
3:37 p.m right now is

3:37 p.m right now is

3:37 p.m right now is

From Busayo Alonge

I have already transmutated mine..

But this Pain given,

especially through this Play will never make sense to me.

I wake up each day muttering this..

That this play is too.evil. malucious and cruel..

I have spent the last 14 years reflecring on this..

How this journey of Evolution Awakening is founded on Pain…and suffering.

I understand it, and that is why perhaps it will never make sense.

It was never necessary and yet since the Universe is resoimding, confirming it all through you: People Places Things..

I no longer Trust this play or The Truth..

Because to walk the Path of the Truth Proven Truth is a path in which all around you are given evidence of that though beauty exists.inside of them, no one outside at least in my story is consistently True.

I have met no one personaly who stands up and fights for the Truth.

Perhaps it is because I am in a Script designed to bring Pain Hurt and Suffering so that the Truth will never rise.

3:48 p.m

And if this is the Case,

What am I doing here,

On Facebook, in this play which celebrates Pain Sacrifice Suffering and indulges those who Lie..


I.really no longer understand the point of so much pain to make rise the Actual Truth to respond.

I really no longer understand or recognize how such a play could exist.

10 years 20 years perhaps because of the state of the World.

But when you have solved the riddle, endured the unnecsaary suffering, and proven the Equation..

And the universe confirms it..

But keeps the Manifestation under conditions of extortion, and Black- Mail..

Pain experienced each time you prove that it is meant to be Joy.

Not 51 years

3:51 p.m

No, I have known this for over a decade, there is something fundamentally Evil that Existence Creation could insist on such a play.

I always felt this was about Evolution Awakening..

And proving Evil out of Existence, but I have understood through this experience

That this is a Story Script which insists that Existence Creation Everything is not Truth..

* The Truth abandons you, in this play.

It does not protect you, defend you, speak up for that which made it rise, brought it into Existence.

These are my private conclusions,

Of my experience,

Of a Force which insists Existebnce and all Creation and all humanity are Selfish Evil Liars..

S.E L.

And all they do is inspire Loathing and Hate.

This is what I have understood and concluded

That this is a play which insists no matter what that there musts be Horror and Pain.

Which conflicts with actual meaning the True Script I.have been proving based on the Beautiful Truth.


Smh…I have no idea what the point of this play is..

4;06 p.m

But I recognize it for what it is..

An insistence despite the Truth proven, over and over again,

An insistence of Evil Pain And Sacrifice and suffering for suffering sake.

As I stated many times before.

I do not believe in this Play

Its Evil Beyond anything I could ever concieve as well as the Truth of the Human Race.

4:10 p.m.

I have just gone along with it because I did not really have a Choice.

But its Evil..

And celebrates Pain and inspires Hatred, was designed to inspite in me Hatred at the inconsistent constantly lying vicious, indifferent and Needy, vampire like Human Race..

The False Accusation..

Those who never put their money where their Mouth is..

4:13 p.m


This is my personal conclusion of this Play.

4:14 p.m.

All about Inspiring in me Hate Distrust

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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