
3:33 PM

3:33 pm


There is no such thing as Evil.

Just as there is no such thing as the Dangerous Idea called Zero.

Evil Exist only in that which is not real or complete.

There is no Evil in Existence.

It only exists in the Mind.

And the Mind Does not Exist.

Just as is your Idea of God.

In God we Trust

On the USD Bill.

But God is Truth- The Beautiful Truth which created manifestation of only all things bright and beautiful.

All else is not of God-Truth.

And it is the heart that created the Electro-Magnetic Field.

And another expression of the heart- Play Boy- Krishna- Radar who created the Universal Simulation Awareness

Earth School.

Yes, the debate I had with my mother, evil exists she had insisted.

Until I had stated to her, it is true, it does exist, but only in this non exists, realm.

Not in True Life or the true World.

And that is where we both agreed.

So I am tired of being blamed, for the sins of my Guide Father HE was innocent.

3:43 pm


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