
3:38 p.m

3:38 p.m

3:55 p.m



815 Face Book Friends…



An Orgasm…OH!..





Yesterday, I did not make a plea for Face Book Friends and the Public to help me personally get out of the Country…

Nor did I make a Demand or seek to manipulate any person into sending any contribution…

I made a suggestion based on the Evidence that this Play of Evolution has been an a offering in which for almost 4.8 and 4.9 years, I have been providing the Transparent Evidence in accordance with the age of Reason, that the planet and Humanity is Evolving and that the Money Code is an integral part of this play.

And that it would appear to me that this is sort of like a investment.

And that this is the end of the play and thus people, by this time have enough evidence to decide if this concerns them.

I received news that two people whom I recently blocked from me conversation feed, because I am simply tired of the their texts which have me repeating myself over and over again.

Rolfe ( Flor) and Herry contacted Kerwyn Vincent asking how much I need to get out of the Country- this being a blatant example of people twisting the truth and the very reason I blocked them, and the idea of them contacting Kerwyn as a means to reach me, smacks of mischief, and the very reason I finally blocked them.

I gave them a response and a code.

Knowing that if their intentions are pure, or false will be determined by the what happens next.

I do not require people from this Face Book Play to help me get out of the country, and I have made it clear, that the play I am in is Evolution Awakening right here and I leave after the Awakening.

But the reality is that as long as it has not fully manifest, and my body has given the Signal that it is time to stop and the codes equations, all line up…

And that I have met Kerwyn the embodiment beyond A.Santana and linked correctly to the equation of Beloved Dawn, B.D… rather that D.D…As David Dawn…

And my own play with Dean Dunkwu and Dewight Smith completes

D.D.D.S… 4 4 4 19… Balance Supreme 1+9=10…1 O of the Full Circle..

Moving us to 24/42… 66…12 3… All Applied and publicly completed.

And all this was the demand of the Equation Play… Transparency Supreme Rocket Fuel…

Sacred Portal 12 3….

My concern has only been the duration and length of the play….

It is unfortunate that this play demanded that Everyone can have access to me, and that I had to respond because the Play includes everyone, and pulls everyone who is meant to be here in..

But it also judges…

That is the set up which I have been warning people about..

To be impeccable and have had the unfortunate task of having to call people out to simply point out that which they perhaps could not see in themselves…

Once I had done this, my task was done, because then it is on them and whether they listen or take it in is up to each individual….

Nor is my Vanity flattered by people calling me names which have no validity if there is none of the respect, or embodiment of the sincerity of that expression….

But at the same time, this has happened for the last 7 months with these two…. and that is not bad for over 800 Face Book Friends and a play that is on Public Access..

I have let Kerwyn Vincent be aware of these two and seize this opportunity to let him know that these are the only two I have had to Block by text…

There is no one else…

Usually people simply un friend me….

And that the public codes which I have posted of each amount sent by a handful of people, are all aligned to the codes of the Face Book plays numbers….

I have asked nothing of anyone in 15.8-9 years, to aid me in this research of sponsorship in this day to day providing the Data, and Teaching the world to see in a different way…

And before taking to this particular world stage, I spent from 1989 making a concentrated effort to learn each person I met, and was directed to- their point of view and kept my understanding to myself.

I wrote peoples stories, giving what I saw as their Beautiful Truth a Voice and discarding those expression which I knew to be the hurt traumas and wound acquired through navigating through this reality to myself….

I wrote and wrote until I collapsed in Dec 1992 Paris and went to the Light and i recounted how I knew it, and that there was a Darkness surrounding it…

I spoke of what it said to me and the evidence it provided my already sceptical mind…

I was not sceptical of the Beautiful Truth but rather of the Expression which sent me back to Help others…

But I had no choice and I came back…

And did not embrace that path rather I found that I was cornered into following it…

I knew what the world would do to me, or anyone claiming to have come from the Source with a message.

And I questioned this Source- a Frequency which I could hear and read as clear as day…

And just to make sure I wrote down everything which confirmed that what I was hearing through the Silence ( I have never heard Voices… I hear and understand the Silence… Hence the name of my records books Talking To The Silence…)

I questioned this Frequency because to ask someone to undertake such a task in this reality is Existential Suicide….

