
3:35 p.m.

3:35 p.m.

3:35 p.m.


C C E.

D D T.S.

@ 1242 Facebook Friends.

Judgement Day.

J D.

Linked to the representation as John Spencer MacDonald.

And completed at J S M D.. D is for Delta Quadrant.




S.P 104 and 10 4.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira invited me to Connecticut because he was he sincerely desired to create a wellness center in Hartford Connecticut, and because he was moved and inspired by expression and truth about the Evolution Awakening of Humanity.

I did not wish to do any more work for humanity, I had already experienced and logged in the Truth of Humanity in my Journals and through my experiences with people, I had been led to for the last 29 years especially in New York.

I wished to rest, heal and most of all find a moment to solve the riddle of my Body which had brought into actuality my worst nightmare and fear…

Dependence on Human Beings

I had enough data and experience of Humanity even as far back as age 22 ( JohnMack current age)

I had understood Human Nature which I proved was unnatural and not the representation of Human Nature which I saw past their illusions them as who each really is, but rather how one after another, I witnessed how they had chosen to compromise their essential truth for the lie.

The lie made it easier to live in this society.

4:02 p.m


J S M..

I had understood enough by observing and interacting with scores of people, if not hundreds.

Since 1989, when I felt compelled to privately start a journal to investigate and analyze these strange people I met, whom I loved and instantly recognized their Eternal and Child like True Spirits but whom I learnt I could never trust, not even to do the right thing because they lived in a subjective reality which I later realized was because nearly all lived in their heads.

And spoke to the Echo of their own subjective thoughts and experiences, rather than living through the Objective lens which meant stepping out of those subjective distorted views they has created from their traumas which informed and infected their expressions thoughts and point of view.

I had understood Humanity enough that I knew by age 25 when I completed my documentation of Humanity in a sampling which spanned 3 continents that these people had chosen to live see and experience life through adapting to the lie because it was convenient, because no matter what many spouted they were Hypocrites and that they too were aware of their own Hypocrisy and cowardice and thus, would lash out and even seek to destroy or bring down to their level anyone who inadvertently became their mirror, reflecting back at them simoly by being their natural true self.

I learned how they were envious and jealous of the Human mirrors who do not live in the lie.

I also noticed the strange duality, the desire to destroy the Reminder and bring them down to their level, and yet at the same time wishing me to succeed and remain true to the mission of awakening.

That Impossible Dream, ( I.D) which they had given up on but yet deep within themselves, they could not destroy.

I was confused for a long time, do they love me as they profess, or Hate me..

Until I realized the more I studied them, analyzed them, even loved what they could be

That it had nothing to do with me, that they could not really see me, and when they did rise and glimpsed at me momentarily that they would go back down to lower vibrations that of non existence where their consciousness is absolute not any more Consciousness.

I observed how They Chose to see me, that it was easier to see me as a Lie, rather than the inspiring truth which made them at first love me.

But it was not me they loved or saw it was more my observing how my life and experiences with all these people in Need, had transformed me into a mirror in which they could see themselves.

And so they were reminded of how they once were, and how beautiful.

And for a moment they were transfixed at that reflection often, grateful to me, but that would not last long because thier rage would then replace that awe and gratitude when they realize not only how far away they had gone from their essential nature, but how also the realization that I could see them and what they had chosen to become… that which I had not.

They could not see me, nor did they wish to, all they truly saw was themselves as they could have been and that which they had chosen to be in order to gain comforts in this reality.

I was just a mirror

I did not exists in their eyes except as a tool, a mirror in which they saw their reflection: Ego means Self Projection S.P. ( which is the Sacred Portal out of the Matrix Web) your Natural Truth aligned to your Spiriual Truth and Eternal Truth ..N.T. S.T…E.T.


Ego is the Self Projection of your True self painted in 3 planes of Existence: Eternal Spiritual and Physical.

E S.P…and the 4th Cellular Atomic Molecular Material Body.

E S P….C A M.M-Body

4:42 p.m

But the reflection nearly all had created was distorted and did not reflect what I as the Magic Mirror who saw their beautiful truth and remembered them as Eternals which I not only shower them but found myself later having to prove it to them but be given time almost like their prisoner in their dimensions to prove that that is their only one Truth of who they are.

But sadly all chose to focus on the reflections shadow, of the illusion they became and how horrifying it was for them to see it and even even defend it, by finding excuses as to how it came to be ..them.

Blame, Fury rage deviousness, lies.. they constantly flew at me, flinging my truth in my face, testing me brutally, savagely to see if I judged and condemned them

When in Truth, I saw only their Beautiful Truth as real, until I learnt my lesson that I could not ignore the Demonic in them, calling it an illusion they had created in order for their Truth ( Child) could exist in the lie)

And so I had to learn to acknowledge that which was not real to me personally, because of the power of Truth they essentially initially represented but which now, they used to live and power the lie.

And so, at age 25, I completed my observations judgment and conclusion of Humanity in this age when Death represented by Father Mother summoned me home.

And at first I was reluctant because despite the horror I.had come to understand as being this realms idea of Human Nature, I was fully aware it was a Lie.

I still wished to explore this world but through Nature Creation, people no longer intrigued me because most lived a Lie.

But when I reached my home portal which began with Feelings Sensational memory came flooding back- I remembered that this was the portal I had come down through into this world.

In an instant, I forgot this world and simply wanted to pass through and go home.

When Stephen invited me here it was after 29 yrs of living a Nightmare, of 57 portals of people.

29 29= 58.

Recall Andrey Klebanov whom John had insisted I meet- because he had question about a code number which he had kept seeing E 8.


