


15th October….


Pan and Pantheon…

The Five Levels of the Dream Matrix…

Levels and depths of dreaming.layered as on that movie with Leonardo Capricio…

It all real…

Just not as…silly for lack of a better word.

There was greater depth even in the mythological stories of the ancients which all based on the truth…

Pans Labyrinth..

Natures Web…

Okwu Mmuo

Dantes Iferno


Psychiatry..A Conversation with the Self with a Harmonius Being listening elevating… Adding the key notes to make you rise insteadbof fall through the 5_5 tiered matrixes of Mind outside.

Yes you are dreaming in the grave under the Earth as your bodies, in Nature and Space..B..N.S

All were real and the line of E in the Harmonious ones through the ages created these myths to alert us…

Directors today are still subconsciously tapping into the truth through their movie…

They are tapping into the Chineke Creative Spirit..

The World circular ocean which Nikoma so elegantly is.moved by (when not living in this consciousness)

People wake up and catch glimpses of this truth but without proper guidance and direction the feel fractured..insane unstable.. They think that they are going insane..

Or they live in those fractured.. Broken pieces of glass, cast adrift in what seems like mukti dimensions but are simply the coils of the great serpent..

Magnetic Flux…human stories of time..

Not realizing that thought and the past.literal move you into those dimensions in this illusion of physical.time and space..

Even.though everything seems here in the present.

Your jobs, lifes, friends…the buildings streets…

But they.are just sets..

Anyone who momentariy wake becomes aeare that the world is Doctor Parnusius Imaginarium…A Sanitarium…

Pan Labyrinth…and a lunatic asylum.

Many loose it..n

Or squeeze their etes shut so as to.not see feel.hear the Truth…

Conform was what my former host said one must do..tired.

Ah.but he is in perfection of the play…of the Ancestors…The Titans..

Conform…then they use you without.you knowing.. You become a pawn for the Dead and the Living dead.

This is.why humanity are called Children not even up to sixth Grade in Elementary school as beings such as Nikoma and Al…

Because most can not face the Truth…

That is what growing up and taking responsibility is all abt..

All.these.movies made so shallow but is the Espirit saying this other world living side by side, layer upon.layer is real.

It is a Matrix, web spun from ppl walking.in energetic mind mapping not real manifested secreted as cobwebs which.trapp others..

The trap is Expression..

The Saviour is True Expression

The C.U.R.E is activated Beautiful Expression..B.E.

You are not insane when you begin to wake up and See and Cee..

Its is the Truth the Literal Truth of how all those Movies Myths and Legends are true but it a much.scarier intelligent and frighteningly intimate sort of way…

That it is not.humanity.who is insane but rather the Matrix and Dreaming they have created which is insane…insane..insane…sick..

First there was 1…then we became 11..

Now we are 111…

I am watching an Episode of the Originals…

Yes, but everything which comes from there..

There is a scene where Danielle a witch comes back from Death…it is all Darkness she days and then she hears voices…Voicrs of the Ancestors now Elements…but Aware Conscious but not ib Being.

They tell her the terrible things they will.do to her.. So.terrible she can not.speak.

I listened…

You.have no idea…no idea just what they can no..they were not real but allowed to exist to.be judged by what they do in this final end play some call Judgment Day..

But.even they forgot that day would come..

It.had been so.long they.had such power.they.never really.recalled why.they were given that power…

And that one day it would end.

And there would be an accounting.

Not all betrayed.

But I saw and experienced how.powerful.they.had become.

The war in that realm which.spilled out here and how they used humans so.irresponsible like pawns and sacrifices…

I walked through a Filth and Blackness of hate so.impossible ppl.heard.me shouting on F.B.that.this is not.possible..

Yes, I walked through.it while being forced to write, describe, and solve riddles before your very eyes…

In real time…all for you bc that is where I had to.find you…All 2O6 F.B friends…

That is why each of you came in harmony.and responded in Harmony to.the Script in perfect timming…

For I was forced to walk.in real time to.get.your spirits minds lost in Space…the missing link to your E..Essence and Body.here on this Earth.and Being in so.many.illusionary.worlds…

And I walked through.the valkey of Death and I feared no Evil…but I…I…I..,could not…not believe what the Ancestors were capable of doing..

There is no movie which can capture the cruelty rage hatred of what they did to me as.Spirit .. So.intense that.it translated into.this physical.realm on.my.jerking binds my.feet.my.teeth my.face my.hair…

Ritz Montes once stated that.the furies were enraged with me… She too has the gift of this lie who as.most.saw it more asva nuisance and a curse..

I experienced it all even.as I wrote on F.B..moving.through a blackness of Hate so deep so real so powerful…it could.not.be…

Not even Existence Evolution was.worth this…

And I did it.before your very eyes with beautiful.Expresion bc I.had no choice..

No one chose to believe it real…bc that.is inconvenient…

But I know that nothing can.could.prepare one for what they could do, were allowed to do..and to go that far…

Cause it was not.happening to.you…

All an.inconvenient truth.


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