
3:35 pm. – C-C E. – 3-25-20 21. –

3:35 pm.

C-C E.

3-25-20 21.

C- B E- T -B A.


I really had no desire to post today, I wished to just rest- it’s Spring, so beautiful outside.
Kim ( Tree Chiefy) said it is meant to reach 75 degrees today.
75, I smile Angelina Jolie 1975.
Wiliam Brad Pitt age 57.
57/75 EG/ G E)

I almost smiled.

Nnamdi was born in Spring.

But I had woken up to be greeted by Tree- Kim’s joyous expression of True Clarity and then his message from Scott who acts as the caretaker and landlord and his expression of his desire that I move on and that he has some one he wishes to place here.
Winter is over he had written to Kim and they would pay less rent if there was another person here.

It is true winter is over, nor did I imagine that I would be here this long, 5.3months, just as I had never imagined that I would be at 29 Lincoln for 3.2 months either.

It has been the same play for the entire 64 moves in the last 20 years.
Except for this time, it is not the people living in the apartment, house of the portal who is kicking me out or asking me to leave, it is an outsider whom I knew and even did a bit of the work with when I lived here.

I feel no rancor or animosity to or for him, because I am aware of the play and the script, and that that is what is moving him.
I do not even think he knows it is me since he has not visited this place the entire time I have been here. And probably does not remember me, unless he saw me.

Lord knows what he has been hearing, or being told by outsiders but here has been peace and respect, even a harmony here.
It did shake me, just a little, not the message, but rather that this Spirit World- and the people who move it from as the Black and white people in this world who are moved my money, by fear- and by their Mind Thoughts of a that which most do not even realize is the Evil Spirits of Humanity past and present and secret societies.

But I can read.

And my body is Twisted again, so I knew I was being Abused, Used Tormented again to post yet again.
Oh, I was aware that I had to post today- it’s the 25th After all, and I even posted this awareness yesterday. Letter Y.
And as if sensing my state of mind, I was being reminded, once again through discomfort, Torment Torture, and Pain.

I suppose that after 20 years in this play and 17 -18 years of enduring this Body and the torment which gave me no choice but to enter this play ( because it is true, I would never have agreed or come to Facebook or done this work without being cornered and given this constant duress and stress.
I do not believe in Suffering, nor do I believe that its good for the Soul, and thus I would never have pandered to such an idea which was a lie.
Existence is Beauty, it is Harmonious it is E-A-S-E and most of all I can see and watch and navigate where I am going.

Avoiding the pitfalls.

4:02 pm.

I suppose, after a lifetime of being moved and 32 years of being aware of it- which forced me to begin to document it, so that I could see with my own two eyes, through my own writing and reflections that this was not my imagination, and that this was actually being done to me.

I felt that after all I had surmounted, proven endured alone, long before any of you or the world people became aware of the evidence, facts, and proof of this being real, that at this point that I would not have to endure this insult of people kicking me out of their homes after I had proven the Truth, Satya- Eziokwu.- Knowing
T S E.
The Source E.
The Source Emeka Kolo.

* 14 88 Intel from Kim Tree Sage.

Africa S P 40 is 46.
W W Wonder of Woman-
23 23 Chromosomes.
1 23 23 = 47.


Living with people whose riddles I realized I was brought to their portals to solve.
The battles the expression of fighting for them to see, the terror and horror I had felt each time, I moved through what I began to see was a riddle- a maze.
Where after I passed through each portal and did the work for each, they would literally kick me to the curb, and I would be left in anxiety and stress of which place next could I go, would I go, only to find that despite my efforts to direct my own way and path, that it was never up to me where I was meant to go next.
It was in the hands of another, a Universal force unseen.
Ah… how many times, on realizing this, that I had no control of my very existence, and where I would live, did I fight and seek to leave my body, yet never fully being able to give up to that kind of despair to take my ow life violently in protest.
How I sought people who would aid me in leaving my body, and yet I could read.
Yet I could see where I was being led, and why.
I could see that every new place I was led to, was an evolution of the last.
But even then, I fought.
You see I am literally An Individual.
The Individual.

Independent by nature- No one controls my destiny, I did not believe in Fate.
I fought it, day and night, even as I moved through each portal, I secretly and quietly fought to find a way out of its control, and the portals of the people I did love but whose worlds and point of view brought me pain and discomfort.
Who saw me for a moment and then went back down and forgot why they had really invited me to their homes.

Lord, how I fought, mostly alone and in private after I did the work.
I was never given privacy, it was not my home, after all.
And no one believed what I was experiencing, not one would or could accept that something or something had such power and even when they saw it, it was better I saw for them, to deny it for its truth was so inconceivable and threatened their own sanity and it truly brought some of them such pain.

