
3:34 pm – Now this is my versio

3:34 pm

Now this is my version represented by real life people of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr display.

His is the Human Naturals Childrens version which is how all humans are seen as by the Extraterrestrial.
The Eternal Truth
Called the Watchers.

I created this almost a year ago, and on it was the image of Jeron as well as Xfinity
You can go back to your Archives and see that play again and the arrival of a Facebook friend who claimed aligned to the child and the famous image of the Glaxy in the image resembles two colossal Titans and a child or little dog.
Cider STEM.

3:41 pm.

C Sacred Portal 41.
And Sacred Portal 3.
3rd Floor Mother Supreme as both Father Mother put on on trial in the Pit and Black hole of Creation for bringing the Alien coucil of Watcheets Obserbers into this world through 9 month birthing to suffer misery hardship and death as Embryo Fetus to New Born Babies Toddler Children Beautiful Youth with the Original Blue print of Existence intact and then refuged by the Adults who went through the most drastic Transformation from the original Intention to that which became Denial Anger and Rage.

Recollect that Jeron Satya was born 2-25-2019.

B-Y-T S.
B- Y.C I.
B-B E- C.I.

3:49 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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