
3:35 p.m – C.C E. – 4-5-2022. – D

3:35 p.m – C.C E. – 4-5-2022. – D

3:35 p.m

C.C E.



Delta Dawn

E.T V.

Eternal Truth Victorious.

Today is Nnamdi’s Birthday, he would be is. 53 years old today.
April 5th,1969.

To most in this reality that means he dead and gone, but we can see that this is obviously not the case.
53 is E C.


530 Facebook Friends Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had when he arranged my new Straight Talk tel no.

Liberty C code 69.
Image of win red car Liscence Plate 696669 which I shared and posted on my wall

That was the same date in 2012, when I had a dream vision and heard Nnamdi’s Voice telling me to leave Akil Apollo Davis home or I would die.
I went to 268 East 4th street knocked on Al Santana’s door, I heard Al’s voice behind the door. Nnamdi…was all he said. Then he opened the door.
By July 4th, the situation of Albers Domestic live had become so intense that his friend Ravindra Dingh convinced me to move out on Independence Day and come with him to Fort Lauderdale (FL) and so I met Bily Hung, and that adventure began to Savannah Georgia

Savannah Blair S B
And to Ravindra Singh.( R S)
Apartment #511. E K.

Dina Singh
Dina Singh Ji
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions was in contact with me all the way.

3:53 pm

By the time we got back.
Billy Ravindra and I ( E.R.B) it was the beginning of August and Billy the wall steel investor where Ravindra had also worked was satisfied that not only that light Bulb which went of in the pitch black mind of his only filled with the American Chine Taiwanese material grounded reality of which he had been brought explodes in memory that first day we met up in Ravindra exgirlfriends house called Elizabeth in Flushing Queens- along with John John David who also had an epiphany when we met, which led to me immediately knowing it was him I was meant to give a beautiful book I had obtained of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Billy Hung had decided to investigate the miracle of meeting me, which made a strictly non spiritual or religious person blurt out that I was GOD.
Which he later stood by and posted it on his page on Facebook after he sought to investigate his epiphany by comming along on a road trip to Fort Lauderdale to see for himself if my Codes actually worked.

He was satisfied to the point of honoring all his promises to set me up in my own apartment at Kew Gardens. ( K.G) where I met Daniel Maman the Antiques Dealer and Hebrew Scholar.

That was in 2012.

Billy Hung felt so strongly the presence of Nnamdi that I had no iota of doubt when he relayed messages from him to me.

I woke up, with the last scene of yesterday on my awareness.
I was aware of my still being moved and this being a script on a Cosmic reality T V Show.
But it had now been 21 years since Nnamdi dragged me here and Jon Jason Lee had kicked me out of his apartment in Maida Vale, insisting I moved to New York.

Volga Y?ld?z was a witness who came to Jon Jason Lee apartment as well as Safter Taskent youngest brother.

21 years of being led by a force in me which to this realm he was dead.

The police play was foremost on my mind as well as Kim having to listen to my Character being assassinated and my life had been threatened which require a response.

I still have no keys and yet the house is calm and quiet after 17 months of battling day and night.
The room marked “Magical Portal” M.P.
Is wide open, I had no intention of moving there.

What was the point and reason now to make my case before the Police, in a Non Existent 3D realm….?
But I was still dealing with a 3D realm.and Justice must be served.

I then began to connect how I could speak to the authorities about this Project Manager ( P M… Zzzz P.J’s time for the Liars to Sleep forever)
And I could see what I had created on my Altar Arts Sciece Desk Top.
Which I had used 6th sense to create, seeing it for the first time at its completion at last, seeing it studying it via the photographs on my phone

I had not accessed a phone or what I created in a long time.
Now, it was clear and when that person whom Kim connected with whose name means “Creation”
I knew my Creation of 17 months. Spanning all the way back to Hells Kitchen ( H.K… / Kim Hinds. Zk.H. Kamora Herrington K.H)
Had come full Circle.but I was still here.

Manifestation requires All to see and feell.
All I could feel was my body and muscles “Fil” threads loosening at last but still being held by what I call the illusions the blackness of the Oven Microwave as the Universal Cosmic Womb.

That is when I made my coffee and took a look at my phone as I charged it, reading the Eath Battery Intel

I had been at 4971 Facebook Friends
The year Jon Jason Lee was born.

But there was also a new Facebook request
Hopkins Mary

H.O.M.E. E-A.

And a Message on my phone from April 1st,
April Fools day.
A profuse apology from the Property Manager for that day the 31st of March.
I stareed at it, shook my head, ” I am no April Fool.

And this is not Home.
It’s the House of Spirits
And I am still in Sacred Portal 3.
On Trial as M.E.
Mother Earth.


“Mot” in French

T.H.E. R. S.

Stuck in a Harry Potter Story of the Magical -Evolution.
Versus The Muggle.

Magical Beings of Beauty- Symmetry Perfection S.P / P.S.

H.P. 8-16.

Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira 8-16-1984.

Tom Riddle T.R.

Bolling de Mort

Played by Ralph Fiennes. R.F.
As Rocket Fuel
Fuels The Creative Ones.
Fiction to Fact.

L Ink Heart.
L. INK Spell.
L ink Death.

Mortimer book binder
Silver Tongue
Silver Tunning Fork

Griffiths House
Goddess of Ancient Crete.
Two Snakes in her hands as that statue of her in the past.
Syltherein House
And the Nuggles version as C.I A.
Secret Service
Secret Societies

On Her Majesties Secret Service

James Bond
Ian Fleming i.F.
Ian Banks. I.B. E.I.N. G. E.
Two great female writers
J.K Rowland.

5:11 p.m


Cornelia Funke.

And male writers.

Enders Game

Lord of the Rings

Transforming Facfs as Inspiration Breathe Creative Expression
Creative Force
Sacred Feminine back from Fantasy back to Fact.
Fact Realtity.
Grounded Landing.
Looking Glass

To.tell a story I’d to create a spell
Spelling Bee.

To hold peoples attention

Noel Peoples
Noel Trejo for 10-11 years day and night to start from 50 Facebook Friends and complete at 4976.
To 49 72 where I…we are now.

*Pls See Sacred portal 72 & 27.

And prove it true via it Reflecting your own life Stores in which you respond to the Expression Narrative Narrators point and view by..reading and thus seeing it all through your Individual T.V Screens.

Brain organizing View.
Correcting View’s to its point
The Beautiful Truth is quite another thing.


Victor Vivtoria Victorious


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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