Each portal I passed through, I did not know what was expected of me, until I entered what I began to call the pre-set-up play.
But even the idea that this was a pre-nuptials contract, was inconceivable to me.
Nothing in existence had this power, I would exclaim, and if so then why would anyone exist.
And worst of all, I knew my name… and I saw that this thing also knew my name.

I am the being and representative of beautiful pride.
This was impossible to be done to me or any being.
I was wrong.

AS the years dragged on, and I watched my real-life slip away, family friends… even my siblings and mother loose hope in me, but who could not listen or even pause to conceive that what I saw was happening to me as being real, I found myself left with no other option than to bring evidence and facts.
And on seeing with each move what was being asked of me by this abomination – I began to figure it out, fight back by proving it out of existence.
Realizing that it was challenging my memory, and my way of being in Existence, and my expression of everything being in Harmony.
The more I proved the harmony of perfection through piercing the veil and wall of perception the greater it fought back to prove me wrong by giving me crueler and crueler plays and setups.

I soon began to see, more and more clearly as I moved through each portal, culminating in my seeing so clearly the truth of what this was all about.

By the time I passed through the shelters and made it to 900 South Road my 64th move, I was knew everything I needed to know.
This was not about me, it was about what I represented, was chosen to represent.
And that the Duress, Shock, and stress which was twisting my body, was not even real, it was imposed.
It was looking for my weakness and that I was constantly under attack and that it was using human beings, people stuck in the illusions and delusions of ego warped and distorted and giving it to me to bear in my body and being.

But, at this very last portal where for the very first time, I was not made subject to the people living in the houses, or their homes- here a door was opened where I had at least autonomy and a person who I knew, who I had trained and who had chosen to pay attention and whom I knew.
Then once again Scott imposed his will and anxiety on fear to find a person to live here.

* The first person who was interested in moving here with his daughter who Scott asked Kim if he was interested in seeing and talking to, was a person with the initials called A G.
Then came Jae. S.

Scott had telephoned to ask Kim if he would like to speak to, to see if he liked the person.
(There was no imposition of his will on Kim)

I had no idea, that I was literally set up to stay here, I felt that I had come to get Kim and then along with the line of Arden- Aurelia go home. A-A 27
Aligned to Sacred Portal 27.

One week passed, then two, then three, then 4 and I began to see what this was all about.
I was not brought here to collect Kim I saw through that play which brought Kamora Herrington into the play, someone who I had not met on my way to the 64 portal, one I met at the 65th portal at 29 Lincoln.

Well, the rest most of you already know, and if you do not you can go back and read the play recorded here by me each day personally, as I lived and breathed
and I came time see was the Over Time of this play script-granted by tat which I have had identified as Terrible Death the usurper playing it own version of me- and my battle to take back from its vile, vile translation and interpretation of me, and now my i and I represented by Arden.
Black Panther, Beautiful Leopard- Two Wolves undercover.

I fought and recognized that I may have had for the first time an autonomous existence and place to live, but I had no money yet of my own which I knew even as an ordinary man, I had earned.
It was keeping my own hard-earned wealth from me, it still owned or occupied my body.

4:42 pm.

I had a room – Privacy as I had managed to gain- earn a room at Liberty home- just as I had managed to earn a room of my own at Jesse Macias home portal but in both cases, I was still be made dependant on others.

Here it was different, Kim was paying rent and would be paying rent even if I was not here, the landlord or Scott, Kim had told me was only interested in the rent being paid and had indicated that he only wished the two rooms to be occupied after his experiences through the years with all the people who had lived here.
And that one room would be left vacant- a guest room.
G R/ R G.
Golden Ratio.

Electric Bill 187.70 USD.
G R. G O.
Golden Ration G O…
A: 87.70. A HG G O.
Hitchhikers Guide to Sacred Portal 76.

But with Jae moving in, and my story still not completed, I knew I had to explain to her the play going on here out of respect and manners, and because I was not paying rent – I could only contribute my knowledge – my wealth and the truth of the play she was in, that she was set up on a play of J S.

And once that was done and she acknowledged, then I could continue the True Play.
I did that for 16 days allocated until Kim returned on Thanksgiving Day.
T D.
*In 2018 it fell on my Mothers Ony Cecilia’s and Davids’s birthday.
11-22-2018. Which is the script I arrived on the first day I was invited by Esteban to 29 Lincoln having established that I was not a mad man and then after waiting as I had stated that I was meant to be going home to via the final portal The Ritz New York- as had been indicated by the Script at 268 East 4th Street.
The Script meant to be represented by people. Ritz mother of Royal and Reign and Frits of 2010.
F R.
Farrell Rielly.