Recall that Thomas Lang was born 4-7-1985.


5:11 ..12 pm

E.K. E.L.

I was well well aware, that Stephen was being moved by the Higher Play, I dreaded Comming here, to once more enter yet another

58th portal 219 South Whitney.

That is where I met Andrey

And where I met Liberty and Tom

I dreaded having to explain to people, fight for them, already knowing the outcome especially after 18 yrs repeating the same set up over and over again.

But I also was aware that Stephens portal as well as Christopher Filgueira ( who has moved and their Grandmlthers after moving through the full Circle from there to here and the North End)

Isabelle/Elizabeth Cecil

Esteban Cristopher

E C. E

I C E C .

..That the Full Circle of 29 yrs and 18 yrs, and especially 12.8 since Albert Santana at Generation X Gardens ended at portal 29.

Freedom from a Cell a Viscious Circle in which I am Sacrificed for the Greater Good- who actually are the Greater Evil because of their Denial Blame and refusal to see the Truth I be.

29 yrs x2 58.

18 years. 36. C.F

12.8. 24 16.. 25.4 yrs. X P. ..Y.D.

The Greatest Evil is forcing one to be sacrificed the Ones True, for the Ones who did not do their home work proven by my own personal experience of which the response is ingratitude and excuses.

29 is now ground full Circle no longer ground Zero, it has been transformed to O A.

The O to 1 or I.

And to 7 through G..7th Chakra to E.8

At 219 S.Whitney which is not in the Viscous Circle.

Not in the Prison Cell or buried in the Ground

Just as my Uncle Sir P, Nduka saw me in a vision of me dead and buried in the EARTH.

(Nnamdi was buried in the Ground and he is I)

And so like a seed buried in the Ground it grows when watered with Sunshine, Fresh clean water, fresh air, moving from Instinct 6th Sense from 1st Chakra to 7-8 represented

G.H…Going Home

Esteban Filgueria

Kelsie Bissell



And J S M

John Stephen Mackayla


D E..I

I.am the original J S M D. E I

J.S. M.A D E. .I …

O.1 to 8..9.

Full Circle to I. Or A and then through 7 Crown Chakra To 8 Harminy back to I


Escaping the Body as the Prison Cell and back through 77 to 88 to 99 and OO=OH OI.

14. N. 5 E

16 P. 7 G. In 1. =8. 8-16-1984.

18 R. 9 I.

E G I..


Eternity Harmony Infinity.

All from escaping This Body of Lies.

Back to 5 28 Hertz- The Body as Eternal Truth Eternal Law

E Hue-man Body

E Body Harmonious

The Body as Eternal Truth

My body is awake and it senses and despises liars

The Portal I.had to reach was John.

Who is 86 1 Harmony Sixth Sense aware.

That I did not begin as a seed which moves to Bloom in.Spring to 8 Harmony but that I and the E line descended for E.8

And myself from E.I.

And we went down undercover all the way in your illusion negation to Zero, and transformed your Stories re-establishing O and as two loops which meet at the to form Infinity Symbol with the point in the center where the two loops meet.

Back up through 44 55..8 E.


In 2002 I was given a message from some Human Avatars who indicated that I would be used by Father/Mother to Judge this world.

I was not sure what that really meant.

In 2005 again, I was given this message, which caused me to ponder how it would manifest

But I did understand that I was to be used as the living sacrifice, The Lamb and all I had to do was be myself, and take my cues.

An example, a mMeasuring Rod by which the Eternals Gods-Harmonics watch and observe how you all respond to the message of True Love they forced me to deliver.

I have been through this Judgement Day 58 Times.

For 2 3 weeks especially after the play or scene at Stephens portal, I was in pain so horrific that at spent each day moaning or crying out in pain

It was so bad .

I called no one not even Esteban

McKayla Rays witnessed it.

John MacDonald showed compassion and support as he could.

I posted what I was going through on Facebook but only one person responded


Alicia Norris.


1 14 Grant Moor Newington

Sacred Portal 114.

Linked to John Mack who lives in Newington and whose Mother worked there for over Two decades Stephen who led me there

and Mckayla ..who worked at Panera


Only A.N./ N.A.

26 years ago in Paris ,Jan 1993 after returning from Death, I was given the a chance to have my books, published by a world famous publishing house, become asst head designer at designer of a Major Couture House, a film made of my Life, all through a woman called Susan Train- S.T/T.S) but I was in a serious condition similar to right now.

I did not go ahead with it mainly because a statement She had made, that my Art was more important than my Life.

I loved and admired Susan Train but I could not accept that insane point of view.

How can the Expression of The Creator be more important than Its Source?

My Life mean less than what I created from understanding my life?

I was horrified.

Appalled .

26 years later, 26 years later of such a punishing existence and all I have shared and endured against my will… I still shared.

And provided knowledge and Intel with no life, no support for the E after 26 yrs of researching to bring Evidence Evolution Awakening.

Facts Proof.

All the people I was led to all the work all the exhausting explanations of which most carelessly would forget, making an exhausted being in silent agony repeat again and again.

People came for knowledge, read my page but gave not one fig about me.

I do not take this personally nor am I surprised

But Jugdement Day Has come to Connecticut

I Connect J S M

Add A E E



I Cut the rest.

Mackayla spoke of Johns desire to escape Harford Connecticut because of the low vibration we are on the same Heart Mind


8 13



This dimension can never be our Home

I Cut.

I C.

I Smile

I Dangerous

This IS

My New


7:22 p.m



7:23 p.m

7:24 p.m

I Be. E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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