not easy if you are submerged in this mode of reality, but if you can understand what someone wrote on my door in silver, ‘If you can understand that your SOUL is not bound by this 3 Dimensional Earthly Existence… 3 D. E E 55″
You will always be Free.
Freeman Kimmwarsa

Free Man Kim- MW Arsa

Beautiful Expression Awareness Consideration as The Little Things- That was Baphomet Beautiful Devils’ final play.
Enders Game. 57-75

4:21 pm
4 U.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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