That is the day I met Kelsie Bissel and Victoria Jackson

11-22 .
And yes, Aurelia. B J Gemino.

And on Thankgiving Day of 2019, ( T S) it fell on my Birthday- 11-28) and it was Liberty’s Niegbour who later saw me in her vision who sent over a Thanksgiving dinner via her delightful and important house guest.
And the final last Thanksgiving day it was Kim- Tree who arrived on that day, and Jae and I had made food celebrating it together- she had sponsored it.
Which made me recognize despite all the True Purity strain and tread in her.

*Liberty sent me a message today, there was no apology, no expression of responsibility for the delay- ( I am the one who provided that reason via Alicia Norris and Aurelia as A-A 27th State Florida where aurelia actually went to stay while i was there.

The message Liberty sent me ust the words “Rest Now” and a photo of Jeron in whom she stated Aurelia had dressed his hair- like a girl.
I could not even bring myself to respond, I did not even wish to exchange any words with her, except to say thanks… * Manners – not because it’s her”
But I could not help respond with the intel from Kim Tree of the expression of the landlord.

“Rest”, as you had me rest in your home portal.
Rest? Really.
Noah Noah means rest and relaxation to the two friends of Leander and Ferrel when I arrived at her portal.

I had no rest there.
The feeling that rose in me at those words. The indignation and that tone.
It is me who had 9 USD left.
It is me who contacted Alicia Norris who sent 54 USD long after this money play was completed.
5+4= 9. I.
It is not her C as her middle name and my coding her story of 3 C’s as her middle name.
It is me who is the man who gave birth and who spent 11 months working with her night and day.
5:04 pm.

E D – E N
E D I.
/ I D. E K. Of the True Human Race and Eternal Family.

And I was fully aware that her delay in sending the code was not her Human Self, It was my reading her Eternal Self of the E Family I had attained.

* do you recall the Peagus equation on sacred portal 58?
And the Pegasus Fuel station which is right beside 5-27 Bodega which I coded over and over again.
The True Horse ESpirit which my self and my Beloved Father Brother Sum I have been waiting for 10.6/7 years to lead me home.
10 24 C is Jay- Jeron as the X Factor.
10 24= 43 C.
Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life
D O L – P H .I N. is C.

Blue Print of Existence as Mother and Daughter –
It was one of my papers- I was to publish in a scholarly journal in this reality-based in a conversation with Mother and Daughter. N O- M A D.S.
I knew I would never see that person she is ever Liberty again, that I would see her transformed into that True Eternal self,
( T E S) yes, Ardens Ideal woman whom I coded and met right to the last day in her house who was going out with Morgan- She The ballet Dancer already in the house and coded and acknowledged by me and again recognized the very day I left and went to see Cynthia who saw me in her dream vision.
I had already correctly identified and that was, is she true mother and child.

See Sacred Portal 121 L A…/ A L Its is Nnamdi talking directly to me “Emeka its really me, Our Mother is Snow Flake Supreme!
The Absolute Ultimate Individual.
American Indian African Human Spirit.
The E Manual, the Crown Records – Librarian Editor is my Mother.
6:04 pm
* Kim Tree had that left on his memory card now rediscovered and found after he thought he lost it… what is the number he has now… he told me.
But even when it was meant to be lost- it still remained 64.
The one face or the many many faces which Liberty transformed into which I recognized and called out as Beautiful Pride was that if her as An American Indian of supreme a warrior holding Jeron in her arms.

* “10 24… C”
34/ 43 see sacred portal 34 and then 53.
Aurelia to Aurelia but through the Liberty Liberation of L from the Holo Deck Lab L= C.
I have 123 USD in my wallet now.
I gave Kim 60 J S S L = 60 because he made it clear that he was himself about to get some money soon and did not require much more.
To reach A-A I had to evolve L to 3 ( 12= 3.)
Arden Cecilia-Aurelia.
42-42= 64 -1 A 66+1 Kim room 66 6/6 = 67.
F G. Ferrell Gemino.
/ 76.
It is not this version of illusion of her present, it is the one she always was is.
Ferril Rielly.
Valorous Victorious Man and Reilly as Valorious Victorious Woman. V V V V = 22 22 22 22 .
1 1.
= 88 E M E K A K O L O.
Sacred Portal 88.
Intel from Tree- Kim-Jim 14 88.
It was never this one present- who is not real- but through the Statue of Liberty
S O L sacred Portal 37
Sophia Oscar Lauren. SOL.
“Sol!” A Needle Pulling Thread.
( A N… P T.