And unimaginable Suffering…

I have since identified that Frequency I heard…

It was not of the Light- for I was not allowed to pass through the portal of Light- and Luminous Orb…

4:16 p.m.

It was the Voice of the Past.. B.R.O… B.R.C.C…

An usurper of the Beautiful Truth…

And echo of the Darkness of Human Expression, Human Ignorance and non knowing….

Voices of the Dead… Voices of the Minds of the Dead who could not reach the Light because of their own ideas and confusion about why they were caught in the Ether of Nothingness and the Earths deepest bowels…

It was because their own Life’s had not generated anything but Nothingness…

Because they had not understood the Riddle of Life…

And they were caught in the cycle of Life and Death…

They were Not of God nor of the Devil…

For G and D are the same thing…

They are Clarity the 7th and the First note of Sound..

Sky Fall…

And in between then is the Symbol of their Source…

The Circle….

Recall the Book I was reading and posted by Ernest Cline (E.C)

Armada and the Orb which was a computer model created by an Evolved Species which was at first a neutral observer of Humanity

I believe, from Mars, the Red Planet, until Humanity Invade it…

* Crown Publishers .. July 14, 2015….

July 14th is Frances Independence Day….

*I was already in the B.R.C. Assessment Shelter Room B Bed 49

having already made First Contact with Keith Grant Bed 53 ( E.C) and was already on my way to Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan ( J.B…D.O.S…D.S’s Home on set for the 19th.. I left the shelter on the 18..Letters S.R…)

E.C…Elizabeth Clarizio .. Evolved Consciousness

53 Bed 22… Kerwyn Vincent he told me about his Actual experience of being Dead… and seeing Light and Orb…

The Circle or Full Circle is not a physical thing

It is Energetic and what I recall about it was the Sensational Feeling S.F ( Sky Fall)

That was 24 years ago…

I spent years studying all points of view., until reaching New York and meeting a person called Sky Oak Speaker, who told me that it was time to stop reading, studying, listening and writing other peoples stories…

And then suddenly I found myself writing a Creation Story of the Original Family of 10… 2004…. 24

2 years after having written The Elegant Nomad.. T.E.N… 2001-2

( 21-22.. U.V)

4:43 p.m.

The Story of the Family of 10, is a Story, a true True of the Correction of the Original Narration of Creation which began as a Conversation with the Silence… which some might now call Sixth Sense…

The Narration of the 1 O…

The Story of the Circle… O…

Also broken down into O.N.E….

E,N.O…INO… Not Neo and not Eno as in the OINRI Igbo world for 4…

as in my Room number 4B…

E.N…is the Full Circle… Expression Naturally comes Full Circle..

Which is the Evidence I have found myself doing and proving from the Moment I left Room B bed 49 after Linking with Keith Grant to Eric Lile Brown and now to Kerwyn Vincent/ Link Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo..

spending 9 months to the day I arrived, (Full Circle) a brief pause forced to sleep on a bus as I looked for the portal which was meant to be there, but instead decided to take the invitation extended by Erik Ebright after seeing him post an Elegua Symbol who represents the Yoruba Crossing Guard Trickster.

I spend a Hellish Two Months in Miami in a battle of Mental Health

only to arrive back at the Shelter, on the exact day I left but forestalled my entry into it by one day…

It was a full Circle….

It was not intentional but it is all documented here…

I was now in Bed 007…. and then received the Books from my neighbor in Bed 008… And the other book about the Witches and the cover up of the Truth at all costs of the Origins of World.

In the piece uploaded on my Face Book Page , To The Silence One Last Time..

I begin the piece by noting that before I begin my my ritual of aligning all the voices I created back into one, by listening to

Grove Armada… the Drum and Base Group and M.M..

Georgia Augusta…

George Andreo of Alfred Knopf… All in America… G.A.. 7-1

All G.A…

Allen Ginsberg…. 1993 Paris France….A.G 1-7…


Across the Pond… Time Zone of Switch…

Some one Born 65 in London is then Code 56 in the United States…

From my codes that would be correct…

But someone not born in any of these World Reflections of the mirror like 66..Would be unaffected..