Alicia Norris is P T.
The Point.
Perfect Timming- Eternal Knowing without even Eternal Knowledge or recogition of her Son, Sum. Song. Songe.
Jeron means “He Sings” one of fthe last time I spoke to my mother- I sang to her, I heard the pleasure in her voice and her nod of confimation.
My mother always sang.
Arden Sang.
I would sing to Aurelia- she loves the Golden Oldies.
Not this one present- the one inside of her and which she will become and IS.
That is the one I will see again.
The illusion of her will ceases to exist.
And that was the real reason for the battle to bring her home.

Lady Liberty – Statue of Liberty. S O L.
Is A M AN. Youth and his Twin Self.
Arden and Aurelia.

Dolphin and Rose Quartz.

D R.. Q.

But I did not clarify, each to their own belief.

I said I would never ever forgive that Illusion.
I came to rescue its truth and the Original Truth of this world eben as a Story.. it was not always like this nor where Human beings like this as they are now.
There was a Golden Age which she began. And even then, the cost was too much – because this is how far it went and I was willing to cut it out even the Eternal Self out because

Arden is Emeka and that is C E C I L I A AR D E N S E L F E.K.

5:11 pm.
E K.
E: A-A.
E at the 27th State.

And can see the perfect Harmony of that expression aligned in perfection with the last play of the Forest People- aligned to the Naturals Aware.

The alignment of the play of yesterday with Alicia Norris and here line aligned to Eden. 54.
and to Liberty C Liscomb and her code, she sent 150 = OO. and A.E.O.
Tuning Fork.

After I messaged Alicia to see if she had received my message- she had responded and spoke of a pain in her body- and while we conversed she spoke of a Doplpi who had emerged and was playing in what had been the Still Waters.
We messaged each other, and I had spluttered “That is Arden Line.
Sweet Waters.

One is Death as Salty water.
* Jamel Salter.
and the other is Fresh Water.

Story of Lots Wife.
Salt is not Death it is the water which adds taste and manifested the Springs from the Rocks- and even the streams of Fresh water- life which we can drink even while in the sea of death.
Amonial Water of the womb is Salty. It is the sea which allows Thoughts and Reflections to take place and it becomes that salty by the release of the Salt as a release. Just as Urine and Sweat.
It . Justin Seltzer * his Tag is Pirate
Space Pirate.
Johnny Depp. D E P P./ P P E D.
P E E D- Sacred Portal 45.
Thone of Existence.
T O. E/E O T.

It releases and cleansed the Body as the illusions of toxins.

CEC.I L I A= 42.
S E L F= 42.
AR D E N= 42.
Aurelia 67.
Ferrell 76.

13 13 M M= 1.
26 8 … 268 East 4th Street.
learning your Alphabet A-Z. to Harmonie Sing the A B C.
AH Be.. Cee!

2 6 8 is really B F.= I.

Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy-
Douglas Adams – L S D.
Light Santana Dharma.

Now observe my last 15 52 Face book
Scullino Zakiya
C Z.

Tomorrow is the 26th.

Tell me who do you truly think brings The End as World War Z.

WW 84 Harmony Destrcution.
Wonder Wuman.84.

And then Jumper… JUMP E R/ RA Jump Man J M = 10 13= 23 W and double V V-
Before that even occurs.

Meaning like the Rapture – we do not even have to witness that event. But that does not mean that it is not going on- exactly as I coded in a way of cruelty sent back as an echo response at what was given to the E line to the Naturals Aware and Nature Awakening.

It would have been nice to not have to endure this illusion and play of yet at the end being asked to leave.
It does not bother me, this Script is not in the hands of any human being as I have made clear, and the script has itself.

If anything it was a pre-empting to make sure I post today.
After all, even his illusion of Non-Existence – this play and story and all its Characters and Programs Control Programs as is plain to see and Cee, belongs to the E.

“AT 3 16 33”
“C – 158 5 61”

*”This interesting surname of Irish origin with variant spellings Scullion, Scullen, Sculling, etc. is a diminutive of the name Scully, an Anglicized form of the Gaelic O Scolaidhe meaning “descendant of the scholar” from “Scolaidhe”, “scholar”.


*”The name Zakiya means Pure, Clear, Bright and is of Hebrew origin.”

The Son- Sum- Song -“Songe” of The Scholar is Pure, Clear Bright…
P C B.

P C B Being.

6:43 pm.
6:44 pm.
The Song of Goddess Bliss.

Sacred Portal 44.

11-22-19 44.

6:45… 6:46 pm.

I am sure you understand.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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