Can a Birth Certificate be Fiddled with by those fully aware of the true understanding of what Transatlantic Atlantis travel is not a not just a 5 hour Time shift between London and New York, Paris 6 hours, Nigeria 6 Hours.. California….

But all about Symmetry and nothing to its physical Representation of the Sun ad the Planet….

But an Energetic representation of Symmetrical Perfection Embodied…

I moved to countries.. England Canada Nigeria to England to Spain To France Istanbul…all these countries are 6 hours ahead…

Apart from London…

Toronto and New York have no Time Difference….

E.C. N.E.S.F.I…

So the code would be from 5 0 6 5…666… 6 Ahead of New York…

E.5…C N 6…E.5….S.6, F.6.I.6..

But I always went back to England before I traveled moved to any country.. which I noticed myself as kind of an interesting Pattern…

So….Looking at it from the Other side of the Pond to New York right now… my journeys time code…would read

E.5…C.0….E.5 N.6. E 5, S.6-E 5, F 6.-E 5..I.6..E.5..New York 0 or O.

Here are the sequence of Letters And numbers…Define..


And Letters… E.C…EN..E. ES…EF…EI…EN

( 5 3…514…5…..519… 56….59…514..)

Time Codes

5 O 56..5 56 56 56 5O…

6:42 p.m

All the Letters and Numbers Define….

And the T.Codes.. Echo….

My Word it Links to Sacred portal 20….

Lady Echo…. E.C.H.O…

Please see 815 Face Book Friends…

Which completes the Equation….

Which I did not even realize I was solving…

All these Letters and Numbers form the the sequence of the play in the Assessment Shelter from 2015 to 2016 and then to Delta Manor!

It is this, solving that I said I no longer can logically do continue to because never in the last 15.9 years has the play reached such a point… Each time I am provided for, to at least complete the Work or Mission.. and is one of the reason I continued despite being aware that was being done to me personally had tipped the scale of goig beyond what is defined as Evil and now Existential Death….

But I am representing 4.8/49… Because I am representing sacred Portal 48 Death and Existential Death….49…

Which is not only the duration of the play on Face Book. 4,8, 4.9 Years… But also my code age as born 1967….

Linked to sacred portal 67… How far would you go for Love -Truth

Kerwyn represents the 50th State.. Hawaii… Paradise which would be is my real code age 66…before the Quantum Leap this year, which enabled me to enter the system at age 1967….

And it has moved to 68… 69….

66 89…

Meaning meeting Z-ion signals the End of the Play!!!!!

7:04 p.m.



Damn tears just sprang unexpectedly to my eyes….

And you will understand it more when when I post the last equation…

My phone just pooped up to Doctor Patrick Okolo…

P…So, I just called him… and left a message…

G..O D…

The Trinity in one……

7 O 4…. 11..K.. 1…. 7O4….11 28… My Birthday…

O.M.G…Kerwyn Vincent received a message yesterday……

.A.R.T.M.A…. And was then given instructions to read it backwards…

And that was the precise moment that I walked in and he handed it to me asking me if I could decode it…

But then a few moments later he said he forgot to add the K.. that there was a K…



*Acronym. Definition.

AMTRAK. American Track (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)

A.T….The Running Man…. The Olympics… The 5 Rings…

Mr Parker and Mr Allan…. Park E.R… Allan means Harmony Handsome Harmony…..

My coaches in Winnipeg Canada who wanted to groom me for the Olympics…

All a Code P.A…T.R….I.C.K…

T.R…20..18.. 38…

A.T.. E Harmony….

Susan Train… The Editor Conde Nast Vogue who discovered my Journals and called Edmund White who was with Allen Ginsberg when I went to hear what they thought of my work..

Which Started the New York story in 1993….

Susan means Rose Graceful Lily…

Backwards is KART MA… Which is the Kart of Ma as the Grim Reaper… Death… Mass Death… Masses of Death caused by Doctors.. making mistakes and not understanding the ART of M.A…

Manifest Awareness.. Nature…


My God.. this was a test a riddle…???

7:32 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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